Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten

By LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten More

Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 1
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 2
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 3
Quack Pack Part 1
Quack Pack Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 1
Louie's Seventeen Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 3
Louie's Seventeen Part 4
Louie's Seventeen Part 5
Louie's Seventeen Part 6
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 1
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 2
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 1
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 2
The Trickening
The Engagement Ring
Lets get Dangerous Part 1
Lets get Dangerous Part 2
Lets get Dangerous Part 3
Lets get Dangerous Part 4
Lets get Dangerous Part 5
Lets get Dangerous Part 6
Lets get Dangerous Part 7
Lets get Dangerous Part 8
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 1
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 2
Teamwork Makes a Dreamwork
New Gods on the Block
The True First Adventure
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 1
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 2
Fight for Castle McDuck
The Last Adventure Part 1
The Last Adventure Part 3
The Last Adventure Part 4
The Last Adventure Part 5
The Last Adventure Part 6
The Last Adventure Part 7
The Last Adventure Part 8
The Last Adventure Part 9

The Last Adventure Part 2

332 1 0
By LandofEvil42

Scenes shift to the mansion. Donald, Della, Scrooge, Daisy, Gladstone, Fethry, Darkwing, Gizmoduck, Huey, Lena, Beakely and Matilda were having a meeting together in the dining room. Drake had his mask and hat off and the rest were back in their primary outfits. April, May and June were sat on the table being bandaged up by Daisy, Huey was sat looking over information and Gyro had computers set up. The two girls that look like Webby are sat down with data suction cups on their faces and arms.

May winces in pain from the last plaster placed on her.

May: Ow!

Daisy: Hold still, April! Are you girls gonna be okay.

April: We're a bit a beat up but we'll recover.

Gladstone and Drake walks up them.

Drake: What happened back there you three?

April: We were waiting for you guys to come back with FOWL…

May: But while you were on your raids Eggheads and FOWL's main agents ambushed us. They came in without any alarm being set up. We were totally caught off-guard.

June: We didn't stand a chance. Even Sora, Riku, Kairi and Mickey got beaten. Those agents even had some Heartless help them. Everyone was captured. The three of us took a bad hit from Phantom Blot and that Falcon Graves guy. We fell in the ball pit and were hidden in there.

April: There wasn't anything we could do. We couldn't save our friends from being captured. We're sorry Aunt Daisy, everyone, we know we let you down.

Daisy: Daisy rubs their faces. Don't say that. The three of you did great to avoid getting captured. I'm just so relieved you three are okay.

Gladstone: Yeah, you three shouldn't blame yourselves. You should be proud for hanging in there and enduring it all.

Drake: That's right, you all did well to survive. You did what you could.

May: They smile a little. Thanks you guys.

Scrooge: Lasses. I need to know. Was Goldie…?

April: They look at Scrooge in sorrow. I'm sorry, Uncle Scrooge but Goldie was captured too. And so were your parents.

Scrooge saddens, prompting Matilda and Beakely to place a hand on his shoulder. The girls then look to the new girls.

June: So who are they? These two look exactly like Webby.

May: Yeah, it's freaky.

April: Though, I've got to admit, I love the yellow outfit one of them is wearing.

Lena: We have no idea. We just found these two sleeping in tubes.

Della: Della nudges Donald's shoulder. Pretty, exciting, huh? Adventure of a lifetime, right here? Seems like you'd be crazy to want to leave on that vacation now.

The new girls yank their plugs off and run over to Donald, Della and Daisy, taking an interest in the former with sweet smiles.

Yellow Webby: Hi, I'm May and this is June.

Donald: Aww! I'm Donald Duck-

Before he could say in anymore Beakely gets in between them with a stern look.

Beakely: No one give them any intel! We don't know what they are.

Donald: Donald just pushes Beakely out of the way much to her surprise. Oh, lay off Mrs B, they're just kids!

Beakely: But they're-

Donald: Donald just speaks with them. Like I said, I'm Donald Duck.

May 2 and June 2 gasp in amazement.

May 2: Donald Duck! THE Donald Duck! Mage of Thunder, the 3rd most powerful Mage of all worlds and the greatest and most daring adventurer ever!

Donald: That's my name! Don't wear it out!

Della: Della rolls her eyes. Oh, brother…

June 2: Wow! It's so amazing to meet you in person! You're like a legend! We were only born recently and we've already been dying to meet you! We're really huge fans!

Donald: Aww. Why thank you. It's nice to meet you both too. You're both so cute.

June 2: Aww, thank you!

May 2: And we know you all too! She points to them one by one. You're Scrooge McDuck, Della Duck, Gladstone Gander, Fethry Duck, Daisy Duck…

June 2: June 2 fawns at Daisy's beauty. You're so beautiful! I love your bow!

Daisy: Aww thank you! Daisy bends too and pulls their cheeks. The two of you are so adorable! She double takes. Hold on! Did you say your names were May and June.

May 2 & June 2: Yup/That's us!

Daisy: But those are the names of my-

May: Hey! The Duck Girls run up to them in shock and outrage. You two can't be May and June!

May 2: Why not?

June: Her and me are May and June! Those are our names you identity thieves!

Daisy: June, be nice!

May 2 & June 2: This surprises May and June 2. Wait, what!?

June 2: You're names are May and June too!?

May 2: Wow…this is really…um…

Gladstone: Awkward.

Lena: And really freaky.

May 2: That's the word. So how do we solve this identity problem?

Fethry: May and June are your codenames, right? That's how FOWL operates?

June 2: Well, actually they usually call us Clone 1 and 2. But, yeah, those are our codenames.

Drake: Well, then why don't we name you something new.

Gizmoduck: Sounds like a good idea.

Beakely: Now wait just a-

May 2: The two girls both take Donald's hands. Can Donald be the one to rename us, please?

Donald: Me!?

Gladstone: It'd make sense. You should be the one to name them, Don.

Daisy: That's a good idea; they seem to really be fond of you, Donald.

Donald: Donald smiles to see May 2 and June 2's sweet looks. Well, okay. How about we call the both of you…Mabel and Julia?

The two ducks now named Mabel and Julia contemplate the new names given to them.

Mabel: Mabel…yeah, I really like that.

Julia: Oooh! I like Julia! It sounds much better for me.

Donald: Then that settles it, from now on your names will be Mabel and Julia.

Matilda: Those sound like wonderful names, Donald.

April and May walk up to Mabel.

