
By Muse-Dono

408 0 0

Instead of Momonga, it was Ryoko who was transmigrated to the New World with Nazarick. Watch as she attempts... More

Game Over. Try Again?
A Death Worth Dying For
A Weeping Heart
Haunting Memories
Into The Rabbit Hole

Team Isekai

43 0 0
By Muse-Dono

The city of E-Rantal seems to be stuck in in the western time period of horse carriages, but still with indoor plumbing.

The last thing I am is a historian, so I really can't say what era this would be in Earth's frame, but nonetheless, I am immensely relieved that the civilizations isn't anything too different from my homeland's own distant past.

And the indoor plumbing. Indoor plumbing is very much appreciated.

"Please watch your step, my-" Demiurge swallows his words, grimacing to himself at his near slip as he tries to subtly herd me around the small puddle on the cobblestone.

I smile wryly, noticing how stiff he's become since we've been allowed to enter the city's walls.

It seems we've hit on a busy day, with the sidewalks bustling with people and horses pulling open carriages on the street. Wooden stands and bricked shops alike try to attract more customers with a few employees holding up signs with deals on them, almost pushing them in your face, and I spot a few lured customers trying to haggle prices with the sellers.

The loud chatter and almost overwhelming mix of different scents causes my temples to ache, and I can see myself working up quite the headache if stuck here for too long.

'I suppose super-senses isn't always a blessing,' I grumble to myself. I eye Demiurge, wondering how he's handling all of this himself. He's nearly as straight as a ruler, shoulders tense, gaze flickering here and there as he tries to guard me from the buzzing crowd with his own body. His eyes are narrowed and sharp for any possible threat, lips pursed.

(I can't help but be hyper-aware of every time his body brushes my own, the sensation lingering.)

"Relax," I tell him with a hand on his right arm. "They aren't going to jump out and attack us, you know," I tease.

Demiurge inclines his head. "Forgive me. While I don't believe these...Sheep are of any current threat, I wish that you didn't need to subject yourself to such filth."

Well, that just about ruins my good mood. "De-Dagan, please don't call them filth," I frown. "That's a bit uncalled for; we're in a middle of a city, mid-day. You can't expect people to respect personal space right now."

His eyes widen, as if I had just graced him with some kind of holy wisdom. "Oh, but of course! I deeply apologize, I shouldn't utter such things in risk of our mission. You are as correct and insightful as always!"

That...I don't think he got quite what I was going for, but I swallow around the awkward lump in my throat and redirect my gaze anyways. "Ah, well, you shouldn't be talking like that either -not that I don't find it charming-" 'Shut up, shut, why would you say that?!' "But, um, it doesn't really fit with your current appearance, you know? Just, ah, try to be more casual. I guess."

"Of course!"

"Right. Well, do you have any idea where the adventure guild might be? Can you read any of the signs?"

Demiurge cranes his neck to try to read the different writings around us, shaking his head. "My apologies- that is, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I am illiterate in this language. Though, it's very curious how we're able to understand them verbally..."

"Yeah, it is pretty weird..."

Rather stupidly, I didn't think of the possibility that this new world would have a langauge barrier before leaving Nazarick. Which is a big problem now. I'm fluent in both English and Japanese, but the symbols posted in this city isn't similar to either or any other language from the old world. It's not even similar to Ancient Norse, which YGGDRASIL would sometimes have for magical items before the Japanese translation.

I don't think there's even a magic item in the treasury that could offer an easy solution. 'I suppose I'll have to try my hand at a third language now.'

"At some point we're going to have learn the written language," I comment idly. "Though, I'm not sure how, considering it would be weird for two full grown adults to not know already -well, um..." I trail off, wondering if that might not be the case on second thought.

We might actually be able to get away with it if we say that we're from a far off rural village...Maybe...Probably not with the current (good quality) armer we're wearing right now...

"If it pleases you, I can always have it arranged for a human to be taken to Nazarick as to assis-help you with this matter," he offers.

I chuckle, before realizing that Demiurge is actually perfectly serious. The laughter die rather quickly. "Dagan, we can't just kidnap a random stranger," I tell him slowly, making sure that he understands me.

