Project Sigma

Bởi i_will_survive_

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Never did the people of 2485 believe that they could potentially be the downfall of mankind. Yet twenty years... Xem Thêm

Prologue - The Interview
Chapter 1 - Welcome to Camp 6
Chapter 2 - Training
Chapter 3 - Late Night Walks Home
Chapter 4 - Bones of Steel
Chapter 5 - Bloody Bandages and Alpha Kisses
Chapter 6 - Going for a Swim
Chapter 7 - Sigma
Chapter 8 - Shall we disappear?
Chapter 9 - Mechanical Spiders*
Chapter 10 - Tides of the Tempest
Chapter 11 - Tropical Paradise
Chapter 12 - Voice of Will
Chapter 13 - Firewood and Fireworks
Chapter 14 - Burning Up
Chapter 16 - Crimson Paint
Chapter 17 - Finding Home in the Rain
Chapter 18 - Missing Her
Chapter 19 - New Alpha Commands and Sit in Gammas
Chapter 20 - Submission
Chapter 21 - Different Person
Chapter 23 - Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
Chapter 23 - Chaser Calls
Chapter 24 - Letters in a Bottle
Chapter 25 - Death in the Woods
Chapter 26 - Ledge Hopping
Chapter 27 - Long Forgotten
Chapter 28 - Need for Friends

Chapter 15 - Escape and Killing Spree

48 1 0
Bởi i_will_survive_

(Present day)

Ty-Die wasn't sure how long he had been inside the bloodied room but he knew it had to have been a couple days. Every few hours Ty-Die would wake up and see a tray of food waiting for him, a piece of stale bread and some sort of porridge. A cup of water was there too but none of it could bring the strength Ty-Die needed. After every pathetic meal he found himself tired out and he passed out only a few minutes after getting in the last sip of water. Because of this, time seemed to be endless and the days had blurred together to form one long period.

On what was most likely the fifth day after Eliza's death, Ty-Die woke up to see that there was no longer blood on the walls. The light had been fixed and a mattress now sat in the corner of the room. Ty-Die groaned, rolling onto his side and freezing when he saw a man scrubbing the walls in front of him. The man's back remained to Ty-Die and he was humming softly, almost as if he didn't hear Ty-Die reawake.

I woke you up earlier today. The voice inside Ty-Die's head murmured and he froze, feeling a shiver run up his spine. He shook his head, forcing himself to get to his feet. Ty-Die could still feel that he wasn't full of the energy he needed but he knew it would be enough for what he had to do.

Kill him. The voice ordered and Ty-Die grinned devilishly, advancing on the unsuspecting man. He grabbed the man's head, using his strength to yank his head to the side. The man didn't even have time to scream as he dropped to the floor, his eyes rolling back into his head and the brush falling to the ground.

Take his keys and go. The voice ordered and Ty-Die didn't hesitate, searching the man's pockets until his fingers closed around the cold metal of the key. He yanked it out, shoving it in the lock of his cell and ripping it open.

"Where to?" Ty-Die growled, looking at the hallway to his left and the other one to his right. Left. The voice ordered and Ty-Die obeyed, forcing the muscles in his legs to move as he dashed down the hallway. He felt his muscles scream at him from the use of such precious energy but he knew if he wanted to escape speed was the answer.

Stop. The cell on your right. The voice barked and Ty-Die skidded to a stop, looking to the right and seeing an open cell. He peered inside, seeing two figures crouched in the back. Ty-Die stepped into the cell, his eyes widening when he saw a distinct pair of identical faces.

"Thomas! Theo!" Ty-Die called, his eyes widening. He didn't even know there were others inside the small building with him but seeing the twins made him feel far more relieved.

"Why are you two here?" Ty-Die demanded, crouching down when the two boys scampered over to him.

"Eliza." Theo answered, a smile on his chubby face. Ty-Die frowned, his chest tightening. He slowly stood, wishing he could rip the creature out of his head for forcing him to save the twins. He was probably going to have to kill them and the thought of killing such innocent boys was terrifying.

We won't kill them. We need them. The voice said, leaving no room for explanation or arguing. Ty-Die felt his chest swell and he nodded, bending down and scooping Theo up in his arms. He let Thomas onto his back and stood, silently begging that the creature inside him would give him the strength to get them all out to safety.

Continue down the hallway and take a right. The exit isn't too far away. He creature ordered and Ty-Die began moving, his muscles begging for relief. The energy he had hoped to store while he slept was no longer inside him and due to malnutrition he could fell his body beginning to stop. Ty-Die grunted, gripping Theo tighter as he broke into a slight jog. Come on Alpha training, don't fail me now. Ty-Die begged, almost stumbling.

Ty-Die turned the corner, seeing the light from a door down at the end of the hallway. He felt his hope begin to rise and he used a burst of adrenaline, dashing toward the door. Theo held onto Ty-Die tighter, his arms wrapped tightly around the ex-Alpha's neck. Ty-Die paid the motion no mind, continuing his pace as he made it to the door, ripping it open and stepping through.