Mabel: April's your name, right? I really love that yellow cardigan…and you look pretty with that bow.

April: Really? Thank you! You know your bow looks pretty with your ponytail. And I love the yellow outfit.

May: You are kinda pretty, Mabel. But I think you'd look much better in orange.

Mabel: Really, you think?

June talks with Julia, happily conversing with her.

Julia: So, does this mean we're friends now.

June: Sure, why not? So, new friend, you ever get out much.

Julia: Well, the only places we've really been to are the tubes and FOWL's Headquarters…so not really?

June: What do you do for fun?

Julia: Oh, we're experts at fun! Mabel and I have a great time training together!

Beakely: Alright! That is enough!

Everyone except for Huey and Gyro look to Beakely in shock.

Beakely: We mustn't get too close to these two, especially you Donald! I understand you love kids but these are creations of FOWL! They could be programmed to kill us! They're dangerous!

Mabel and Julia reel back in fear but Donald and Daisy pick them up, presenting their adorability.

Donald: Quit being so paranoid, Mrs B. Do these look like the faces of killers to you.

Daisy: Look at these two, Bentina. Just because they were created by FOWL doesn't mean they're dangerous.

Matilda: They both have a good point Bentina. They remind me of Webby.

Scrooge: They're right, Beakely, there's no need to overreact just because they're FOWL creations.

Gladstone: They're not wrong, Mrs B. Besides, look at Lena and BOYD. Lena is a creation of the most evil sorceress of all time and she turned out great. No offence to the sorceress part, Goth Gal.

Lena: None taken.

Fethry: And BOYD was created by an evil scientist who wanted to destroy everything in the world. And now look at him; he's living his life as a definitely real boy.

Beakely: All in all, we still need to be cautious until we determine which side they're on.

Julia: We're not gonna hurt anyone, really?

Donald: Don't worry. Mrs B, is just a bit cautious, that's all.

June: Donald sets them down. So what are you two exactly?

Lena glows with power and casts a spell to magically scan them, causing them to laugh from the gentle wind. Gyro gets back the results of his tests on them.

Gyro: Well, they appear to be complete genetic clones of-

Lena: They're Webby's…

May: Hold on! You mean these two are clones of Webby. Then they're practically her sisters.

Gyro: Well, the evidence would, uh…

Scrooge: I thought Bradford was trying to destroy our family, not make more of it.

Gyro: Well…by my analysis-

April: A better question would be why Bradford created two clones of Webby. It's doesn't make sense.

Huey: Huey flips through pages. April's right. I have spent months planning the FOWL raid and this doesn't work with any of my research. Why would FOWL clone Scrooge's housekeeper's granddaughter.

Fethry: It is quite strange. What do you think they're up to Dr Gearloose? You're the genius.

Gyro: What they're up to is…uh…bad guys stuff. He gives up trying. Okay…ugh…fine! Honestly, for once I've got nothing!

Della: Some genius you are.

Gizmoduck: Perhaps they cloned Webby because they want the skills she possesses.

Drake: Too obvious, Gizmo.

Gladstone: We've got to figure where those evil agent guys are hiding and stop them.

Beakely: Everything clone related is officially classified!

Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Gosalyn and BOYD had been listening in on everything and accidentally slip through the door. Lena walks over to them.

Dewey: Not spying…

Webby gasps at the sight of her genetic sisters and they gasp at her until Beakely blocks her view.

Beakely: Keep back Webbigail! These clones are FOWL creations and therefore, dangerous.

Donald: Be nice!

Beakely: Beakely pushes all the kids except for Huey outside the door. You are all to stay as far away from them as possible.

She outright shuts the door, locking them away from Webby's sisters. Seeing no problem with Dewey, Louie, Gosalyn, BOYD, April, May and June walk off while Webby isn't very happy.

Webby: Oh well. The clones are classified and I don't get to know anything about them even though they're me. Who wants fro-yo.

Violet: Violet blocks her path. Are we honestly meant to believe we aren't going to look into this?

Lena: I can't believe I'm saying this but I think we should listen to the adults. Webby and Violet gasp to hear this from the rebellious Lena. I know, it's weird coming from me of all people. But I'm kind of an expert on mystically charged clones made by Scrooge's enemies. Something's not right.

Webby: But Lena, you were created by Magica and you're super good. I'm sure they're the same.

Lena: Maybe, but like Mrs B said, we need to be cautious.

Violet: They're practically Webbigail's genetic twins.

Lena: I just don't want don't want anything to happen to you pink. She smiles. Besides, you've already got sisters.

Lena takes hold of Violet's hand and holds it up to present both their friendship bracelets. Webby looks at her own bracelet and seeing Lena's point she takes hold of their hands to form their friendship triangle, reaffirming their sisterhood.

Webby: I guess you're right, Lena.

Violet: Fine, mystery on hold.

They proceed to walk away but Webby's curiosity gets the best of her. She can't let go of her genetic sisters so when Lena and Violet aren't looking she sneaks away.


While the adults were doing their thing Louie was watching Ottoman Empire but is disturbed by Dewey who's eager to get back out there to hunt down FOWL. The youngest triplet just pins him down in annoyance while assuring him the adults have everything covered. Webby sneaks into the vent, Dewey isn't sure what to do but Louie couldn't care less and just continues watching his show.

Right now Webby is crawling through the vents and eventually arrives to see her grandmother toss the Mabel and Julia into the small room. Mabel's attempts at opening the door are fruitless.

Mabel: Well, Julia. We're locked in, but at least this room's bigger than the tubes.

Julia: Julia walks over to the sack of marbles, taking one out. Ooh, what are these? Some kind of toy or weapon or…

She was about to eat it until Webby rolls out the duct and slaps if off her hand.

Webby: THAT IS A CHOKING HAZZARD! Webby finds herself face to face with her own sisters. Uh…hi, I'm-

Mabel & Julia: OHMYGOSH, WEBBY!

They're both excited to meet their sister for the first time.

Webby: You know me?

Julia: We are you or at least…we were created from you…we think…

Mabel: What's our blood type! What's our favourite colour!? Ooh! Have you eaten a hamburger?

Julia: Why were we cloned?

Webby: Wait…you don't know either.

Mabel: Nope. It's all a little fuzzy, Black Heron created us and ran some tests but Director Buzzard said we were "failed experiments and time wasted".

Julia: They put us back in our tubes, then I guess they left us behind…

Webby: That's terrible.

Julia: But now we're here with you!

