5 Seconds Of The Pierced Slee...

By bandhoez9194

230 14 3

Basically, a bunch of one shots about 1D, 5SOS, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Twenty One Pilots, MCR... More

Valentine's Day - Ziall
Malum - Dinner
Kellic- Journey
No Homo - Miall
Smooth - Larry
Tall - Lashton
Drunk - Niam
⚠Not Adults - Taime (Jaime/Tony)⚠
⚠Phan: No, They're Not⚠
Georry: Full Homo
⚠️Phan: Hush Hush (SMUT)⚠️
Dream.. Girl? H20Vanoss
⚠️Perspectives Pt. 2: Home⚠️
Contract Killer - BBS
Cuts and Drawings - Terrornuckel
Early Mornings - Terrornuckel
Colors - Terrormoo
Oh Mr. Vanoss
I Do Need You - Terrornuckel
⚠️ Control - Krii7y ⚠️
⚠️Touches - Krii7y⚠️
Missed Plans - Krii7y
Foiled -Daithi & Brock friendship
You Came Back? -Terrornuckel
A Shot In the Dark -McDooo

Halloween - Terrormoo

3 0 0
By bandhoez9194

A/N: little Halloween short for Halloween! Terrormoo lol enjoy!


Brock slipped the leather jacket on, squinting through the purposely broken red sunglasses that only had one lense. He was dressing as Terroriser, his biggest rival and honestly? One of his best friends.

Terroriser was considered a villain, his partners in crime Wildcat, Basically and Delirious. Brock was considered a hero, though he didn't see how. He just didn't like seeing people hurt.

Terroriser and his group didn't hurt people, though they liked to steal and vandalize. There were worse villains out there, but Brock and his friends Daithi, Evan and Scotty tended to run into Terroriser's group more.

Brock scrutinized his outfit, feeling mildly out of place in the leather jacket and black jeans. Normally he wore blue jeans, a sky blue hoodie and an eagle mask, but it was Halloween, and he was going as Terroriser. He thought it was ironic.

"Daamn Brock, you look good in leather," Evan said playfully, Brock turning to see a hockey mask and one of his blue hoodies on his best friend. "Are you going as Delirious?" Brock asked amused and Evan winked through the mask.

"Hell yeah, that little fucker looks cool," Evan said cheerfully and Brock shook his head. "Hey, you can't say shit, you're going as Terroriser, and besides. Daithi is going as Wildcat and Scotty is going as Basically," Evan said, pointing a finger and Brock just laughed.

"Alright, let's get going. It's going to be hilarious to stop Terroriser and them dressed as them," Brock said excitedly and Evan nodded with a laugh.

"Daithi! Scotty! Hurry up! We're leaving with or without your asses!" Evan yelled through the house they all shared (rent was a doozy and easier split between 4 people).

Brock rolled his eyes as footsteps ran down the hall, Nogla sliding in with a pig mask and bike helmet on and Scotty sliding in wearing a blue t-shirt and a white eared hood.

"Let's go!" Brock said excitedly, tightening his shoe laces in preparation for take off. Brock and Evan had flight as abilities, Evan through wings that would melt into his skin as tattoos at will. Brock mostly could just control air pressure under him.

Daithi had super speed that let him run not only over water but up buildings, and Scotty had high jumps. It made getting around easier considering they were in a massive city and traffic was usually a mess.

They left, locking the door behind them and taking off. Evan and Brock flew high above the lights of the city, catching glimpses of Scotty leaping from building to building and Daithi running along the skylights.

Bright red flashes appeared on the East side of the city and Evan nodded at Brock as they took off towards the area. It was mostly warehouses and boat docks, so Brock assumed Terroriser and his group were either raiding or burning something.

Evan and Brock flew down, landing on a warehouse a couple buildings away from where the lights were flashing. It was definitely Terroriser's lasers causing those flashes and Brock rolled his eyes.

Daithi skidded to a stop beside the two, Scotty landing lightly on the other side. "Any idea on what they're doing?" Scotty whispered very faintly as Wildcat had very strong hearing.

