Beautiful Soul - cash au -

De crystellethemage

129K 4.5K 2.3K

He never imagined that this was going to be his life. He thought that one day he would make it out of this go... Mais

One Step Closer
The Darkness That We Know
Dark Eyes and Careless Hair
Deep Water
The Shadows Cover Me
Safest Place to Hide
Nothing Without Love
Climbing the Walls
Take A Bow
You Were Meant For Me
Everything I Have is Yours
The Skies Above Ablaze
We Are Never Broken
Pieces of You
You Make My Heart Skip
Stuck On Survive
The Cruelty of Everyone Else
Wake Up Alone
I Found a Boy
Fly, Let Me Fly
The Way We Are Now
Dancing In The Wind
I Want You and Your Beautiful Soul
Beautiful Soul Extras
Share This Day Anew
Thought I Was Lost
Chosen as Mine
The Road Less Traveled
The Best of Me
The Best of Me Part Two

Falling Is Like This

2.9K 123 112
De crystellethemage

Skylynn Grier has very vague memories or if her mother. She can remember her teaching her how to care for horses and as she brushes her horses mane, Skylynn can almost picture her mother standing next to her murmuring softly and telling Sky how to gently brush her horse. Although she misses her mother she is not lacking anything. Nash and Cameron made sure she had all the love she needed growing up, and Nana Dallas is the only grandmother she has ever known.

She thinks about school starting and it's her junior year, even though she's technically a Dallas she never allowed it to get to her head. Her best friend Alyssa lives in the same trailer park she once lived in with her brothers and her sperm donor. She doesn't consider Chad her father, Nash and Cam are more of her fathers than Chad ever was.

She murmurs softly to her horse, Princess and giggles when the horse swishes her tail at Skylynn.

"You were always so good with the horses, Sky." Nash says and Skylynn turns and smiles at her older brother.

"I got it from mom," she says and they share a sad smile.

Hayes graduated from high school and chose to work at the farm instead of attending college. Even though Nash wanted him to get a degree, he understands that school is not for everyone. Skylynn finishes brushing her horse and turns to Nash who is watching her quietly.

"What?" She asks softly and Nash smiles at her.

"You're a great girl, Sky. I'm proud of you." Nash tells her sincerely and her cheeks turn pink and she hugs him, burying her head in his shoulder.

"Cameron and I have something to show you," Nash tells her and she tilts her head as she wonders what it could be. Nash leads her out to the garage and they join Cameron who presses the button to raise the door. The rising door reveals a red convertible with a huge bow on it. Skyline screams and she turns to Nash and Cameron with wide eyes.

"Are you serious?!" She screeches and they nod at her with big smiles. She just recently passed her drivers test and even though she did she never asked them for a car. She jumps up and down and squeals in excitement. She hugs Nash and Cameron tightly, she really can't believe they got her a car, not only that but a red convertible, her dream car.

"Can I drive it?!" She asks as she bounces on her heels. Cameron hands her the keys and she grabs them and does a little dance. Nash laughs and takes the bow off the car. She gets into her car and turns it on,it purrs to life.

"Be safe and be home by 10, you have school tomorrow." Nash tells her and she nods quickly before driving off to stop by Alyssa's trailer. There's no one else she wants to celebrate with but her. She pulls up to her friends trailer and she frowns as she can already hear yelling from inside. Her parents are forever fighting but for whatever reason they don't get divorced. She knocks on the door and Alyssa opens, she gives Skylynn a relieved look and she steps out, closing the door behind her.

"Oh god, thank you for saving me." Alyssa tells her and she looks for Skylynn's brother's car but she doesn't see it. "How'd you get here?"

"I drove," Sky tells her with a smile on her face. Alyssa finally notices the red convertible and she throws Skylynn shocked look.

"No!" She exclaims as she walks towards the car. Skylynn grins and nods at her best friend.

"Oh my freaking god, your brother is like the best ever. Honestly, you're so lucky!" She says and she gets into the passenger side while Skylynn gets into the drivers seat.

"Yeah... I know," Skylynn replies and she throws Alyssa a happy smile. "Where to, bff?"

"Let's just drive and see where the wind takes us, let's go on an adventure!" Alyssa replies and Skylynn grins and pulls off. The two friends chat happily as the wind whips their hair all around and Skylynn drives down the road. They drive with no destination in mind, the two friends talk as they drive. It's relaxing and exhilarating at the same time and it's just what they needed.

