Daniel Tiger Meet Aladdin

By ElijahPerson

327 3 0

When Daniel Tiger Meet street rat Aladdin frees a genie from a lamp, he finds his wishes granted. However, he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Ending Credits

Chapter 6

38 0 0
By ElijahPerson

(We zoom out slowly with the oasis in the distance, as fireworks begin to explode outward. Cut to a CU of a pile of toys. (Look for the BEAST here.) We tilt up and see the Sultan balancing them. He carefully balances the last piece on top, then sits back and sighs. Jafar storms in, though, and the pile collapses.)

Jafar: (Unrolling a scroll) Sire, I've found a solution to the problem with your daughter.
Iago: Awk. The problem with your daughter.
Sultan: Oh, really?
Jafar: Right here. "If the princess has not chosen a husband by the appointed time, then the sultan shall choose for her."
Sultan: But Jasmine hated all those suitors. (He tries to stuff a cracker into Iago's mouth. Iago backs away. The Sultan absentmindedly pulls the cracker back.) How could I choose someone she hates?
(Iago is relieved, but the Sultan quickly stuffs a cracker in his mouth.)
Jafar: Not to worry, my liege. There is more. "If in the event a suitable prince cannot be found,"
Iago: Jerk.
Jafar: "a princess must then be wed to..." Hmm... Interesting...
Sultan: What? Who?
Jafar: The royal vizier. Why, that would be... me.
Sultan: But I thought the law says that only a prince can marry a princess. I'm quite sure that...
Jafar: Desperate times call for desperate measures, my lord.
(He pulls out the staff and hypnotizes the Sultan with it.)
Sultan: Yes. Desperate measures.
Jafar: You will order the princess to marry me.
Sultan: I will order... the princess... to... (the spell breaks momentarily) But you're so old.
Jafar: (Holds the staff closer) The princess will marry me!!
Sultan: The princess will marry...
(The spell is again broken, this time by the trumpet fanfare of "Prince Ali".)

Sultan: What? What is that? That music. [chuckling] Jafar, you must come and see this.
Make way for Prince Ali!
Say hey! It's Prince Ali!
Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar.
Hey, you! Let us through!
It's a bright new star! Oh, come!
Be the first on your block to meet his eye!
Make way! Here he comes! Ring bells! Bang the drums!
Are you gonna love this guy!
Prince Ali! Fabulous he! Ali Ababwa.
Genuflect, show some respect, down on one knee!
Now, try your best to stay calm, brush up your Sunday salaam.
Then come and meet his spectacular coterie!
Prince Ali! Mighty as he! Ali Ababwa!
Strong as ten regular men, definitely!
He faced the galloping hordes, a hundred bad guys with swords.
Who sent those goons to their lords?
Why, Prince Ali.
He's got 75 golden camels.
Genie: Don't they look lovely, June?
Purple peacocks, he's got 53.
Genie: Fabulous, Harry. I love the feathers.
When it comes to exotic-type mammals.
Has he got a zoo? I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie!
Prince Ali! Handsome as he, Ali Ababwa! ♪
[Harem Girls]
There's no question this Ali's alluring.
Never ordinary, never boring.
That physique! How can I speak?
[Harem Girls]
Everything about that man just plain impresses.
Weak at the knee! Well, get on out in that square.
[Harem Girls]
He's a winner, he's a whiz, a wonder.
Adjust your veil and prepare.
[Harem Girls]
He's about to pull my heart asunder.
To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali!
[Harem Girls]
And I absolutely love the way he dresses!
He's got 95 white Persian monkeys.
He's got the monkeys, let's see the monkeys.
And to view them he charges no fee.
He's generous, so generous.
He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies.
Proud to work for him.
They bow to his whim, love serving him, they're just lousy with loyalty to Ali!
Prince Ali! ♪
Prince Ali! Amorous he! Ali Ababwa! ♪
Heard your princess was a sight lovely to see.
And that, good people is why, he got dolled up and dropped by. ♪
With 60 elephants, llamas galore, with his bears and lions, a brass band and more.
With his 40 fakirs, his cooks his bakers.
His birds that warble on key.
Make way for Prince Ali!
(More and more fanfare build up until Aladdin flies off Abu's back on Carpet and flies down to the Sultan. Jafar slams the door shut.)
Sultan: [clapping] Splendid. Absolutely marvelous.
Prince Ali: [clears throat] Your Majesty, I have journeyed from afar to seek your daughter's hand, and I have brought my 3 good friends with me.
Sultan: Prince Ali Ababwa. Of course. I'm delighted to meet you. (He rushes over and shakes Ali's hand.) This is my royal vizier, Jafar. He's delighted, too.
Jafar: (Extremely dryly) Ecstatic. I'm afraid, Prince Abooboo...
Daniel Tiger: Actually, it's Ababwa, Jafar.
Jafar: Whatever. You cannot just parade in here uninvited and expect to...
Sultan: By Allah, this is quite a remarkable device. (He tugs at the tassels, and they tug his moustache.) Ooh. I don't suppose I might...
Prince Ali: Why, certainly, Your Majesty. Allow me.
(He helps the Sultan up onto the carpet, and he plops down. Jafar pins the carpet down on the floor with the staff.)