Brock shook his head and gestured for Daithi to step closer. "Go around the back, stay hidden and quiet. Vanoss and I will fly above, Fourzer0 will go around the other way," Brock whispered, using their alias names.

Everyone nodded and took off, Brock and Evan hovering about 30 meters above the now vandalized warehouse where they say the four villains laughing and either spray painting, burning or carving stupid stuff along its walls.

Brock raised an amused eyebrow and caught Evan's eye, who was smirking faintly. "Looks like we weren't the only ones," he said amused and Evan nodded, shaking his head.

Brock and Evan flew down and landed right behind the four men, grinning amused. "Well hello sexy," Terroriser said coyly, giving Brock an up and down. He had an eagle beak over his mouth and nose, a very tight blue hoodie and blue jeans on.

Brock rolled his eyes, internally appreciating the tightness of the hoodie. It was obviously Delirious' hoodie, as that was his signature along with the painted hockey mask.

"I see you guys had the same idea as us," Evan said amused, checking out Delirious' skin tight black outfit and half owl mask that left his mouth free.

Delirious had a smirk, looking Evan up and down. Wildcat looked over at the alley between the warehouses and called, "I can hear you Nogla, come on out. You too Fourzer0seven."

The two stepped out, eyeing Basically and Wildcat who were dressed as them. Wildcat looked very odd wearing a headset and a bright green tee, Basically in black skinny jeans and a Grey and white t shirt.

"I'm liking what I see," Scotty said, winking at Basically who just rolled his eyes, grinning. Terroriser nodded, having not taken his eyes off Brock since he'd turned around.

"Having a good Halloween, Vanoss?" Delirious purred, skipping over to Evan and running a hand down his chest. Evan chuckled, shaking his head and grabbing Delirious' hand before it could travel any lower.

"And if I am?" Evan asked softly and Delirious grinned, not letting go of Evan's hand. "I guess we'll just have to add some chaos to it, as long as you don't mind," he replied just as softly and Terroriser and Brock just rolled their eyes at each other.

Those two had had the strongest chemistry since the "rivalry" had started, though Evan had always fired back saying Brock and Terroriser were right there with them.

"What do you say? We all stick together? Put our rivalry aside tonight and be normal people?" Terroriser asked, walking closer to Brock and tilting his head.

Brock took the sunglasses off, raising an eyebrow at the other. "I think-" he started but Daithi cut him off. "Sounds like a plan to me. Let's go get pizza and bullshit around the pier."

Wildcat and Basically nodded in agreement but Terroriser didn't take his eyes off Brock. Brock just nodded in agreement and Terroriser smirked excitedly.

"Then, for tonight, you better call me Brian," he said softly and Brock tilted his head. "And you better call me Brock," he replied finally and Brian hummed.

"Okay okay, you four go get separate rooms," Daithi groaned, seeing Evan and Delirious practically nose to nose and Terroriser's- no, Brian's and Brock's chests nearly touching.

Wildcat walked to him, raising an eyebrow. "Is that an offer?" He asked quietly and Brock and Brian smirked at each other as Daithi went bright red, mouth opening but no words coming out.

"Why don't we all head to the pier?" Basically suggested and Scotty nodded, arms crossed at the three duos.

Delirious winked and he and Evan blinked out of sight, Delirious having teleportation as one of his abilities. Wildcat rolled his eyes and looked at Daithi.

"Here," he said, grabbing Daithi's hand and both of them shrank down into birds, a surprised squawk coming from Daithi as he wobbled on his new hawk feet.

Brock shook his head and grabbed Brian's hand, the other frowning confused. "Don't let go," Brock warned him and adjusted the air pressure under them and they took off flying. Brian let out a shocked scream, his other hand flying to grab Brock's arm tightly.

Brock let out a laugh as Basically screamed behind them. Brian had his eyes squeezed shut but Brock could see that Scotty had grabbed Basically in a bear hold and jumped, the two shapeshifted birds flying behind Brock and Brian.