The new triplets come together in a group hug which Webby enjoys.

Mabel: And if we learn everything about you maybe we can figure out why FOWL made us.

Webby: YEAH! She double takes. Wait, no! Granny said you should stay put in case you were dangerous.

Mabel: We're not dangerous, we just wanna know about you. We're like…family.

Mabel and Julia smile sweetly and Webby returns it, happy to have her own triplet.

Dewey and Louie were continuing to watch Ottoman Empire until the former notices the April, May and June sat next to them frowning. Dewey pauses the show much to Louie's annoyance.

Louie: Hey!

Dewey: April, May, June, you three okay?

May: What's it to you?

Louie: Now Louie takes an interest. You three have been frowning like this all day ever since finding out about Uncle Donald's and Aunt Daisy's vacation.

April: It just isn't fair. Aunt Daisy's been a special part of our lives ever since we were really little…and now she wants to leave us as though everything we've been through together means nothing to her.

Dewey: Dewey and Louie look at her in sorrow. April, that's not true.

June: So then why does she have to leave us!? Why's our Aunt who's been our Mom for years ditching us like this?

Louie: Aunt Daisy isn't ditching you guys. She just wants to go on her own adventure with Uncle Donald.

Dewey: Yeah, it's something they both want to do; we should all be supporting them like any family would.

June: Easier said than done Dewdrop.

May: We want to support Aunt Daisy, we really do…but…she just doesn't understand how much we really miss her. Is this really gonna be the end of our adventures together?

Dewey: Dewey and Louie comfort them. Of course not, you'll still have us to adventure with.

April: But it just won't be the same without her.

Louie: Look, we sorta understand how you're feeling. Uncle Donald's been our father for 11 years now and he sacrificed almost everything to love and take care of us.

Dewey: We love adventuring with him and we want to keep doing it.

May: So, then how could you guys be okay with him leaving like this.

Dewey: Because, he's earned it. Last time we sent Uncle Donald on a vacation…it didn't really go that well and ended up getting him tortured on the moon. But we sent him on that vacation so we could give him his own adventure and that's what he really wants now. I think he wants to find a new place for himself in the world now that we're all a part of a big family now.

Louie: Never thought I'd say this, but Dewey's right. Uncle Donald deserves to have his own adventure after years of adventuring with this crazy family of ours. Protecting us was like his life's purpose for 11 years and now that we don't need protection anymore he probably wants to find something fresh and new. Everyone needs that…including Aunt Daisy.

The girls widen their eyes, seeing point in Dewey and Louie's words.

June: We…never really thought of it like that before.

May: Protecting us has also been sorta Aunt Daisy's adventure for 11 years.

April: But with their wedding coming up, we're gonna be part of a bigger family now…so we wouldn't need protection anymore.

Dewey: Now you're getting it. I'm sure Aunt Daisy wants to find a new purpose too, that's why she's doing this.

Louie: I mean…sure, we're gonna miss our uncle…no our father…but we also want him to be happy…and this is something he really wants. Aunt Daisy's his adventure now and he has the right to enjoy it, so we're gonna support him all the way.

Dewey: Besides, they aren't gonna be gone forever, just maybe for a year or 2 and then they'll be back here.

Louie: With how much we adventure we'll probably run into them like every day.

May, April and June finally smile, after understanding their Aunt's desire for this.

June: You know what…you guys are right.

May: If Aunt Daisy really does want this then we'll support her all the way.

April: Come on girls, we should talk to Aunt Daisy and make this right. The Duck Girls quickly hug Dewey and Louie which they return. Thanks a lot Dewey, Louie, you really helped clear our heads.

Louie: Sure, don't mention it.

Dewey: Yeah, just helping our fellow triplets.

May: Speaking of triplets, where's Huey?

Louie: With the adults having a brain overload after our raid was a bust.

April: They all sadden for Huey. I know how he feels. I hope's he's okay.

Meanwhile, Scrooge, Launchpad, Fethry and Gyro were together in Scrooge's office, trying to figure out the mystery behind the clones.

Scrooge: Perhaps they're planning to clone all of us to replace us.

Fethry: Sorry, unc, but for an organisation like FOWL that sounds too obvious.

Gyro: Beakely walks in. Or…they're using clones as evil workforce to combine the Missing Mysteries into a giant ray gun to hold the world hostage. He chuckles a bit. That's what I do.

Fethry: Okay, now that just sounds dumb and way too cliché.

Scrooge: But it's still a possibility Fethry.

Launchpad: Launchpad drew on a notebook. Uh…maybe they're like…putting people in boxes.

Huey: Huey walks in frustrated. Boxes? Boxes!? THAT'S ALMOST AS RIDICULOUS AS GYRO'S IDEA!

Gyro: HEY!

Fethry: Fethry puts a finger on his chin. Maybe there's something about Webby's genetic information that FOWL has a use for. There must be some sort of connection between Webby and FOWL we've never known.

Beakely: That is absolutely-!

Scrooge: That's possible, but what use could they have for Webbigail when they're trying to destroy our entire family?

Huey: Does it matter!? We were so close and now we're back to square one. We don't have time for theories, we need answers! He smacks the desk. We gotta question those clones!

Beakely: No.

Huey: How else are we supposed to figure out the connection between Webby and FOWL's plans!

Beakely: There is no connection! I understand you're upset because you're "carefully researched plan" failed us.

Huey grits his teeth at that and Fethry holds his shoulder while glaring at Beakely defensively.

Fethry: Hey, hey, hey! Don't you go giving low blows like that spy lady! It's not Huey's fault the plan failed. None of us took into account that FOWL would expect us so easily tofind their HQ

Beakely: Be that as it may, I will not allow my granddaughter to be a pawn.

Scrooge: The lad has a point, we still have 2 of the missing mysteries and the clones, the more we know about FOWL, the better. Perhaps there's something in your old SHUSH files…

Beakely: Those files are classified.

Fethry: Enough of all this need-know stuff! We need to know!

Beakely: My old life, is none of your business!

Fethry: Well, guess what! Your enemies from your old life has come back, so it is our business! Don't go saying it isn't! He lowers his eyebrows in suspicion. You're hiding something from us, Mrs B. You know something about Webby and FOWL's connection and why she was cloned, don't you.

Beakely: I have no idea what you're talking about. There is no connection between my granddaughter and FOWL!

Fethry: Then why are you being all sensitive on the topic and why are you trying so hard to classify everything. I thought we all promised we wouldn't keep bombshell secrets from each other anymore.