Jafar: Sire, I must advise against this.
Sultan: Oh, button up, Jafar. Learn to have a little fun.
(He kicks away the staff and Carpet and Sultan fly away. Iago, who was standing on the head of the staff, falls down, repeatedly bopping the staff with his beak as he descends. Sultan and Carpet fly high into the ceiling, then begin a dive-bomb attack, flying under Abu, scaring him.

Iago: Ow, ow, ow.
Sultan: Ahh! Whoa! Look out! Here I come!
(The flight continues in the background, while Jafar and Ali talk in the foreground.)

Jafar: Just where did you say you were from?
Prince Ali: Oh, much farther than you've traveled, I'm sure. (He smiles. Jafar does not.)
Jafar: Try me.
(Iago lands on the staff.)

Sultan: Look out, Polly.
(They all duck in time as the carpet whizzes centimetres over their heads. Carpet returns and the Sultan chases Iago around the room.)

Iago: Hey, watch it. Watch it with the dumb rug. Aah! Whew!
(The carpet zooms underneath Iago, who sighs, wipes his brow, and crashes into a pillar. He crashes to the floor, and his head is circled by miniature Sultans on Carpets, saying "Have a cracker, have a cracker. The real Sultan begins his final approach.)

Sultan: Out of the way. I'm coming in to land. Jafar, watch this.  (He lands.)
Jafar: Spectacular, Your Highness.
Sultan: Ooh, lovely. Yes, I do seem to have a knack for it. (Carpet walks over to Abu dizzily, then collapses. Abu catches it.) This is a very impressive youth. And a prince as well. (Whispers to Jafar) If we're lucky, you won't have to marry Jasmine after all.
Jafar: I don't trust him, Sire.
Sultan: Nonsense. One thing, I pride myself on, Jafar, I'm an excellent judge of character.
Iago: Oh, excellent judge. Yeah, sure. Not!
(Jasmine walks in quietly.)
Sultan: Jasmine will like this one.
Prince Ali: And I'm pretty sure I'll like Princess Jasmine.
Jafar: Your Highness, no. I must intercede on Jasmine's behalf. (Jamsine hears this and gets mad.) This boy is no different from the others. What makes him think he is worthy of the princess?
Prince Ali: Your Majesty, I am Prince Ali Ababwa. (He pricks Jafar's goatee, which springs out in all directions.) Just let her meet me. I will win your daughter
Princess Jasmine: How dare you! (They all look at her surprised.) All of you. Standing around deciding my future? I am not a prize to be won!
(She storms out.)
Sultan: Oh, dear. Don't worry, Prince Ali. Just give Jasmine time to cool down.
(They exit.)
Jafar: I think it's time to say good-bye to Prince Abooboo.
(At night)
Aladdin: What am I gonna do? Jasmine won't let me even talk to her. She know I couldn't pull off that stupid prince wish.
(Abu tries to peel the banana, but it spits out on his eye and he threw it away)
(Daniel Tiger and Genie are playing a board game)
Genie: So move.
(Daniel Tiger does, knocking a black piece off the board)
Daniel Tiger: I win.
Genie: That's good move. I can't believe it, I'm losing to a tiger cub.
Aladdin: Genie I need help.
Genie: (as Jack Nicholson) All right, Sparky, here's the deal. You wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter, do ya got it?
Aladdin: What?
Genie: Tell her the TRUTH!!!
Aladdin: No way. If Jasmine found out I was really some crummy street rat, she'd laugh at me.
(He puts on his turban, which lights up as the Genie.)
Genie: A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh. (Aladdin pulls the chain turning off the light. Genie comes out holding the real turban.) Al, all joking aside.
AJ: Genie does got a good point, though. Maybe you should be yourself or something.
Aladdin: Hey, that's the last thing I wanna be. Okay, I'm gonna go see her. I just... I gotta be smooth, cool, confident. How do I look?
Genie: (sighs) Like a prince.
AJ: Good luck Aladdin.
(Aladdin flies up to the balcony on Carpet.)
Daniel Tiger: just hope things will be alright if Aladdin knows what he's doing.
AJ: I hope so too, Daniel Tiger. Jasmine is on her bed, sighing. Rajah is by her side.)

