Psycho Couple✔️

By jimttaelatae

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❝Aww did it hurt when I broke your bones?❞ Love? Isn't it crazy? But what if, you experience Psychotic love... More



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By jimttaelatae

“Who are you?” Jimin took a deep breath. “Officer, we are residents of this place. After a month-long trip we came back.” Without turning around he answers calmly. Grabbing your hand, rubbing it, assuring you it's fine. How the hell can it be fine? When there’s a wholeass police officer behind you. Probably holding a gun? Who knows?

“Show me your face?” This is what you were fearing about. Your chest heaved up and down. “Sure.” With the cap still on his head he elevates on his steps. “What’s in those bags?” Your hands had become sweaty. “Do you wanna check them?” Pushing it forward, he easily hands it over to the officer. Who had his gun pointed at you both.

Another officer comes up behind him examining the carrier. “Please God! Save us, I swear I’ll never kill anyone again.” Jimin heard your prayers scoffing. “It’s clear.” Giving a thumbs up he hands it back to him. “We are sorry for the inconvenience. Lately, a killer has been roaming around freely, Precautions had to be taken.”

Jimin nods his head. “Of course we understand you. Thank you for protecting us.” Bowing his head he hides that victorious smirk. “Why are you both out so late in the night? Near the police headquarters?” Jimin chuckled.

“Police headquarters? What do you mean Sir? We ain’t anywhere close to the quarters. After checking today’s weather report, we decided to halt back in a hotel a few metres away from here. Doesn't everyone walk in this route to reach it?”

He gasped at Jimin’s remark, “I apologise once again. You may leave.” You were bewildered, paralysed on your spot. “Let’s go baby.” Striding with the suitcase he starts walking. Coming across a hotel. “Oh! Jimin-ah welcome. What brings you here?” A jovial man approached him.

“Hyung, we would like to book a room here. Hoseok frowned, shaking his head. “Why would you pay for it? You’re my best friend, I’ll ask them to give it to you for free. Enjoy your stay.” Guiding you to a luxury suite he left the room. “Now explain what happened? Where is that body?”

Jimin laughed, wiping the corner of his lids. “Did you think, I won’t be prepared? My dear Y/N, I had pre-planned everything. His corpse is safely handed to the authorities. Remember we had taken a stop near the petrol bank?” A memory flashed in your mind.

“Yes I do remember what does it have to do with this though?” Jimin sat down on the bed.

“I took his body from there and dumped it in the quarters. It’s a five minute walkable distance. No surveillance cameras were installed in the path. If you're worried regarding our car? I hid it in the same patrol station we had stopped at.” You were left speechless. How was this man so intelligent?

“I almost got a heart attack back there. If you were done dumping his body. Why did we come to this hotel?” Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

“This is also a part of my plan. None can doubt us now. Hoseok Hyung would be the witness of our stay here. In case the police tried questioning us. All the proof would be in our favour. Now quit being so sulky. And enjoy our free stay in this luxurious room.”

You weren’t over the incident yet. Excusing yourself to take a bath. “Why is she so scared?” Jimin rolled his eyes, laying down on the mattress.

“Jimin needs to calm down. We can’t shift cities every time. Because of his craziness.” Splashing water on your face you convinced yourself it was ok.


The next morning, reporters crowded the police headquarters.

“News of the day, Killer ‘P’ makes another person as his victim, whose corpse was found in the backyard. Reported victim Ahn Soo Hyuk’s body was found slithered off his throat. Stuffed in a plastic bag neatly arranged in a suitcase. “A NO IS A NO ,was found on the note stuck on his forehead. No fingerprints or any sort of evidence have been traced even this time. Stay tuned with us to know more.”

Jimin, who was watching the news, shut off the TV, grinning proudly. “Look at this Y/N-ah we threatened the police. They are on their edge to find us. While we effortlessly threw that motherfucker in their place. No one can challenge or compete against us. It's proven.”

Chortling wickedly he pecks your forehead who was sleeping comfortably. “Jimin, don't start with your killing stuff early in the morning. You know I suffer through nightmares. I understand we kill bad people. However, this is risky. Control yourself.”

Jimin’s eyes softened. “I’m sorry I won’t be so rash next time. I’ll inform you if we ever play perilously.” Hiding your face in the duvet you groan. “What’s wrong?” His heart beat fastened. “Nothing big, just a mild stomach ache.” Jimin frowned. “It isn’t mild in my eyes. Come on, I'll shower you. We’ll depart soon.”


Jimin leaves the house, spinning his car keys. You had to leave early for work today. Due to an important meeting. He couldn’t even say goodbye. “Young man, are you perhaps our new neighbour?” Listening to the voice, Jimin beamed brightly. “Yes granny, I live here with my wife. She’s currently at her office.”

Lea’s eyes sparkled. “It is great to know a newly wedded couple are our neighbours.” Jimin shyly rubbed his nape. “Granny, you're mistaken. We've been married for four years.” She chortled at Jimin’s statement.

“Aish, young love I see.” His cheeks had turned red. “Please do visit us for dinner on halloween.” Cupping his face she kissed his forehead. Walking back inside her house. “Halloween dinner? Sounds interesting!”


His legs moved perfectly with the rhythm. Body swaying in accord. “This is how you do it.” Smiling at his students, he helped them with those moves. “Jimin-ah teach me what you are teaching them.” Ryu, his fellow teacher, entered.

“Ryu, you're a skilled dancer. Why would you want me to teach you such basic steps?” She pouts stomping her feet. “I need to learn from the perfectionist himself. Only then would I be named as a skilled performer.” Jimin sighed.

“Jimin is busy right now. It’s almost lunch hour. He has to fulfill his husband's duties.” Stressing on the word ‘husband.’ You stand beside her. “Wifey.” Jimin jumped on you hugging your frame. His students giggled watching their teacher acting so childish. Ryu scowled at your sudden appearance.

“Ryu, when will you stop flirting with my husband? Before you justify yourself stating that boring line: I wasn’t flirting with him. I saw you clearly were. If I wasn’t present here now you’d have danced with him. Then attempting something else as well. Better be in your limits. He’s a married man. Keep that reality in your mind before asking for something so incessant next time alright?”

Jimin was perspiring at your proclamation. He knew how scary you would turn when you were angry. “Y/N should we have lunch? You must be hungry right?”

“Yes I definitely am hungry. Why don’t you feed me?” Ryu couldn’t form a proper sentence to back herself up. She knew anything that she would say you’d definitely use against her. Hence, she chose to quietly listen to you.

“Jimin is a married man and is married to me. Your life lies in your hands. Drill that in your brain Choi Ryu.”

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