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By gonsleftcheek

62.6K 2.7K 2.1K

ā š™Žš™¤...š™®š™¤š™Ŗ'š™«š™š š™œš™¤š™© š™–š™£ š™šš™«š™žš™” š™Øš™„š™žš™§š™žš™©, š™š™Ŗš™? āž āš™”š™šš™–š™ š™–š™£š™™ š™£š™¤š™¬ š™„ š™š™–š™«š™š š™–š™£ š™–... More

ź§ļøŽ Characters & Stand Info ź§‚
1.0 || Evil Spirits!? ||
2.0 || Returned Friend. ||
3.0 || Airplanes & Rapiers. ||
4.0 || Boats. ||
5.0 || Freighter. ||
6.0 || Singapore.||
7.0 || Feuds & Loss? ||
8.0 || Return!? & Cars ||
10.0 || Steely Dan? More like Dirty Dan. ||
11.0 || The Sun. ||
12.0 || Baby...STAND? ||
13.0 || Retrival. ||
14.0 || Almost There. ||
15.0 || Cat & Dog. ||
16.0 || Recovery and.... Family?! ||
17.0 || Dads....amiright? ||
18.0 || Split. ||
18.5 || The Lost. ||
18.7 || The Deal. ||
19.0 || Awakening. ||
20.0 || The Friend. ||
20.5 || Ready to Love? ||

9.0 || Creepy Town. ||

2.4K 121 57
By gonsleftcheek


Anne left as fast as she returned.
She was very reluctant to go, wanting to stay with you all but that was an obvious no.

Joseph gave her a brief summary of the situation and it changed her view.
But before she boarded the plane she quickly embraced you, melting your heart instantly.

She seemed to be looking for someone after your hug but still went on the plane leaving you all with, "See ya! Life is just a bunch of goodbyes!"
As the plane took off Jotaro walked over with his hands in his pockets.
"Hm? Where'd you go Jojo?"

"Bathroom." He said watching the plane fly higher.

When it was out of sight Joseph clapped his hands and turned around. "Well, let's get back on the road."

Pakistan is a young country , established in 1947 following it's separation from India. But when primitive peoples first began to live in Japan, there was already civilization in Pakistan.
Here in Pakistan, the people carry on the five thousand year history of the Indian subcontinent.

Once again you were sandwiched in between the two relatives as Kakyoin was in the passenger and Polnareff in the driver.

The top off, blue Jeep drove through the fog, and it seemed to only get thicker.
"Polnareff, is it safe to drive right now? It appears the fog in this area is getting quite thick."

"Yeah it might be dangerous. Since there's a sheer drop to one side and no guard rail." He replied keeping his eyes on the road.
"The fog is getting thicker up ahead." Joseph acknowledged, taking out his pocket watch.
He checked the time. "It's not even 3 o'clock yet but I guess we have no choice. Let's find a place to stay in that town for the night."

Copycat laid on your lap sleeping. As you got closer to the town he rose his head, alert.
You followed his gaze and your eyes widened.
Was that a dog's corpse?!
Jotaro had seen the impaled dog too, thinking the same thing.

"What's the matter, you two?" Joseph questioned and you brushed it off.
"Oh, it's nothing."
He didn't seem to believe it but didn't pester on, which you were grateful for.

Moments later you arrived in town and it gave an eerie and weird feeling.

"This is a nice little town. I'd say it has a population of a few thousand." Joseph said observing the fogged streets, before you came to a stop.
Kakyoin was the first to get out. "Let's ask about a hotel at that restaurant there." He pointed.

You stood behind Polnareff as he spoke.
"It sure is a weirdly quiet town...Every other place has been super crowded and noisy."

"It's probably because of the fog." Joseph dismissed and he stopped you all in front of the restaurant.
"Listen up everyone. In Pakistan, and further west in the Islamic world, this is how you greet people."
"First you smile and say..."
He grinned and turned to the man standing at the entrance of the restaurant.
"Assalamu alaikum!"


He was only met with silence.

You gave him a soft smile even though he couldn't see it. I mean he pronounced it better than most people. You encouraged mentally, watching the guy flip the sign from 'Open' to 'Closed'

((A/n: My mom was in my room when I was watching this scene and ended up cracking up at this 😭))

His smile faltered. "E-Er...You didn't have to close up shop so suddenly...We just wanted to ask a question. Is there a hotel nearby?"



"I don't know." And with that he turned around walking away.

"Huh? Wait a minute! What do you mean you don't know!?"

The man didn't reply and kept walking until he was consumed in darkness.
"W-What's with that guy..?" Joseph wondered and you tapped his shoulder.
"How about we ask that person sitting over there?"
You pointed and Polnareff strolled over giving the man a closed eye smile.