The sunlight blinded Ty-Die for a moment and he squinted, taking a step back into the shadows. He looked at Theo and then behind him at Thomas, raising his eyebrows. The two nodded, slipping onto the ground and walking out toward the sunlight. Ty-Die watched as smiles slipped onto the boys' face and laughter found its way out of Theo's mouth. Thomas raised his face toward the sky, basking in its glow. Ty-Die couldn't help the smile on his face as he watched the twins.

We don't have time for this. You guys need to get moving. The creature inside Ty-Die ordered and he nodded, beckoning the boys to follow him. He stepped out into the sunlight, the ground beneath his feet digging into his skin. Ty-Die looked around, seeing he was in an alley way. Cautiously he peaked out toward the street, seeing people bustle by and not give him another glance.

"Come on boys." Ty-Die ordered, slowly making his way out toward the crowd of people. He was about to step out when he noticed something and he stopped, gently pushing the other two boys back.

"We need to get some new clothes. People will notice us more when they see what we're wearing." Ty-Die explained to the young boys, nodding his head to their ratty clothes. Thomas looked down at his shirt, giving it a small tug and shaking his head. Theo only looked at Ty-Die in confusion.

You need to hurry up, boy. The voice barked and Ty-Die pulled Thomas closer, forcing the boy to look him in the eye.

"You need to do me a favor, Thomas." Ty-Die ordered, his voice serious. Thomas slowly nodded, cocking his head slightly to the side.

"There's a man I need you to get for me." Ty-Die began, making sure he had the boy's attention before he continued, "He goes by X-ray or just X'. He's been staying in the abandoned church about a mile down from here. You need to get him and tell him to meet us by the river outside of town with some clothes. Do you think you can do that for me?" Thomas was silent for a moment before he nodded, a determined look in his eyes. Ty-Die grinned, feeling relief wash through him.

"Get going and be careful, I'm sure there'll be a bounty on our heads before long." Ty-Die advised and Thomas nodded again, turning around and dashing into the crowd of people. Ty-Die watched him disappear before standing up, reaching down and taking hold of Theo's hand. The little boy looked up at Ty-Die, confusion and uncertainty in his eyes, Ty-Die tried to give him a reassuring smile but he knew it wasn't promising. He had a small child and getting him to the river wasn't going to be an easy task. If anything it was going to be impossible.

Ty-Die slowly edged toward the crowd, knowing he was going to have to stick close to the shadows so others wouldn't pay too much attention to them. He kept his grip firm on Theo, knowing if he were to release the boy he would probably be lost in the sea of people next to him. About to continue on, Ty-Die froze when he felt someone tug on his tattered shirt. He looked down, seeing Theo motion for the ex-Alpha to pick him up. Theo did as the boy wanted, helping him up onto his back.

"Don't let go." Ty-Die order, holding on tightly to the little boy as he continued on his slow trek.

People barely paid Ty-Die any mind as he slowly walked down the road, knowing it would take longer than expected to get to the river. Yet at the same time it was better to go on the streets. He didn't know another way to get to the river. If he had to go the long way he would rather than getting lost.

"Someone's coming." Theo whispered in Ty-Die's ear and the man glanced over his shoulder, not able to see anyone that was particularly watching him. But there was a certain amount of sincerity in Theo's voice that Ty-Die couldn't bring himself not to believe him. He nodded, gripping the boy tighter and continuing to walk closer to the stone buildings.

People around him walked by as if nothing were unusual, occasionally giving him a bump in the shoulder or on the side. Theo held Ty-Die even tighter, making a noise a child made when they were scared. Ty-Die gave him a comforting grunt, keeping his head low as he continued to walk. He was beginning to feel as if everyone were watching him and he was sure Theo was right about someone following him. Now he could almost feel someone's gaze on his back.

Ty-Die felt a sudden hand on his shoulder and he stiffened, whipping around to see who it belonged to. His eyes connected with bright grey ones and creamy complexion. It was a woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties, smile wrinkles by her eyes. She was wearing a business suit; one Ty-Die would tend to see on someone of a much higher class than he. He narrowed his eyes and he took a small step back, cocking his head slightly to the side.

"Hi!" the woman said, her voice squeaky. Ty-Die didn't answer, slowly letting Theo down and holding on tightly to the boy's hand. Ty-Die kept himself slightly in front of the boy in means of protection, prepared to defend the small boy if the woman proved to be threatening.

"Are you new around here?" the woman asked, a smile still on her face. Ty-Die remained silent but shook his head, trying to inch away and disappear into the crowd. But with every step he took the woman took another step closer.

"Who's that boy with you?" the woman asked another question, looking like she wasn't going to let up on her questions.

"My little brother." Ty-Die answered, quickly glancing down at Theo. The boy was looking up at him with wide eyes, his mouth slightly open in a silent protest of confusion. He silently willed the little boy not to say anything wrong. The woman looked down at Theo, the fake smile seeming to get wider. Theo gripped Ty-Die's hand tighter.

"Do you know this man, sweetheart?" The woman asked, raising her eyebrows. Theo seemed to stiffen, his eyes widening. Ty-Die silently prayed, hoping that the little boy knew what to say.

