Chapter 3

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Cut to daytime on the street Aladdin and Abu are up to their capers again. They are on top of the awning of a fruit stand.)
Aladdin: Okay, Abu. Go!
(Abu dips over the edge and looks at the Proprietor.)
Proprietor: (To passing crowd) Try this, your taste buds will dance and sing. (Abu grabs a melon and hangs there, distracting his attention.) Hey, get your paws off that.
Abu: Blah blah blah!
Proprietor: Why, you! Get away from here, you filthy ape!
(He grabs the melon away from Abu. But in the foreground, Aladdin dips down and snatches another melon from the stand.)
Abu: Bye Bye!
(He zings back up. The Proprietor takes the melon to the front, where he places it on top of a stack. He looks confused like he has just done this. Aladdin and Abu on the roof break open the melon and eat )
Aladdin: Nice goin' Abu. Breakfast is served.
Daniel Tiger:Man, what beautiful day!
AJ: Now, let's eat.
(We see JASMINE walking through the street)
Shopkeeper 1#: Pretty lady, buy a pot. No finer pot in brass or silver.
Shopkeeper 2#: Sugar dates, sugar dates and figs! Sugar dates and pistachios!
Shopkeeper 3#: Would the lady like a necklace. A pretty necklace for a pretty lady.
(She is charmed by the action, but is startled by a fish thrust into her face)
Shopkeeper 4#: Fresh fish! We catch 'em, you buy 'em!
Princess Jasmine: I don't think so. (She backs away but bumps into a fire eater, who is startled into swallowing his fire.) Oh, excuse me.
(He gulps, then belches fire from his mouth. Jasmine is disgusted. He is pleased and taps his stomach. Aladdin sees her, and a strange look comes over his face.)
Princess Jasmine: I'm really very sorry.
Aladdin: (He's obviously deeply in love with her) Wow!
(She pulls the hood of her cloak over her head. ABU sees him and jumps up on his shoulder, waving his hand in front of ALADDIN's face.)
Abu: Uh oh. Hello? Hello?
Daniel Tiger: Hey AJ Hey, what's the matter with Aladdin?
AJ: Maybe it's something to do with that woman over there.
JASMINE stops at the fruit stand and sees a young homeless child reaching for a piece of fruit. She picks one up and gives it to him.)
Princess Jasmine: Oh, you must be hungry. Here you go. (The boy runs off.)
Proprietor: You'd better be able to pay for that.
Princess Jasmine: (Mystified) Pay?
Proprietor: No one steals from my cart!
Princess Jasmine: Oh, I'm sorry sir. I don't have any money.
Proprietor: Thief!
Princess Jasmine: Please, if you let me go to the palace, I can get some from the Sultan.
Proprietor: Do you know what the penalty is for stealing? (He takes her hand and pins it down on the table, intending to chop it off.)
Princess Jasmine: No, no please!
(The sword drops, but his hand is stopped by ALADDIN's.)
Aladdin: Thank you kind sir. I'm so glad you've found her. I've been looking all over for you.
Princess Jasmine: (whispering) What are you doing?
Aladdin: (whispering back) Just play along.
Proprietor: You know this girl?
Aladdin: Sadly, yes. She is my sister. She's a little crazy. (He circles his finger around his ear. She is shocked)
Proprietor: (He grabs Aladdin by the vest) She said she knows the Sultan!
Daniel Tiger: she thought a monkey is a kind of sultan.
AJ: He's right, sir. Like that kind of monkey right over there.
(ABU is picking a pocket. He hears this, then straightens up. JASMINE, playing along, kneels and bows to ABU.)
Princess Jasmine: Oh, wise Sultan. How may I serve you?
Abu: Well, blah blah blah blah.
Aladdin: Tragic, isn't it? (He leans forward, picking up another apple from the cart with his foot.) But, no harm done. (Walks over to Jasmine.) Now come along sis. Time to see the doctor.
Princess Jasmine: (To a camel standing nearby) Oh, hello doctor. How are you?