The trip to the pier only took 5 minutes, but by time they reached it Evan and Delirious were already wrapped around each other and half hidden by Evan's wings.

Brian burst out laughing, a full, genuine laugh that Brock was already obsessed with. Evan and Delirious broke apart, Evan flushed but Delirious smirking smugly. "Don't be jealous, Brian," Delirious snipped and Brian tilted his head.

"Of what, Jon," he asked and Delirious nodded at Brock. "We all know you want to be under the one and only Moo, but are too scared to take it," Delirious answered and Brock went bright red as Brian stammered.

"I- uh-" Brian stuttered and Brock rolled his eyes, winking at Evan and Delirious before grabbing Brian's arm and spinning him around. "Here," Brock said amused, pulling Brian against him and kissing him deeply.

Brock had no idea what had come over him and let him gain the confidence to do that, but was he ever so happy he did. Brian melted into his hold, a shiver going down his spine at the motion.

Brock heard a wolf whistle and clapping and the two broke apart to see Evan and Daithi clapping and Scotty pulling his fingers from his mouth after the whistle.

"Fucks sake Brock! I didn't know you had it in you!" Daithi called and Brock flushed, making Brian laugh. "Now it's your turn," Brock snapped back and Daithi shook his head, his cheeks flushing.

"Oh?" Wildcat asked, turning to face Daithi with a smirk. "Like this?"

Wildcat pulled Daithi against him, pausing in case he pulled away but continuing when Daithi made no motion to do so. Brock shook his head at the very intense kiss, turning back to Brian.

"You have pyrokinesis, yeah?" He asked quietly and Brian nodded, looking curious. "Want to start a bonfire?" He asked and Brian brightened, nodding even more enthusiastically. "Then let's go collect some driftwood."

The two ran off, none of the others noticing. They started collecting driftwood, but Brock paused with an armful and just stared out at the ocean. The moonlight was reflecting perfectly off the water, the breeze barely there.

Brock closed his eyes and felt all the tension in his shoulders vanish, breathing in the slightly sweet air contently.

"You okay?" Brian asked softly, his voice fitting in with the atmosphere perfectly. Brock opened his eyes and turned to him, smiling faintly. "I'm actually perfect. It's such a nice night," he replied just as softly and Brian smiled faintly.

"It is. I'm kinda glad you guys came to stop us today, I really wanted you to see my "costume". You showing up dressed as you are was a plus," Brian said amused and Brock looked down at the black jeans and leather jacket ensemble he had on.

"This was honestly one of the strangest things I've ever worn, I've never worn leather. But it's surprisingly warm," he said and Brian laughed. "It is. I like my leather jacket, but yours looks even nicer than mine," he said and Brock shrugged.

"It's brand new, Evan wears leather jackets but none of them fit me, so I had to go buy one," he admitted and Brian laughed, dropping the wood in his hold and pulling at the blue hoodie he was wearing.

"This is Jon's, its like a full size too small, but the arm length was barely long enough so it worked," he said and Brock couldn't help but let his eyes trail down Brian's body.

"You can definitely tell it's small on you," he said and then flushed and Brian raised an eyebrow. "And how?" He asked knowingly and Brock's blush grew darker as he sighed.

"It really suits you? Like, I can see everything in that outfit," he said and then dropped the wood as Brian pulled him against him.

"Everything?" Brian murmured and Brock swallowed, that strange confidence coming over him again.

"Yes. Everything. And I will admit, I'm really liking what I see," he replied with a faint purr and Brian's eyes widened, his pupils dilating.

Brock leaned closer, his lips barely brushing Brian's before he stepped away and picked his pile of driftwood back up. "We should head back, I'm sure our friends are looking for us," he said cheerfully, knowing exactly what he did as he turned around and started walking back to the pier.

"Brock you asshole," he heard Brian mutter and Brock just laughed. This night was definitely proving to be a Halloween to remember.

A/N: short and cute, intense, hopefully funny. Idk, I wrote this in 2 hours lmao. I hope yall enjoyed! Kisses!!


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