
By KayleighRodriguez

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"Cora..." I say with an annoyed tone. I throw her arms off my waist, and grab a hold of Claire's hand. She gi... More

Characters Page!
Prologue: Xylon
Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Lingering Questions
Chapter 3: Birthday
Chapter 4: The Mark
Chapter 5: Delusionally Secure
Chapter 6: Only Day
Chapter 7: Disaster Date
Chapter 8: White Russian
Chapter 9: Vampire Schedule
Chapter 10: Gone
Chapter 12: Just a Question
Chapter 13: Claire's Pregnancy
Chapter 14: Baby Names
Chapter 15: How Many Blood Bags?
Chapter 16: False Hope
Chapter 17: Baby
Chapter 18: A Plan
Chapter 19: Escape
Chapter 20: You Have A Beautiful Baby..
Chapter 21: Strange
Chapter 22: All I See Is Red
Chapter 23: Jealous?
Chapter 24: The Ball
Chapter 25: Xylo
Epilogue: Claire
Authors Note

Chapter 11: Underworld

47 2 0
By KayleighRodriguez

Claire's P.O.V

The Underworld is a dark, fiery place filled with very loving people. Some parts of the Underworld looks like where I used to live. But majority of the area is filled with dead bodies, souls, and some reapers. I feel as if I am in Hell rather than in the Underworld. The ground is beneath me, I can feel it, but I can't see it. The fog is up to my ankles, making it seem like I am floating.

"Careful, you fall into the Sea of Souls, you'll never come out."

My dad says pulling me away from the edge. I start to think more of the King, he seemed a little bit familiar, but not enough for me to realize who it was. We make our way down a set of steps and step into a hall of nothing. It's just a hall to go into the city, because there was a sign indicating it. Unless that was a lie in itself. Maybe it's a trap and it's actually leading to something like those Saw movies.
I finally reach the bottom of the steps and we walk towards a store that has the look of 'death'.

"What is this?"

"I just need to grab a few things."

When we entered the store, I saw potions and papers with ingredients. I walk further in while my father walks off to the side to grab what he needs.
A woman in rags walks out from the darkness and creeps towards me. I try to not stare for too long and decide to duck behind a list of shelves. I grab a hold of my jacket, and I grip at the pocket.

"Can I help you with anything here?"

A voice from behind me says. It's the woman that is dressed in rags, I'm guessing she works here. I turn around and I have no idea what to say. This woman caught me dead in my tracks and has me still with her looks.

"Who are you?"

She says looking deeper within my soul. I try to move away, but I can't, she is holding me tight in position, unable to move or speak. Guess she didn't think that through when she started asking me questions.

"Siana, that isn't needed. She is my daughter."

The woman lets me go, then walks away.
She disappears behind a bookshelf and my dad walks towards the register. I follow, not wanting to be in that situation again. I can't wrap my head around at what had just happened, and my father didn't feel the need to tell me what that was all about. So I decide to drop the subject, leaving an empty feeling within me. If the situation continues to bother me today, I'll ask my dad about it, but for now, it doesn't matter.

"What did you get?"

"I got you a Demon book, for you to practice at home. I also got you a bunch of potions and herbs that you can take to keep the Witch side intact. You don't have to always take it, but once in a while should be fine."

"That's pretty cool, thanks dad."

I say hugging him with one arm, he responds with the same amount of effort that I put in. We start heading down a backstreet of neighborhoods, I'm guessing to show me our old house. Meaning that I was born here, so why did I need a blessing from the King?
We hop over a fence then walk down an alley until we reach a gigantic house that is way bigger than my parents house, in the suburbs. It looked better too, well, better in my eyes. The exterior is all black, with the windows outlined with white. The house looks like a miniature castle, similar to the Kings, but not as much. My dad leads me towards the house, and I'm sort of hoping this isn't ours. I never was greedy with the nice things I was able to get, and I feel like he wanted me to be that way.

"Welcome home."

Damn. It is home. Walking forward, up the the porch steps, we enter the house. The place is dusty, meaning that no one has been here in a while. Was it my fault that we had to leave? I mean, my parents would just give up a house to live with humans. It had to be my fault, I was born, and they probably refused to live here while having me alive.

"We aren't going to stay long, I have to be somewhere later, but I'll take you to go shopping."


He grabs a coat out of the closet door by the front door, then locks the front door on the way out. The stairs that we walked down and the street has all disappeared. There is now a boat, with a lamp hanging over it, floating in front of us. My dad motions for me to get inside the boat, and so I do. The creaky, but sturdy, boat jerks around as we both get seated in the boat. Suddenly a man in a black cloak appears and nearly scared the shit out of me, if my dad wasn't between the man and I.

"Where to?"

He speaks.

"Grim's Shoppe."

"Yes, sir."

He moves a paddle through the fog and takes off in a direction away from the house. We floated off the fog and into open space of nothing. There is a city below us, indicating that we are, in fact, floating in the air. The trip to the shoppe was short, and I was glad for it. The height from the floor, from here, is scary as shit. As we were arriving to the dock to let us out, I see a bunch of souls following us. Do they want help, even though they know they won't receive it? Or do they even know where they are at the moment? Do these souls even know that they are dead, or was their life stripped away from them without their consent?

"C'mon, get out. Before he takes you to the Land of the Dead."

"How big is the Underworld?"

"As big as the Earth."

