The Mad Hatters Wife (SEQUEL...

By pandaisarmy

810 15 5

After 2 years of learning what had happened in the borderlands, Miokuro and her new friends take each day at... More

The Truth
6 Years Later
Should Have Listened
Four of Clubs
4 of Diamonds
Funhouse Tag (Pt. 1)
Funhouse Tag (pt 2)
Losing Yourself
Settling Scores
Memories From Hell


47 1 3
By pandaisarmy

"So they have players faces on the blimps of each game?" I asked pacing back and forth.

"Yes, and if you lose the game another players face will appear. Its their turn to try and beat the game now." Arisu said. "I saw my face in two games, one of them being with you." Arisu pointed at me. "Lei and his sister are also in it with us."

" Where is Ichiro?" I asked. As Arisu cleared his throat.

"Tha'ts how I know that after you die a new face shows up. Ichiro was killed and so where the other beach members that were there. That's when my face and the others showed up."

"Has anyone checked on Alisa since." I asked squeezing Takeru's hand.

"She hasn't come back from her game yet." Aguni said looking to Niragi.

"So then whose face is on the King Of Spades blimp?" I asked.

"That's the only clear blimp, which means its still any players game." DouDou said.

I stood up from the table and looked outside the window, I could see the King of Spades blimp from my few but it was still pretty far off from me to worry about it. And the building had been heavily armed.

"Goddamn Hei, why did I go to you first." I mumbled.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. You needed answer and went to get some. I mean he warned you for what's coming. Maybe its a good thing you went to him first." Arisu tried to make light of my thoughts.

"I just want this to be over."

I had finally let the idea that maybe I wasn't gonna get everyone out of here. What if Takeru and I don't get out. Ill never see my boy again. I started to feel sick to my stomach. I turned around and looked at the conference table. Everyone's eyes on me.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I said covering my mouth and running out the office to the nearest bathroom.



"Hey Takeru can I talk with you?" I looked up at whose voice it was. I had been sitting outside of Miokuros room because she asked to be alone for awhile. Niragi walked up infront of me with his hand out for me to grab to it.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he helped me to my feet.

"Yea, I just wanted to talk to you about the game tomorrow." He nodded.

"When is the last time you went for a walk?" I asked putting my arm around his shoulder as we walked to the elevator.


"So Niragi, what did you wanna talk about?"

"The game...with our faces on it. I...I don't know what kind of sick shit they have for us, but I'm certain they are gonna make Miokuro choose one of us. To live." Niragi stopped walking and I stopped in front of him as he looked at me.

"You still love her don't you Niragi?" I asked already knowing this answer.

"It doesn't matter how I feel. It's gonna be you that is with her. I need it to be you." He said.

"Yonekura told me you guys were together, she said...that you were engaged."

Tell him the truth Takeru. Tell him what she whispered to you.

"Yea, we are. But if I am being honest. I don't think I did it out of my feelings for Yonekura." Niragi looked away from me.

"I deserve to die here. For her sake and Mio's."

"No one deserves to die here, not like this.

"Takeru, the only reason I asked Yonekura to marry me, was because I knew I could never have Miokuro. I knew I couldn't give her the same happiness I see her with, with you. The smile she has when anyone says your name just screams the love she has for you. So yes, I believe I need to die here. Because even though I believed marrying her would help me forget. As long as I can see her, as long as Miokuro and I share the same air, I could never love anyone the way I love her." Niragi looked away from me and chuckled trying to hid him crying.


"You don't have to be the bigger person Takeru. I made my decision." Niragi said cutting me off. "So how about we go back, see if we can get Miokuro downstairs with the others and enjoy would could be our last night."

Niragi reached his hand out to me. "As friends."

I looked at his hand then at him.

"No, as brothers." I said hugging him instead. I could feel him hesitate at first but finally his arms wrapped around me and he finally let his feelings go as he broke down crying.



"Hey Miokuro, you sure you don't wanna join us." I didn't respond to Takeru.

"Come Mio, we need that Hatter side of you in these times." I heard Niragi say.

Slowly I sat up and looked at them both.

"Why, the real Hatter is right infront of you." I mumbled. Takeru stepped infront of me with his hand out.

"What's The Hatter without his wife." Niragi said as I looked up. He was smiling at me, and I couldn't tell, but it looked as if he had been crying at some point.

"Never would have thought you two would team up." I chuckled standing up.

"You could say we had a heart to heart." Niragi chuckled smiling going to walk out the room.

"Niragi." I said holding Takeru's hand. He turned his head slightly but not fully to me.

"Thank You." I said and he gave a small smile before walking out.


"HELLO EVERYONE! Today has been a rough start..I've heard some news." Everyone was quiet for a second.

"BUT WE PREPARED FOR THIS WE HAVE THIS PLACE WE HAVE COME TO CALL HOME PROTECTED TO THE T. And of course I know that, that same protection may not be out there!" I said pointing out the windows. "OUT THERE THE REAL FIGHTS ARE! SO TONIGHT WE LIVE MORE THAN WE EVER HAVE AND TOMORROW..." I looked back at my friends and out to the crowd.

"We finish this." I said in a more serious tone.

"TO THE BEACH!" Someone yelled in the crowd.

"TO THE BEACH!" Everyone cheered.

I look back at Hatter who smiled clapping his hands. He handed me a glass and everyone behind me lifted there glasses as I turned to the crowd.

"TO THE BEACH!" I cheered.

"TO THE BEACH!" Takeru yelled.

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