By witch_aurelia

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𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚔𝚘𝚗 𝚗𝚘 𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚛𝚋 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚘𝚞... More

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟘𝟙
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟘𝟚
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟘𝟛
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟘𝟝
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟘𝟞
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟘𝟟
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟘𝟠
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟘𝟡
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 11
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 1𝟚

ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟘𝟜

226 9 1
By witch_aurelia

єpísσdє 2 - sєєkєrs σf thє sєcrєt jєwєl αnd σrв σf sσuls

Part 2


,, Could it be that they are going on their own? We spoke of these who seek the secret jewel and orb of souls. But we spoke not clearly enough."

On top of one of the huts, Inuyasha is hearing their conversation.


Walking futher and futher into the forest, the sister didn't notice that they were being followed.

,, There! That's the well we came out off."

(y/n) sense something over them, but to late. The bandits jump down from their hideouts in the trees. All of them take one girl and bringing them to their hideout.

Holding both girls down, the bandits laugh.

,, Hey boss! We caught the girls just like you say we should!"

,, Hey look her skirt is shorter then mine! You conna catch a cold if you walk around like that."

Kagome jumps up out of embarrassment and holds her skirt. (y/n) stands protectly before her looking at them.

,, Don't do that it rip!"

,, Didn't you learn how to treat a lady!"

Suddenly all the people stand up.

,, What is the matter princess? Are our hands too dirty for you!"

,, Marry me and i show you how i treat woman."

,, Stop it."

,, Hand over the jewel and orb right now."

Kagome and her sister look back. There was an big man with an red armour. He slowly stands up and laugh evil.

He walks to them and take out his sword. Both of the girls are hold by their arms.

,, Hey!"

,, Hey boss! Try to take that of in one swing. Like an deadly line."

The boss of the group holds up his sword and meets one of his allies.

,, Why did you do that..."

All of them look shock at their boss. He walks to them all and strikes another swing. All of them run to the other side of the house.

,, Boss! Boss! Where you're aiming? They are who you want!"

The bandits push the girls before them.

,, Wait! Can't you tell that something is wrong with our boss? Now out of here!"

All of them run away from the tall men who swings his sword at them.

,, Here i am in feudal japan playing duck-duck-duse with an eight foot tall!"

Not far away from them, Inuyasha runs fast to them.

,, Stupid girls. I don't care where they go but they took the jewel and orb with them"

And again with the girls who are still running away from the boss of the gang with his allies. He strikes everything down and two mens trying to escape.

But luck wasn't on their side. The fassade brocken down and one was is underneath it. (y/n) runs to his side.

,, Are you okay?"

,, We gotta walk around! It's blocked. "

The men's and Kagome runs to her. (y/n) puts his arm around her shoulder to support him.

,, Can you stand?"

,, Thank you for saving me. Thank you."

,, No problem but thank me when we come out of here."

All of them looking behind them, there stood he.

,, I want the jewel and orb... Give it to me..."

,, He is after the jewel and orb. I wish i didn't have it."

,, And not just demons Kago. There are also humans with evil hearts. And only the jewel has the power to reveal their wishes."

,, Maybe i should have listened..."

All of them then walking slowly on the otherside. He again runs at the trying to attack them. But again all of them run futher.

,, That's right..."

Kagome looks at the jewel. Kagome take the jewel and throw it in the other direction.

,, Kagome no!"

,, The jewel give it to me..."

,, The wall! Push it out! All at once!"

All of the men nob at (y/n) and run to the wall.

,, Sorry boss. Not working."

,, What have you call me?"

,, She's not your boss!"

Looking behind them both. He swings his sword at (y/n). (y/n) lays her hands in an praise and yells...


The wall was brocken and Inuyasha breaks the sword with his hakama.

,, Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha hits and kicks him. He falls down and Inuyasha lands before (y/n). Inuyasha turns around and takes her hands.

,, You alright?"

,, Yeah... thank you Inuyasha..."

She smile at him. He look at her with an small blush. Meanwhile the bandits run out of the hole that Inuyasha made.

,, We're out of here boss!"

,, Thanks you very much..."

,, I can't belive you actually came!"

,, It's save. Where is the jewel?"

Kagome look confused.

,, Jewel?"

,, Oh no! Tell me you just didn't say that!"

Kagome looks past him. Looking scared. Suddenly the boss is standing up. (y/n) takes Kagome behind her and Inuyasha her.

,, What is that smell? It's like rotting meat."

The armor of the tall men brocke apart. In his chest is an hole where the raven demon in it.

,, Wh-what is that!"

,, How much you beat that that bird ripped his living heart out and make an bloody nest."

,, I knew something was wrong. That bird make him an puppet."

,, Caring crows don't fight on their own when dead body is handy. They're not so tuff. But they are hell nasty."

Inuyasha leaps forward and attacks the hole where the crows is in. The crow flys out and Inuyasha lands.

,, It's getting away! Don't you go after him?"

,, Maybe you haven't notice but the world is full of monsters. You want that I go after them all?"

,, Yeah! But..."

,, No but! You want to start fighting. Be my guest."

Outside the house the crow takes the shikon no tama.

,, In the meantime... where is the jewel... No!"

The crow flys up with the jewel away from them.

,, This stupid crow is making off with the jewel! What's wrong with you!"

,, What did you mean 'what's wrong with'. Go after him!"

Inuyasha takes both if their hands and runs away. He suddenly takes a stop. He looks to the side and there are two horses with bows and arrows.

,, Oh no you don't!"

