KITTEN [vkook]

By YoongiAndHisMochi

703K 41.3K 6.6K

Taehyung a lost hybrid sees something he shouldnt have and it brings him in a lot of unwanted trouble and att... More

1: kitten
2: streets
3: coincidence
4: meds
5: lost (m)
6: pet
7: captive
8: penthouse
9: clean
10: helping out (m)
11: stay
12: home
13: Bored
14: return
15: come along
16: wait
17: cranberry juice
18: ex
19: dinner
20: outside
21: Lu
22: dessert
23: sick
24: mine
25: head pats
26: panting
27: no strings attached (m)
28: connection
29: cut
30: snuggled
31: breakfast
32: lunch
33: shopping
34: tears
35: new friends
36: cat
37: forehead kisses
38: kittens
39: found
40: gently (m)
41: donut
42: intruders
43: yes, brother
44: evil
45: casino
46: jealousy (m❗)
47: ready
48: on water
49: action
50: reunite
51: helicopter
52: home
53: changed
54: threat
55: back for revenge -1-
56: back for revenge -2-
57: back for revenge -3-
58: distraction
59: mister
60: clingy
61: souvenir
62: arcade
63: decision
64: babies (m)
66: food food food
67: baby
68: learning and love
69: together forever (end)

65: one or two bars

6.5K 379 62
By YoongiAndHisMochi

-four weeks later-

"Taehyung! put that down right now!" Jungkook said seeing the hybrid holding one of his guns. His nightstand was open, the boy most likely found it hidden there, Jungkook had hid his guns wanting to pretend he was living a normal life, but they were never far away. because as a mafia leader you can never be fully safe.

"But, it has pretty flowers on it," Taehyung said, pointing at the engraved roses on the side of the gun.

"It's not a toy, give it here" jungkook frowned and snatched the gun from taehyung's hands who gasped dramatically and looked at him. "don't touch those things, it's dangerous. what if you shot your own foot?!"

"I'm not a baby!"

"there is most likely baby inside your belly so you better watch it"

"a-ah but, we don't know that yet!" taehyung frowned crossing his arms/ He had gotten two hands full for the raven, more than usual when he was already quite troublesome, but jungkook still loves him very much. he was just attracting so much trouble. from climbing on things to going everywhere jungkook tells him not to. Taehyung was acting much more curious than before, it was stressing jungkook who was waiting for their package to come here so they have results of the deed. Jungkook was silently hoping it would be positive but he wasn't sure. they did everything that had to be done if you want to mate a hybrid, yet he was unsure if it all worked. Taehyung hasn't said anything to him, he kept saying he doesn't know. that he doesn't feel much different, only more tired.

"Mr.Jeon" the voice of one of the maids was heard. Jungkook left the bedroom and saw her standing at the elevator doors. "Ah, mr.Jeon i got your package with me" she bowed and handed the small box to her boss.

"thank you" jungkook said and gave her a nod so she could leave the penthouse again. With the box he walked to taehyung who was silently trying to open the drawer and take the gun again but jungkook pushed it back shut and pressed the small box against taehyung's chest. "here, go do it"

"Okay '' Taehyung took the box and while unpacking it he headed to the bathroom. He shut the door and locked it. It would be embarrassing if Jungkook saw him take the test. the boy looked at the instruction images, not being able to read all those difficult long words that were under the pictures. but he could make something from it. Doing everything the box said he now had to wait. Taehyung closed the toilet lid so he could sit down and put the test on his lap resting his chin on his hands staring at the white thing. nothing came up yet. He was getting bored but very very anxious when suddenly one bar appeared.

"one, what does that mean!?" he said and snatched the box from the ground, dropping the stick in his sudden movements. his eyes scanned over the box for an explanation. In all those sentences he could read the words "you are not pregnant.....1 line......pregnant...2 lines" and that was basically all he had to know to be able to know what this means. Taehyung put the ox back down and grabbed the stick again turning it around, suddenly there were two bars visible and he gasped so loud jungkook could hear it. He was pressing his ear against the door to catch the sounds Taehyung made hoping to find out what the boy was seeing, if it was positive or not.

"Tae? did you get anything yet?" he asked curiously and impatiently.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung shouted and rushed to the door, unlocking it. Jungkook didn't wait even a second to pull the door open and walk inside searching for the stick the hybrid was holding, he snatched it from the boy's hands and looked at it. his eyes widening and a gasp leaving his lips when he saw the clear thick two lines.

"HOLY SHIT!" Jungkook looked at taehyung who looked a little worried about what jungkook might say. Taehyung expected a lot of different things but not to see tears coming out of Jungkook's eyes and see the raven kneel down crying.

"m-mister! why are you crying, don't cry. What's wrong? Is it bad? Are you unhappy? Is this wrong?" Taehyung asked all the things Jungkook couldn't say yes to. Jungkook just grabbed taehyung's face and pressing their lips together. the hybrid melting in the soft kiss full of love and adoration. The test now lost on the ground next to them.

"I love you so fucking much Taehyung" jungkook said their foreheads connected.

"I love you're happy?"

"I'm very happy," Jungkook smiled, kissing the boy's cheek. "were getting a family, our own little family"

"I'm glad" Taehyung smiled back.

"I will do everything I can to keep both of you safe for the rest of our lives." Jungkook knew it was not the best idea to have a kid when you're in the mafia but he really wanted to have a family with the hybrid. Jungkook can protect them, he can do this. He will grow bigger and always have people guard them. He will assure their safety more than he already was doing. He will be home before dinner, he will do laundry, he will play with their child. He will to everything a normal father does. It will be fine. "you have no idea how happy i am right now"

"I'm happy as long as you're happy too" Taehyung whispered softly and hugged the raven tightly, now crying too. "Please Never leave me alone."

"I would never do such a thing, baby. you're all mine and i can't wait to have a little us running around."

taehyung smiled snuggling more in jungkook's arms, he really felt like the luckiest hybrid in the world. he got the sweetest man at his side taking good care of him, protecting him from the bad in the world. he knew he was always walking right into trouble, taehyung was just so curious to know and see everything. Yet Jungkook never loved him any less, he would everytime show up and get him out of whatever Taehyung got himself into again. He was grateful for having jungkook.

and so Taehyung was also sure. it will be okay, they will be okay.


thank you for reading. the story is ending soon, it will end in four chapters. i will spam update today to finish them all for you.  see you soon in the next chapters!


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