Aladdin: No, no, no. Not that one. (To Abu, whose pockets are bulging.) Come on, Sultan.
(ABU bows to the crowd and everything he's stolen from the cart falls out.)
Proprietor: Huh? What is it?
Daniel Tiger: Let's get outta here.
AJ:Agree. Abu picks up what he can carry, and the trio run off.)
Proprietor: Come back here, you little thieves!
Cut to int. of Jafar's lab. IAGO is running on a gear in a bizarre contraption. At the top of the contraption is a storm brewing.)
Iago: With all due respect, Your Rottenness, couldn't we just wait for a real storm?
Jafar: Save your breath, Iago. Faster. (He places the SULTAN's ring in the contraption.)
Iago: Yes, O mighty Evil One. [panting]
(IAGO runs faster. A lightning bolt streaks through the ring, passing into an hourglass below. The sands begin to swirl.)
Jafar: Part, sands of time. Reveal to me the one who can enter the cave. (The sand in top forms the Cave of Wonders. (It falls through into a storm, but it shows ALADDIN climbing up a ladder, followed by JASMINE who is covered in her cloak.) Yes! Yes! There they is. My diamond in the rough
Iago: That's them That's the clown we've been waitin' for?
(IAGO loses his footing and is sucked into the gears. As he goes flying past and slams into the wall upside down)
Jafar: Let's have the guards extend them an invitation to the palace, shall we?
Iago: Swell. [coughs]
(Jafar laughs hideously, and the camera zooms in on the sandstorm with ALADDIN in it. Finally, we dissolve into the real ALADDIN climbing to the top of the ladder, followed by JASMINE.)
Aladdin: Almost there.
(JASMINE climbs over the top, but trips and falls into ALADDIN's arms. She stands up.)
Princess Jasmine: I want to thank you for stopping that man.
Aladdin: Uh, forget it. (He grabs a pole) So, this is your first time in the marketplace, huh?
(ALADDIN pole vaults to the next building, leaving JASMINE behind.)
Princess Jasmine: Is it that obvious?
Aladdin: Well, you do kinda stand out. (He stares at her, still in love. She returns the look. But he realizes what he is doing, and returns to normal.) I mean, uh, you don't seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be. (He lays a plank between the buildings for her to walk over, but as he is leaned down, she vaults over his head. He looks back in surprise. She tosses the pole to him. Both ALADDIN's and ABU's eyes bulge.)
Daniel Tiger: She's good.
AJ: Where did you learn that?
Princess Jasmine: I'm a fast learner.
Abu: Wow.
Aladdin: [chuckling] Hey. Come on. This way. (They go inside the roof of a building, dodging planks and beams as they go.) Whoa. Watch your head there. Be careful.
Princess Jasmine: Is this where you live?
Aladdin: Yep. Just me and Abu. Come and go as we please.
Princess Jasmine: That sounds fabulous.
Aladdin: Well, it's not much, (he pulls back the curtain and exposes the palace) but it's got a great view. Wow. The palace looks pretty amazing, huh?
Princess Jasmine: Oh, it's wonderful.
Aladdin: I wonder what it would be like to live here, and have servants and valets.
Princess Jasmine: Oh, sure. People who tell you where to go and how to dress.
Aladdin: It's better than here. You're always scraping for food and ducking the guards.
Princess Jasmine: You're not free to make your own choices.
Aladdin: Sometimes you feel so...
Princess Jasmine: You're just...
Both: ...trapped.
(They look at each other, realizing that they're perfect for one another. But ALADDIN then realizes where he is, and breaks the look. He takes the apple out of ABU's hand and rolls it down his arm into the hand of JASMINE.)
Daniel Tiger: So where are you from?
Princess Jasmine: What does it matter? I ran away and I am not going back.
Aladdin: Really? How come?
Abu: Why you...
Princess Jasmine: My father's forcing me to get married.
Aladdin: That's... that's awful.
AJ: We're so sorry to hear that.
