An Executor's Will (RWBY x St...

By Synclair123

4.4K 120 9

During the Grimm's attack in the City of Vale, two students known as Lupin Fulgaras, a wolf Faunus and a huma... More

Prologue: Warping Problem
Episode 1: Encounter
Episode 2: Beacon Academy
Episode 3: Tag Team
Episode 4: School Life
Episode 5: Jaune's Struggle
Extra Chapter
Episode 6: Blake's Identity
Episode 7: Truth
Episode 8: Chaos
Episode 9: Recovery
Episode 10: Recuperation
Episode 11: Improvement
Episode 12: New Semester
Episode 13: Questions Asked
Episode 14: Day before the Dance
Episode 15: Dance Party
Episode 16: Warping Problem
Episode 17: Planet Char
Episode 18: Team TL vs. Zerg
Episode 19: New Enemy
Episode 20: The Dark Templar
Episode 21: Civil War 1
Episode 22: Civil War 2
Episode 23: Saving Tassadar
Episode 24: Before the Final Assault
Episode 25: War at Two Sides
Episode 26: A Noble Sacrifice
Episode 27: A Familiar Sight
Episode 28: Back to Remnant
Episode 29: Discovery
Episode 31: Answers
Episode 32: Results after the Battle
Episode 33: Departure
Episode 34: Moving on

Episode 30: To Each their Own

127 2 0
By Synclair123

While we were on the way to Beacon, we were watching the tournament using our terminal. It looks like it's a fight between Pyrrah and Penny.

"Well, hopefully this one goes well." I said.

Lupin chuckled. "Hopefully."

* * *

Pyrrah and Penny were the main stars of the night. The match has started and thus, begins their fight.

It was an evenly matched fight at first. But as the fight goes on, Penny was on the defensive.

As Pyrrah said, her semblance is polarity. She was disarmed but somehow managed to control her weapon but failed to retrieve them.

Penny raised both her arms and several of her weapons were now floating above her.

After she resumed her attack, Pyrrah unleashed a wave of magnetic field which deflected Penny's weapons. But what came after that was a brutal scene.

Her body was dismembered and plain for everyone to see. "What the hell!? It's even worse than before!" Lupin exclaimed.

I felt a cold shiver down my spine. I told the driver of our ship to hurry up since this is probably going to trigger a Grimm response. Nevermind, a lot of them started their advance towards the Academy.

I started a transmission and called Raynor. "Jim! Can you spare a few men and send them over to the City? Something happened just now and it's going to be serious."

"But what about-" Before Raynor finishes his sentence, I cut him off.

"Just do it! I'll take care of everything afterwards. Leave it to me. We have no choice but to reveal ourselves!" I said.

Just then, the screen changed. And on the middle of the screen, was a chess piece and a female voice talking.

"What is it this time!?" I exclaimed.

And then, a message was delivered.

" not a tragedy. This...was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children to men who claimed to be our guardians. But are, in reality, nothing more than men. Our academies had masters wield more power than most armies. And one was audacious enough to control both. They cling to this power in the name of peace. What do we have here?-"

I instantly stopped my terminal. I snicker. "This voice...I thought so. They were spies all along. And that woman with the mask must be her."

Lupin was clueless. "What are you talking about Theo? Who?" He raised his head while looking at me with a surprised face.

I frowned. "Cinder and her friends, Mercury and that girl."

Lupin slowly looks back at his terminal. "No way..."

"Lupin, prepare for combat as soon as we land." I said and wear my backpack.

He nodded. "Understood."

* * *

It was a mess. After we arrive in the City, we landed to an area desolate with people. After that, we rushed inside and saw people running all around.

"Oh right, scroll! Why didn't I think of it earlier!?" I said and reached to my pockets. "Aaannnd I forgot to bring it with me. God I'm so stupid."

"No time for hesitation. Lupin! Use the new weapons. We haven't really replenished our dust supplies so, we have no choice but to use alien weapons."

We fought the Grimms and grabbed their attention. Both of us run at the same time.

"Looks like the General has taken measures of evacuating people. Lupin, go and kill the Grimms. I'll see what I can find and save the people left behind." I said.

"Understood." Lupin replied. "Hyaah!" Lupin activated his psionic weapon and started his attack.

I run off to a different direction and started searching for people that were left behind. "Hey! Is anybody here?" I shouted.

I spotted several people hiding in destroyed buildings. As soon as I stand in the entrance, they were wary of my appearance.

"Who are you?" An old man speaks.

"A huntsman. Now come with me if you wanna live. We need to get out of this place."

An ursa attempted to maul me from behind. I block its attack using my barrier. I spin and perform an upwards slash towards the Ursa. I got to say, these weapons are way too effective against Grimms since it killed my target instantly.

"Now hurry up!" I said.

The people nodded and followed me. I searched for more civilians until there were no more left behind. After that, I led them to a place where I saw several ships on stand by.

"We've arrived." I pointed towards the ships on standby. There were several Atlesian soldiers guarding the place and there, I saw the whole gang and General Ironwood talking.

The Atlesian soldier who spotted me pointed his weapon towards me. "Halt! Who are you?" It grabbed everyone's attention.

"Tsk!" I clicked my tongue. "We have no time for this soldier! You either get these civilians to safety or waste your time confirming my identity."

The Atlesian soldier glances at the civilians behind me and signaled to continue using his head.

"Good choice." I said. A nevermore was about to attack one of the ships. I transformed my weapon and fired several energy bullets towards the Giant Nevermore.

"Who are you, really?" The Atlesian soldier stared at me with wonder.

