Jabberwock Island

By BlueFireIce

862 51 44

"Twenty-five unsuspecting teenagers boarded a cruise to the all-so famous Resort Islands, where they would sp... More

::Prologue - Pt. 2::
::Prologue - Pt. 3::
::Chapter One::
::Chapter Two::
::Chapter Three::

::Prologue - Pt. 1::

184 10 3
By BlueFireIce

Prologue - Pt. 1


Dear Master,

The twenty-five victims have boarded the SS. Henriette and are heading towards the Resort Islands. We've set up our ambush near the West Rock, the storm nymphs already preparing for the storm that'll sweep them away. The captain has been replaced by our best water nymph, already conniving into our grand plan. We're all set for our next batch of recruits, each one is very promising.

There was one...technical difficulty with preparations to our plan; one of the nearby sailors had seen our water nymph's transformation and the murder of the captain, so we may or may not have killed another person accidentally. It was cleverly hidden by the storm nymphs illusions, and turned out to be a good distraction for the water nymph to sneak onto the boat. On the plus side, he's really meaty and big; a good meal for us to feast upon when we get back.

Two more days until they arrive on our shores and give them the choice. Either way it's a win for us; they either become our everlasting slaves or become our entertainment for the next twenty-four days. Also our new food source for the next few months.

I have planned an evasion at the Resort Islands also. The twenty-five of us will take the figure of the students, and slowly take control of the Resort Islands, where soon it'll become our great illusion so we can claim more food for our ecosystem.

Hope things are going well at the motherland. I will write to you again after the end of the twenty-five days. Hopefully those twenty-five will make the wise choice of becoming our slaves. Otherwise their ultimate fates will be our grand entertainment.


Admiral #2


"Room 1 - Finn and Zac."

The two boys, who stood next to each other, slung an arm around each other's shoulder, appreciative of the partnerships they'll hold in their room.

"Room 2 - Patrick and Athan."

Looking at each other, the two boys thought to themselves, it could've been worse. They both walked towards their room, hoping slightly that they won't be spending too much time in the dorms.

"Room 3 - Stefan and Benson."

The two knew this was coming, and both of them were pleased about whom they would be rooming with for the days to come. It was comforting that the two of them knew each other pretty well, also.

"Room 4 - Alex and William."

These two also knew this was coming. Both close friends, they had no problems or complaints about this set up, and were relieved that they won't be having to be by themselves for too long.

"Room 5 - Dimitri and Thomas."

Both being badminton players, as well as teammates, the two were happy with who they would be roomed with, and already wandered over to their room to unpack.

"Room 6 - Stephen, Joel and Angus."

The trio glanced around at each other, before the latter bolted away into the room, the other two following in his trail, trying to get the best bed.

"Room 7 - Sienna and Lucette."

With no complaints or arguments whatsoever, the two girls made their way into the rooms, already excited for the trip, which had almost begun.

"Room 8 - Georgia and Claire."

The two gave each other one knowing glance, having already prepared for what they'd do if they had been roomed with each other. With one grabbing onto the other's arm, they disappeared behind the door.

"Room 9 - Hannah and Phillippa."

Having had different expectations, but realistic realities, the two girls were not surprised but not entirely thrilled either. Instead, they hoped their other friends would share a room, so they won't have to do much moving around.

"Room 10 - Rachel and Johanna."

Whilst both girls were friends, and very close, the two were slightly disappointed by the pairs, but knew they could survive and still make the best of it. Even so, it's not like they'd spend much time in their rooms anyways.

"Room 11 - Natalie and Ngoc Han."

Much like some of the others, the two were pleased about being with someone they were close with, and were also happy that their friends were sharing the same room too, so it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to say hello's or hangout. Grinning, they entered their shared room.

"And finally, Room 12 - Anne and Molly."

The two final girls had suspected that they would be paired with each other, and we're already chatting happily as they entered the dorms.

