By GuildMaster_RiP

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KDA popstars rising to fame in just 1 night but despite their talents there are also the people behind the sc... More

Chapter 2: Seraphine
Chapter 3: Pizza?
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 5: Fight?
Chapter 6: Polaroid
Chapter 7:My Queen
Chapter 8:The storm
Chapter 9: Catching Up
Chapter 10: There goes my peace
Chapter 11: I can dress up nice too!
Chapter 12: Party Night! (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Party Night! (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Buckle Up.
Chapter 15:Bloody Night
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17:MOM?!
Chapter 18: She Actually has Pretty Eyes
Chapter 19: The Aftermath.
Chapter 20: THIS IS A BAD IDEA!
Chapter 21:Unwanted Guest
Chapter 22: Remenicsing
Chapter 23: Closure with your Demons.
Chapter 24: Wild Goose Chase.
Chapter 25: Midnight Snack
Chapter 26: Staying over with the Idols.
Chapter 27:What are they doing?
Chapter 28: Lighting up the fuze
Chapter 29:Let's go to the Mall!
Chapter 30: Im through with you.
Chapter 31: SURPRISE?
Chapter 32: Game Night!
Chapter 33: New Start
Chapter 34:Walk with me ?
Chapter 35: Back to work.
Chapter 36: Trust

Chapter 1:A Devil Behind the Smile.

11.4K 253 105
By GuildMaster_RiP

(Y/N): AAAAND that's a Cut! Great job Girls!

The music stopped and I put down my DSLR to check on the recording 1 last time  while the  group of girls finally broke poses too eased up from hours of recording, some were  sitting down down on floor already and some leaning on each other from  exhaustion. I then let out a small chuckle from just looking at them.

???: Great job girls!  And thank you so much for agreeing to be our editor and director (Y/n).

The nine tail Vastayian was still trying to gasp for air after a long and hardworking recording while leaning on her other friend who was a tall girl with purple hair and with 2 "wings" like things floating on both her shoulders.

???: Um... T-thank you so much (Y/N).

???:Uuuugh Finally! I've been starving for ages, Let's go grab some Ramen!

The girl with a cap and a facemask rushed to the corner where our stuff is and started to rummage around for food.

???:Thank so much you Darling, i do hope you got some good angle's of me ~ *winks*

I felt discomfort as another purple haired lady but with lashes on her back came to my side and pat me on the shoulder, pain started to linger on my chest like needles were stabbing my chest.

(Y/n): Y-yeah...don't mention it, I'm glad to help a friend, but at least we didn't get a chase by the police in the subway on that 1 night.

???:H-hey it's not my fault for screaming! There were rats!

We were laughing so hard teasing the small ninja as we could even see her getting flustered.

oh man.....i'm gonna miss this.

I continued putting my camera and equipment safety back in my backpack which is nothing fancy just a DSLR and some of this and that. While i was fixing suddenly everything just went silent, i tried blowing through my nose or dig through my ear to let the air of out my ear but nothing, cause just a second ago the girls were laughing then utter silence, i look over  my shoulder then turned my back seeing the whole studio was empty and the four future popstars were gone.

(Y/N): Huh?Um....guys? Is this some kind of prank?

I looked around and I see nothing, just the green screen of the studio where we recorded and the equipment i borrowed.

(Y/N): guy's this is not guys know what happened last time you tried scaring me..

I kept looking around and waited to see someone to reply back but nothing my heart beat was slowly increasing and i was slowly getting anxious from what might just happened , I picked up my things then rushed out the room and started running through the hallway until i reach the end which was a door to the lobby,I opened the double door and that was when I saw them.

(Y/N): There you guy are! i thought you- wah!

I got pushed down to the ground by some kind of invisible wall as i tried moving towards them, i stood up immediately and tried touch it and it really felt something was there. The 4 just stood there motionless at the other side of this unknown barrier just looking at me which made me question what was happening. I tried hitting it with 1 hand to get there attention.


I tried hitting the invisible wall more with both my hands this time and even shouted to get the girls attention, but nothing they were just there standing while looking at me until one by one they turned around and started to walk away from me.


As I still tried hitting and kicking my way out, I saw one of them turn around and looked back saying something, I couldn't hear what she's saying but I tried making something out from what she said based of her mouth movement but i still couldn't tell what she said, not until I heard a whisper that said to me...