Huey gets on the table, having had enough of all this secrecy, even getting in Beakely's face.

Huey: He's right! Unclassify them! COUGH UP THE INFORMATION BENTINA!

He outright slaps Beakely in the face, causing everyone but Fethry to gasp in horror. Huey's actions cause Beakely to be filled with rage and looks as though she'll kill him. Fethry pulls him back while they both glare at Beakely. Deciding to let it go she just walks off and everyone watches in concern.

Beakely: We're done here.

Huey feels a little bad for what he just did.

Scrooge: I'll handle this; I have a long history of her being mad at me. Keep at it now, we need our best minds on this.

Scrooge walks off, leaving the smartest…and Launchpad to figure things out. Though, Launchpad's stupid theories only serve to annoy them and make them sigh.

Daisy is in one of the rooms checking over things for her vacation with Donald. She puts perfumes, mirrors and small things in her purse and some dresses in her suitcase until she hears a knock on the door. She turns to see her nieces sadly stood at the door.

May: Hi…mind if we come in?

Daisy: Of course not. So how are you girls feeling?

April: Much better, thank you.

June: So…you're really gonna go through with this vacation?

Daisy: Girls… Daisy walks up to them. I really am sorry I kept this from you. I really didn't want to hurt you like that. I-

June: Aunt Daisy, let us spare you from having to apologize.

May: We've been doing some talking with the boys…and we've decided…this vacation is something you really want to do. And with you getting married and us becoming a part of a bigger family…

April: You wouldn't really need to protect us anymore. You deserve this Aunt Daisy, you should be allowed to follow your heart and have your own adventure.

June: So, if you really do wanna go on this vacation, we'll support you all the way.

Daisy: Daisy smiles, touched. Oh April… May… June…

May: But…we're really gonna miss you Aunt Daisy.

Daisy: I know May, and I'll miss you three too. But I can make it work. I'll call and write to you every day so we can stay in contact, I promise.

April: Yeah…but we really don't want this to be the end of our adventures. I mean, maybe June would want that, but…

Daisy: You'll have plenty of adventures April. You have the boys, Webby, Lena, Violet, Della, Scrooge…

June: June cries. Yeah…but you're our Aunt…no, you're more than that…you're our Mom.

Daisy: Oh, June…

Daisy smiles, she is touched and releasing her own tears as she embraces her nieces in mother-daughter hug.

Daisy: And you three are my precious daughters and I love you all more than I can say. But right now, Donald's my adventure.

The girls look to see a photo of Donald and Daisy as kids and smiling together. They pull back with tears still in their eyes.

May: You promise, you'll come back, right?

Daisy: This vacation will only be for a year or 2 like I said. I promise, Donald and I will come back and we can continue adventuring. Besides, we'll still be able to see each other from time to time. We'll visit as much as we can. I won't forget any of you, the three will always be kept in my heart, that's how much you all mean to me.

April, May and June cry hysterically as they hug their aunt.

April: Oh, Aunt Daisy! We're gonna miss you so much!

Daisy can't help but cry as much with them and all 4 of them cry loudly together.

Daisy: I know! I'll miss you too!

Daisy, April, May and June hug together for a long time, letting out all their emotions as they cried as much as possible.

As this happened the new Genetic Triplets were in Webby's room. Mabel and Julia looked around in amazement and Julia grabs the vile of bounce serum Webby had taken from Heron the first time they met.

Julia: Ooh! Juice! I love juice!

Webby: Webby quickly puts it back. Whoa! Careful with that! It's top secret…

Julia giggles as Mabel looks over Webby's globe in fascination.

Mabel: Have you really been to Ithaquack…and Mervana…and SPACE!

Julia: We've never been anywhere except Heron's lab…and now we're here!

Webby: Well here is your first step into a world of knowledge!

Webby takes Julia's hand to guide her by her board and gets her camera, snapping a photo of her new sisters together.

Webby: Behold…

Webby places the picture on her board and presents her massive family board, containing the people she sees as her family, including their otherworldly friends.

Webby: Webby's family board!

Julia and Mabel are amazed with how big it is.

Julia: Wow…we have such a big family.

Mabel: It seems like this mostly about the McDucks.

Webby: They are my family; we may not be related by blood but by love.

Mabel: But you aren't really related to them. She points to the pictures of Lena and Violet. What about these two?

Webby: These are my best friends which are like sisters that you choose. We have all kinds of secrets and these friendship bracelets we never take off and one time we visited a bog!

Mabel: They're…your sisters?

Julia: Really?

Webby: Yeah! Trust me; if you got to know them you'd love them so much you'd consider them sisters too!

Mabel: Okay…but what about him? She points to the picture of Dewey. Why's there a heart drawn around him. Is he your brother?

Webby: Oh, that's Dewey. She motions them to come closer and whispers. He's actually my boyfriend.

Mabel & Julia: They both fawn. AWW!

Julia: Your boyfriend! That's so cute!

Mabel: Do you share secrets with him too?

Webby: You bet I do! We spar together, we adventure together and we go on so many dates. Dewey's so sweet and cute most of the time; it's like dating a male version of me. She presents the heart pendant Dewey gave for Christmas. This one time we travelled in time and he gave me this heart pendent for Christmas that I never take off!

Mabel: Aww! That's so sweet!

Julia: This Dewey, sounds like a great guy.

Mabel: They're intrigued but not satisfied. This is all…interesting. But it doesn't tell us anything about why we exist. What about your real family?

Webby: This is my family?

Mabel: Ooh! What about your parents, would they know anything?

Webby: Oh! Uh…

Webby had never really taken her parents into consideration since Beakely hasn't said much about them except that they died. She looks to the photo of her parents pegged onto the board, the only photo she has of them.

Webby: Granny gave up her job as a spy so she could raise me, I never really knew my parents, before they-

Mabel: That's it! I bet your spy granny is hiding something about your actual family that explains why we exist!

Webby: What, no! Granny and I don't keep any secrets from each other.

Mabel: Mabel places a hand on her sister. Are you sure.

Webby then turns to see Julia on her ladder cutting off some strings with a scissor.

Webby: What are you doing?

Julia: Helping. May says we're not related to any of these people.

Lena and Violet come in and gasp in shock to see the clones.

Violet: The clones!

Julia was about to cut the string connecting Lena and Webby, much to her anger.

Lena: Don't you dare cut that string!

