By Crazzi_MA4E

49.2K 1.9K 1K


chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
chapter Eleven
Chapter Twleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
not a chapter
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Tweenty Two
Chapter Tweenty Three
Not a story update
Chapter Tweenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Tweenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty eight

Chapter Twenty Nine

565 23 20
By Crazzi_MA4E

Before we begin this chapter, I need to say that I will not be doing Wingdings font anymore, my new phone will not allow me to use those kinds of things, I am sorry. That is all, please enjoy the chapter.


"Ink, why so gloomy?"

Gaster stared down at the saddened artist. Ink was staring at the ground, shaking in pain and fear, a wicked smile formed on the tall skeletons face, bending over to Ink and chuckling in a low static tone.

"What are you doing to me.."

Ink whimpered, now staring at his busted up legs. They were both torn and broken apart into many pieces, not even attached to his body anymore. He was shaking aggressively, tears staining his cheeks.

"Oh Ink, you know why. Don't act like that, the pain will go away soon."

Dr.Code lifted Ink's head up, still having that wicked smile on his face. Ink quickly slapped his hand away and hiccuped, trying to move but his body wouldn't let him, it felt like he was tied to the ground. Any move he made his body would burn and he would hold in a loud scream. His legs were gone, sitting in a pile of blood and broken like glass. Ink stared at his busted body parts, wanting to sob and crawl away from them, he felt like throwing up, the smell and the sight of the blood made him sick.

"P-please, please stop, I want out, I don't want his anymore.."

Ink sobbed, covering his face and looking away, he was twitching with fear. He hated this, he hated all of this, he wanted to go home but he knew he would never get out.

Dr. Code just stared at him, the expression of disappointment and disgust.

"That face you make always disgusts me, so pathetic, why don't you smile."

The skeleton pulled Ink's face out of his hands, forcing the artists to look at him and smile.

"See? Much better."

Code laughed and turned away, walking out of the room and leaving Ink alone. Ink watched, once he was alone he sobbed, sobbed as much as he could, picking up a couple pieces of his broken legs and starting at them.

"Oh God.. he's going to break me, he's going to make sure all I am is a pile of broken bones..!"

He sniffed and sobbed more, trying to peace his legs together like a puzzle, he was desperate, desperate to leave this hell hole and go home.

"After all I've don't for everyone, they just let me rot in this place! I hate them all!.. I... I hate them so much.."

Ink shook and dropped the pieces, hugging himself tightly.

"Oh this is going perfectly."

Code laughed, watching the other on a large screen, he could see how broken Ink was becoming and he loved it, the enjoyment of watching Ink slowly break brought his joy.

"Everything is going according to plan, just a little longer and he'll completely break, then we can start working on the important parts."

He laughed and continued watching Ink, a large menacing smile across his face.

"Just a little longer."
"What do you want, Dream."

Dream chuckled, tapping on the table as he smiled at the other sitting across from him.

"Oh, don't be like that."

Dream let out a chuckle, leaning back in his chair with a wide smile.

"I just wanted to know how the plan was coming along."

"It's coming along fine."

Dream chuckled and quickly stood up, making his way towards the other skeleton. The other shivered and looked away, scratching the table impatiently.

"Great! Now, do you remember what to do? We both know you're not really.. the brightest."

The other skeleton sighed and slowly nodded, looking down sadly. Dream patted them on the shoulder gently before wrapping his hand around their neck and forcefully pulling them out of their chair.

"Are you absolutely sure, I don't want my plan to fail, I've worked too hard on it."

The skeleton gripped onto the others hand fearfully and nodded more.

"Y-yes Dream! I know what to do! Please let me go..!"

Dream stared at them and sighed, tightening his grip and lifting them up.

"If this plan fails, you know what'll happen."

Dreams smile faded quickly as he dropped the other, the skeleton rubbed his neck and whimpered, staring at the ground and nodding once again, holding back tears of despair.

"yes Dream, i know."

Dream stared down at them with a sickening face, turning away and walking towards the door, before he left the room he muttered in a low, chilling tone.


He glanced back at the other once more before leaving the room. The skeleton stared at the door and hiccupped, hugging his knees tightly as he began silently crying.

"What am I going to do.."


"Come on Error! Cheer up, I brought you a bunch of goodies!"

Cross smiles brightly, carrying a large box, Error just started at him annoyingly.

"Fine, I guess you don't want aaallll this chocolate."

Cross' smiled turned to a teasing smirk as he slowly Turned away and began to walk to the others door, but he was soon stopped by a tiny string being wrapped around his waist and being pulled to the ground. The box opened and out spilled many chocolate bars. Error stared at Cross and quickly grabbed a bar off the floor.

"T-ThaNKs, I GuEss."

He said with a more grumpy tone as he swallowed the bar whole, not even bothering to take off the wrapper off.

"Why do you eat it like that?"

Cross asked as he sat up and spun around, now facing the other again, Error grabbed another and played with the wrapper a bit.

"LiKe W-WHat?"

Error ate the bar, of course with the wrapper on.

"Like that."

Cross gagged in disgust, Error just looked at him with a confused face.

"I-Is thAT not HoW-w yOUr sUpPOsed tO-o eAt I-it?"

Cross stared at him in disbelief, not saying anything for a good minute or two. Error was obviously confused, looking at the wrapper than back at him. Cross then grabbed a chocolate bar, waving it in Error's face to get him to pay attention before peeling the wrapper off then eating it.

"that's how. I cannot believe I just showed you how to eat a chocolate bar."

