The beginning

By Trash_turtle

781 3 2

Note: PLEASE READ. I am basing this after chapter 4 of tokilono's story " Pregnant and a titan too" and Ghost... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors note-Please read

Chapter 3

67 0 1
By Trash_turtle

(Pov swap)

As Rouge was laying there, peacefully with his little ones, he suddenly got hit with a strong wave of fear that made him wake up immediately, all the tiredness leaving his body as he became fully alert. ' Where did this overwhelming fear come from? Is there something wrong with me? Is there something wrong with the pup/pups' As if the pup/pups could understand what he was thinking, Rouge felt a kick in his stomach and calmed down, but only slightly, still overwhelmed with this random burst of fear that was so much, it left him trembling.

'What if something happened to Ansgar when he went out to hunt?' Rouge fretted over, thinking that if something did happen to Ansgar when he was on his hunt, it was Rouge's fault. He continued to stare at the barn door, waiting to see if Ansgar would return safely.

After Rouge had shot up, Mikasa and Armin did too, after being moved when Rouge sat up. Having looked up at the titan in question, they realized that Rouge was trembling with fear, teeth clenched and his eyes staring straight forward toward the barn door. "What's wrong Rouge," Mikasa asked, her voice heavily laced with concern. She was beyond worried. She had never seen him this petrified ever since he watched the yeagers get eaten and she was worried. And so was Armin. Armin was looking Rouge over to see if there was anything wrong but he couldn't see anything physically wrong with Rouge. At first, he was worried it was something with the pup/pups but after feeling them move around and Rouge not even flinching from it, he knew something else was going on. Just as Armin was about to get up to get Hange, they heard loud, heavy footsteps coming their way. For a second they were worried, thinking that it was like the first time the wall got kicked in, seeing as Rouge was terrified. With that thought in their minds, they began to think that it was a mindless titan that had gotten in and was heading for them and the scouts. But after seeing that Rouge had calmed a bit they knew that there was only one person - or rather titan - that could have Rouge calm down so fast. Just as they finished that thought, Ansgar bursted into the barn, startling not only Mikasa and Armin but also Rouge, who wondered why Ansgar was in such a rush. 'Maybe Ansgar experienced the same fear as he did and was worried so he came back,' Rouge wondered. Deciding that Ansgar probably felt the same fear he did, Rouge chirped, sending the message of 'I'm okay and happy to see you.' After Rouge's chirp, Ansgar visibly relaxed, letting out a jet of steam in relief. He then began making his way over to Rouge, before crouching down and sitting next to Rouge, letting out another jet of steam, but with Mikasa's keen eyes, she could tell that, while all of Rouge's fear was gone, Ansgar was still filled with fear, just he was hiding it for Rouge's sake. Rouge relaxed against Ansgar, leaning his head on his shoulder. Just as everything started to calm down, they heard a squeal, much like a pig, that spooked them and ruined the moment. Apparently, Hange had snuck in and could and couldn't contain her excitement because 'Rouge and Ansgar looked so cute together' Mikasa and Armin laughed while Ansgar and Rouge had red cheeks, embarrassed and hangle just smiled. "Anyways Hange, why are you here, shouldn't you be with the others and Levi, training?" Mikasa questioned.

"Oh right well, I came here to check on our sweet mama Rouge and how his pup or pups were doing," Hange declared, smiling wide. Rouge blushed again, a hand cradling his stomach with Ansgar placing a hand on his. Hange squealed again before grabbing all the stuff she would need for her check-up before she started. Ansgar decided that, as of right now, Luana, Goliath, Mehr would not attack. Instead, they would probably leave the island or take a while to think of another plan. With that thought, Ansgar finally let himself fully relax.

(Pov swap)

After spending a lot of time thinking, Luana spoke up, "Ok, I've got a plan," startled, Goliath and Mehr instantly looked up at her, waiting for her to speak.

"We must assume that Ansgar has betrayed us and is now on the coordinates side. For the most part, the plan will stay the same, but instead, we also have to deal with capturing and maybe fighting Angar too" Luana spoke as the other two nodded, absorbing the information.

"But why can't we just kill Ansgar and take the coordinate," Mehr said, confused. Goliath and Luana whipped their heads to look at her as if she just suggested they kill everyone.

"We can't do that because he is our friend," Goliath said with a slight bit of aggravation in his voice with Launa just glared at her. Mehr, slightly taken aback that the big gentle giant in front of her could possibly say anything the slight bit mean, sighed before waving her hand telling Luana to continue.