Too late, Julia cuts the string off and an enraged Lena is provoked into activating her powers.


Lena telepathically violently shakes the ladder, causing Julia to scream and get sent smashing into the book shelf, hitting the floor on her shelf. Hurt physically and emotionally, Julia cries hysterically and runs off.

Mabel: Julia, wait!

June runs past Lena and Violet (the former deactivates her powers). The girls come out the room to see her run off in hysterical tears and Lena immediately feels ashamed of what she just did. She pleadingly looks to Webby who is angered and disappointed over what the person she trusts most did to one of her sisters.

Lena: Webby…! I'm sorry!

Webby: I can't believe you…of all people! They're my sisters! Lena holds her arm, hurt with what Webby just said. Come on, Mabel! We gotta find her.

Webby takes Mabel's hand and they run to find their youngest sister while Violet comforts Lena.

Donald is in his houseboat making preparations for his vacation in a month's time. He walks in his room to lay things next to his Hawaiian T-shirt on the hammock.

Donald: Sun tan cream, swimsuit, camera…

Della suddenly comes in putting down her own things, not wanting Donald to go.

Della: Anti-venom, camouflage, night-vision goggles…

Donald: Della… She throws in a bunch of other stuff.

Della: It's a big scary world out there for you two alone, better take the Sword of Swanstantine, it's magnify your inner strength.

Della hands the sword to Donald but it was so heavy he drops to the ground.

Donald: Della!

Della: You're right! You already have a cool sword and your inner strength lies in your family, what profound insight! Guess we'll all go with you, I'll tell the boys to pack!

Donald: She proceeds to run but Donald grabs her ankle. DELLA! What is the big idea!

Della: Della gives in and sighs in defeat. I NEED YOU, YOU BIG PALOOKA! She turns around with an emotional look, helping her brother up and looks like she's going to cry. We're a team! We lost so much time and I just got back and now you're moving out and…I don't want to lose you again, Donnie. I don't want us to be separated again.

Donald: Donald is touched. Della…this won't be like when we were both trapped on the moon. I'm not gonna be gone forever, just for a year or 2. I'll try to contact you, write you letters and visit you as much as I can, especially on Christmases, Birthdays, Halloween, federal holidays, we can make it work.

Della: I don't want to make it work Donald. I just want you! How could you not understand that!? For 11 years I've been trapped on the moon, snapping from soul crushing loneliness and hating myself for abandoning you over a stupid rocket test! For 11 years I've wanted nothing but to see you again and take back all those awful things I said to you! I missed you Donald; I missed hearing your voice, us being a team, everything you and I shared together! When I thought Lunaris had killed you I thought I lost you forever and I could never tell you how sorry I am! Donald saddens for his sister. But when you and I reunited on that island…and fought Lunaris together…I was so happy…we were finally together again after so long…and we fought to save the world just like old times. Seeing you again was the best thing that ever happened in my life. Didn't you feel the same way?

Donald: Della…of course I did, sis! I was just as happy! After 11 years I finally saw you…my twin sister again. I felt like the happiest and luckiest duck in the world. He takes Della's hands. I missed you too Della and over the 11 years I was with the boys I wanted nothing more than to have you in my arms again on Earth. When it happened during the Moonvasion…and when you and I worked together to fight Lunaris… Donald shows a smile. You wouldn't imagine how happy I truly was to be with you again and have you by my side. And I was looking forward to all the catching up we were going to do and the adventures we'd go on together.

Della: Then why do you have to do this, Don! Della is now crying in hysterics. How could you decide to leave without wanting to tell me! I guess I don't mean anything to you even after everything been through and all the time we've spent together ever since I got back!

Donald: What!? No! Della, that's not true! I-

To his surprise, Della runs into him clutching his outfit and crying on his shoulder. Donald is stunned, it isn't often he sees his sister's more feminine side.

Della: Donald! I want to stay with you! I don't care if you're a mage! You've always tried your best for me…for all of us and that was one of the things that made me love and admire you so much. We promised we'd always be together…after the Moonvasion the time we spent together was the best. I loved every moment you and I shared together, our birthday, the Christmas party, helping Daisy with her birthday, helping you with Valentine's Day, Halloween, all the adventures we shared, helping you make your proposal to Daisy, even regular things, especially our birthday. It was by far the best one we ever had and you and I really reconnected together after 11 years of lost time together. But now you're leaving me so soon after I just got back! And even after all the stuff we've done together…I still feel like I've barely spent any time with you. Donald listens to his sister as she continues to cry. I want us to be together, Donald. I don't want the Duck Twins to end like this.

Donald: Della…that won't happen. Donald pulls her off to hold her shoulders and stare into her tearful eyes with a smile. No matter how far apart we are the Duck Twins will never be over. When you were on the Moon we still found ways to help each other even though we weren't there in person. If it hadn't been for you encouraging in my head and dreams I never would've had the power to stop Magica in the Shadow War. It was the same thing with you surviving all those years on the Moon. Our bond as twins is that powerful, it's too strong to ever be broken. He holds out his Wayfinder. That's what these represent, right?

Della: Della takes out her Wayfinder with Donald. The unbreakable connection between you and I.

Donald: Exactly, believe me Della, I loved every moment you and I spent together ever since the Moonvasion. I want you to know when I'm out there with Daisy you'll always be part of me and I'll always be part of you. The birthday we had together was the best one ever. Our Christmas party, Halloween, all the adventures we've been on and the time we've spent together will always be engraved in my heart. That's how precious you are too me.

Della: Della's heart melts. Oh, Donald…

Donald: You're my sister Della, from the very beginning it was you and me. We laughed, we played, we adventured, we argued and said some mean things to each other but in the end we always made up and our bond became stronger. You mean everything to me, sis. But so does Daisy, I really want to go on this vacation because it'd give us a chance to go on our own adventure, adjust to our marriage and who knows…we both might find a brand new purpose in life…something more than being a mage. For 11 years its always been me taking care of the boys, now they're part of a bigger family now, they don't need me to protect them anymore even though I do when I must.

Della: Della looks down. I…never really thought of it that way before, but still…I need you Donald. I still have so much to learn about being a parent to my sons…and you're the best teacher I've had in that department.

Donald: You may not realize it, Della but I've taught you everything I know about parenting and you've done a great job adding your own style to everything we all taught you. You may not realize it Della, but you've become really good at it.

Della: I have.