He tilts his head curiously. "I can assure you that it would be a simple task. Naturally, we would search for the best educator, but it would be done so that their disappearance would not lead back to us or the Great Tomb. The last thing I wish is to endanger our mission in any way."

"I- no. Just no. We are not going to kidnap someone! Kidnapping is bad." Even as the words fall from my lips, a part of me still can't believe that this is something I have to explain. For a moment, I wish desperately that I wasn't the only one left behind, so that I can share the exasperation with a fellow guild member.

A complicated expression crosses Demiurge's face, seemingly as if in deep contemplation.

As he does that, I search the area for someone to ask for directions. Everyone looks so determined -lots of things to do, very little time to do them...


Grabbing Demiurge's hand, I wave through the busy bodies in order to break away from the main crowd, stepping into a small patch of a natural, central park where an older man is sitting on a wooden bench, eating his sandwich alone.

"Excuse me," I clear my throat once I'm a small distance away.

The man pauses, glancing up with his food still raised. "Yes?" he questions, rubbing the crumbs from his grey-haired moustache. He appears reasonably well-off, maybe mid-forties, with clean and primed clothes and worn leather boots.

"Hi," I smile. "Sorry to bother you, but I wondering if you could point me and my friend in the direction of the adventure's guild? We're new in town, and don't have a clue to where it could be."

His lips twitch, before he smothers his own smile. "The Guild, eh?" He examines Demiurge and I with a curious, critical eye, lingering on the sword at my hip and the magic staff in Demiurge's other hand.

Considering that Ulbert didn't gift him with any swordsmanship skills, or any weapon skills really, and since he can't just use his demonic abilities while playing human, I was luckily able to find a replacement in the treasury with Pandora's help.

It's a very unique, special staff that Momonga spent quite the pretty penny in order to get a while back. This is because its super rare (only fifteen in existence) and doesn't actually require the 'castor' to have magic spells themselves. You only need to charge it up beforehand with someone else's MP, and then anyone will be able to use the basic elemental spells installed at your leisure.

The only down side is that it has a 24hr cool down after all of the stored MP is used up, and it can't cast anything higher than Seventh-Tier. But, well, that shouldn't be a problem.

"Are you guys just starting out?" The man asks.

"Yeah! We just arrived a few hours ago, actually, and the plan is to sign up before booking in at an inn. Are you part of the guild, maybe?"

"Retired, sadly," he sighs, through he doesn't seem too troubled by this fact. "But I can show you the way, no problem." He wraps up his unfinished sandwich before pushing off, wiping away a few stray crumb on his pants.

"Thanks, I appreciate it! I'm Naila, by the way, and this is my teammate Dagan," I offer an outstretched hand, which the man takes gladly. His grip is firm, and I can feel the callouses on his palm, telling of years of weapon handling.

Beside me, Demiurge twitches, watching the handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you two, name's Pluton Ainzach. The guild could use some fresh meat," he grins good naturally.

I laugh, and Pluton and Demiurge also shake hands. With Pluton leading, we start making our way to the guild while chatting.

"How long were you an adventure before retiring?" Demiurge asks politely. "What did you specialize in?"

"Ah, I started in my early twenties, and learned the art of the sword by my father, bless his soul. But what about you?" he turns to me, gesturing to my own long sword. "How long have you been practising? We don't get too many female warriors around these parts."

"About seven years now," I reply.

We start going down the rabbit hole of swords and blade work, with Pluton sprinkling in a few of his adventures with his days of killing the undead in the Katze Plains, until he redirects it back do Demiurge:

"What kind of magic do you use? I admit that I might not be the most knowledgable when it comes to the magic side of things, but it doesn't take a genius to see the craftsmanship put in that staff of yours."

"It was a family heirloom," Demiurge lies smoothly. "I'm a Third Tier magician, primarily within the fire element."

Pluton whistles, nodding in appreciation. "That's very impressive for a young man your age -did you turn fifteen this year? Perhaps sixteen?"

I'm unable to completely hide my short of laughter in time, pressing a fist into my tight-lipped smile. 'Fifteen-!' Stealing a quick glance, I have to acknowledge that with Demiurge's current mousy, unassuming appearance, he does come off as a shy teenager at first.

