Chapter 16 - Crimson Paint

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(Four years in the past)

Max let Axis lead them in the direction of the houses, keeping at a quick jog. The others stayed close behind him, their feet landing loudly on the ground. The sun was beating down on the Group's sweat covered bodies and Max felt like he was melting. He had always thought the heat back in his village was bad but what he was experiencing was far worse. It was like he had jumped into a pool of lava.

"We were searching over here when he just disappeared!" Axis explained frantically, a look of terror on her face. Max nodded, looking around the area. He could see dozens of houses, most of them in shambles. The ones still standing looks as if they had been ransacked and burned. There were very few places Collan could actually be.

"Don't you think you're overreacting?" Tempest said in a monotone voice, raising his eyebrows. Max sent the large man a glare, wanting nothing more than to wrap his hands around his neck and strangle him. But he restrained himself, his hands clenching into fists. Tempest paid the motion no mind, still looking at Axis with boredom in his gaze. It was as if he didn't care about their Alpha at all.

"No, I know I'm not! He wouldn't just walk off!" Axis snarled, her voice beginning to shake. Tempest rolled his eyes, sighing when Alexandra slapped his arm, leaving a red handprint.

"Axis, you have to think logically about this. Collan could just be scouting ahead. He's a big boy; he can take care of himself." Taylor reasoned, raising his eyebrows thoughtfully. Axis shot him a glare and he bowed his head, becoming submissive under her intense gaze.

"He's not scouting. He disappeared and he's hurt. I know it." Axis denied, her eyes water. Max stared, shaking his head. He felt that Taylor was right; Collan could take care of himself. The Group had lost valuable time trying to gather supplies and they needed to get to the destination. The longer they were stalling, the longer it would take. Max was desperate to get off the island as soon as he possibly could.

"Axis, we can look for him on the way to the mountain. If we don't see him then we'll circle back and look. Until then, we should get moving." Max suggested, glancing over at the others. Taylor nodded vigorously, hope in his eyes. Tempest was still looking bored and Alexandra was no longer paying attention, moving sand around with the toe of her shoe.

"But...-" Axis tried to say but Taylor cut her off firmly.

"Now Axis, Max is right. We haven't moved very far from the drop off point and Collan is probably ahead. We need to get moving." Taylor left no room for arguing, stepping around the Beta and toward the path between the broken down houses. Axis looked helplessly after him before letting her gaze go to Max, her eyes silently pleading with him. Max shook his head, following after Taylor. He could hear the hesitant footsteps of the others but didn't look back to see if they were following. Instead he jogged up to Taylor, walking in step with the man.

The two walked in silence, their footsteps crunching on glass and splinters of wood. The sun was beating down above them and the sand beneath them was reflecting it onto their faces. Max could feel his chest beginning to burn and he was regretting his choice to walk shirtless. Putting on a shirt would only cause more pain so Max remained as he was, ignoring the burning sensation beginning to spread all over his body.

"She worries too much about him." Taylor sighed, glancing back over his shoulder at the Beta. Max followed his gaze, seeing the girl pouting behind them. She glanced up at them and Max instantly turned around, feeling her steel eyes on his back. He gave Taylor a small nudge in the ribs, shaking his head. Max had a feeling Axis could hear every word they were saying and he really didn't want to get on her bad side.

"We need to split up." Axis murmured from behind him but Max stayed quiet, shooting another glance at Taylor. The man was looking straight ahead, intentionally ignoring Max. The Sigma shot Axis an apologetic look, forcing himself not to look at her for a moment longer than he needed. He didn't want to see the misery and pain in her eyes as they stared soullessly at him.

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