Aladdin: Princess Jasmine?
(Rajah looks up and growls.)

Princess Jasmine: Who's there?
Aladdin: It's me, Prince Ali. Ahem. Uh, Prince Ali Ababwa.
Princess Jasmine:: I do not want to see you.
Aladdin: No, no, please, Princess. Give me a chance.
(Rajah growls and advances on him.)
Princess Jasmine: Just leave me alone.
Aladdin: Down, kitty.
(Over the edge of the balcony, Carpet is watching with Genie below.)
Genie: So, how's your little beau doing?
(Carpet cuts his neck with his finger.)

Aladdin: Good kitty, take off.
Rajah: [growling]
Aladdin: Down, kitty.
Princess Jasmine: Wait. Wait. Do I know you?
Prince Ali: Uh, no. No.
Princess Jasmine: You remind me of someone I met in the marketplace.
Prince Ali: The marketplace? I have servants who go to the marketplace for me. Why, I even have servants who go to the marketplace for my servants. So. I couldn't have been me you met.
Princess Jasmine: No. I guess not.
Genie: Enough about you, Casanova. Talk about her. She's smart, fun, the hair, the eyes. Anything. Pick a feature.
Prince Ali: Ahem. Uh, Princess Jasmine? You're very...
Genie: Wonderful, magnificent, punctual.
Prince Ali: ...punctual.
Princess Jasmine: Punctual?
Genie: Sorry.
Prince Ali: Uh, beautiful.
Genie: Nice recovery.
Princess Jasmine: Hmm. I'm rich, too, you know.
Prince Ali: Yeah.
Princess Jasmine: The daughter of a sultan.
Prince Ali: I know.
Princess Jasmine: A fine prize for any prince to marry.
Prince Ali: Uh, right. Right. A prince like me.
Genie: Warning! Warning!
Princess Jasmine: Right. A prince like you. And every other stuffed shirt, swaggering peacock I've met.
Genie: Mayday! Mayday!
Princess Jasmine: Just go jump off a balcony!
Prince Ali: What?
Genie: Stop her. Stop her! Want me to sting her?
Prince Ali: Buzz off.
Genie: Okay, fine. But remember, "bee" yourself.
Prince Ali: Yeah, right.
Princess Jasmine: What?
Prince Ali: Uh... Uh, you're right. [sighs] You aren't just some prize to be won. You should be free to make your own choice. I'll go now.
Princess Jasmine: No!
Prince Ali: What? What?
Princess Jasmine: How... How are you doing that?
Prince Ali: It's a magic carpet.
Princess Jasmine: It's lovely.
(The carpet "kisses" her hand)
Prince Ali: You, uh... You don't want to go for a ride, do you? We could get put of the palace, see the world.
Princess Jasmine: Is it safe?
Prince Ali: Sure. Do you trust me?
Princess Jasmine: What?
Prince Ali: Do you trust me?
Princess Jasmine: Yes.
(She takes his hand and gets up on Carpet. It zooms into the sky, knocking them both into sitting positions. The music of "A Whole New World" swells. Jasmine looks back and sees Rajah looking up at her questioningly. She gasps as they fly over the palace wall and into the sky.)