When Skylynn drops Alyssa off she sees someone she's never seen before, she's pretty familiar with the residents of the trailer park. He's handsome, incredibly so. He doesn't belong in a trailer park, he belongs on the cover of GQ. He has blond hair that falls across his eyes, he's wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt, his muscles are prominent and Skylynn is immediately drawn to the stranger. He's carrying boxes so he must be moving in, she follows him with her eyes and watches as he enters the trailer that Skylynn used to live in with she was little. That trailer is filled with bad memories and Skylynn is so happy that they were able to get out.

She turns on her car and drives away, her thoughts filled with the boy she saw at the trailer park. When she gets home she's distracted by her thoughts of the boy. She wants to meet him, to talk to him and get to know him. When she lies in bed that night she falls asleep thinking about the mysterious boy.

The next day, she's up early to get ready for school, she goes to the kitchen and gives Rosa a big hug.

"Thank you for breakfast and lunch, Rosa. You're amazing." Skylynn tells her and Rosa hugs her back and smiles at the sweet girl.

"You're welcome mi ñina," Rosa replies. Skylynn eats her breakfast quickly and grabs her lunch before heading out to pick up Alyssa at the trailer park. When Skylynn didn't drive, Nash would take her to school and also pick up Alyssa along the way. Taking the bus is tedious because there's several stops before they arrive at the school so the bus picks up the kids from the trailer park very early.

Skylynn knows she's pretty early to pick up Alyssa but she wants to catch a glimpse of that boy, he seems around her age and she hopes that maybe he attends her school. Nash and Cameron wanted her to attend a prep school in the town but she refused to because she didn't want leave Alyssa.

She pulls up to Alyssa's trailer and turns off her car. She sends a text to Alyssa letting her know she's here. Skylynn doesn't like to knock on the door especially if there's a chance the father might open it. He reminds her of Chad and Skylynn wishes she could do more for her friend, but being young there's not much that can be done.

She gets out and leans against the door, she watches as kids start to leave their trailers and walk to the school bus stop. She looks at the trailer she saw the guy walk in and no one has come out of there. She sighs and wonders why she's so obsessed with a complete stranger. The bus pulls up and the kids load into it, he's not in the group and the bus leaves. Either he doesn't attend the school in the area or he gets a ride to school.

Just as Skylynn is going to get back into her car, the door opens to the trailer and the guy rushes out. He stops in his tracks when he sees the empty bus stop, Skylynn can't really hear what he's saying but she figures he's probably cursing. The school is a long walk from the trailer park. Alyssa comes out of her trailer and gives Skylynn a hug.

They get into the car and Skylynn drives down the road, the guy is walking and Skylynn slows down to a stop so that she can talk to him.

"Hey... did you miss the bus?" She asks with a friendly smile on her face.

The guy stops walking and looks at her with a frown on his face. "Yes, and now I have to fucking walk to the school."

"The local high school? Im headed there, I can give you ride..." She trails off unsure of what else to say. He looks conflicted but jumps in the back seat of her convertible.

"Thanks... I'm Evan by the way," he introduces himself and Skylynn takes off driving.

"I'm Skylynn and that's my best friend Alyssa," she says as she drives towards the school.

"Skylynn..." Evan murmurs and she looks at him through the rear view mirror. "I like it, it's unique."

"I like it too," Skylynn says and giggles softly, Alyssa gives her friend the side eye, Skylynn never giggles like that. It's a flirtatious giggle that girls do when they're interested in someone.

The three of them chat as they head to the school and get to know each other. Skylynn is happy to find out they're in the same grade, she's determined to get to know Evan better and hopes they can be friends. But her ultimate goal is to be something more with him, even though she just met him, Skylynn is very attracted to his personality and the way he's so good looking but he doesn't flaunt it.

They enter the school and the two girls show him the office so that he can pick up his class schedule. They wait for him outside the office and Alyssa gives Skylynn a knowing smile.

"So... Evan hmm?" She teases her friend gently and Skylynn blushes and shrugs. She doesn't get a chance to respond because Evan steps out of the office with his schedule in his hand, they compare schedules and Skylynn is happy to see that they have lunch and free period together.

They walk towards the junior hallway to get to their lockers and then head over to home room.

