Chapter 15 - Escape and Killing Spree

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(Present day)

Ty-Die wasn't sure how long he had been inside the bloodied room but he knew it had to have been a couple days. Every few hours Ty-Die would wake up and see a tray of food waiting for him, a piece of stale bread and some sort of porridge. A cup of water was there too but none of it could bring the strength Ty-Die needed. After every pathetic meal he found himself tired out and he passed out only a few minutes after getting in the last sip of water. Because of this, time seemed to be endless and the days had blurred together to form one long period.

On what was most likely the fifth day after Eliza's death, Ty-Die woke up to see that there was no longer blood on the walls. The light had been fixed and a mattress now sat in the corner of the room. Ty-Die groaned, rolling onto his side and freezing when he saw a man scrubbing the walls in front of him. The man's back remained to Ty-Die and he was humming softly, almost as if he didn't hear Ty-Die reawake.

I woke you up earlier today. The voice inside Ty-Die's head murmured and he froze, feeling a shiver run up his spine. He shook his head, forcing himself to get to his feet. Ty-Die could still feel that he wasn't full of the energy he needed but he knew it would be enough for what he had to do.

Kill him. The voice ordered and Ty-Die grinned devilishly, advancing on the unsuspecting man. He grabbed the man's head, using his strength to yank his head to the side. The man didn't even have time to scream as he dropped to the floor, his eyes rolling back into his head and the brush falling to the ground.

Take his keys and go. The voice ordered and Ty-Die didn't hesitate, searching the man's pockets until his fingers closed around the cold metal of the key. He yanked it out, shoving it in the lock of his cell and ripping it open.

"Where to?" Ty-Die growled, looking at the hallway to his left and the other one to his right. Left. The voice ordered and Ty-Die obeyed, forcing the muscles in his legs to move as he dashed down the hallway. He felt his muscles scream at him from the use of such precious energy but he knew if he wanted to escape speed was the answer.

Stop. The cell on your right. The voice barked and Ty-Die skidded to a stop, looking to the right and seeing an open cell. He peered inside, seeing two figures crouched in the back. Ty-Die stepped into the cell, his eyes widening when he saw a distinct pair of identical faces.

"Thomas! Theo!" Ty-Die called, his eyes widening. He didn't even know there were others inside the small building with him but seeing the twins made him feel far more relieved.

"Why are you two here?" Ty-Die demanded, crouching down when the two boys scampered over to him.

"Eliza." Theo answered, a smile on his chubby face. Ty-Die frowned, his chest tightening. He slowly stood, wishing he could rip the creature out of his head for forcing him to save the twins. He was probably going to have to kill them and the thought of killing such innocent boys was terrifying.

We won't kill them. We need them. The voice said, leaving no room for explanation or arguing. Ty-Die felt his chest swell and he nodded, bending down and scooping Theo up in his arms. He let Thomas onto his back and stood, silently begging that the creature inside him would give him the strength to get them all out to safety.

Continue down the hallway and take a right. The exit isn't too far away. He creature ordered and Ty-Die began moving, his muscles begging for relief. The energy he had hoped to store while he slept was no longer inside him and due to malnutrition he could fell his body beginning to stop. Ty-Die grunted, gripping Theo tighter as he broke into a slight jog. Come on Alpha training, don't fail me now. Ty-Die begged, almost stumbling.

Ty-Die turned the corner, seeing the light from a door down at the end of the hallway. He felt his hope begin to rise and he used a burst of adrenaline, dashing toward the door. Theo held onto Ty-Die tighter, his arms wrapped tightly around the ex-Alpha's neck. Ty-Die paid the motion no mind, continuing his pace as he made it to the door, ripping it open and stepping through.

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