Donald: Yeah, the boys really love you and look up to you, I know things were bad between you and Louie for a while but now he's really opened up to you, to all of us. They told me how you kept encouraging them to not give up in gaining Uncle Scrooge's approval. You've done a great job supporting your sons, Della and I'm really proud of how far you've come.

Della: Della smiles a little through her tears. I couldn't have come this far without a great parenting teacher. But still…there's so much for us to do together…so much for us to catch up on. And what if you're in danger again like on the moon and I'm not there to help you.

Donald: We'll have all the time in the world to spend together once I come back from my vacation. I'll have a lot to tell you and I promise I stay in touch with you. Plus, with how often you adventure I'm sure Daisy and I will run into you guys every now and then. And I just know that when I really need you, I know you'll be there for me, sis. You'll always be part of heart Della and no matter where I am in the world I'll always love you.

Della releases more tears than ever and this time they're of joy.

Della: I love you too, Don.

Donald and Della embrace in a loving hug. Della sobs a little and Donald rubs her back while crying along with her.

Donald: It's okay, Della. Everything will be okay, I promise.

Della: Once you and Daisy go…I'll miss you both so much.

Donald: I'll miss you too.

Della pulls away, turning her head in sadness.

Della: I'm sorry I haven't been so supportive of you lately Donnie. It's just that I'm not…ready for our adventures to be over.

Donald: Donald places a hand on his sister's shoulder. You'll have lots of adventures. You've got the kids…and Scrooge…

Della: Yeah… but without you I'm just half of a duo. You're my best friend… my other half… She turns her head ready to cry again. You're my brother.

A touched Donald smiles and the Duck Twins wrap their arms around one another and embrace in a loving brother-sister hug.

Donald: I always will be. But Daisy is my adventure.

Della looks at the picture her brother has hung of him singing and playing his guitar for Daisy and she enjoys it. Seeing and realizing just how much this adventure means to Donald and Daisy and how happy they'd be Della gives a tearful smile of support and acceptance.

Della: Oh…phooey. They pull back for Della to wipe her tears. Alright, Casanova, I'll help. You never were any good at packing for adventure. She grabs his shirt. A Hawaiian shirt, is it 1996? We're going shopping!

Donald and Della exit the houseboat to begin some shopping. The moment they're gone Julia who is no longer crying opens the window to Donald's room with a grin and sneaks inside.

Donald and Della walk by the mansion just as they're approached by Gladstone, Fethry and Daisy.

Daisy: There you two are. Where've you been?

Della: Donald and I…were just having a little Duck Twin moment, you know, sorting some things out.

Gladstone: So, you two are no longer arguing about Donald moving out.

Donald: Della wraps an arm around him. Not anymore. We've come to terms with that.

Daisy: Phew! That's a relief!

Fethry: Listen, Donald, I just wanted to apologize for you know…what happened in Funzo and blabbing your secret out.

Donald: Donald dismisses with a smile. Aww, don't worry about that Fethry. It's all water under the bridge, so I'll let it go.

Della: So did you and the others find anything about those Webby look-alikes?

Fethry: Fethry, Daisy and Gladstone frown. No, nothing. We just can't seem to figure why FOWL made clones of Webby or whatever connection there is between her and FOWL. Poor Huey's losing his mind.

Daisy: He must be devastated over our raid on FOWL HQ failing.

Della: Don't worry, if anyone can figure this out my smartest kid can.

Gladstone: Maybe if we knew more about Pink Fighter's past it might be easier to figure things out with FOWL.

Donald: All I know about Webby's personal life is that she lost her parents when she was just a baby and Mrs B raised her since then. The only one who'd know anything about Webby's past is Mrs B, herself.

Fethry: Yeah. I'll bet my hat that Beakely is hiding something from us all, especially Webby.

Daisy: Are you sure Fethry?

Fethry: Daisy, she's a spy, she's THE spy. Her secrets have secrets.

Della: That is true.

Fethry: Plus, she seems to be really sensitive over all this. It's more than just FOWL coming back; it has something to do with Little Della.

Gladstone: If Mrs B is hiding a bombshell secret from us then what could it be?

Fethry: Fethry gets out his phone with a mischievous grin. I should probably look into that once my decryption programme finishes breaking into Mrs B's secure SHUSH files on her computer in her room.

Donald, Della, Gladstone & Daisy: Wait, what!?

Donald: They're shocked Fethry would do something like that. Fethry, what are you talking about!

Inside Beakely's room, some sort of small beacon is hidden on her computer, secretly accessing information.

Fethry: I had Gyro invent that for me a while back in case it was needed. I snuck into Mrs B's room to put in a beacon that'll secretly access her SHUSH files and send it to my phone. In a few short hours I'll know every dirty secret Mrs B has ever tried to hide. (1)

Della: You did what!? Everyone lowers their eyebrows at her and she smiles. You're right; I would've done that same thing.

Daisy: Fethry, that's a horrible thing to do.

Gladstone: Daisy's not wrong, Feth. Violating people's privacy doesn't sound like you.

Fethry: I know it's wrong but there's no other choice. Beakely has information that she's too scared to tell us. We could wait until she's ready but that'd give FOWL more time to plan their next attack. Who knows what they'll do.

Donald: You have a point. Well, if you're gonna risk your life by doing this then I guess we'll look at those files together. Family sticks together, right?

Gladstone: Fine with me.

Della: Yeah, totally.

Daisy: Well…I guess one look won't hurt. But only one file and nothing more, got it?

Fethry: Deal! So where were you headed Donald, Della.

Della: We thought we'd do some shopping for Donald's vacation.

The Duck Cousins gather together wrapping their arms around one another.

Fethry: Great! We'll come with you!

Daisy: I'd love to do some shopping too!

Gladstone: If you two weds are gonna be leaving soon we might as well make most of the time we have together, right?

Donald: Works for me.

They proceed to walk off until Della holds Daisy back.

Della: Say, Daisy, can I ask something?

Daisy: Sure, what is it, Della?

Della: When you go out there on your adventure…take care of my brother.

Daisy: Daisy smiles and rubs her face. I promise, sis. And don't worry. We'll write to you as much as possible.

The two sisters embrace in a hug before walking off to join the boys for shopping.

Scrooge walks down the hall to find Beakely. He reaches his room and is surprised to find Matilda sat on the couch, looking at a picture of her and Ludwig in sadness. He walks up to his sister.

Scrooge: Matilda…what are you doing here?

Matilda: Matilda is silent for a bit before releasing a tear. I was really hoping we'd find my husband.