It makes me wonder what Pluton thought the two of our relationship was. Aunt and nephew? Mother and son-?

Demiurge's right brow twitches, and his own smile becomes strained. "Twenty five, actually," he corrects coolly.

"Ah." Pluton is quiet for a moment, as we all are, plunged in heavy awkwardness, until he clears his throat and redirects the conversation. "How did the two of you meet again?"

"We grew up in the same neighbourhood as kids," I answer. "Our mothers had been friends themselves."

Pluton nods in understanding, and the rest of the walk in spend in silence. It only takes us about another five minutes until we arrive at the large Guild. A bell chimes as we enter, and the receptionist -a young brunette with a pink commoner dress and hat- immediately glances up to greet us.

"Ah, welcome, Guildmaster! I didn't think you'd be in today," she smiles pleasantly towards Pluton.

I feel my stomach drop. 'Guildmaster-?'

Pluton's smile widens into a grin as he meets my eye, and he winks. "I'm just dropping by," he assures the receptionist. "Why don't you get a couple of the application forms and I'll take these two newbies into my office?"

"Of course, Guildmaster," she inclines her head before turning around to go digging in one of the drawers.

"You didn't tell us you were the Guildmaster, Plut-Guildmaster," I chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. Dear God, I hope that Demiurger and I didn't offend him in any way-!

"Well, you never asked," he counters easily, clearly enjoying this.


The next three hours are spend with Pluton quizzing us on our abilities and past experiences. He's a lot more thorough than I thought it would be -but maybe I've simply been spoiled with real video games- but in retrospect, all of the papers needing signed makes since. It's like any membership with day-to-day bodily risks trying to protect themselves from being sued.

Pluton also goes into the Guild's rules and how it works, explaining that everyone has to start at copper regardless of family connections or skills. There are seasonal exams, however, so that individuals and teams alike can try to rise within the ranks with an examiner booked and present, with a few noticeable exceptions if you mange to pull off an impressive enough mission.

Admittedly, most of the time, I'm worrying about hiding my and Demiurge's illiteracy, but thankfully, Pluton seems happy enough to gives us the basics of the contract verbally and only slides the papers over when he's finished.

Demiurge and I sign at the bottom, and Pluton asks us what our duo will be called.

"Team Isekai," I grin. I've been looking forward to this question all day, secretly relishing in my inside joke. (I crack myself up sometimes!)

Pluton arches a brow, but dutifully starts to write it down. "And how would you spell it?"

"Could I do it?"

He passes the paper and the quill, and I write 'isekai' down in my native language, English.

"I-Is this runes? I don't think I've ever seen this language before."

Well, that's a relief to know that this world has multi-languages.

I shrug my shoulders, an idea springing to mind. "It's my mother tongue. Unfortunately, this is a unique word, and I don't think your's has a direct translation for it."

Suddenly, Demiurge becomes hyper-curious about the single, written word, and he leans over to memorize it better.

"What does it mean? Where did the two of you say you were born again?"

I try my best not to give too many details while still answering Pluton's many questions, and eventually -though not soon enough in my opinion- Pluton gathers the fact that he isn't going to truly crack me, and allows Demiurge and I to leave.

We spend a few more minutes chatting with the other adventures on the main floor, all very friendly and with good-natured heckling for the newbies. People mostly ask we're from, and marvel or ogle over my strong build -"for a woman/girl" and "you don't see a lot of swordswomen around these parts!"- is often commented.

When we finally exit the Guild, the shopping hustle of this afternoon has mostly died down, and my gnawing stomach reminds me that its diner time.


"Are you alright?" I ask Demiurge, frowning.

He's hasn't said a single word since we left Pluton's office -no, until our team's namesake was chosen, with a slight dumbstruck expression on his face.

He shakes himself out of his stupor, plastering a smile on for my benefit. "Perfectly, my-" he coughs, clearing his throat. "I apologies for needlessly worrying you. May I ask what the plan is now that we've succeeded in joining the Guild? Shall we find temporary accommodations?"

"Come on, you can tell me," I nudge him with my elbow. "What's on your mind?"

He hesitates. "I am simply in awe of being privileged to be bestowed upon with yet another piece of the Supreme Beings' World," he confesses. "And, I suppose, mystified onto why you would do the same thing for a unimportant human."