I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go<
Or say we're only dreaming
A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you
Now I'm in a whole new world with you
Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky
A whole new world (Aladdin: Don't you dare close your eyes)
A hundred thousand things to see (Aladdin: Hold your breath-it gets better)
I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be
A whole new world (Jasmine: Every turn of surprise)
With new horizons to pursue (Jasmine: Every moment red letter)
I'll chase them anywhere<
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you
A whole new world (Jasmine: A whole new world)
That's where we'll be (Jasmine: That's where we'll be)

A thrilling chase
A wonderous place
For you and me
(CARPET hovers along over a lake, and we see the reflection of the moon in the lake. Fireworks burst and we see the couple at a Chinese New Year celebration, sitting on a rooftop.)

Princess Jasmine: It's all so magical.
Princess Jasmine: Yeah.
Jasmine: (She looks at him and decides to burst the bubble) It's a shame Abu had to miss this
Princess Jasmine: Nah. He hates fireworks. (CARPET looks up realizing what is happening.) He doesn't really like flying either. (And now ALADDIN realizes it) That is...oh no!
Princess Jasmine: (She pulls off his turban) You are the boy from the market! I knew it. Why did you lie to me?
Aladdin: Jasmine, I'm sorry.
Princess Jasmine: Did you think I was stupid?
Aladdin: No!
Princess Jasmine: That I wouldn't figure it out?
Aladdin: No. I mean, I hoped you wouldn't. No, that's not what I meant.
Princess Jasmine: Who are you? Tell me the truth!
Aladdin: The truth? (He looks at CARPET who wave him on, giving up hope.) The truth...the truth is...I sometimes dress as a commoner to escape the pressures of palace life. (CARPET slumps down in defeat.) But I really am a prince! (The feather on his turban falls down over his eyes.)
Princess Jasmine: Why didn't you just tell me?
Aladdin: Well, you know, um...royalty going out into the city in disguise, it sounds a little strange, don't you think?
Princess Jasmine: Not that strange.
(She flicks up the feather and cuddles with him. CARPET puts a tassel under his "chin" and looks mystified. Dissolve to ext. of palace balcony, where ALADDIN and JASMINE return. CARPET forms a set of steps and she descends. ALADDIN then descends just below the balcony.)

Princess Jasmine: Good night, my handsome prince.
Aladdin: Sleep well, princess.
(They slowly lean forward to kiss, but CARPET bumps him up and they kiss sooner than expected. She walks away slowly then turns and looks at him. Finally she enters her room through the curtain.)

Aladdin: Yes! (He falls back onto the CARPET, who descends to the ground.) For the first time in my life, things are starting to go right.
(He looks up at JASMINE's balcony, and four sets of hands grab him.)

