If You Say So (Robin Buckley...

By lilboxcutta123

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You're another girl in Hawkins. Nothing special or extraordinary, but that all changes when you meet Robin. T... More

Chapter 1: Robin Fucking Buckley
Chapter 3: Steve, Butt Out
Chapter 4: All's Fair In Love and Hawkins
Chapter 5: Are You Checking Me Out?
Chapter 6: Unawkward Silence
Chapter 7: Come On, Let's Dance
Chapter 8: Robin, Johnathan, and- a cheese grater?
Chapter 9: The Big Race
Chapter 10: The Newest Normal
Chapter 11: Big, Fat, Juicy Liar
Chapter 12: Change of Plans

Chapter 2: First Words

1.5K 41 9
By lilboxcutta123

I wake up in my bed groaning as my alarm starts to ring and then I remember- Steve is picking me up today. I sit straight up and excitement fills my body; tingling my senses.

Chip looks at me and cocks his head from the floor and starts to wag his tail.

"Hey buddy, how's it going?" I say sleepily as he stared at me and gave me a small bark in response.

I get out of bed and go to my closet to pick out some clothes. On my way, I bend down to scratch Chip's head as he follows me. I didn't want to wear anything too special and risk Robin thinking I was trying to steal Steve, that was the last thing I wanted, but I did want her to think I looked good. There was a thin line and I was determined to walk on it.

I decided to wear some jeans, a sweater, and a leather jacket. Nothing too crazy, but I knew the jacket might turn a few heads. I decided to work on my hair next. It was relatively short, about a chin-length bob, so usually, I just curled it. That's what I did today, why change it if I like it?

I run downstairs and grab some breakfast settling on a banana and a chocolate chip granola bar. I sit down at the table and start to eat. After finishing my breakfast I pack my bag, remembering to put Steve's notes on top so I wouldn't forget. While I was doing this I heard a loud honk.

It is 7 fucking 30 Steve! What the hell is he doing here so early?

I gather my stuff for the day and grab my pink water bottle.

"Bye Chippers!" I say as I leave.

I walk out the door of my house and struggle to get it shut. The stupid lock hardly ever sticks, but now is when it chooses to? I finally get the door to lock and look out at the street to find Steve sitting in his burgundy BMW.

"Hey. Could you be any slower? I mean Jesus Y/N, I was waiting for 10 damn minutes." Steve said smiling at me as I climbed into his car.

"My door was stuck Steve! What can I say?" I grinned while he did a u-turn towards the school.

"I don't know, maybe sorry?" He said glancing at me.

"I'm so, so sorry Steve. It will never happen again." I said sarcastically.

"Good. Because I'll leave you next time," he said wagging his finger at me. "You got those notes? I'm not doing this for free."

"Yep. They're in my bag." I chirped. "Remember, I'm not doing those for free either."

"Yeah sure whatever." Steve teased.

We didn't really talk for the rest of the ride, I just tried to relax and listen to the radio. I mean, I could totally do this. I was only pulling up to school with the most popular guy in Hawkins, no big deal.


We pulled up to school and I could already feel the eyes. Steve looked at me with a questioning look as I sunk into my seat. After a couple of seconds he laughed.

"Listen Y/n, you've got to get out of my car at some point in time."

"How do you do it?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"I don't know Steve, all the people?"

"Oh, uh I don't even really think about it anymore. Just ignore them Y/n you'll be fine," he said seriously.

Yeah, I thought to myself. I can totally do this. Just look cool and collected.

I step out of Steve's car and hear a few gasps followed by chatter. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Well, I was already here so I might as well make the most of it. I wait for Steve to get out and walk over to his side.

"Thanks for the ride Steve," I say smiling.

"You're welcome, same time tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yep, see you in Click's class."

I walk away from Steve and towards the school as he went to join Tommy and Carol. I still felt eyes on me, but I wasn't nervous anymore. I acknowledged the looks, nodding whenever I caught someone. As I headed in through the doors I felt a presence to the left of me, and when I turned my head I saw her there leaning against a locker. I don't know what comes over me, but you smile at her.

"Hey," I say cooly, but I can feel the nerves in my stomach starting to ball as I continued to walk. Why isn't she answering? Did I say something weird? Did she not hear me?

"Hey!" She shouted down the hallway.

Oh. My. God. Did Robin just speak to me?

Robin's POV

I lean against my locker as she walks by. I was looking out the window when she got out of the car with Steve Harrington. Was she Steve's new girl? I mean I doubt it, she seemed way too good for him. There was no way he would go for her, she seemed too deep for him. Like she had too much personality. Typically Steve went for the shallow girls in mini skirts, not the cool girls in leather jackets. But, even monkeys can break patterns sometimes.

She was beautiful- that was for sure. She looked familiar, and then I remembered. I had Click's class with her. I was deep in thought as she trotted by, her chucks hitting the linoleum. I could tell this ride with Steve Harrington was going to make her into hot shit. But, damn. How could I have not noticed her before?

"Hey," she said. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I was staring, wasn't I? What the hell do I even say? I'm sorry for looking like a creep? She was halfway down the hall now. I don't want her to think I ignored her.

"Hey!" I shout at her. Damn it. That was weird. At least I have Click's class to try and redeem myself.

Your POV

I went through my whole day starstruck, Robin actually spoke to me. I was sitting at lunch with Jen, eating the Mac and cheese the school had unfortunately graced upon us.

"Earth to Y/n" Jen said waving her hands. "Girl. Are you there?"

"Oh-uh- yeah. I am," I said coming back to the present.

"Okay good. Like I was saying, I can't believe that they're building a new Arcade. Like how cool-" she started.

"Hey do you think Robin and I could, I don't know, ever be a thing?" I interrupted.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well I was walking down the hall and said hi to her today, and she said it back!" I said excitedly.

"You actually talked to her? That's amazing Y/n," she said smiling.

"She said hey back, so anything is possible."

"You should try and talk to her more!"

"I should?"

"Yes, duh. That's how relationships start."

We changed subjects and talked for the rest of lunch, but my mind was still on Robin. The rest of the day was mundane, but that was until Ms. Click's class.

I walked in and Robin was there, standing at my desk.

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