"Anyways, the new plan is for Mehr to sneak in at night and find where the coordinate and Ansgar are. When she comes back and relays the information to us, we then work off that. If it's far away, we will go tomorrow and if it's close, we go as soon as Mehr gets back. When we do go, we have to be silent as to not alert the humans or Ansgar. After-" Mehr cut Luana off

"Why would we have to watch out for Ansgar. If we go at night, shouldn't he be asleep, not able to wake up until the sunlight touches him," Mehr asked, confused.

"That's just it. He's not like any normal titan that falls asleep and can't wake up till morning. He can be woken up in the middle of the night, no problem," Luana spoke as if it was a normal thing for her while Mehr just stared at her in shock. A titan that could be woken up before dawn. She hadn't ever heard of such a thing. She shook off her shock and put on a neutral face but on the inside, she had many thoughts racing through her head of how it could be possible. Taking Mehr's face as a sign, she continued.

"Now, with Ansgar on the human's and coordinate's side, getting them both will be difficult. If Ansgar was not with them, we could easily take the humans by surprise and kill them before we take the coordinate and scale the wall back out. Since that is not an option I will continue with my plan. After Mehr tells us the location, the night I and Mehr go inside the walls, we will, first, find the humans with the invisible wings, they will most likely be close to our two targets, and kill them before they can prepare to fight us. Second, by then, Ansgar would have woken up. We fight Ansgar and knock him out. Third, I will grab both him and the coordinate and leave. When we get to the walls, Mehr will give Goliath the signal to kick in the wall so we can escape. Fourth, Goliath will then lift us onto his shoulder and we leave back home. Everyone understand?" The other two titans nodded, soaking up the information. Just as they were finished, they looked up at the wall to see the humans leaving for the night.

'Perfect,' Luana thought, smirking.

They waited another hour until it was completely dark to begin their plan. Luana gave the signal telling Goliath to lift Mehr onto the wall. Mehr hopped onto his hand and was placed on the wall Seeing a forest to her left, she figured it was the best place to start her search and started heading that way.

(Time skip)

She had been running for about 3 and still didn't see any sign of the two titans. She couldn't smell their scent, her noise being overwhelmed by the large concentration of the human's scent. She growled, growing agitated as she figured, she was in the wrong spot. Just as she was about to turn around, she smelled a new scent. It smelled like Ansgar! It may be faint but it was there. Now feeling confident, she raced through the trees heading towards scent but still being quiet, remembering Luana's warning.

Ahead she saw a clearing and began two slow down. When at the clearing, she checked around to make sure there were no humans around. After checking and making sure there were no humans around, she started sniffing trying to find the coordinate's or Ansgar's scent. She smelled one familiar and one unfamiliar scent coming from a large barn to her left. The familiar one was Ansgar's, she was sure of it, and the unfamiliar one, she figured, was the coordinate's. But she also smelled a low concentration of human scent coming from the barn making her worried, knowing that there were humans inside the barn that may still be awake. She debated her next move for a while.

That's when she spotted glass on the top. Figuring she could peek in through the top and not get noticed by any humans inside. With that being said, she began to navigate through the trees, stopping on one that was close enough for her to reach the roof from. She scaled down the tree a little and quietly planted herself on top of the roof before walking over to the glass and peeking in. She was baffled by what she saw. Right in the middle of the structure was Ansgar curled up, cuddling another titan in his sleep. 'Is that the coordinate he is cuddling? Why is he being like this? He wouldn't show this much affection unless he was mated with the coordinate? That's not possible the coordinate is a male, they could never mate,' Mehr pondered, questions flying through her head. But what she saw next made her freeze up and physically made her jaw drop. A first she thought it was a trick of the light or maybe the coordinate was a little on the chubby side but it was unmistakable. With the scent he was giving off and how round his stomach was she deduced that the coordinate was pregnant with Ansgar's pup/pups. He was a hermaphrodite (someone born with both male and female parts). Mehr just stood there, in shock. There was a very low chance for a titan to be a hermaphrodite. She remembered learning about them and how there was only a 2% for one to be born so how. How was it possible that the coordinate, of all titans, was a hermaphrodite. For a few minutes, she remained frozen in shock before snapping out of it and began to question what she should do.