I hum. "Well, if I'm being honest, I wouldn't exactly call 'English' to be the 'Supreme Beings'' language. I was actually an outsider even among the others -see, in our world, different countries and continents would sometimes have different languages. However, with VR games and the internet, people from across the world were able to talk and meet each other regardless of the geographic distance between them. Although I was born and raised in Canada, learning English as my first language, one of the reasons I originally started YGGDRASIL was to practice my Japanese language skills, which is why I joined the Japanese server instead of the English one.

So, really, if any language would be the official 'Supreme Beings,' it would have to be Japanese. And while 'isekai' does originate from Japan, I had written it the English way. Does this make any sense to you?"

He bobs his head rapidly, inching closer with gleaming eyes. "Yes! Thank you for explaining this to this unworthy servant-"

"Shhh!" I quickly cover his mouth, glancing around, before becoming embarrassed about my own actions and hastily taking my hand back in the next.

Nonetheless, Demiurge is suddenly shame-faced. He makes a move to kneel before jerkily catching himself, seemingly in an endless loop of wanting to beg but also not wanting to dig himself a bigger hole.

"It's fine," I sigh. "I just don't want you to call yourself that, and for others to get the wrong idea." 'I also really, really don't like the way you constantly put yourself down in order to raise me higher.'

But that's a lengthy conversation for later.

He nods, staring at his shoes and tight-lipped.

"Let's just go find a place to eat first, yeah?"

Personally, I attempt to enter the first Inn/tavern that I find near the city's stonewalls, but Demiurge takes one look at the chipping paint and creaky wooden sign hanging above, and makes a face.

Smoothly placing a hand on the base of my spine -sending a delicious shiver up it- he guides me away in the opposite direction.

"Dem-Dagan?" I question, bewildered.

His brows furrow, throwing one last disgusted glance towards the Inn. "Such a place is not befitting you. Please, I insist that you allow me to find proper lodging."

"Um, you know that we don't have much money right now, right?" I remind him slowly. "We'll probably have more tomorrow, when we go monster hunting."

Pluton explained that the easiest, quickest way to earn cash was to hunt any of the monsters living in the nearby forests and travelling paths, and if we bring back proof of the kills the Guild will pay us what they're worth. Most newbie Adventurers go this route, since copper plate missions are all pitiful and/or crappy. It also provides real-life experience of varying levels of dangerous situations and opponents for them, which helps towards the seasonal exams.

"Money will not be a problem," Demiurge responds confidently.

Bemused, I allow him to guide me back uptown, going down into the expensive streets that I suspect to cater towards the nobles of the place. More than one person wrinkles their nose in our direction, noting our humble attire.

Demiurge keeps a keen, skeptical eye out for any fancy Inn or Hotel. Finally, once we've reached the most expensive one, he comments something along the lines of "it'll do" before stalking up to the entrance.

We don't even make it past the front doors.

"Hired escorts must wait outside," the doorman tells us firmly with a hand held out, stopping us.

"[You will let us through,]" he commands harshly.

The doorman's eyes gloss over, and I feel myself gaping, staring at Demiurge in shock. "Of course," the doorman drones, and steps to the side.

"Dude!" I hiss, pulling him to the side with his arm. The rich couple walking past us gives us a strange look, which we both ignore. "You can't go around mind-controlling others! Don't tell me you were planning to do the same to book us a room?"

He should not be allowed to look that innocent, that much like a kicked puppy! "I -Have I displeased you again?"

I resist the urge to pinch his cheek, the adorable man. 'Remember the issue here, Naila!' I inhale carefully. "I'm just worried about the employees here. Sooner or later the boss will figure out someone is using a room for free, and whoever ends up booking us will probably be fired for it. I don't want to get them in trouble."

"My-Naila, you are truly, marvellously benevolent, to be so considerate towards such beings!" Demiurge clasps one of my hands in both of his, beaming. "I hear your words, and will adjust my plan accordingly. Please wait here for me."

"What?" I blink stupidly, watching helplessly as Demiurge sends me another dazzlingly smile before disappearing into the Hotel.

It takes me a moment for my brain to kick start again.