"We don't need you anymore after all...."

"You powerless."

I felt a sudden stab in my heart, my chest started to ache and tighten,then I felt tears falling on through cheeks that my breathing wasnt becoming normal it was slowly increasing by the second, my hearing also started to ring until all i heard was my own heart beating.


The noise was starting to get annoying to me but at the same time the pain on my chest isn't going anywhere, my body was also getting colder by the second and my nerves were getting numb I tried pinching and  scratching  my body  burying through my nails through my skin to at least ease the uncomfortable feeling of not feeling anything. But out of nowhere i heard a voice that was so familiar, it was actually my own voice and it whispered.........

"why would they need someone as useless and powerless like you."

(Y/n) POV

I felt a kick on my chest that made my body jolt backwards as I was falling into an endless pit of darkness until I felt the ground hit my back a sudden jerk in my body sprung me up like my soul just landed back to my body, I stood up gasping for hair while trying to get myself together with cold sweat starting to fall over my face,I started touching myself from my face to body seeing that i'm okay.


I felt my whole body sweating that it even stained my pillow and bedsheets so I took my shirt out then wiped the remaining sweaty parts on me with my shirt and after that I took my time to gather my thoughts of what happened while I try to compose myself and my breathing. After minutes of meditating I realized everything was just a dream.

(Y/n): Why does it have to be them again...

I look over my bed and i saw my laptop was beside me and i remember that  I was looking at a old project for a friend back then, as i read the file name on the top left "KDA_ POPSTARS"

(Y/N): It's been a year huh?


I turned off the application showing my desktop background which was a picture of me and with a group of people.

(Y/N):  *mumble*I'm just glad you girls reached your dreams....just hop-


(Y/N): for fuck sake...

I grabbed my phone on my desk and I checked who was calling at this time of hour.

Of course...Yasuo, I wonder what happened this time.

(Y/n): (Y/n) here, Hey Yas.

Yasuo: Hey (Y/n),  How's my favorite Artist!

(Y/n): Let me guess, you want me to revise or reshoot something on your Music video?

Yasuo: W-what n-n-n-noooooo, pshhh, what? Revise?

(Y/n): Mhmmmm


(Y/n): Let me guess, it's Qiyana's and Ekko's scene again.



I stood in silence waiting for Yasuo to make a reply.


I let out a big sigh and rubbed the bridge of my nose. It's been a month since our recording for True damage's first song "Giants" and I've been revising and reediting these 2's scenes for the 10th time no make that 11th and yet here I am not getting paid enough for this, so without wasting anymore time i got up on bed then put on my glasses and grabbed a new shirt since my recent one was covered with sweat, i also decided to change my sheets after i get this revisions done. Before work i brought out a glass cup and a carton of apple juice with me, just to keep me refresh while working.

(Y/n): Alright, what do we need.

Yasuo: Thank you Thank you so much (y/n)!

(Y/n): Yeah yeah, you're lucky if we weren't best friends at college, I would have shouted at you right now.

As i browsed through my computer and started to open some files, i heard a familiar voices in the call.

Ekko:Hey Yasuo is that  (Y/n) on the phone?


Yasuo: Hey hey Stand back you two! Wait Qiyana, what are you doing with that chair? Wait WA-

(Y/n): Oh boi..

The next second all i heard through the phone was crashing sounds and inaudible screaming with strong winds.

*time skip*

I leaned back in exhaustion at my chair and started stretching my whole body after hours of listening to Qiyana and Ekko's request. As i stretched i heard some bones cracked from being stiff for the past hour.

(Y/n)Ahh...that's more like it.

I haven't felt so much pain on my back ever since college, my back only felt so much pain from all those projects, especially on Professor Jhin's class, man that guy only seek "perfection"  on our artwork's took me 4 sleepless nights and maybe 20 bottles of energy drinks. I felt a cold shiver down my spine from remembering some dark past of my college days

(y/n): I don't want to relive that again.

I took my phone out to check the time.


it was 3pm in the afternoon and I haven't eaten breakfast or lunch yet, so I decided to continue this in a cafe i usually go since i don't feel like cooking today too, and i would rather finish this project as soon as possible. I saved the files on my hard drive and packed everything on my backpack including my laptop,earphones and chargers, after that i went to take a shower.

