Kingdom of Heaven

By techniicolor

10.8K 356 289

Welcome to a world you never would have dreamt of. In the year 5025, Angel's ruled the world with their advan... More

The Shock
His Only Memory
The Air Smells Of.... Desperation
Kidnapping Has Its Consequences
Secrets Lead To More Secrets
Old Man's Luck
Do You Believe In Destiny?
The Liar Who Didn't Lie
Summoning Magic
Riches of Delvon

It Was The Final Straw

639 25 18
By techniicolor

Dedicated this to one of my longest internet friends ever. Even though I don't think you've read my story yet like I've asked, still DEDICATION TO YOUR AWESOMENESS!

Check out her stories guys <33.

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 The tiny glimmer of the giant chandelier in the middle of the grandest room you could ever imagine was nearly blinding to Shay as she walked up the long navy blue carpet. It laid there on the ground as a pathway to the King and Queen's thrown. Shay was use to the dazzling white walls and the occasional spark of light from the chandelier that would hit her eyes because the sun would hit it just right. Even though she may have been used to it, she really hated it. Stepping into the palace was like stepping into a dream-like state of being in cliché-Heaven. Angel's still believed that God had given them this power for a reason and they were going to use it to make them be the only thing alive. They even named the palace the 'Palace of Heaven', which translated to the Angel's lands to being the 'Kingdom of Heaven'.

“You’ve returned at last Shase.” The King’s voice boomed through the grand room. Shay stopped walking, her feet on the edge of the blue rug. Her wings were back and she was probably a good 50 feet away from the King and Queen. They rarely allowed anyone to get any closer unless they were serving them. Shay didn’t reply, her eyes intensely focused on the Kings stretched face. He got it pampered every day, but no matter how much pampering and magical spells he still looked as old as he was, and every day it just looked older. “So tell me, how did your journey go?”

Shay swallowed the saliva that had been forming in her mouth and she broke her gaze. “I found… nothing your highness.” She cleared her throat after speaking and her gaze dropped to the floor, ashamed.

“You are a disgrace Shase,” He spat out. Shay could feel his gaze narrow to a glare at the top of her head. Shay looked up at the Queen who as usual just sat there purple faced and saying nothing.

“Please…” Shay began to beg.                          

“Don’t speak.” He snapped stopping Shay. “Do you realize what Alistaire, you, and the others have done?” His voice was bellowing, she could just imagine his face was as red as a tomato, but she couldn’t look at him. “If he returns to his thrown, we will never defeat them.”

“They would never let him return to the throne your highness! He’s a hybrid now, that would be a disgrace,” Shay desperately threw out to him.

“We don’t know that. The Demons are desperate for anything; they may even become alliance with the Rebels and Hybrids in a short amount of time.” She heard his robes move, Shay looked up at him at last. Her faced went pale as she saw him stand up. The King was a large man, he rarely like to move, much less stand up from sitting down. “Until you find and kill him, you are banished to return to our lands.”

“No,” Shay stuttered trying to find words, she felt the despair well up inside of her. “Please don’t do this.” She breathed, unable to think clearly.

“That’s final Shase.” His eyes bore into her, burning her with embarrassment. “If you guys dare to step on these lands while his heart still beats, I will personally rip your wings off.” And that was the last of Shay speaking out against her punishment. “Now go, find Alistaire and the others and leave. Do not disgrace us anymore than you have.” He sat back down slowly and Shay stood there silent and stunned. Everything registered slowly, but when it finally sank into her she backed away and turned. Then her feet carried her briskly back down the dark navy blue carpet.

Everything about this palace seemed much worse and uglier than it had before.

-          -

Six feet walked in unison through a forest near the Demon’s border. They were currently located in between the Human’s territory and the Demon’s. Shay kicked a rock as they weaved through trees and finally they all paused at an open landing, a place where they had camped out before on one of their many travels. The last time they had been in this area though, they were plotting the attack on the Demon King, and just a few hours later they would have killed him… or so they thought.

Shay set her stuff down and sighed, everyone else followed. “This is absolutely retarded.” Alistaire kicked his bag and then sat down on a stump. “This is all your fault Shay. You should have lied and pretended you found out some sort of whereabouts of that fucking Demon so that we wouldn’t be banished.” He glared at the blonde Angel who turned around with her hands on her hips glaring.

“Excuse me, but you were the one who killed him, and if you had killed him properly and disposed of the body properly we wouldn’t be in this situation.” Shay stepped up to him and pushed his chest back with her foot. “Don’t go blaming this on others, it is your fault Kaze and I ended up banished. It should only be you.” Her chest heaved with anger and she turned to Kaze who stood there with her brown hair over his eyes and his hands in his pockets. “Come on Kaze, let’s find some dinner.” Shay lightly took his arm and pulled him out of sight from Alistaire who was fuming from his stump.

Kaze didn’t say a word as they rummaged around the forest setting up traps and looking for a river. Kaze never said much of anything anymore, and Shay knew to leave him alone. Last time they had been here, Eon was still alive. He died that night when the three of them raided the Demon King’s Castle. Eon and Kaze had been a thing; the two of them were perfect for each other too. When he died Kaze shut down, the Angel who used to joke around and pick at the obvious was gone. No longer did Alistaire and Shay receive the annoying teases about them being in love with each other, when in reality they despised each other.

Suddenly Alistaire came marching up to them as they set up a rabbit trap. “How could you leave me sitting there alone like that? We are supposed to be a team! What if something happened to me and you guys weren’t there to help.” Shay looked at him stunned and then busted into laughter.

“Wow jerk, someone is a scaredy cat. You’re a big boy though; you can take care of yourself,” Shay sneered and pulled the rope tying it into a knot. He could act like such a bad ass at times, but in the end he was a wimp when it came to the smallest noise in a forest.

“Well… what if a bear came out and… and…” Alistaire fumed and plopped on the ground like a little kid throwing a tantrum. “You are so irritating Shay.” He complained and crossed his legs and arms.

“If you had to listen to yourself you would make yourself irritating too,” She replied collectively and stood up. She strode past him pouting on the ground and flipped her blond hair back. Her body then disappeared between thickets of trees. Kaze still stood there leaning up against a tree with his hands still in his pockets.

“If anyone was annoying it would actually be you.” He stated bluntly, his voice flat and emotionless. Alistaire lifted his head and gaped at Kaze. He pushed himself off of the tree and walked over to Alistaire and extended a hand, the red head grabbed it and stood up. Just as Alistaire was about to speak a blood curdling scream echoed through the tree, and they froze. Their heads turned towards the direction where Shay had disappeared through the trees. 

Kaze was the first one to move, he fled through the thickets just like Shay had moments ago, then Alistaire followed close behind. They ran to where their campsite was, but she wasn’t there. Kaze turned in a full circle looking through the trees trying to find a clue of which was she would of went. 

"SHAY!” Kaze yelled cupping his hands over his mouth to project it.

No reply, and then Alistaire elbowed Kaze in the side; he turned around and looked in the direction Alistaire was staring.

 Clinging to a branch on a tree was a fuchsia colored cloth, the same exact color Shay’s shirt had been.

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