𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐧𝐜𝐭...

By renjunworld

70K 3K 2K

➺ kim yunhee, a hufflepuff with a spark of courage and ambition, stuck with the chosen one, the kindest heart... More

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⇛ 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟖, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
⇛ 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟖, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
⇛ 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟖, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥

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715 31 50
By renjunworld

𝟐𝟐 𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟖

the slytherin trio had been visiting the others in the dean forest almost every week. sometimes it would only be for two days and other times, three or four if they were lucky.

on this day, when they arrived, yunhee was sitting outside the tent, warming herself up by a fire she made. donghyuck and jaemin greeted her as she put out the fire and then followed her into the tent. jisung smirked, watching her scramble away from him. she was constantly flustered around him because every time he visited he'd make more moves on her, even in front of the others just to make a point to them.

yunhee went to go sit at the table then realised jisung had gone there with chenle. she turned around and joined jaemin laying on the beds. he had started drawing something on a piece of paper he found on the floor.

"if he doesn't stop staring at me, i'm going to kill my—" yunhee muttered, incoherently.

"what was that?" jaemin asked, putting down the pen he was using.

"nothing." she replied, laying down on her stomach and getting comfortable. "what are you drawing?"

"it's a dog." he told her, holding up the paper.

"you mean meant to be a dog because that looks nothing like one." donghyuck said from where he was annoying mark.

"like you can draw a better one." jaemin rolled his eyes.

"i so can."

"hey, it's not even bad though." yunhee said and pointed to the drawing. "look, here i can see the face. it's cute."

"yunhee, that's the dog's butt."


donghyuck laughed aloud as he walked over to them. "she literally dissed your drawing."

"i didn't mean to. i'm sorry, jaemin." yunhee said and donghyuck joined them on the bed, laying on his stomach as well.

"it's okay. i was only wanting to see if i was as good of a drawer as renjun is."

"who's talking about me?" renjun called, suddenly looking up from the book he and jeno were reading.

"we're saying good things. don't worry!" donghyuck replied, snatching the paper and pen from jaemin's hand so he could draw something this time.

"i refuse to believe you two are talking good about me." renjun grumbled and jeno nodded in agreement.

"what about me? do you really think i'd talk bad about you?" yunhee asked.

"okay, fair enough. i know yunhee wouldn't let you two."

"thank you for remembering i'm a good person— um... what are you drawing, hyuck? is it some kind of monster?"

"i was drawing jeno..."

"what the hell?" jeno muttered, throwing his book down.

"oh my god." chenle gasped. "yunhee, why are you dissing everyone today?"

"just bad coincidences." she mumbled, smacking her head down onto the bed.

"i can tell somethings bothering you. what is it?" jaemin whispered, leaning a bit closer to her.

jisung, who was still watching her, narrowed his eyes at this and was debating whether or not he should get up and push him away from her.

"nothing. i guess i'm just tired." she lied.

"do you want us to leave so you can sleep?"

"no!" she accidentally blurted out louder than expected, then lowered her voice. "i mean no. you just got here and now that we're all together again, i don't want you to leave."

"you do realise we're going to have to leave at some point anyway?" donghyuck said, interjecting the conversation.

"i wish you didn't have to."

"me too." he rolled over to her, placing a hand on top of her head. "don't get all sad on us now though. the party is only beginning!"

"party?" she questioned and he smirked. he held up the radio that was on the floor and turned it on.

"let's dance."

"i don't know how to dance, but i heard renjun is an awesome dancer who doesn't fall over things while dancing, so you should ask him." she teased and the boy scowled.

"well, i'm a better dancer than him and i'd like to teach you."

"you're really going to make me dance in front of these lot..." she complained but got up with him nevertheless. 

"your name, m'lady?" he asked, bowing and holding out his hand.

"you know her name. boo! this movie sucks!" chenle shouted, throwing balls of scrunched up paper at them.

"kim yunhee." she replied, going along with the slytherin's act. he took her hand in his and placed a kiss on the back of it, causing an internal uproar in everyone watching.

"may i have this dance?"

"you may." she laughed and he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to him. "are we about to waltz?"

"no. this song isn't slow enough."

he twirled her around and dipped her down. she cried out in surprise, clutching onto his arm, tightly, afraid that she was going to fall. he brought her back up, chuckling at her reaction.

"that wasn't funny!" she punched his stomach and he doubled over, holding the area she hit.

"donghyuck, you suck!" jeno yelled along with chenle.

"okay! i'm sorry. let's continue." he held his hand out again and she took it, allowing him to guide her in the dance.

they danced along to the song, no one tripping this time, and then donghyuck started singing, replacing the singer in the song with his voice. to yunhee, his voice was enchanting and angelic. she found herself falling in love with it. she didn't stop him from singing and instead, watched him with a glimmer in her eyes as he swayed their bodies slightly to the side.

"your singing voice is beautiful." she told him when he finished and the next song started.