Scrooge: Scrooge places a hand on Matilda's shoulder. I know, sister.

Matilda: I've looked in every FOWL base and hideouts you and Bentina had given me but none of them had a single clue that could tell me where he was. She hugs her knees. But I know he's alive out there somewhere. I can feel it! I refuse to believe he's gone!

Scrooge: Scrooge wraps an arm around her sister. I phoned former SHUSH colleagues of mine to find any clues of Ludwig's whereabouts. We'll find him Matilda, I promise.

Matilda: Matilda hugs onto his brother crying. Where is he, brother!? Where's my husband!? I want him back in my life again!

Matilda sobs and cries profusely and Scrooge hugs his sister back, doing his best to provide comfort.

The Duck Girls are walking by houseboat as April reads her JWG in hopes of finding FOWL.

June: We're sure we're okay with letting Aunt Daisy go, right?

May: I'm totally fine with it. We promised we'd support her because we want her to be happy with Donald. She's earned it.

June: Yeah, I guess you're right. What do you think April? April just flips through a page and June waves her hand in front. Hello! Earth to April!

April: They stop by the boat. Oh! Sorry! I'm just caught up right now looking for information about these clones.

May: You mean about Mabel and Julia? Have you found anything yet?

April: No! Nothing! Now April is getting frustrated. There's nothing in the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook here about mystical cloning or FOWL's plans, even after all the research we've done!

June: June forces her book shut. Look, April, it's time to face facts. Your nerd book doesn't have the answers for once and neither does Huey's. We don't know that much about these clones to know anything about FOWL.

April: I guess you're right. She puts her guidebook away. Maybe, Webby's sisters aren't as dangerous as Beakely says they are. Maybe they're just harmless kids like us.

Suddenly, a blast of light emanates from Donald's room in the boat. The Duck Girls are shocked when they see it.

May: What the heck was that?!

They quickly run to boat and look through the window. May, April and June gasp in horror to see Julia inside holding up the Sword of Swanstantine where the glow was coming from with an evil smile.

June: They take cover in fear. You were saying?

April: Or I'm totally wrong and they're spies coming to steal our missing mysteries.

May: Ohmygosh! We've been duped! They really are FOWL agents! Bradford wanted us to bring them here.

June: The clones really are evil! Beakely was right! Considering all our adventures we should've seen that coming…

April: We've gotta stop them now! Mabel must be after the Blessed Bagpipe! It's hidden somewhere in Webby's room!

May: Okay, then! May points to each of her sisters. June, you try and keep Julia on lockdown! April, warn the others! I'll try and stop Mabel before she gets the Bagpipe!

April & June: Okay/Got it!

Webby and Mabel are walking across the hall, looking for Julia.

Mabel: Julia. Julia!

Webby: We got to find her before… She gasps and pulls Mabel back into the corner when she's see Beakely. Granny! Keep looking, I'll stall her!

Mabel nods before running off to look for her sister. Webby slides over to Beakely, not doing a good job of lying already.

Beakely: Webbigail, what are you up to?

Webby: What!? Oh, nothing! What are you up to…buddy?

Beakely: It doesn't take a detective to see she's attempting to lie. You're acting strange. I know why.

Webby: You do?

Beakely: She puts her files away. You want to talk to the clones.

Webby: Oh, yeah. She chuckles. You got me.

Beakely: I understand your curiosity but they're safest locked away. She tries to walk away. Trust me; they have nothing to do with you.

Webby: Webby is near tears and desperate for answers. But they have everything to do with me! Why would FOWL want clones of me! Is it about my past! My family! I thought I knew who I was but you never told me anything.

Beakely: Beakely sighs before turning. I wish I could tell you more. She bends to her granddaughter. Your mother…was an artist, your father was a librarian and by all accounts a very nice man. The sad truth is…I was so caught up in my spy work that I missed everything important. I didn't even know I had a granddaughter until…until it was too late…until it was too late and they were gone. Webby is close to tears hearing that. Beakely touches her face. But once I saw you…everything changed. I wanted to keep you safe…away from my old life. I retired and went into deep cover with Mr McDuck, when you find your family you'll give up everything to help them…because you are the most important thing in my whole world, Webbigail.

Webby cries her heart out and jumps into her grandmother's arm, embracing her in a hug. Beakely gets up.

Beakely: I don't know why they cloned you, but I mean to find out.

Beakely walks off but Webby lowers her eyes, still feeling her grandma is hiding more from her.

Julia sneaks out of Donald's room into the main room, cautiously looking around as she drags the sword. She yelps when a Khopesh is thrown, barely missing her. It sticks to the wall.

June: Well, well, what do we have here? Julia sees June leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. An identity thief and a treasure thief stealing our missing mysteries, wonder why?

Julia: Uh…June! She sheepishly hides the sword behind her back. I-I-I can explain!

June: Then, explain. Strange, for a clone to come inside the houseboat…and it's stranger to see you with the Sword of Swanstantine.

Julia: Uh…I'm just really fascinated with it. The craftsmanship is so beautiful and amazing.

June: Tell me "June", what were you planning on doing with it?

Julia: Definitely not intending to escape the mansion and give it to FOWL!

She covers her mouth in shock with what she just said and the truth is unveiled. June smirks.

June: And so the truth flows forth. Yeah, I totally tricked you into giving your dirty secret. You're definitely clones of Webby alright; she's just as bad a liar as you are. Still, the cute and innocent act wasn't so bad. You even had me and Louie fooled. No point in hiding it anymore.

Julia: Julia glares and grudgingly confesses. Fine, you've caught me. Yes, Mabel and I work for FOWL. Director Buzzard left us behind because he knew you'd bring us to this mansion out of pity. He tasked us with a mission; steal the remaining missing mysteries you have.

June: Too bad, you almost succeeded. If me and my sisters hadn't seen you with Sword smiling evilly you actually would've got away with it. I'm guessing Mabel is looking for the Blessed Bagpipe. Donald and Webby are really gone be hurt when they find out about this.

Julia: Listen, Mabel and I aren't doing this because we want to. We really like you guys, especially Webby and Donald. But we have to do this. We don't know why we were created! This is the only way to get answer.

June: June steps up. If you really want answers this isn't the way. Our family can help you Julia.

Julia: No, no one here can help us. This is the only way.

June: If you really want to steal these Missing Mysteries you're gonna have to go through me first.

June and Julia give each other determined glares as Webby's sister turns with the sword.