My bullets created holes to the Nevermore's body and fell down without putting much of a fight.


Just then, I heard an incoming transmission. "Theo! We've spotted several Grimms in your area. And we've got a report from Fenix that the Zerg have started their attacks towards the City. Looks like they intend to join in the fray."

"I see...Intercept them. Make sure not a single one of those things get through." I said.

"Roger that. They are quite few in number but nothing we can't handle." After that, Raynor stopped the call.

I nodded. "Lupin, how's it going over there?"

"Well...there's a lot of them actually. You don't have to worry about the civilians though. Most of them evacuated from the area."

"That's good to hear." I respond and heaved a sigh of relief. "Alright, I'm heading over to you."

No time for emotional reunions. Sorry everyone. I say in my mind while stealing a glance over where Ruby and the others are and then, I run off.

"Who was that guy?" Nora commented.

* * *

After that, I called Raynor to get an update about his movements. "How's it going over there?"

"No problem. We have them under control. The ones who got through are taken down by our rear units. Fenix and the others are doing their job as usual. No need to worry about us, focus on your own mission."

I nodded. "Got it." I stopped the call.

From the distance, I saw Lupin fight several Grimms. I leap forward and pierced a Beowolf aiming to attack him from behind.

"Yo." I said as I wave my hand.

He grinned. "What took you so long?" He brandished his weapon to the side.

"Nevermind that. Raynor have the Zerg problem under control. Now, all we need to do is head over to the Academy and finish this thing."

Just when we decided to head over to the School, the droids started acting strangely. They pointed their weapons at us and started firing.

I activated my barrier to protect both of us. "Now what?" Says Lupin.

"We just do the usual." I said. We both nodded and I deactivate my barrier. Lupin gathered electrical energy and unleashed a lightning wave around us by swinging his weapon in a circular motion, slicing the droids in half.

"There." Says Lupin.

"Good job." I said and then, we started heading towards the Academy.

* * *

There was a lot of Grimms and Atlas tech fighting against us. We also found several White Fang members destroying buildings. I guess this was a joint attack from the White Fang and Cinder's group.

After fighting for several minutes, enemy forces were slowly annihilated and then, we decided to head straight to Beacon.

We...'borrowed' an Atlas ship and head over to Beacon while gunning down any flying Grimms that stands in our way.

After several minutes of fighting and evading enemies, we arrive on the scene. Lupin and I split up to help the remaining huntsmen fight against Grimms and the Atlas droids and robots.

We went on ahead and help the others as best as we can. I don't know what their objective is but that doesn't matter. If it helps my case, I will personally stop them and make them pay for destroying the school and the place where my friends and I currently live.

* * *


Theo, as usual is letting the heat get over to his head...again. Wish he would just calm down and face the problems head on while maintaining a cool and analyzing expression like he used to. Maybe he took Tassadar's death personally and the constant battles all this time greatly affected his mental health.

It was supposed to be my role to be an aggressive type of person and his duty is to hold me back while maintaining his composure like a cool badass. I guess our roles are reversed for now.

I sigh. He should really take things easy. The way things are going, he's going to destroy himself at this rate. Not everything can be fixed just because he's desperate enough to solve them. He kinda forgot the words he used against Blake when she suffered the same thing but with the White Fang.

And yes, I know how their conversation went because I sneaked a device near his pocket that I use for eavesdropping. I admit, I was really curious about her too since...she's a Faunus and all. I've got a soft spot when it comes to them too so, yeah.

If you ask me, I don't really understand why Theo always involves himself in other people's business, especially their problems. But I guess that what's makes him special and approachable to people like Ruby and the others.

I was fighting Grimms and robots while helping some injured huntsmen escape from this place too.

While running around, I heard Yang's voice since she shouted. And that exploding sound, yeah she just used her semblance. I head over to their direction to lend them a hand since they're probably exhausted from all this fighting.

I mean, I'm not tired but that's thanks to our hellish experience while fighting aliens for God knows how many days and weeks those battles took....I think?

I stop on a damaged building and saw Yang lying on the ground and...wait...her arm is cut off? Blake is holding her side while a masked man gives a speech about something which I obviously don't care.

Must be their acquaintance from the White Fang. Oh well, might as well show up and save the day like a hero.

I gather electrical energy to my body and sprint over to their side as the masked man slowly approaches them.

"...why must you hurt me Blake?" The masked man spoke and then, he swings his weapon.

"Maybe because you're a complete asshole?" I said and then, I perform a downward slash towards his face.

The masked man noticed me and evaded my attack by jumping back. After the masked man landed to the ground, a peck of hair fell down to the location where he last stood.

"Oh? Not bad. I almost got you." I said, amused.

Blake looks over to me with a confused look.

"Yo. Looks like I arrived just on time." I said as I saluted with two fingers over to her

"Who are you?" Says Blake as she narrowed her eyes.

I shift my head to face the masked enemy. "That's not important right now. Get out of here while you still can Blake. Take Yang with you and meet up with the others. I'll guide you throughout the way."

"You're not getting away this time." The masked man poised his katana and ran towards me.

"Sorry man, I would like to fight against you? But there are pressing problems that needs to be addressed right now so...bye bye!" I said as I casually unleash a lightning wave on his way and created a smokescreen by destroying the area around us.

The masked man backed off and exited the building in a hurry. Blake carried Yang all the way while I killed the Grimms and destroyed the robots that got on our way.

I casually glance over to Yang's cut off arm. "Ruby is not going to like this." I mutter as I hack away at the Grimm that showed up in front of me.

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