I turned on the cold water first and let the water soak my whole body as my mind suddenly flies out to a deep thought i remembered the dream that i just had.

(Y/n):why does it have to be her..

My hands was shaking for a second i held my own hands and started massaging it to calm it down. As it settled down i got out of the shower and started wiping myself with a towel,before leaving the bathroom i stared at my medicine case that had some of the medicine's that i take daily, at first i was hesitating but i decided that i can take it easy for me today.

I went through my closet then took my usual attire, a plain shirt, grey sweatpants, and my favorite black hoodie that had patches sewed onto it, since I'm just going to stay on my favorite cafe didn't need to put on something nice.


I left my apartment then went down to unlock my bike. I didn't have those motorcycles or fancy cars, cause they are too expensive for my own at the moment , plus it's much more relaxing to bike around Piltover and from where I'm going it will is just be a 15 minute bike for me to go there from my apartment to the cafe. After undoing the chains i started pedaling my way to the open city of Piltover.

The city had a big changed from it's old classic to a more modern look thanks to the invention of the Hextech.On my way to the cafe I was able to get a lot of inspiration on my next projects from sceneries i can use and seeing people on their daily lives give me enough inspiration to drawing something.

Hehe this is why i like to use a bike.

I got off my bike then put the chain around it hoping it wouldn't get stolen like my last bike, I entered the cafe greeted by the cheerful pink haired barista than the usual person i meet.

???:  Welcome! How are you today?

(y/n): I'm doing okay.

???: Great to hear!

The barista on the counter let out a wide and vibrant smile after her reply.

Damn that smile can just blind someone.

???:So what will be you order for today?

(y/n): Ill have a grilled sandwich with pasta, and ice coffee, and a lot of cream in that coffee please.

???: You got it! Would that be all?

She let out one of her smiles once more as i try to avert my gaze from her (explai nthe smile)

Damn,seriously what with that smile

(y/n): Y-yeah

I started to stutter all the sudden that took me of guard.

Wait am I suddenly stuttering and blushing? What the fuck?

???: That will be 13 dollars and 55 cents!

This time she let out a joyful smile that really caught me of guard that i thought i skipped a beat.

God dammit stop smiling!

As i  paid for my order, i went to the second floor to find a seat since the first floor was crowded and noisy, i started scanning through the floor to find a corner at end of the cafe that didn't have much people which was perfect , not that i want to be alone I just didn't want people seeing what i'm working at since its related to True damage and i didn't want people leaking out information about it and get myself into serious friendship and legal trouble.

I placed my laptop on the table then plugged my mouse and earphones in, I put my earphones in and started sliding my mouse through the scenes of the music video looking if there were scenes that needed to be fixed or edited.

(y/n): *click* wait...the sound fx doesn't seem to be working again

I turned up the volume a bit to hear the sound fx, and started repeating it over  and over to hear if I still needed to increase it or not.

(y/n): God dammit just work!

30 minuts pass of editing some sound and visual Fx I removed my earphones and stopped working for a second to clear my head and rest my eyes.... until  I heard a gasp behind me, i looked behind me and fuck, i saw the pink haired barista from awhile ago, her eyes wide from surprise and she was standing still looking at my laptop, i looked behind me and closed my laptop to stop her from seeing more.


Before she can finish i covered her mouth with my hand, my heart was beating so fast and sweat was falling from the back of my neck from fear, my mind was overthinking the multiple outcomes what may happen which made me much worried what she might do next cause who knows what would happen if she shouted that out that i was working for True Damage and im working at it right now! I look around to see if there was anyone else, and luckily there weren't  many people, i let out a big sigh then look at her.

(y/n): Can u promise me 1 thing?

She blinked at me once then gave a nod, i then slowly removed my hand

???:Omg! Are you a member of true damage?!

(y/n): Sshhhh keep it down!

???:OH oh... sorry

She covered her mouth and lightly giggle.

Seriously what's with her smile?!

(y/n): Uuh.....

???: yeah??

As I awkwardly try to ask for her name I saw her name tag pinned to her apron.


Seraphine: yep thats me!

(y/n): Can you keep this a secret for both of us?

Suddenly her innocent and bright smile became a smug and sinister look.

Seraphine: But what's in it for me?

Oh no..

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