'They couldn't capture the coordinate now, when he was pregnant'. Having been almost kidnapped herself when she was pregnant, she couldn't bear to put anyone else through the same trauma she went through. As she began to make her way back she realized she no longer wanted to go with the plan. But she ultimately decided she had to. For the sake of her own pup. She sighed and looked up noticing just how long she was out. There were only a few hours till sunrise. She had to hurry or they would miss their chance and she just wanted to get this entire mess over with.

(pov swap)

"Ugh, what is taking her so long, she's been in the walls for 6 hours now," Luana said, aggravated as they began to run out of time

"Do you think she betrayed us and sided with the human?" Goliath questioned, worried that they would have to fight three titans at once.

"No, she wouldn't," Luana said "She wouldn't just leave her pup all alone."

Just as Luana finished her sentence, she spotted Mehr running across the wall towards them. But what confused Luana and Goliath was that Mehr had a look of fear across her face as she was lowered down by Goliath.

"Did you find where our two targets were," Luana asked Mehr

Mehr nodded but now Luana was suspicious of what Mehr was hiding. She decided to ask her, but Mehr beat her to it.

"U-um, I don't think we should go after the coordinate or Ansgar anymore...," Mehr trailed off, nervous of how the other titans would react.

"WHAT, WHY!?" Mehr was expecting an outburst but not from the gentle being in front of her. Mehr and Luana both looked at him, shocked that he was the one to have the outburst.

"What the hell did you think would happen. Did you just expect us to leave without the coordinate, without my best friend?" If there weren't so many humans around Goliath would have yelled at Mehr for even suggesting they leave his best friend behind.

"W-we just cant okay, leave it at that," Mehr said, now scared that they were going to hurt her or her pup.

"Tell us why," Luana spoke up with a menacing tone making Mehr release a squeak of fear

"ThecoordinateispregnantandIthinkit'sAnsgar's," Mehr spoke quickly, scared for her life.

"Repeat that again," Goliath said with a blank face but his voice filled with venom.

"Um, the coordinate is pregnant and I think it's Ansgar" Mehr spoke, voice below a whisper, and she cowered away but the other two titans still heard her. Their faces were blank as Mehr closed her eyes, waiting for another outburst, but nothing happened. Luana was still staring at the ground, face blank, her mind going over the words again and again. Goliath, on the other hand, had passed out from shock and was now laying on the ground.

(Time skip) 30 minutes

Goliath had begun to wake up, head throbbing, thinking he just had one of the worst dreams ever. 'Ha, the coordinate being pregnant with Ansgar's pup. That was the most ridiculous dream I have ever had' Goliath thought, but as he registered his surroundings, he realized, it was no dream It was real. Now mortified that something like that could happen. There was no possible way. The coordinate is a male so there is no possible way. Goliath suddenly remembered being taught about a titan like the coordinate when he first joined Ezekiel's group. They were called hermaphrodites and could reproduce with any gender. 'But why did he mate with Ansgar? Wouldn't he hate him after Ansgar destroyed one of the walls? Was it against his own will?" Questions began flooding into his head as Mehr and Luana noticed he was awake.

"Guess you finally woke up you big baby," Luana said tiredly, having stayed up the entire night. "The plan still stays the but thanks to Mehr's constant begging over hear, we have to be careful with the coordinate." Goliath and Luana sighed, both knowing that it would make their mission much harder.

"Mehr, how long would it take to get to the coordinate's and Ansgar's nest?" Luana asked, debating if they should go tonight or not.

"It should take about an hour to get there leaving us about 2 hours till sunrise," Mehr informed them. Luana bit the inside of her cheek in worry. If they went tonight, there is a chance that the coordinate could wake up on their way back and release a horde of titans on them. If they went tomorrow night, would have told the flying humans thus making it much harder to capture the coordinate.

"Ah fuck it, what else can we really lose. Mehr we are leaving right now to get the coordinate back," Luana said sternly as she made her way over to Goliath.

"Wait what, why now? It's going to be day soon. If the coordinate wakes up before we get back to the mainland, he will most likely summon a horde of titans on us. If he does, we'll be as good as dead," Mehr fretted over, not wanting to die so soon.

"If he does wake up, we simply knock him out with a punch to the face and continue our trek back. Now leave it at that and let's go. We don't have much time left." Luana said sternly as Mehr she and Mehr were lifted onto the wall by Goliath before they began their trek to capture the pregnant coordinate.

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