Passion and Despair

Bởi BlueRainShadows

164 55 11

Darkas Turner, daughter of the most successful 'monster' hunter in Westhaven, lived under the horrible care o... Xem Thêm

Author's Note
Chapter 1- The Beginning
Chapter 2- The Party
Chapter 4- Confidence and Healing
Chapter 5- Along came the darkness
Chapter 6- Present Day
Chapter 7- Message Sent
Chapter 8- Message Received
Chapter 9- Wake Me Up
Chapter 10 - Into the darkness
Chapter 11- Lost, not Forgotten
Chapter 12- Whole
Chapter 13- Amends
Chapter 14- Bond
Chapter 15- Warning
Chapter 16- Planning Ahead
Chapter 17- Trapped
Chapter 18- Redemption or Damnation
Chapter 19- Rescued
Chapter 20- Home Again
Chapter 21- Radomir
Chapter 22- Ocean Breeze
Chapter 23- Matron
Chapter 24- Perfect
Chapter 25- Surprise
Chapter 26- Change
Chapter 27- Blizzard
Chapter 28- White
Chapter 29- Sickness and Health
Chapter 30- The Sonogram
Chapter 31- The Other Shoe
Chapter 32- Vampire
Chapter 33- Early
Chapter 34- The Promises We Make
Chapter 35- The Big Guns
Chapter 36- Revenge and Avenge
Chapter 37- Peace

Chapter 3- The Conclave

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Bởi BlueRainShadows

I was being dragged by my hair across the ground, while trying to fight whoever had a hold of it. I cried out in pain, and I was losing my breath almost completely. I was gasping for air, only to be unable to get any air in. "Get your hands off of her!" I heard Thomas yell. I could hear that he was scuffling with someone else. "Please let me go," I begged as I tried to keep up with the pacing, "I- I can't breathe." 

"I will not let Annetta's whore child bring this family down!" Lila snarled revealing that it was her that had a hold of me. Which means that it was likely her personal guard that was stopping Thomas from helping me. 

"Let her go! Now!" I heard Sir Thomas again. He was having a hard time with the guards preventing him from getting to me. I heard large heavy doors open as I tried and failed to take in some air. There were multiple gasps and the music stopped. "Mother! What are you doing?!" Penny yelled. 

Then I was tossed to the floor to gasp for air with no one able to help me. I stayed down and tried to calm myself so I could breathe. The corset was just too tight, and I was about to start clawing it off of me. There were just too many people around I'd be indecent in front of if I did. 

"I told you, husband! Your disgrace of a bastard child whoring around... Just like her mother! She is out of line this time!" Lila snarled. "You are out of line! Sir Thomas had my permission to escort my daughter through the gardens. She is not your responsibility! She is not your daughter! You had absolutely no right to put your hands on her! You have embarrassed her, and you have embarrassed me!" He retorted back. 

"Husband!" "Do not call me that, Lila. By tomorrow evening, we will be divorced. You have insulted me and my family for the last time," He snarled, "Guards. Escort her up to the rooms to pack her things. Make sure she actually leaves my property." The guards escorted her away from the ballroom, as I continued to gasp for air. 

"My Lord! She can't breathe!" Thomas informed. "Let him to her please!" I heard father say, and footsteps rushing over to me. Not a moment later, I felt someone's hand caress my cheek. "Lady Darkas?" Thomas frowned looking at me. "Ca-can't b-breathe," I tried really hard to speak and tell him. My vision was blurring as I was losing consciousness. 

"The Corset! She said she was having trouble with the corset in earlier," Thomas said. "My Lord, we must get her upstairs and take it of her," Sir Roman said. "She doesn't have time," Thomas frowned. I felt him pull me to him in a hug. Then the ties on my corset were cut in one swift move. 

Finally! I was able to take in a deep breath. I managed multiple deep breaths. "That's it, Lady Darcy. Just breathe," Thomas assured as he just held me. I sobbed a bit, and he pet my hair, "It's over now. It's over." "Roman, could you help me get my jacket off," Thomas asked as he adjusted to take it off. Roman helped him and he wrapped it around me to protect my modesty. 

I soaked in the warmth of his jacket and managed to calm down. When I had finally calmed to light sniffles, he picked me up off the floor. "Lady Penelope, if you will show me to her room, I'll carry her there," Thomas said. "Of course. Follow me," Penny replied. Thomas carried me up the stairs to where Penny led him to her room, and he set me down on her bed. 

"This is my room, but she's sharing with me for a few nights," Penny said. "Good. I will feel more comfortable leaving, knowing that she'd be under constant watch," He replied. "You're more than welcome to stay the evening, Sir Thomas, if you're that worried about her," I heard father offer. "I'm sure Jacob will understand," Roman said, "Go on and stay the evening, Old friend." 