"Hey, guy! Sorry, but we're looking for a hotel. Preferably a hotel with nice, clean toile-"

"They're dead." You cut him off, a grim look on your face.

"Huh, How do you know?"

"You can't see them from the angle your standing at but the eyes."

Polnareff pulled their shoulder, and the corpse leaned back, the mouth opened with a final look of fear permanent on their face.
Lizards chasing after beetles crawled out of the mouth.

"WHAT!?" They yelled in unison and you moved to the side, avoiding a lizard.

"They're dead! They died with that look of fear on their faces!" Joseph exclaimed and you were fixated on how other townsfolk simply walked by as if nothing is happening.

Polnareff stared at the body with an uneasy smile. "W-What the hell is this? Why are they lying dead in the road?"
"What was cause of death?!"
"A heart attack? A stroke?" He questioned even more.

Jotaro walked around the body, leaning forward to get a better look, "That could be...but it doesn't seem to be ordinary heart failure."

"A g-gun! This guy is holding a gun..." Polnareff said surprised.
"You just noticed? He fired it, not to mention it was just fired from the smoke coming from it."
Joseph analyzed.

You looked back at the body. "It wasn't suicide, there's no blood or wounds anywhere."

"Then how'd this guy die?! Look at them! Their face is distorted like they were screaming in utter terror!" Polnareff gestured to the obvious.

Joseph kneeled down to examine more carefully, while you had the urge to walk away.
Something was really off about this town and you wanted to know why.

"What did this man shoot with his gun? What in the world is going on?" Joseph questioned.
"No one in town noticed anything?"

You drowned out their talk and Copycat laid his body across your shoulders before taking his paw and pushing your head to the side.

"Huh?- Oh." You stared at the
twin children and they stared back.

Follow us~
What could've been their voices spoke beside you, but their mouths were closed.

You blinked and the twins ran off.

Your flight response kicked in and without a second thought you were after them, taking twists and turns you didn't think were possible.
As you ventured after them the fog became thicker.

After a last turn they were gone and of course you were lost.

You heard a crack beneath you.
"Double fuck."

You began to fall into the seemingly endless pit but suddenly, you were in the air above the familiar group.

Joseph seemed to be in the air too....above fence spikes.
"What!? Hermit Purple!!"

You landed in Jotaro's arms while Joseph nearly avoided death for like the 24th time in his life.

You flicked Jotaro's hat up a bit sending him one of your smiles. "Thanks!"
He nodded somehow not questioning how and why you fell from the sky.
You all turned to Joseph who was leaning on the fence he was just about to get impaled on.

"Hey old man, what the hell are you doing? Are you stupid?"

Joseph looked over to his grandson with awe, "What do you mean, what am I doing!?? The car was right here a minute ago!"

"What? Car?"
Polnareff raised his nonexistent brow, pointing to where the car was.
"We just parked the car over there."

Joseph was confused as fuck and you narrowed your eyes seeing a small figure come out from the fog.
The clicking of a cane attracted the attention of the others.
As they came closer and the fog grew thin they were revealed to be a old woman.

She didn't speak. Only bowed her head slightly.
And of course with good manners you all reciprocated the action.

She looked up with a big toothless smile, "You seem to be travelers. With this fog, it's dangerous to leave the town now. There are many cliffs, you know."
Copycat appeared from behind Kakyoin's neck, sitting on the males shoulder.

"I run a little bed and breakfast. If you'd like, why not stay there for the night? I'll make it cheap." She offered while Jotaro set you down beside him.

Polnareff leaned down a bit to see her more. "Ah~ We've finally met a normal person!" He exclaimed.

Copycat bounced from Kakyoin's shoulder to Jotaro's and then to yours.
Joesph agreed to her offer and she motioned for the group to follow her after she called for the body to be removed from the street.

While on the walk Kakyoin spoke up but not loud enough for the old woman to hear. "There's a strong possibility that the Stand user is hiding somewhere in this town. Not to mention the thick fog gives them the upper hand."

You forced a smile, "Mhm so that means we have to keep our guard up alllll night!" You whisper-yelled and Polnareff sighed at the thought, "Even with anyone attacking us this is a really creepy town..."

You took Copycat from your shoulders and into your arms. "Tell me about it...it's like this place isn't meant to be. Well at least not anymore." You stared at the old lady a couple feet ahead, eyes unblinking.

The hotel was in view and she turned to you all.
"Come now, Mr. Joestar. That is my hotel."
As you neared it's doors she spoke of a few things about the hotel.
"This hotel is small...but about twenty years ago, one of the 007 films was filmed here. John Lennon and the Beatles even stayed here once."
You blinked.

"WHAT! REALLY!?" You and Polnareff yelled.

"No, Not at all."