The captain of the ship watched as the last of the teens entered their dorms, and sighed when they were all out of sight. Pulling out a slip of paper from his pocket, he walked over to the loudspeaker, grabbed ahold of the microphone and inhaled silently.

"Attention passengers! Lunchtime will be served at 12:30, so if you could all meet up by then, that'd be splendid," he announced, before leaving through the door.

[12:30pm - Dining Room_]

By the set time, almost everyone had entered the room and had manned a table, where they were having their own individual conversations. On table 1, there was Natalie, Ngoc Han, Phillippa and Hannah. On table 2, there was Sienna, Lucette, Georgia and Johanna. On table 3, which was moved very closely to table two, there was Johanna, Molly, Rachel and Claire. As for the boys, they had all gathered around Finn and Dimitri, who were showing the others some new app on their iPads.

The captain, who was watching the twenty-five students from his hidden location, felt his stomach churn. Not now, he thought to himself, a slight smirk on his face. Feeling his hunger tug slightly at his stomach, he walked away to get his own lunch as the waitresses came out to serve the others.

"Did you see him just then?" Johanna whispered to Lucette, as their played were set down in front of them. Lucette replied by shaking her head and stabbing her chicken with the fork. Johanna sighed to herself before looking down at her meal.

Chicken and chips. Goodie.

[8:00pm - Recreation Room_]

Thomas looked out the window of the rec. room, the night sky slowly coming into view. Their first night on this ship was dawning upon them, and he was quite excited albeit nervous about staying two nights on a ship that hadn't had many trips. He sighed to himself, and turned around to watch what the others were doing.

Angus and Joel stared down their opponents, Stephen and Finn as they juggled the plastic ball in their hands. With a silent command, Stephen set the ball down in the centre of the table, and grabbed the ends of the levers as the four began their match of foosball.

Thomas watched their game for a little, watching as both teams scored a few points each before the ball just kept on going back and forth between them, without much happening. Walking back, he looked around to see what others were doing.

Stefan and Zac were playing billiards, Patrick was watching the two of them with authoritative eyes, Dimitri was having his hand at darts with Athan, the girls were playing round robin table tennis chattering whilst watching the game and finally William and Alex were manning the x-box. Thomas weight out his options, before walking over to watch the bollards game.

"So wait, you saw the captain staring at us from behind the pillar?" Sienna asked Johanna, her table tennis partner in a hushed whisper.

Johanna nodded silently, watching as Georgia and Claire won their eighth match in a row.

"Maybe he was just looking out for us," Sienna suggested, optimistically. "I'm sure there's nothing wrong. Besides, if you keep thinking about it, you won't enjoy yourself." She offered a smile to her paranoid friend. Johanna nodded, breathing a sigh of relief as Georgia and Claire won their latest match.

"Alright then, Claire," Georgia chuckled as Sienna and Johanna stepped forward. "Let's make it ten in a row!"

[11:55pm - Main Cabin_]

The captain pulled out his walkie talkie, smirking to himself as he walked towards the edge of the boat. A voice grumbled something through the walkie talkie, in which the captain nodded to. As the connection was dropped, he turned around and looked at the monitors of the cabins, where each teen was in bed, either sleeping or chatting with each other.

One day had passed, and one day was left now. He smirked to himself, before he pressed the purple button on his panel, and left the room to go to bed.

Meanwhile, in each of the cabins, an unknown gas was released and each of the sleeping or chatting teens, inhaled some of the toxins. In a matter of a seconds, each of the awake teens fell asleep, before they began thrashing around in their beds.

And then, they froze.


Whoop! First part of the prologue has been released, and (almost) everyone has been introduced! Yaaayy!

Okay, now for question time:

Who do you like so far?

Who do you dislike so far?

What do you think of the captain?

What do you think happened to the poor teenagers? D:

Alright, stay calm, be happy and vote for this story :D

[dedicated to Fartasticstories ]

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