"Yes. This is my brother...Mathew." Theo said quietly, glancing up at Ty-Die. The man held in a sigh of relief, giving the boy's hand a gentle squeeze to silently tell him he did a good job. Theo remained silent, a smile slipping onto his face as he stared up at the woman.

The woman straightened, looking up at Ty-Die and then at Theo. There was a look in her eyes that made Ty-Die stiffen and without a second thought he scooped Theo up onto his back, turning on his heel and dashing into the crowd. Theo let out a startled yelp and his hands gripped Ty-Die tightly, his little hands holding onto Ty-Die for dear life. Ty-Die knew grabbing him so suddenly probably wasn't the best idea but he needed to get away from the woman. He could see something in her eyes that made him uncomfortable. It was something he couldn't stand.

Ty-Die glanced back, seeing the woman trying to push through the crowd and follow him. Ty-Die looked forward again, shoving people out of the way as he ran. People yelled curses at him and others were trying to grab Ty-Die, attempting to stop him. But he didn't let them, shoving people's hands off him and continuing his fast path through the people as Theo held on for dear life.

"Wait!" the woman's yell was far behind but Ty-Die wasn't going to fall for it. He knew that if the woman had a chance to catch him then something could happen. Just the look in her eyes when they had been talking was enough for Ty-Die to know she wasn't to be trusted.

Ty-Die whipped around an alleyway, hoping to find an easier exit than through the streets. But what he saw chilled his blood. Four large men were standing, as if waiting for Ty-Die to enter. Like they knew he was going to go to that exact alleyway. Ty-Die froze, looking at the daunting men and stepping back. He narrowed his eyes, stiffening when they began coming closer.

Ty-Die went to turn around but he saw the woman and three other men standing behind him. His heart slammed against his chest and adrenaline rushed into his veins. Everything around him seemed to come into some sort of focus, as if he could see everything 100 times clearer. Ty-Die shook his head, his vision ebbing for a moment.

"Get away from us." Ty-Die growled, feeling like a caged animal. The men snickered, seeming to sense his discomfort.

"We need you to come with us. You need to get back to where you came from." The woman's sweet voice said, almost as if she were an angel. An animal like growl slipped from Ty-Die's lips and he knew the creature within him had awoken. His hands were trembling and he could almost feel his blood rushing through his veins. The feeling was somewhat disturbing but exhilarating at the same time.

"Blood. I thirst for it."Ty-Die's voice was no longer his own. Yet again he felt like a scared animal, resulting to violence in an attempt to escape. The creature inside him had an animalistic side that he feared and adored all at the same time.

"This is just your creature speaking for you. We can get rid of it for you, just come with us." The woman said, the smile on her face still too fake. Ty-Die growled again, slowly letting Theo slip onto the ground beside him. The boy gripped Ty-Die's pants leg tightly, his eyes wide.

"Hide behind the dumpster and don't come out until I tell you too. Don't move and whatever you do, don't look." Ty-Die ordered, looking down at the boy. He could see the reflection of his eyes gazing back at him through Theo's, they were purple once again and Ty-Die knew he was in for a long blood bath.

"Go, Theo. We will get your brother after." Ty-Die ordered, nudging the boy toward the dumpster. Theo opened his mouth to argue but thought better of it and ran behind the dumpster, crawling into the space before going silent. Ty-Die slowly looked over at the woman, the smile only a monster could have slipping onto his face. It got even wider when he saw a flash of fear slip into the woman's eyes before disappearing.

"You've angered me and my human, my dear. For that, you will pay." The creature inside chuckled, its voice like nails on a chalkboard. The woman flinched before regaining her composure, the smile faltering for a moment.

"And how do you expect that to happen?" the woman sneered, sounding as if she were so sure that she would get out of the situation alive. Ty-Die narrowed his eyes, feeling large hands grab his arms and hold him still. He watched the woman as she stepped closer until she was standing toe to toe with the man, her bright eyes looking into Ty-Die's darker ones.

"Haven't you heard? I bite harder than I bark." Ty-Die's creature snickered and he lunged forward, his teeth sinking into the woman's throat. He felt her muscles tense beneath his jaws and he bit down harder before rearing backward, yanking out a large part of flesh and jugular. Ty-Die stared down at the now collapsing woman, letting the chunk of meat drop from his mouth. A bloody smile was forming on his face and a rush of pure pleasure was coursing through his body, almost as if he were having an intense adrenaline rush.

"" The woman gasped, dark blood beginning to seep from her mouth. Her hands were clutching at her throat and her eyes were widening, the pupils almost nonexistent. Ty-Die had never felt so accomplished in his life.

"I don't like playing games, sweetheart, and when I do, I play to win." Ty-Die snickered, shoving the shocked men off of him and kicking out at the woman. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her chest stopped rising, When her eyes closed and her breathing stopped for good, Ty-Die began killing.

New chapter. I know it's been a while but i have been pretty freaking busy. High school sucks my friends, it really sucks. I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as i can.

Please excuse the mistakes, i didnt mean for them to occur :/

Alexander on the side just cuz :)

-Hawk out-

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