"But it's still quite a nice hotel." She said with that smile still on her face. She turned around basically at the hotel's doors.
"There are currently no other guests. Would meat for dinner be all right?"
"Or do you guys prefer fish-"

"Hold it, Old lady." Jotaro stopped her, tilting his head to the side.
"You just said "Joestar," didn't you? How'd you know that name?"

Her face was turned from you all and you wished you could see if her expression faltered in the slightest to prove some point.

People who can smile that long without change of expression scared you.

". . ."

She turned, "Come now, sir. That person right there said "Mr. Joestar" a moment ago." She gestured to Polnareff.

He pointed to himself unsure. "What? Me?!...Well I guess I must have."

"You did sir! When you've been in customer service for many years, you learn to memorize peoples names quickly. So I'm sure of it!"

You began to deep dive into your memory files trying to remember when he said it while she was present.

"By the way, ma'am what happened to your left arm?" Polnareff asked.

"Oh this?" She waved the bandaged hand, "I just burned it a little... It might be because of my old age, but I accidentally spilled boiling water on it."

"Age? What are you talking about!? You only look to be about forty! Maybe I'll ask you on a date!" Pol grinned.

"Please don't tease me so, sir." She giggled then it turned into both of them laughing.

You gave up trying to remember if Pol said 'Joestar' or not and gave them both a strained smile, "Can we go in now?"

"Oh yes, of course! Come now."

You finally walked into the hotel.
"Oh, this doesn't look too bad."
Joseph pointed out and you nodded while signing your "name" into the book she had out.
You handed the pen to Polnareff, then stood by Joesph.


She showed you to your rooms but of course you were gathered in Joseph's to see if he can use Hermit Purple with the television.

You sat on the bed as Kakyoin hit the television to see if it would work.
"It appears to be broken."

"Hm..Then I won't be able to use Hermit Purple to get information on the enemy..."

Polnareff popped his head in, "Hey, Mr. Joestar. Is there a bathroom in this room? There doesn't seem to be one in mine."

You crossed your legs. "Maybe the bathroom here is communal."

"Oh right!" He piped and closed the door behind him.

"Good grief, he's so carefree. An unknown Stand user can attack at any moment." Joseph sighed.

- Mini Time-skip -

You sat in your own room trying to ignore the ruckus going on downstairs.
Jotaro and the others had already gone the first time but ultimately let Polnareff do the rest as he was going to find the bathroom in the first place.

But something was seriously odd about this town. Like you could blink and it would be something different.

Copycat was curled up on your stomach. You stared up at the ceiling, before speaking up.
"I know your all comfy but if I hear another sound come from downstairs we are hauling our asses over there."

On que, the sound of breaking glass made its way to your ears.

"Well...that was quick..." You laid there for a moment and before you stood up Copycat reluctantly moved off.

"Alright..." You stretched, "Let's see what's going on."


"So...you guys look like you've been doing fun things." You crouched down beside Jotaro, staring at the old lady frothing at the mouth.

Jotaro stood up. "Polnareff licked a toilet."

Your head snapped to Polnareff's reddening face, "You did what now!?"

"Why'd you have to tell her like that Jotaro!!?" Polnareff yelled turning away from you.

"So you actually did!" You broke out in laughter, wiping the tears falling from your eyes.

Polnareff stomped out of the room "Wait!- No! Don't go Polnareff It's just-, YOU LICKED A TOILET!" You laughed even harder while Kakyoin walked in confused as ever.

- mini-time skip -

You were standing near Jotaro while Joseph was picking on Polnareff.

You snickered at Joseph laughing on the floor.
"I hope we can find a nice toilet for Polnareff, right Jojo?"
You said, still looking at the trio.

"Mhm, Y/n look."
Jotaro tugged on your sleeve and simply pointed at the opened door.

You turned your head and your smile faltered.
"I knew there was something iffy about this town..."
You watched the fog circle around the rows and rows of gravestones.
"But I didn't expect this."

Jotaro spoke up, gaining the other's attention.
"Everyone, come outside."

You ignored surprised looks and conversations following after.
Let me do a quick head count..since we all seem to be here.

Pretty boy

Pretty boy #2

Old muscular man

Big boob man

Old lady that probably worships Dio to the core...

Hm...There should be one more person.

You poked Jotaro's stomach. "Wasn't there another person Polnareff was with or am I crazy?"

Before he could answer you snapped your fingers.
"The blonde cowboy!"

"You mean Hol Horse?" Polnareff questioned, and the sound of an engine alerted all of you.

The blue jeep drove down the road with the said blonde in the drivers seat, "See ya later losers!!"

A strained smile graced your lips. "I should've shot his ass when I had the chance..."
Copycat sat on your shoulder and meowed in agreement.


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