Error was surprised, slowly and cautiously taking off the wrapper. Revealing the most delicious part, he took a bit out of it and froze. Cross stared at him and confusion before standing up and walking Infront of him, waving his hand Infront of his face. Error didn't react.

"Error? Uhm- you okay dude?.. Oh no, did you crash again? ughh.." 

Suddenly Error began eating the full chocolate bar, quickly finishing it all and grabbing another one, doing the same thing, un-wrapping it and eating it. His eyes looked like they were sparkling. He was eating them like a hungry dog. He then realized Cross was standing right Infront of him and stopped, going back to his normal grumpy self.

"I GueSS TheY TASte BEtter w-WIth The Wrapp-Per OFf.."

He slowly ate the rest and looked away, a bit embarrassed by his savage actions. Cross was just staring at him, mouth slightly agape, he didn't know what to say because he didn't know what had just happened. One second Error was frozen, the next he was eating like he hadn't been fed in days and now he's back to being dry. huh?

"W.. What the hell was that? are you a wild animal or something?"

Error glared daggers at him, scooting away from him and rolling his eye sockets annoyingly.

"Y-Ou CHeerEd Me Up. So w-What A-arE yoU STIll DoiNG HE-Ere..?"

cross rubbed his skull nervously and chuckled lightly, tapping his foot on the ground.

"Well, uhm... I'm also actually here to see if maybe you'd want to hang out, since we're buddies! y'know!.. Hehe-"

Cross looked up at him and smiled, moving around impatiently. Error's eyes widened a bit, staring at cross. Without his scrunched-up eyes Error seemed nice. This seemed like a good sign to Cross, his smile had widened a lot more.


"Great!! So what do- WHAT! what do you mean no! I said that so nicely!"

Cross stumbled on his words, still staring at him. Error just picked up the rest of the chocolates and put them in the box. Cross was in disbelief.

"DId NigHTmaRE SEt ThiS Up? YoU'Ve NevEr ASked to Hang O-O-oUt beFore."

"No! Of course not! I just want to cheer you up, maybe hanging out with friends will make you feel better!"

Error angrily groaned, scooting the box of chocolates under his bed, his eye was twitching badly, he was getting very annoyed.

"WhaT MakEs yOU T-THinK thAT HAngING OuT WITh ThESe IdIOts WILl MAkE FE-EeL BeTTer!"

"Error don't say that! we're your friends, you can't just insult us like that! we've all been doing everything we can to make you happy, but you're just stuck in your own miserable world! Snap out of it and pull it together! We're all here with you, we're all helping but nothing seems to make you happy!"

Error's eyes widened as he turned to look at cross, gritting his teeth angrily and walking towards the other, Cross realized what he said and quickly shrank down, moving away from him in fear.

"MaKe ME HAPPY?! Yo-OU ALL Have beEn FaR FrOM M-M-mAkIng ME HAppY. IF AnyThiNgs YoU ALl ARe MAkiNG THIngS WorSE! AlL i WanT I-iS To BE LEFt ALOnE! Is ThaT JusT TOO HarD For ANy O-oF Y-oO-ou To UN-DerStaN-nD!?" 

He snapped. Pushing Cross into the wall. Cross hit the wall with a loud thump, groaning out in pain as he sat on the ground as stared up at Error, shaking.

"E-Error that's not what I meant! I just wanted to tell you that we're all here for you, we'll always be here when you need us! I didn't mean to say it like that! I swear!"

Error stared at him and sighed, he noticed how scared he was making Cross and quickly backed away, rubbing his nasal bone and slumping over. Cross quickly got up, keeping his distance and just standing there, not knowing what to do.

"I'M soRRy CroSs, YoU'Re riGht.I HaveN'T BEen E-eAsy To DeaL WitH.. AlrIGhT We CaN HAng Out.."

Cross had jumped when he heard the other's words, looking at him with confusion. He thought maybe Error was playing a joke on him.

"Y.. You're being serious?"

Error nodded and looked at him, all that anger had left, he just looked tired and calm.

"oh? OH! wow! okay- uhm- Maybe we can- no that's stupid- how about?.. No! ugh!.."

"C-CaN wE kniT?"

Cross stopped his weird little panic and looked at Error, he's never known that Error liked knitting, so it was a big surprise to him,


"Y-Yeah, Y'KnoW. The StufF WitH The nEEdles anD Yarn, And YoU M-Make ScarfS And OthEr ThI-inGS LiKe ThAt."

Error seemed very happy talking about knitting, a little smile was plastered on his face.

"Oh, I know what it is! Of course we can do that! Hehe!"

Cross smiled at him, Error chuckled and quickly got out all him knitting supplies and sat down on the floor, quickly opening the box. Cross sat down as well and looked at everything.

"Wow! you have a lot of supplies!"

"Ye-Eah, I'Ve beEn DoIng ThIs FoR a While."

Error gave cross two needles and some yarn; Error began quickly working on something. Cross watched him but didn't know what to do, freezing up and staring at the needles. Error noticed and stopped what he was doing and watched him.

"DO YO-oU KnoW How To KniT?"

"Uhm.. No- You're honestly the first person I've met who knits."

They both chuckled, Cross held the knitting Needels and smiled nervously.

"Could you maybe teach me?"


"Thanks friend"

"No PrObLem BuDdy."


HI EVERYONE! I'm back from my extremely long absence! I'm so sorry I suddenly disappeared, I had a lot of stuff to deal with Haha, but I'm back and I'll be posting as much as I can! I've made a sort of story board so it will be easier to make chapters! I hope you all like this chapter, and again I am so so sorry! luv you all!!

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