Aladdin: (ABU appears from behind the princess and tries to steal the apple.) Abu!
Abu: [angry squeaking]
Princess Jasmine: What?
Aladdin: Abu says, uh... that's not fair.
Abu: What?
Princess Jasmine: Oh, did he?
Aladdin: Yeah, of course.
Princess Jasmine: And does Abu have anything else to say?
Aladdin: Well, uh, he wishes there was something he could do to help.
Abu: Oh, boy.
Princess Jasmine: Hmm. Tell him that's very sweet.
(They started to kiss each other on the lips until...)
Razoul: Here you are.
(As our heroes gasp in fear)
AJ: Not those guards again!
Both: They're after me! They're after You?
Princess Jasmine: Oh no! My father must have sent them...
Aladdin: Do you trust me?
Princess Jasmine: What?
Aladdin: Do you trust me?
Princess Jasmine: Yes...
Aladdin: Then jump
(They both jump off the roof, fall and land in a pile of salt. They try to get away, but the exit is blocked by a Razoul.)
Razoul: We just keep running to each other, don't we, street rat?
(Again, the Razoul's turban is pulled down by Abu, but more guards are here and block the exit.)
Aladdin: Run! Go! Get out of here!
Razoul: (The first GUARD pulls ABU off his head and throws him in a vase. Three other GUARDS grab ALADDIN. As our heroes getting trapped) Get this thing off of me! It's the dungeon for you, boy.
Aladdin: Get off me.
Princess Jasmine: Let them go.
Razoul: Lookie here, men. A street mouse!
(guards laugh)
Princess Jasmine: Unhand them, (As she reveals as Princess Jasmine) by order of the princess.
Razoul: Princess Jasmine.
Aladdin: The princess?
Daniel Tiger, AJ: That girl is the princess?!
Abu: Princess?
Razoul: What are you doing outside the palace? And with this street rat.
Princess Jasmine: That's not your concern. Do as I command. Release them.
Razoul: I would, Princess, except my orders come from Jafar. You'll have to take it up with him.
Princess Jasmine: Believe me, I will.
(Cut to int of the palace, Jafar emerging from his secret chambers. He slides the door shut carefully, but the princess comes storming in before he is finished. He slams it shut, pinning IAGO inside the door frame.)
Princess Jasmine: Jafar?
(But the princess comes storming in before he is finished. He slams it shut, pinning IAGO inside the door frame.)
Jafar: Oh, uh, princess.
Iago: Awk! Jafar, I'm stuck!
Jafar: How may I be of service to you? (He spreads out his cape, hiding the door)
Princess Jasmine: The guards just took a boy as well as these tiger Pikachu and a Lion cub from the market, on your orders.
Jafar: Your father's charged me with keeping peace in Agrabah. The boy and his friends were criminals.
Princess Jasmine: What they're crime?
Iago: I can't breathe, Jafar!
Jafar: Why, kidnapping the princess, of course.
Iago: If you could just--(Jafar kicks him back inside the door and it slams shut)--wow, that hurt!
Princess Jasmine: They didn't kidnap me! I ran away!
Jafar: (Walking away as if shocked) Oh, dear! Oh, how frightfully upsetting. Had I but known.
Princess Jasmine: What do you mean?
Jafar: Sadly, the boy and his friends' sentence has already been carried out.
Princess Jasmine: What sentence?
Jafar: (with a sinister tone) Death. (JASMINE gasps.) By beheading.
Princess Jasmine: No! (She collapses to the floor.)
Jafar: I am exceedingly sorry, princess.
Princess Jasmine: How could you? (She runs from the room crying.)
(Iago finally makes it out through the door. He flies up and lands on Jafar's shoulder, coughing.)
Iago: So, how did it go?
Jafar: I think she took it rather well. (They both get a sinister smile on their faces.)
(Diss. to JASMINE at night, crying at the edge of the fountain. RAJAH comes over to comfort her. She pets him.)
Princess Jasmine: It's all my fault, Rajah. I didn't even know their names.

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