"Alright, I will stay and make sure she is okay. Roman's right, I wouldn't be able to walk out of here with her like this, even if I tried," Thomas replied. "Alright, for the moment. I need everyone to clear out, so that I may get her into her nightgown," Penny said. "Of course," Thomas said pressing a small kiss to my cheek and reluctantly walking away. I heard three heavy footsteps leave the room, and Penny got to work on undressing me. 

"How about a bath, Darcy? Are you awake enough? To clean off the dirt?" Penny asked. I gave her a nod wanting a bath so badly. She used her magic to draw me a quick bath and undressed me. With her help, I was able to walk over to the bathroom and get in the tub. My body relaxed as I sat in the warm water, and she began to pull down what was left of my hair that was still up. 

She started to pour water in my hair to wash it out. "Her nails cut at your scalp, Darcy," Penny frowned, "I need to wash the blood out, but it'll be easy." I hummed a bit as she washed out my hair and dried it. She helped me bathe, and step out of the tub. She dried me off and slipped my nightgown on over my head. 

"Alright let's get that hair ready for bed," She said sitting me down on the bed back in her bedroom. She just combed my hair a bit and braided it so that it would be ready for bed. Then I rested my head on the pillow, and dozed off as she prepared her own hair for bed. The rest of the night uneventful.


The next morning, I walked into the parlor after dressing into a simple light blue dress, and my hair was all the way down with the sides twisted and tied off in the back to keep it out of my face. Sir Thomas was sitting in a chair reading a letter. My shoes clicked the floor a bit capturing his attention. He looked up at me and quickly stood to his feet. 

"Lady Darcy, I apologize, I did not see you enter," He said giving me a small bow. "Sir Thomas," I curtseyed, "Father said I'd find you here." "Ah yes, the parlor has an excellent view of the gardens," He replied. "Do you like the gardens, Sir Thomas?" I asked. "Well it is lovely. However, I dare not look out the window when there's a more beautiful sight standing before me," He replied with a smile.

"Will you be at the conclave tonight?" I asked blushing a bit. "I'm afraid I will not be. Your father is already well aware of my previous engagement," He explained. "Previous engagement?" I questioned. He sighed and nodded, "Tonight is a full moon. Lycan's are able to shift whenever they will it, but the full moon makes our self control difficult. Some of us are able to gain control, but I unfortunately have difficulties." 

"So it's that easy for you to be honest with me?" I asked. "Of course, I do not wish to lie to you about anything, Lady Darcy," He assured, "My Beta, Jacob, will be in my place this evening." "Where will you go?" I frowned, "Do you go where you won't harm anyone?" "I usually wander the forests outside of Westhaven's borders," He explained, "I will leave before it get's dark so I have time go get far enough away." 

"When will you be back?" I asked hoping it would be tomorrow. "Typically it only lasts one night, but sometimes... I never know," He explained, "Such is as it's always been." "Do you think you could ever gain the control you need to not have to leave on a full moon?" I kept up the questions. I wanted to know everything he's willing to tell me. I only hope it's not bothering him. "It's possible. Sometimes, finding one's bond helps," He explained. 

"You think I could help you?" I asked. He gave me a small nod, "Yes." "I suppose it would certainly be me repaying you for last night when you saved my life," I replied. "Your life is not a bargain, Lady Darcy. You do not owe me anything," He replied. "You are such a gentleman," I smiled, "I believe I never at least thanked you for doing so." "There's no need, My lady," He said as I stepped closer. I pressed a kiss to his cheek, "Thank you, Sir Thomas." 

He seemed to blush as I took a step back, "I will cherish that kiss for a lifetime." I giggled a bit as he spoke, "You do just that, Sir Thomas." Then the clock chimed and frowned, "I'm afraid I must be going, as much as I dislike having to go. I must handle a few things before I leave for the night." "Of course, Sir Thomas," I replied and he pressed a gentle kiss to my hand. "Please, just 'Thomas' to you," He insisted. "Thomas," I smiled. "Much better," He chuckled and left the room.

Later that evening, Penny and I dressed in dark dresses and black cloaks. "We must walk there as not to attract humans," Penny warned as she handed me a pair of black boots, "Wear these. They are more comfortable." "O-okay," I replied changing out of my normal shoes and into the boots. "Alright, let us go before we're late," She said. "Alone?" I asked. "We'll be alright," She assured. "I- I don't think we should walk alone," I frowned. 

"Don't worry, we will be alright. We must move swiftly and silently," She assured, "Father will join us about half way." "If you say so," I frowned. "Darcy, we will be just fine," She continued to reassure me as she walked with me out of the house. We walked along the path as I asked her questions about the meeting. 

