Chapter 6

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(We zoom out slowly with the oasis in the distance, as fireworks begin to explode outward. Cut to a CU of a pile of toys. (Look for the BEAST here.) We tilt up and see the Sultan balancing them. He carefully balances the last piece on top, then sits back and sighs. Jafar storms in, though, and the pile collapses.)

Jafar: (Unrolling a scroll) Sire, I've found a solution to the problem with your daughter.
Iago: Awk. The problem with your daughter.
Sultan: Oh, really?
Jafar: Right here. "If the princess has not chosen a husband by the appointed time, then the sultan shall choose for her."
Sultan: But Jasmine hated all those suitors. (He tries to stuff a cracker into Iago's mouth. Iago backs away. The Sultan absentmindedly pulls the cracker back.) How could I choose someone she hates?
(Iago is relieved, but the Sultan quickly stuffs a cracker in his mouth.)
Jafar: Not to worry, my liege. There is more. "If in the event a suitable prince cannot be found,"
Iago: Jerk.
Jafar: "a princess must then be wed to..." Hmm... Interesting...
Sultan: What? Who?
Jafar: The royal vizier. Why, that would be... me.
Sultan: But I thought the law says that only a prince can marry a princess. I'm quite sure that...
Jafar: Desperate times call for desperate measures, my lord.
(He pulls out the staff and hypnotizes the Sultan with it.)
Sultan: Yes. Desperate measures.
Jafar: You will order the princess to marry me.
Sultan: I will order... the princess... to... (the spell breaks momentarily) But you're so old.
Jafar: (Holds the staff closer) The princess will marry me!!
Sultan: The princess will marry...
(The spell is again broken, this time by the trumpet fanfare of "Prince Ali".)

Sultan: What? What is that? That music. [chuckling] Jafar, you must come and see this.
Make way for Prince Ali!
Say hey! It's Prince Ali!
Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar.
Hey, you! Let us through!
It's a bright new star! Oh, come!
Be the first on your block to meet his eye!
Make way! Here he comes! Ring bells! Bang the drums!
Are you gonna love this guy!
Prince Ali! Fabulous he! Ali Ababwa.
Genuflect, show some respect, down on one knee!
Now, try your best to stay calm, brush up your Sunday salaam.
Then come and meet his spectacular coterie!
Prince Ali! Mighty as he! Ali Ababwa!
Strong as ten regular men, definitely!
He faced the galloping hordes, a hundred bad guys with swords.
Who sent those goons to their lords?
Why, Prince Ali.
He's got 75 golden camels.
Genie: Don't they look lovely, June?
Purple peacocks, he's got 53.
Genie: Fabulous, Harry. I love the feathers.
When it comes to exotic-type mammals.
Has he got a zoo? I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie!
Prince Ali! Handsome as he, Ali Ababwa! ♪
[Harem Girls]
There's no question this Ali's alluring.
Never ordinary, never boring.
That physique! How can I speak?
[Harem Girls]
Everything about that man just plain impresses.
Weak at the knee! Well, get on out in that square.
[Harem Girls]
He's a winner, he's a whiz, a wonder.
Adjust your veil and prepare.
[Harem Girls]
He's about to pull my heart asunder.
To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali!
[Harem Girls]
And I absolutely love the way he dresses!
He's got 95 white Persian monkeys.
He's got the monkeys, let's see the monkeys.
And to view them he charges no fee.
He's generous, so generous.
He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies.
Proud to work for him.
They bow to his whim, love serving him, they're just lousy with loyalty to Ali!
Prince Ali! ♪
Prince Ali! Amorous he! Ali Ababwa! ♪
Heard your princess was a sight lovely to see.
And that, good people is why, he got dolled up and dropped by. ♪
With 60 elephants, llamas galore, with his bears and lions, a brass band and more.
With his 40 fakirs, his cooks his bakers.
His birds that warble on key.
Make way for Prince Ali!
(More and more fanfare build up until Aladdin flies off Abu's back on Carpet and flies down to the Sultan. Jafar slams the door shut.)
Sultan: [clapping] Splendid. Absolutely marvelous.
Prince Ali: [clears throat] Your Majesty, I have journeyed from afar to seek your daughter's hand, and I have brought my 3 good friends with me.
Sultan: Prince Ali Ababwa. Of course. I'm delighted to meet you. (He rushes over and shakes Ali's hand.) This is my royal vizier, Jafar. He's delighted, too.
Jafar: (Extremely dryly) Ecstatic. I'm afraid, Prince Abooboo...
Daniel Tiger: Actually, it's Ababwa, Jafar.
Jafar: Whatever. You cannot just parade in here uninvited and expect to...
Sultan: By Allah, this is quite a remarkable device. (He tugs at the tassels, and they tug his moustache.) Ooh. I don't suppose I might...
Prince Ali: Why, certainly, Your Majesty. Allow me.
(He helps the Sultan up onto the carpet, and he plops down. Jafar pins the carpet down on the floor with the staff.)

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