Chapter 1

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Pbs kids and Disney present
Daniel Tiger Meet Aladdin

(when a man riding a camel in the desert)

Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place, where the caravan camels roam.
Where it's flat and immense, and the heat is intense.
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home.
When the wind's from the east, and the sun's from the west,
And the sand in the glass is right.
Come on down, stop on by, hop a carpet and fly
to another Arabian night.
Arabian nights, like Arabian days.
More often than not, are hotter than hot in a lot of good ways.
Arabian nights, 'neath Arabian moons.
A fool off his guard, could fall and fall hard out there on the dunes.

Jafar: You are late.
Gazeem: A thousand apologies, O patient one.
Jafar: You have it then?
Gazeem: I had to slit a few throats, but I got it. (Pulls out half of the medallion. Jafar reaches out for it, but Gazeem yanks it back.) Ah-ah-ahhh. The treasure. (Iago squawks as he flies by and grabs the medallion.) Ow!
Jafar: Trust me, my pungent friend. You'll get what's coming to you.
Iago: What's coming to you. Awk!
(Jafar pulls out the second half of the medallion. He connects them, and the insect medallion begins to glow. Finally, it flies out of Jafar's hand, scaring the horses, and is off towards the dunes)

Jafar: Quickly. Follow the trail. Faster.
(All ride off, following the glowing speck of light, until it reaches a large dune. It separates into two and the halves plunge into the dune. All that remains are two glowing points of light on the dune. But then the dune begins to rise up, transforming into a giant lion's head, with the glowing points serving as the eyes.)

Jafar: At last, after all my years of searching... the Cave of Wonders.
Iago: Awk. Cave of Wonders?
Gazeem: [whispering] By Allah.
Jafar: Now, remember. Bring me the lamp. The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine.
(Gazeem starts to approach the lion's mouth, which forms the entrance to the cave. He chuckles as he goes.)

Iago: Awk, the lamp. Awk, the lamp. Jeez, where'd ya dig this bozo up?
Jafar: Shh.
(Gazeem reaches the cave, but is blown away by the roar of the cave's speaking.)

Cave: [echoing rumble] Who disturbs my slumber?
Gazeem: [thief gasps] It is I, Gazeem, a humble thief.
Cave: Know this. Only one may enter here, one whose worth lies within. A diamond in the rough.
(Gazeem turns to Jafar with a questioning look.)

Jafar: What are you waiting for? Go on.
(Gazeem hesitates, then moves one foot inside the cave. With great apprehension, he plants his foot down. Nothing happens. Relieved, he begins his trek again. Then another roar comes. He turns back screaming, but the cave violently closes its mouth on Gazeem, killing him instantly and the dune collapses back into a small hill and the two halves of the scarab roll down the hill.)

Jafar: NOOOO!
Cave: Seek thee out the diamond in the rough.
(Iago unburied himself from the sand, coughing as he does so.)

Iago: [coughing] I can't believe it. I just don't believe it. We're never gonna get a hold of that stupid lamp. Just forget it. Look at this. Look at this. I'm so ticked off that I'm molting.
Jafar: Patience, Iago. Patience. Gazeem was obviously less than worthy.
Iago: Oh, there's a big surprise. That's an incred... I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from not surprise. What are we gonna do? We got a big problem here, a big...
Jafar: [He pinches Iago beak shut] Yes. Only one may enter. I must find this one, this... diamond in the rough.

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