Why Did I Fall In Love!? (Boy...

By AnndraMichealMacRae

38.5K 870 1.1K

Gou realises that he's in love with Ash. He doesn't know when or how it happened but it's now causing him dis... More

Chapter One: It's Torture Having To Pretend
Chapter Two: A Hoenn Adventure
Chapter Three: A Beautifly Reunion
Chapter Four: You Could Cut The Tension With A Knife
Chapter Five: An Early Rise, A Day Despised
Chapter Six: A Denial Unbelievable
Chapter Seven: I Am Gou, Hear Me Roar!
Chapter Eight: To Confront Oneself
Chapter Nine: There Are Regional Forms!?
Chapter Ten: Alola! Alola!
Chapter Eleven: Hitting The City
Chapter Twelve: Surprise, Dear Friend!
Chapter Thirteen: A Confession Unprepared For!
Chapter Fourteen: Suppression Is A Dumb Strategy!
Chapter Fifteen:The Search And The Conversation
Chapter Sixteen: Gou's Next Move
Chapter Seventeen: Why Is He Crying?
Chapter Nineteen: Why Are Boys So Complicated!?
Chapter Twenty: He's Just So...
Chapter Twenty One: Is This The Start Of Something Beautiful?
Chapter Twenty Two: This Is What Happiness Is, Isn't It?
Chapter Twenty Three: Meeting The Parents
Chapter Twenty Four: I'm Just So Lucky!

Chapter Eighteen: What The Actual!

1.3K 33 21
By AnndraMichealMacRae

"Wow! This all looks delicious!" Professor Burnet cheered looking at the food on the breakfast table.
"Yeah! Thanks Professor Kukui!" Ash concurs.
"You're all welcome! Now let's eat!" Professor Kukui declares.

Everyone starts eating the delicious food. Gou, however, has a look of embarrassment. Everyone is acting like normal. But something isn't normal. He and Ash kissed last night. Ash asked him out on a date. Tonight. Gou agreed. But Ash hasn't said anything. He understands that maybe Ash doesn't want to announce it to everyone but they had spent an hour alone before everyone else came down for breakfast and yet, Ash didn't say anything. Then again, Professor Kukui admitted that he heard their conversation. So surely he's told Professor Burnet. Still doesn't console Gou that Ash has kept quiet about what's happening.

Although, it is only the morning, and he's assuming the date wouldn't be until tonight... He's still worried though. He's never done this before, he needs to know what the plan is. He should really ask Ash about it.

"OK! I'm off!" Ash says jumping from his chair.

"Where you off to in a hurry?" Professor Kukui asks.

"I'm meeting everyone and then heading to the Pokémon League to check things out and see who this year's competitor's are!" Ash explains before chugging down the rest of his cup of tea. "See ya!"

And with that, Ash and Pikachu rush out the door. Gou is left sitting at the table, completely bewildered. Guess he won't be asking Ash about tonight then.

"...and what are your plans today, Gou?" Professor Burnet asks.

"I'm not sure. I guess explore the island a little bit." Gou responds feeling a little confused.

"That's a great idea!" Professor Kukui exclaims. "Remember you can explore the other islands. There's a great inter-island ferry/bus service that'll easily take you to the other islands."

"That's great! Thanks!" Gou replies. "Right well, I'll head off then!"

"Have a good day!" Professor Burnet and Professor Kukui say one after the other.

After leaving the house, Gou slowly walks along the beach towards Hau'oli City. He decides to start his day at a coffee shop and plan his next move there. He's feeling a bit confused. Ash said about having a date, assumingly tonight, but has said nothing more about it and the way he left this morning is a bit concerning.

Maybe Ash has changed his mind and is avoiding Gou because of it.

"That's exactly what it is! He's changed his mind and he's now avoiding me!" Gou blurts out loud. He huffs and strides faster towards the city streets.

He suddenly stops and thinks for a moment. He's upset at this. Almost...disappointed about it. He's sad that Ash has changed his mind. Now feeling a little angry. After letting his guard down and accepting his feelings, Ash now turns round and does this.

"To hell with him!" Gou blurts out and continues onwards.


Gou spends the day exploring the different islands of Alola. The inter-island service was extremely easy and useful. Gou successfully catches many Alolan Pokémon. However, he wasn't feeling happy nor excited about it. He's quite clearly annoyed and more or less in a mood. He can't believe Ash just rushed off like that this morning. So much for wanting a date.

He's reaching the point of being angry again. Not with Ash, but with himself. He made such an effort to suppress his feelings (not very well but still...) and then they ended up kissing and Gou just let his guard down and Ash has completely played him like a fiddle.

"He's just like everyone else!" Gou growls.

After a few hours, Gou decides to stop for lunch. Since he's only one island over, he decides to get the inter-island service back to Hau'oli City for lunch and maybe a little bit of shopping. That might make him feel a bit better, or at least make him forget for a little while.

After stuffing his face, Gou starts window shopping, he isn't really seeing anything worth buying and lunch didn't make him feel better. Maybe he should confront Ash about it...again. He would do it now, but well, Ash is out and who knows when he'll be back. Or... Gou is making an excuse to wimp out.

Nah! He needs to say something...well, again. So, tonight, once Ash is back, Gou will confront him again.

But...what does he do now? It's only 3pm. He's not quite in the mood to go back to catching Pokémon or shop, but isn't ready to head back to the house.

"Oh..." Gou says to himself. He remembers the rooftop garden that Ash took him to. He decides to go there. It might clear his head.

He makes his away to the rooftop garden of the mall they visited yesterday, sits on the bench and looks out at the views. Gou finds it immediately calming. Closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. Much like meditation.

"Alola Gou!" Said a voice.

Gou opens his eyes and quickly turns round to see who said that.

"Oh, he~ Alola...Lana!" Gou jitters (thank goodness he remembered her name!)

"How you doing?" Lana asks with a smile.

"I'm fine!" Gou replies.

"Where's Ash?" Lana enquires.

"He's... He's not with you?" Gou says returning the question.

"No! Why would he be? I assumed he was spending the day with you!" Lana responds with confusion.

"...No!" Gou answers.

"Oh..." Lana says.

Gou groans. Ash lied to him. Why has he done that!? He said he was meeting everyone (assuming Lana was part of that everyone) and yet, here she is, without Ash and more or less contradicting what Ash said this morning.

Where is Ash? What is he actually doing? And who is he with!?

What the hell is going on!?

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