Inuyasha jumps up in the air with Kagome and (y/n) on his back with each an bow and arrows.


Inuyasha jumps from tree to tree. He looks back at them and says to Kagome...

,, What you waiting for? Shot him!"

,, Shot? You kitting, right? I never used an bow in my life. If always seen (n/n) doing it, but i can't!"

,, The crow lives by eating human flash. If you think that is bad then let him swallow the jewel..."

As Inuyasha had says, the crow swallows it.

,, It swallow it! Fine! I try!"

,, Thanks!"

,, And as she takes out the crow, it's her turn."

,, (p/n) and Kikyo were an master arthur. Take it in one shot!"

,, I told you our names are Kagome and (y/n)!"

,, Concentrate Kagome!"

,, Still... Kikyo give me your strenght..."

Kagome and (y/n) aim at the demon in front of them. Inuyasha then jumps up from the ground again.

,, Here it goes."

They shot the arrows. Kagome's arrow can't get to him because of the wind but, (y/n) arrows hits one of his wings.

Kagome's arrow comes down again. The demon yells out in pain but flys slowlyer. Suddenly Inuyasha falls to the ground.

,, What the! I thought you said she was an master arthur!"

,, She was. It's you who is the clots!"

The crow became fifteen times bigger as he was.

,, See how big it is!"

Inuyasha begins to run after him again.

,, Do it!"

Kagome aims the arrow again, but she missed again. As (y/n) aim she sense something.

,, What is this feeling?... Is that what is glowing the shikon no tama..."

She shook her head and shot the arrow at the back of it. But saddly the arrow not hit it. It his his tail. The demon yells out in pain again and flys slower.

Inuyasha stops on the ground and lets Kagome fall into the ground on her butt. He holds (y/n) on his bag with now two arms and a little thighter as before.

,, Kagome you alright?"

,, I don't care what the old lady says! You are not Kikyo! I take (y/n) with me. At least she can aim. Not like you. Bye!"

Inuyasha jumps up in the air again with (y/n) on his back. The older one look back at her younger sister and yells..

,, Don't worry Kagome! I got this! Please be save! "

,, I will! Please be save too!"


The crow flys over an village. The demon goes down and take an child with him into the air.

,, Somebody! Help!"

,, Help me! Help me!"

On the left side of them, Inuyasha runs with (y/n) on her back after the demon.

,, Looking for your next meal alright Huh? You forget it. First you get thought us. Ready (y/n)?"

,, Yes!"

(y/n) draws her bow and aims at him. She takes a deep breath and shot at him. When the arrow shoots, a (f/c) light wraps around it. The arrow hits him and it brocke into many pieces. The boy falls into the water.

Inuyasha lands on one of the rocks and looks around.

,, Where is it?"

All the villager runs after the boy. (y/n) jumps down from Inuyasha's back, take her bow, arrows, shoes down and jump into the water with Kagome.

,, (y/n)!"

Both of them swim to the kid as fast at they could.

,, I'm so glad that i took lessons."

The villager and Inuyasha look at the surprise.

,, How could they do that?"

,, Their fast..."

,, Their an earth bite! Their an water. Their not human at all!"

Both of the girls came to th little boy and take him in their arms. Both of them swim backsides.

,, Hang on! I got you."

, Don't worry! We're almost there!"

,, It's on their back now! I don't believe it! What an day! What an girls!"

,, And they say teenager girls get excited..."

Kagome giggle at her sister statement. Inuyasha jumps to the other side of the river and yells...

,, Save the jewel you idiots! The jewel!"

Both of them came out of the water and bring the child to his mother.

,,Mum i was so sacred!"

The sisters look at Inuyasha and ignore him. Inuyasha jumps back.

,, Thanks for saving me!"

,, Thank you both. Thank you."

,, No problem Miss."

In the water, the pieces of the bird collect again. The bird flys out of the water. Inuyasha looks after him.

,, I knew it. Hey! It's ketting away!"

,, What? I guess you are of the hock now."

The child scream. All of them look at him and gasp shock. The feet of the bird is hanging on the kid.

,, I know..."

Kagome search for something. Kagome walks forward.

,, Hey! Could i borrow your bow?"

,, Ahh. Sure..."

Kagome ties birds's foot to an arrow and aims at the bird.

,, It's so far..."

,, My butt she's gonna hit it."

,, I can do this. I know it!"

Kagome shots the arrow.

,, I get it! She's shouting the foot!"

,, The foot can't help but been trawn by the jewel. Wich almost guaranteed the hit."

The arrow flys and hits the demon. It's destroyed. The jewel begins to glow bright lilac. There was an noise that sounds like something is breaking.

,, Yeah!"

,, She hit it!"

,, Something isn't right here..."

Suddenly something shoot everywhere.

,, Don't tell me that's!..."

,, Lady Kaede! Those lights!"

,, Oh my... And i don't like the looks of it..."


,, Are you sure it fell around here?"

,, Well... yeah... I mean yeah... I thought are still worry about that light..."

The head of the demon came flying towards (y/n). Inuyasha jumps before her and destroy it.

,, I don't think so!"

,, I hope that's not what i think it is..."

,, I think it is it Kago..."

,, What are you thinking it is..."

(y/n) bends down and picks up the purple shard.

,, It's an sharb from the shikon no tama."

,, What... What did you say!!!"


Hello my beautiful moons and stars. You all have fun? Good to hear it. Like the two part of the second episode of Inuyasha? Really! Than don't wait long for the next one.

See you soon my beautys.

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