Aladdin: Hey! What? (A gag is tied around his mouth. Muffled words) Abu! Abu!
(We see the elephant hanging from a net tied in a tree.) (Then, Daniel Tiger,AJ and Pikachu got grabbed)
Daniel Tiger: What's going on here?!
Guard: Hold him!
(Shackles are placed on his feet and his hands. Another GUARD ties CARPET in a knot around a tree.)
Jafar: I'm afraid you've worn out your welcome, Prince Abooboo. (Walks away.) Make sure they're never found.
(A guard hits him in the head, and he falls unconscious.)
(Cut to a cliff, where GUARDS laugh as ALADDIN's body drops into the water. He is conscious now, but his feet are tied to a rock. The rock hits the sea bottom, then the turban lands and the lamp tumbles out. He sees this and struggles to rub the lamp. However, he loses consciousness and falls to the floor. The lamp, unsettled by his movement, rolls down and rubs against his hands. It shakes, and GENIE emerges with a bath brush, rubber duckie, and shower cap)
Genie: Never fails. Get in the bath and there's a rub at the lamp. (Squeaks the duck) Hello. (Sees unconscious ALADDIN) Al? Al! Kid, snap out of it! You can't cheat on this one! I can't help you unless you make a wish. You have to say "Genie I want you to save my life." Got it? Okay. C'mon Aladdin!! (He grabs ALADDIN by the shoulders and shakes him. His head goes up, then falls.) I'll take that as a yes. (Head turns into a siren.) Wooga! Wooga! (Turns into a submarine.) Up scope!
(He babbles in something that sounds like German. On the surface, a giant water spout emerges, and lands on top of the cliff. ALADDIN reawakes and coughs the water out of his lungs.)
Genie: Don't you scare me like that!
Aladdin: Genie, I--uh, I-uh...(He can't think of how to say it, so they just hug each other.) Thanks, Genie.
Genie: Oh, Al. I'm gettin' kind of fond of you, kid. Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything.
(Cut to Jasmine in her room, humming "A Whole New World" and brushing her hair. The SULTAN appears in one of the double doors, hypnotized.)
Sultan: Jasmine!
Princess Jasmine: Oh, father--I just had the most wonderful time. I'm so happy.
Sultan: (Still monotone from the hypnosis) You should be, Jasmine. I have chosen a husband for you.
Princess Jasmine: What?
Sultan: (The other door opens and reveals JAFAR.) You will wed Jafar.
(Jasmine gasps at the sight of him.)
Jafar: You're speechless, I see. A fine quality in a wife.
Princess Jasmine: I will never marry you. (She goes to the SULTAN) Father, I choose Prince Ali!
Jafar: Prince Ali and his friends left!
(A quick pan finds Aladdin and our heroes standing in the doorway to the balcony.)
Aladdin: Better check your crystal ball again, Jafar!
Princess Jasmine: Prince Ali!
(Jafar gasps at the sight of Aladdin.)
Iago: How in the he--(back to parrot-ese)--uh, awk!
Aladdin: Tell them the truth, Jafar! You tried to have us killed.
Daniel Tiger: That right!
Pikachu:[ angrily] PIKA?!
Jafar: What? (He goes to the SULTAN) Ridiculous nonsense, your highness. He is obviously lying. (He brings the staff close to the SULTAN's face.)
Sultan: Obviously...lying.
(ALADDIN sees the staff with its glowing eyes.)
Princess Jasmine: Father, what's wrong with you?
Aladdin: I know what's wrong!
(ALADDIN grabs the staff and smashes it on the floor. JAFAR flinchesnand the spell is broken for good.)
Sultan: Oh, oh, oh my!
Aladdin: Your highness, Jafar's been controlling you with this! (He advances the staff)
AJ: not only that he had also send your guards to take us out of the palace and throw us out of the sea!
Daniel Tiger: Not to mention plotting against to take over Agrabah!
Sultan: What? Jafar? You, you traitor!
(The trio advances on JAFAR.)
Jafar: Your majesty, all of this can be explained.
Sultan: Guards! Guards!
Iago: Well, that's it--we're dead, forget about it. Just dig a grave for both of us. We're dead.
(But Jafar sees the lamp in Aladdin's pocket. He makes a move, but is grabbed by guards.)
Sultan: Arrest Jafar at once.
Jafar: This is not done yet, boy!
(JAFAR pulls a vial from his pocket. ALADDIN sees this and rushes him, but JAFAR throws the vial to the floor. A large red cloud appears. When it is gone, so is JAFAR.)
Sultan: Find him, search everywhere!
Aladdin: Jasmine, are you all right?
Princess Jasmine: Yes.
(They lean in to kiss, but the SULTAN barges between them.)
Sultan: Jafar, my most trusted counselor, plotting against me all this time. Just horrible. How will I ever- (He stops in mid sentence and looks at the pair.) Can it be true? My daughter has finally chosen a suitor? (She nods) Ha ha! Praise Allah! You brilliant boy, I could kiss you! I won't--I'll leave that to my--. You two will be wed at once! Yes, yes. And you'll be happy and prosperous, and then my boy, you will be sultan!
Aladdin: Sultan?
Sultan: Yes, a fine upstanding youth like yourself, a person of your unimpeachable moral character is exactly what this kingdom needs!
(ALADDIN looks concerned at this.)
(Cut to int. of JAFAR's chambers. JAFAR and IAGO enter.)
Iago: We gotta get outta here! We gotta get-- I gotta start packing, your highness. Only essentials.
(IAGO starts throwing things out of his cage. Jafar smiles broadly.)
Iago: Travel light! Bring the guns, the weapons, the knives (Stops and takes out a picture of himself and Jafar) and how about this picture? I don't know--I think I'm making a weird face in it. (Jafar starts to laugh wildly.) Oh, boy--he's cracked, he's gone nuts. (IAGO flies down to him and knocks on his head.) Jafar? Jafar? Get a grip, Jafar! (Jafar grabs him around the neck) Good grip!
Jafar: Prince Ali is nothing more than that ragged urchin, Aladdin. And the folks with him are Daniel Tiger and AJ. He has the lamp, Iago.
Iago: Why that miserable--
Jafar: But you are going to relieve him of it!
Iago: Me?

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