My mouth forms an 'O' shape. As big as the Earth? I feel that is a little bit exaggerated, but who knows, I sure as hell don't.
We walk into Grims Shoppe, and I almost want to laugh. Everyone here is dressed to impress, as if the King himself is going to make an appearance here. Women are dressed in fancy dresses and men are dressed in suits. Everyone of them has a different style, some went all out with flashy colors others kept it simple. But none of them were the same. I kept my focus on the ground as we made our way into the shoppe.

"Your grace, welcome."

The man at the desk in the back says to my father as we are walking past him. We make it to the back of the shoppe and I'm in love. Clothes upon clothes rest in every corner of the room. Dresses, pants, shorts, tank tops, everything a girl, who loves clothes, would want. They have floral patterns, solid colors, lace... What is my dad doing to me? Bringing me to a shoppe as perfect as this!?

"Pick out what you like, anything. No limit. When you're done come back to the counter and have Tarrek ring it up."

I walk forward, almost unable to control myself, towards the dresses. I pick out a long loose blue dress, then I grab a Peplum dress with the colors of a dark purple and gold. I fell in love with the Peplum dress, until I saw the shirts.
I basically threw three loose fit shirts in my pile, two pair of pants and shorts, until I knew I was done. I'm not the type to get forty articles of clothing, just a couple of outfits is enough for me. My dad smiled at me, but frowned at how little my pile was. He likes to spend money on the people he truly cares about, but I always wanted him to save his money. It sometimes bothers me how people can just throw money away, on items that aren't really needed. He paid for the items before we left the shoppe, and again, I had to avert my eyes away from the 'dressed-to-impress' supernaturals.

My dad wanted to stay longer with me, but he had to take care some business. He said it was too dangerous for me to accompany, which was fine by me, because I am extremely tired. I just want to get inside my bed and fall asleep. Also, since Xylon is gone, I can go to sleep when I get home. I do not have to be on the schedule for Vampires. All I have to do is make sure that I have my blood intake, and be somewhat social.

We had said our goodbyes as we left the restaurant, having me make my way back to my room with my clothes.
Once inside, I made it my mission to get to my room. Not just because I was tired, no, I needed to throw up. I sped my way to the room just to thrust my face halfway in the toilet bowl. Blood flies out of my mouth and into the toilet, my stomach is convulsing and my throat is on fire. Maybe it was the blood that I drank at the restaurant? It could of been bad?
After two minutes of puking my lungs out, I am able to clean up and take a quick shower. I get in my pajamas and walk over to the bedroom. When I walk in, I was hoping to see Xylon, but thinking about it now makes me angry. A memory of him fills my mind, he's standing in the doorway... I push the thoughts aside and climb into bed.
How could he do this to me? Leave without saying anything, I hope he has a hell of an apology or story. Because this whole thing is pissing me off. He promised to be there for me, to protect me, but where is he? It's not like I need protection, it would just be nice to know where he went.


I mentally call out to him. I feel like a fool, as if he is going to respond. He ignored everyone, everyone! His own family?... Me?
Forgetting that he would respond, my thoughts fade away and form into a fantasy that only my mind can produce. Seeking the sleep for a damaged heart, I close my eyes and fall into a deep slumber.
Though I wish I was able to fall asleep, I think I was asleep for a good two hours, before I had to jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. Again I was throwing my insides into the toilet bowl. I couldn't breathe for the most part, and I think I woke up some members of the house. I shut the door slightly, because I refused to have anyone see me like this.


It's Xavier, I can tell. His voice is very distinct, if you have heard him talk before, then it would be easy to know it's him.

"Are you feeling okay?"

He's on the opposite side of door, not persisting me to open up.


I say honestly. Why should I lie? What would be the point? He woke up because there is nothing wrong with me? Yeah, no. If I said that I was alright, he would of persisted me to open the door. Cleaning up the blood from my lips and chin, I open the door to see Xavier. Dahlia is behind him not saying anything, until she sees my face.

"Xavier, go get her something to eat. Come here."

Dahlia drags me back into the bathroom and shuts the door behind her.

"Your face is as white as a ghost! Are you feeling under the weather?"

"I don't know, do Vampires get sick?"

"Sometimes, but it depends. Have you been throwing up?"

"Yes, since yesterday."

Dahlias eyes grow wide, then she pulls me into a hug. I have no idea what is happening. I appreciate the hug, but why?


"Claire, you're pregnant."

My eyes grow wide with shock, and my mouth began to droop. What in the holy fuck? I'm pregnant? I fall to my knees and I can't wrap my head around it. I thought that Xylon was protected... Is that why he's not here? Because he knew I was pregnant? A knock at the door draws my attention away from the pregnancy. Xavier walks in and hands me a blood bag. Immediately after he handed it to me, I drink the blood unbelievably fast. I'm craving more, or the baby is craving more? I wish Xylon was here... To explain to me what is happening. I need clarity.. Because not knowing how this happened is pissing me off!
Dahlia gives me a look of 'can I tell him'. I look at her and think about it, I'm really pregnant? It seems too surreal. Is this why he's gone? Because he thought I would snap at him for getting me pregnant without my permission? No, that can't be it..

"I'm pregnant."

I say aloud. Xavier smiles, then picks me up and gives me a hug. The hug didn't last for too long, and I was glad. I don't want to be in any other mans arms, except Xylons.


He says letting go of me, while wrapping one arm around Dahlia. He looks at me and something flashes over his face, causing him to continue speaking.

"And Claire?"


"Xylons home.."

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