Skylynn spends the day staring at the clock waiting for the lunch period. She's planning on asking Evan to sit with her and Alyssa. When lunch finally arrives Skylynn drags her best friend to the cafeteria and searches for Evan. She sees him holding a tray looking around the cafeteria.

She goes up to him with a smile on her face. "Hi, Evan! Want to sit with my friends and I?"

He nods with relief apparent on his face. She leads him to her usual table and it quickly fills up with all her friends and she introduces them to Evan. One of her friends, Miana stares critically at Evan. She notices worn clothes that he has on and she's embarrassed to been seen sitting at the lunch table with him.

Miranda pulls Skylynn aside and Skylynn gives her a confused look.

"Why did you invite that poor guy to our table, do you see what he's wearing? It's honestly embarrassing!" She exclaims and Skylynn looks surprised.

"I didn't think those things mattered in our group of friends. Alyssa is from the same place he is and that doesn't matter to me." She replies hotly and Miranda rolls her eyes.

"Alyssa is lucky enough to get your hand me downs, so she at least looks fashionable. But he looks like trash." Miranda replies just as heatedly.

"Take it back!" Skylynn yells and several heads turn to them. She hates that word, she knows that's what people used to call her older brother Nash when he went to high school.

"No." Miranda smirks and crosses her arms.

"Then feel free to find a new table," Skylynn replies and she turns and stalks back to the table. Alyssa looks at her with questioning eyes and she shakes her head.

Miranda goes back to the table to get her things. " I don't know about you guys, but I refuse to sit with some trashy guy from the trailer park. His clothes look like that haven't seen a washer in decades. You can come with me if you don't want to be seen with him.

Evan's face grows hot at Miranda's words and he looks down at his food. Skylynn places a comforting hand on his arm and she squeezes it gently.

No one follows Miranda when she leaves and Skylynn feels triumphant because she never liked Miranda, she's a social climber and she acts like she's hot shit but Skylynn knows she comes from a meager background.

"Don't listen to her, Evan. She's vain and none of us agree with her," Skylynn murmurs and Evan gives her a grateful smile.

From that moment on she, Alyssa and Evan are close friends, the three of them ride together to school and do their homework together. The weekends are spent going on adventures in Skylynn's car. She hasn't taken him to her house yet because she knows how the 3 men in her life will react to Skylynn's first romantic interest.

One day, 5 months after she meets Evan, he finally asks her out on a date. She's so happy that she says yes immediately. Evan had been saving his allowance because he wants to take her somewhere nice and he's finally saved enough to take her out.

That evening at dinner, Skylynn is nervous to tell them about her upcoming date.

"Uhm... Nash?" She says softly and her older brother looks at her with a smile on his face.

"Yes, princess?" He replies and the table grows quiet as everyone listens to her conversation.

"Uh... I have a date on Friday with a boy from my school." She says nervously and her face heats up as she waits for their reaction.

"No." Nash says firmly.

"I agree," Hayes says right after that.

"What??" She asks and her heart drops at the possibility that she won't be able to go out on her date.

Cameron looks at Skylynn thoughtfully and he glances at his husband who is still shaking his head adamantly.

"Baby, Sky is old enough to date now. It's her first one, you can't deny her." Cameron tells Nash gently and Nash's expression softens as he looks at the disappointment on Skylynn's face. He still has the urge to give his siblings everything in the world, the years haven't changed that. Hope blooms in her heart and she's relieved to have someone in her corner.

"What? Nash, no! Don't let him convince you, sis you forget what it's like to be a teenage boy, do you want him to take advantage of Skylynn? We don't even know the twerp. He could be a drug dealer or gang member! Where's he even from?" Hayes exclaims and Skylynn glares at Hayes, he's ruining her chance to convince Nash to let her go.

"Shut up, Hayes! You don't know him. He lives in the trailer park but his family is amazing and so is he, we've been friends do for months now, I just didn't bring him around because I didn't want you guys to scare him away!" Skylynn argues and Nash tilts his head at his younger sister.

"The trailer park?" Hayes scoffs, " are you fucking kidding me? He's using you, obviously. He sees dollar signs when he looks at you Skylynn."

Hayes words unintentionally hurt Skylynn's feelings, she blinks back tears because Hayes basically just said that she isn't enough to attract a guy, he's only after her money.

"Hayes apologize to your sister," Nash commands and Hayes as the good sense to look guilty.