"Wait! D-Dagan!" I rush in after him, but he -the surprisingly speedy man- is already talking to the hostess, who immediately leads him elsewhere. I'm about to chase after them when I smell it.

The most heavenly, mouth watering delicious roast beef that has ever tickled my nose. It causes my stomach to growl, reminding me sharply that I still haven't eaten yet. My feet are moving on their own before I can fully register it.

"Can I help you, Ma'am?"

I blink, the world coming back into focus as the waiter carrying a tray shifts on his feet awkwardly, blocking the entrance to the kitchen. I manoeuvre my head so that I can peer into the small window on the door, a 'Employees Only' boldly labeled on it.

"What is that wondrous smell?" I breathe, swallowing.

The waiter plasters on a retail smile, still not budging from in front of the door. "If you would like to try one of our dishes, I'm afraid that you'll have to book a room beforehand. Are you currently with us, Ma'am? I can have someone send up a menu to your room if you are, and we will be pleased to serve you."

"I-" I hesitate. "No, I'm not a guest. Are you sure that I can't get it to go, please?" I ask weakly. This close, the scent of the roast beef and all of the other spices are only stroking my appetite, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

The waiter's smile becomes strained, and he adjusts his hold on his tray. "I'm afraid not, Ma'am. If you would like to order you have to first book a room," he repeats. "It's policy. Would you like for someone to guide you back to the front office?"

"What's going on, Angun?" another employee -a woman in her mid-thirties who gives off the impression of 'manager' opens the kitchen door to poke her head out, attention snapping towards me.

"I think she's gotten a bit lost, I was just going to get someone to lead her back to the front," the waiter hurriedly answers, shooting me a quick glance.

The woman eyes his tray. "Alright. I'll help our guest here, I need you to go deliver the food."

"Of course!" The waiter quickly goes to do exactly just that without further adieu.

The woman steps out of the kitchen fully, smiling at me. "If you'd please follow me, miss...?"

"Oh! Um, Naila," I startle, slowing my steps so that she can stay ahead of me. "Sorry about, you know, coming here. I just smelled the food and..." I tail off, laughing nervously as I rub the back of my neck. "I guess my feet just moved on their own."

"It's perfectly understandable," she assures me smoothly, leading me through the weaves and turns in the hallway that I have zero memory walking through earlier. "If I may, what was it that caught your interest, Miss Naila?"

"The roast beef," I confess. "It smelled really good..."

She goes on to explain -advertise- the quality of the beef dishes, then onto some of the specials. By the time we arrive back to the lobby my stomach has never felt emptier, and I ever more regretful that I won't be able to taste it. If not because of the policy, then the fact that I'd never be able to afford it with our current budget.

It's there that I see Demiurge come out from another corner, a rich, plump old man with multiple gold rings on his thick fingers right on his heels.

They make a beeline for us, Demiurge grinning proudly.

"Mr. Balrus, sir?" the woman questions the rich man.

Something tells me that this is the man in charge, if not the owner of the Hotel itself.

"Alva!" Mr. Balrus greets cheerily. "I see you've already met our honourable guest here, Madam Naila. I need you to help the Madam and her partner, Master Dagan to room 401. And make sure that any service they partake in is on the house!"

The woman's, Alva, eyes widen, before she masks her surprise and bows to Demiurge and I. "Of course. Please follow me, honourable guests. Do you have any other luggage?"

"Nothing that we don't have on us," Demiurge answers.

Alva straightens, nodding. "I see. I will now show you to your rooms, then."

"Wait a moment -Dagan?" I protest weakly, switching between the lady, Demiurge, and Mr. Balrus. "We still don't have the money for this type of place!"

"It has already been taken care of," Demiurge tries to reassure me, smiling still. "Mr. Balrus and I have come to an agreement, right?" he adds pointedly towards the man.

"Indeed! Please do not trouble yourself, Madam! It will be our pleasure to host one such as yourself!"

I think about the food I smelt earlier, wavering. On top of Demiurge's proud, hopeful expression, I can't help but give in completely. "Oh, alright, so long as you're sure, Mr. Balrus."

"Never more certain, Madam!"

The roast beef, indeed, is worth it and then some.

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