"Why are we going?" I asked. "It's important for us to, Darcy," She replied. "I thought only the leaders had to go," I frowned. "Well, that's the thing," She sighed, "With mother exiled, there's no one to be the Matron of the coven. I believe the coven is at a deadlock between two candidates." "Oh? Who?" I asked. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and said, "You and me." "What?!" I was shocked they would even consider me. "Oh yes! Some want you to lead since it was practically a coup against your mother that my mother was even the Matron," She replied. 

"I barely even know how to read, Penny. I doubt anyone would want me to be the coven's Matron," I frowned. "I want you to," Penny replied, "I think you can learn to lead the coven just as your mother did. Especially with Alyssa's help. Alyssa is the chief advisor to the Matron," She explained, "You might not think yourself a good leader, but I believe you can become one." "You really think so?" I asked. "I know so," She smiled. 

I gave her a small smile. "Don't worry, Sister. If you do get the most votes, you won't be alone. You'll have me and Alyssa guiding you," She assured, "In truth I want you to have the seat." "Why?" I frowned, "I'm not that strong." "You are the strongest I know," She replied, "Trust me. I think you'd do well, and you have the capabilities to learn. You learn very quickly." 

When we arrived at the secret meeting grounds, I was almost surprised to see so many cloaked figures. I was shocked however to see how beautiful the sacred ground was. A gorgeous willow tree in the center with luna moths and fireflies flying through the low hanging limbs of the tree and surrounding flowers. Besides the quiet murmuring of the representatives, the only other thing you could hear was the light chirping of the crickets. 

Penny and I added to it with the crunching of our boots on the gravel as we walked towards the willow tree with father. When all of the leaders and their closest advisors approached him, complete silence fell over the area once he raised his arms for their attention. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Conclave. I would first like to express how pleased I am at your willingness to help bring true, everlasting peace to Westhaven. I understand that some of you might find that difficult considering what we've lost to each other in fighting, but I am grateful that you see the human threat greater than our threats against each other. Let it be known that so long as you live in Westhaven, and by the laws of the Midnight Concordat, you will not be under threat. You will even be protected," As father addressed the conclave, somewhat of a relief fell over the area. 

"Now, before we go any further. We do have a matter of succession to discuss. Following my recent divorce and ex-wife's exile, it leaves the Grey River coven without a leader. Due to the current deadlock, Lady Alyssa McRae, Chief advisor to the matron of Grey River, asked to bring the matter for the conclave to decide," He said, "Lady Alyssa, do come and present the candidates." 

"Of course, thank you," A beautiful young woman said approaching him from the crowd. Our two candidates are Lady Penelope Coletti, daughter of Lila, and Lady Darkas Coletti, Daughter of Anne Turner. The usual succession vote had become deadlocked, and the one thing everyone could agree on was to have the conclave decide, so there are a couple of ways we can go about th-,"

"I would like to say something," Penny interrupted Lady Alyssa. "Of course, My lady," Alyssa replied as Penny approached her.  "As honored as I am that the coven would even consider me after what my mother has done, it just wouldn't feel right for me to even be nominated against Matron Anne's own child. I know some have voted against my sister because of the many things she lacked.

"Allow me to remind you that she only lacked the skills needed to lead because of Matron Lila. She was so jealous of what Anne was, of what Darcy could be, that she treated Darcy unkindly. She took so much of Darcy's life from her that it does not feel right for me to be standing here.

"I can vouch that Lady Darcy is a fast learner. She's very good with magic and an excellent healer- which she'd actually taught herself to do. I believe- with the right guidance- she can learn to be just as good a Matron as her mother was," Penny spoke. Tears strolled down my cheeks as I listened to how much confidence she had in me.

"Well then I guess its settled," Father said stepping back up, "If Penny has withdrawn... the only candidate is Darcy." "I guess it is, My lord," Alyssa chuckled. "Come here, sweetheart," Father said motioning me to step forward. I walked over to them, "Allow me to introduce the new Matron of the Grey River Coven."

"I only hope that I can live up to everyone's faith in me, and I will work my absolute hardest to do so," I said grateful for a chance to prove myself to everyone that believes in me. In this moment, I vowed to myself that I would be a strong Matron. I would be as worthy for the coven as my mother was. I want to not only make father, Penny, and the coven proud... I want to make mother proud.

After the cheers and clapping died down, father ushered Alyssa, Penny, and I away so he could continue with the conclave. "Now, we must continue with any other orders of business before the night ends," Father said throwing a proud look to me. 

As the night progressed, I listened as father went over the rules that every King, Alpha, and Matron here had to understand to bring true peace to Westhaven. We must all make sacrifices to not lose anyone, and I hope that I can do my part as Matron of Grey River to bring peace for the witches of Westhaven. 

There you have it :D Chapter 3 Fin... 4 coming up soon Hehehe! Very, very soon! :)

Keep Calm and Peep on! 

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