"Sorry, Sky. I didn't mean it like that," Hayes murmurs and Skylynn sniffles sadly.

"Him being from the trailer park doesn't matter because we were from there too. Just a reminder in case you had forgotten." Nash says quietly but firmly. " You can go on your date, Sky. We have to meet him beforehand, though."

Skylynn grins as she stands and gives Nash a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

The rest of the week flies by and before long it's Friday night. Evan's mother will drop him off at the ranch and then they'll take Skylynn's car to the restaurant.

Skylynn gets ready, she puts on her makes and a nice casual outfit.

There's a knock on the door while she curls her hair and her heart starts pounding. She hopes they aren't too hard on him.

Nash opens the door to reveal Evan who looks terrified and nervous. He welcomes him in and tries to calm him down as he leads him to the family room. Evan gasps as he looks around he's never been in such a luxurious house before. He spots multiple pictures on the wall. There's three men, Skylynn and a toddler in most of the pictures. Skylynn had told him she was raised by her brother and his husband but she didn't tell him why or provide any additional details.

He looks back at Nash who is looking at Evan with a thoughtful look on his face.

"If you break Sky's heart you'll have 3 very angry men to contend with. She is loved and cherished and I'm trusting you with my princess. Treat her like gold and make her happy and you won't have any problems, okay?" Nash tells him and Evan looks at him with wide eyes.

"Yes, sir," Evan says and his voice cracks, he flushes from embarrassment. Someone clears their throat softly and Evan shoots up. He's in awe of Skylynn's beauty and grace.

Nash stands and he wraps his arms around Skylynn, he gives her a kiss on her forehead.

He turns to Evan. "Keep our princess safe, okay?"

Evan nods rapidly and Skylynn turns pink at Nash's words. He lets them leave and Evan opens the door for Skylynn. He drives them to the restaurant and soon they're seated at a booth.

They're a little quiet as they try to figure out the new dynamics of their relationship.

"You look amazing, Sky. I'm so lucky that you said yes to our date," Evan compliments her softly and she gives him a happy smile.

"Thank you, Evan. You look quite handsome yourself," she replies and that breaks the ice. They have a comfortable conversation that flows through the night. Once they're finished their desserts the waitress brings them the check and when Evan looks at it his heart drops.

He has $75 dollars and the bill is almost $100, he starts to swear nervously as he tries to figure out what to do. Skylynn notices that something's wrong but he won't meet her eyes.

"Evan, what's wrong?" She asks and he's beet red as he meets her eyes.

"I..uhm don't have e-enough to cover the whole bill," he stutters nervously but Skylynn smiles softly at him.

"That's okay, we'll split the bill." Skylynn says and Evan feels horrible about it.

"I'm so sorry, Sky. I'm the guy, I should cover everything. God, this is so embarrassing. I'm blowing it." Evan rambles nervously. Skylynn reaches across the table and takes Evan's hand in hers.

"Evan, stop. It's fine, we're in the 21st century. You don't have to pay for everything, we can split and it's fine, you're not blowing it. This is actually the most amazing night of my life, I like you so much and I'm so happy you asked me out," Skylynn tells him and she feels relief as the embarrassment fades from Evan's face.

"I like you too. Thank  you so much for being amazing," Evan tells her and Skylynn smiles prettily at him and makes his heart skip beats.

They pay the bill and he drives them up to a hill. He takes out a blanket from her trunk and lays it down in the grass. They lie down on top of it and cuddle close together. Skylynn rests her head on his shoulder and when she looks up at him he strokes her cheek gently.

Evan is enraptured by Skylynn's sparkling eyes and her beauty. He leans in and presses a soft, gentle kiss on her lips. It's her first kiss and she feels like she's floating on clouds. She presses her body against his, seeking his warmth and moves her lips tentatively over his.

They kiss and lose track of time, it seems to stand still. When they finally pull away Skylynn's lips are swollen and red, her eyes are glassy with desire.

Evan rubs her bottom lip gently and lets out a ragged breath.

"You're so beautiful, I'm so freaking lucky, " he murmurs and she flushes and buries her face in his neck.

He holds her close and closes his eyes. She cuddles close to him and sighs happily.

It's the perfect end to an amazing night.

A/n- some of you guys wanted Skylynn's first date so here it is, hope you liked it!

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