"thank you." he blushed at the compliment, losing his confidence as his eyes averted to the floor.

"please sing more for me sometime." she said, softly poking his forehead to make him look up.

"for you, i could sing for hours." he replied as he gazed into her eyes.

their short staring contest was broken when the song was turned off and the sound of loud static came from the radio instead.

"sorry. my bad." jeno shrugged his shoulders and put the radio back down on the floor.

"vibe killer." donghyuck rolled his eyes, letting go of yunhee's waist but not her hand. no, he wanted to stay holding it for as long as he could.

the radio was playing the broadcast by lee jordan, a previous gryffindor at hogwarts who commentated the quidditch games. the broadcast frequently featured members of the order of the phoenix using code names. they could hear one of the weasley twins talking to lee about some humorous topics until things turned more interesting.

"and the rumours that he keeps being sighted abroad?" lee asked.

"well, who wouldn't want a nice little holiday after all the hard work he's been putting in? point is, people, don't get lulled into a false sense of security, thinking he's out of the country. maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but the fact remains he can move faster than severus snape confronted with shampoo when he wants to, so don't count on him being a long way away if you're planning to take any risks. i never thought i'd hear myself say it, but safety first!"

"thank you very much for those wise words, rapier," lee said. "listeners, that brings us to the end of another broadcast. we don't know when it will be possible to broadcast again, but you can be sure we shall be back. keep twiddling those dials: the next password will be 'mad-eye.' keep each other safe: keep faith. good night."

"well then..." jeno mumbled as the radio shut off.

"so that must mean voldemorts out looking for the elder wand." mark deluded.

it took all of them only a second to register what he had said and when they did, they were all on their feet, alarmed. there was a loud crack from outside.

"mark!" renjun yelled. "the names taboo!"

"i forgot!"

jaemin quickly stuck his head out of the tent then came back in. "the protective enchantments been broken!"

chenle took out the deluminator and clicked it. the lights all went out and donghyuck swiftly pulled the shaking girl into his arms, scared for them all.

"you guys have to get out of here." she told him.

"what? no! we can't just leave you!" he argued, tightening his hold on her. he didn't want to let go. he couldn't. things had been going relatively well up until now and he didn't want to be separated again.

"yunhee's right. if you stay, we'll all be in much deeper shit." renjun said, his voice much quieter than before. they could hear voices coming nearer and nearer to the tent, excited voices.

"i don't want to..." donghyuck glanced down at yunhee in his arms, a terrified look on his face. despite the circumstances, she smiled, warmly, at him.

"it'll be okay. go. quick."

"alright. stay safe." he whispered before pulling away and taking jisung and jaemin's hands. they apparated out of there as the voices got even closer to the tent.

"i've got the sword of gryffindor in my bag." yunhee said, her eyes widening.

"shit." jeno rushed to hide it under the blankets and pillows.

"come out of there with your hands up! we know you're in there!" someone from outside yelled.

without another thought, yunhee lifted her wand and pointed it at mark's face. there was a bang and a white light blinded him as he felt an immense amount of pain. he could feel his face swell as he dropped to his knees, but he was roughly dragged off the ground again.

"let go of her!" he could hear chenle yell as he was forced out of the tent. he could see yunhee struggling against one of the men and then he heard the sound of knuckle hitting flesh.

"stop it!" yunhee cried when chenle buckled over in pain.

"your boyfriend will get worse than that if he's on my list." a man said, making his way over to mark. "what happened to you, ugly?"

"been stung." mark muttered.

"looks like it. what's your name?"

"dudley. vernon dudley."

the man hummed as he walked over to yunhee. he brushed away some hair from her face. "and what do they call you?"

"krystal clawflower." she replied.

"blood status?"


she didn't show it, but she was the most frightened she had ever been. the man inched forwards, sniffing her, but moved back when one of the other men called out to him.

"there's no vernon dudley on here." he held up a small book and yunhee glanced at chenle and renjun who had been thrown to the floor. jeno was still wrestling against a man trying to hold him down. he was strong so a second person came over to help.

"did you hear that, ugly? the list says you're lying. how come you don't want us to know who you are?" the man turned around and went back over to mark.

"the list is wrong. i told you who i am."

"no krystal clawflower either." the other man said, turning the attention back to yunhee.

"so is it that you aren't wanted then, krystal, vernon? or are you on that list under different names? what houses were you in at hogwarts?"

"we were all slytherins." mark replied, trying to turn the attention back to him.

"funny how they all think we want to hear that." someone cackled. "but none of them can tell us where the common room is."

"it's in the dungeons. you enter through the wall. it's full of skulls and it's under the lake, so the lights are all green." yunhee told them. she knew because she had gone there with their three slytherin friends before.

"well, well, well. looks like we've caught little slytherins." he turned to face mark but paused as he examined his face. something must have clicked in his mind. "change of plan. we're not going to the ministry."

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