Julia: If that's the way it has to be.

Julia drops the sword side and both her and June hold up their arms in the same pose, getting ready for a fight.

Vs FOWL Agent Music

Julia leaps forward, grabbing one of Donald's pictures and tossing them at June like a disc. June quickly slides underneath and attacks, throwing a punch that Julia dodges. Julia delivers a punch too but June ducks to throw another punch but is once again evade before getting kicked to the stairs. The evil girl triplet watches Julia leap up to stomp her but June rolls back before double kicking Julia in the face and sending her screaming. Julia hits her back to see June lunge at her, she quickly brings up her feet and throws her into Donald's room.

June quickly gets up to barely manage to dodge Julia's punches which were so strong they broke through the wall. She quickly ducks another punch, before delivering a right hook to Julia's face and sending her stumbling and shouting back. She tackles and pins her against the wall but Julia double clasps her fists and smacks June to the floor before picking her up and tossing her into the wall again. June smashes with a shout of pain but that doesn't stop her from pressing on.

June and Julia exchange punches and kicks. June lands a couple of blows in the face but Julia's were much harder and send the purple-loving triplet screaming and smashing through the door. Julia jumps onto June, grabbing her in a headlock and crossing her legs on her body to pin her to the floor. June was loudly shouting and choking under her grip.

Julia: I'm sorry! You're leaving me no choice!

June: I…can say the same thing.

June back-headbutts her and Julia shouts in pain as her grip loosens, allowing June to break free with a couple elbows to the forehead and she rolls away. Julia clutches her forehead in pain and June quickly re-summons her Viper Khopesh. She lunges at Julia and slices but the genetic triplet ducks and jumps back. She moves to the left and June ends up slashing across the wall.

Julia flips above the sofa and jumps off of a table while June gives chase, bouncing off the sofa and swinging off the light bulb. They arrive in the kitchen where June slashes Julia only for her to jump to the fridge before bouncing off it for a flying punch that June barely blocks. Julia jumps back and delivers a spin kick but June ducks and slashes across her face. Julia shouts in pain and stumbles, hitting the kitchen stove. She feels her face which has a cut on the cheek and in a fit of anger she grabs the stove from beneath, ripping it off from the floor and lifting it high above her head.

June: You have super strength!?

Julia: I was made from Webby, remember!?

She tosses the stove and June jumps out of way. It smashes into some of Donald's pictures. Just as June gets up Julia rolls forward and punches her in the stomach. June smashes into the stove and loses her khopesh. Julia attempts to grab her but now she and June are grappling. June delivers a head, followed up with an uppercut that sends screaming next to the sword. June charges only to gasp when the sword is pointed right at her.

Julia has a regretful look as the Sword of Swanstantine glows.

Julia: I'm sorry. I really am. We really do like you all… but this is the only way we can get answers.

June: Julia… we want to help you. It doesn't have to be this way.

Julia: She saddens more. Yes it does.

A blast of energy is fired from the tip that smashes June and sends her screaming out of the houseboat. She drops into pool and Julia makes her escape with the sword.

Huey is walking about in the Foyer desperately searching for information in his JWG but nothing.

Huey: Come on! Ugh…I don't have enough information! Maybe the clones are just lost experiments; maybe they're just harmless kids like us!

April: Wrong! They're definitely, not harmless kids!

Huey: Huey gasps when April approaches her holding her phone. April!? What do you mean!?

April: Huey, you're not gonna believe what we saw in Donald's houseboat, it's crazy!

April shows Huey a video on her phone. He becomes terrified to see Julia effortlessly holding up the Sword of Swanstantine smiling evilly.

Huey: Or…they're spies here to steal our missing mysteries. April nods. Yes! I was right! He double takes. Oh no…I was right.

April: We've got to warn the others now Huey, before it's too late!

Mabel was inside Webby's room searching through her treasure chest until she finds what she's looking for.

Mabel: Aha! Here it is! She takes out the Blessed Bagpipe of Clan McDuck. The Blessed Bagpipe of Clan McDuck! Now I just wait for Julia to get the Sword of Swanstantine.

May: Any reason why you'd want these artefacts, Mabel dear?

Mabel freezes in shock from the voice that isn't Webby. She turns her head to see May standing at door and closing it with a stern look.

Mabel: M-May! What are you doing here!?

May: You can cut the act. We know you both work for FOWL.

Mabel: Mabel doesn't do a good job lying. What!? Nooo! What on Earth would make you thing-

May: We saw your sister holding the Sword of Swanstantine with an evil grin on her face.

Mabel frowns, seeing that there's no point in keeping up their facade anymore.

Mabel: I guess there's no point in this big lie of ours anymore. Yes, our mission given to us by Director Buzzard is to retrieve the two Missing Mysteries inside this mansion. In return he said he'd tell us who we really are and why we were born.

May: He's lying to you Mabel. The Buzzard guy is just saying that to use you. He doesn't care about you or Julia.

Mabel: Maybe not…but he's the only one who can tell us our true purpose. We have to do this.

May: Well, if you really want to get out of this mansion with the Missing Mysteries then you're gonna have to go through me first.

May and Mabel exchange determined glares, another fight was about to occur.

Mabel: If that's the way it has to be…

Mabel throws aside the Blessed Bagpipe and she and May bring up their arms to get in fighting poses, glaring at each other as they prepare to fight.

Vs FOWL Agent Music

Mabel leaps up, swing down off of Webby's star decorations to throw a strong punch May who slides out of the way. May and Mabel charge at each other, both throwing punches and evading each other until Mabel sends her flying with kick. May recovers and then lunges at Mabel, tackling her to the floor. Both of them are rolling and struggling to pin each other down.

May is eventually pinned but she kicks Mabel off before sending her screaming with an uppercut. When Mabel gets up May throws another punch only for her to duck and deliver a blow to the face. Mabel grabs her wrist and tosses May away with a good spin by the female middle triplet grabs onto Webby's decorative planes, spinning and swinging off them to ram her head in Mabel's stomach, smashing her against the bookshelf and she shouts in pain. She pushes May off and lifts up the ladder to the attic, whacking her with it and sending May screaming into the board.

When Mabel is about to hit her again May quickly slide kicks her in the ankle causing her and the ladder to drop. She summons her Starfire Sword and slashes Mabel left and right but the clone triplet keeps evading and cartwheeling until she catches the sword by clapping it with her hands and then kicking it off of May's hands. The two exchange more punches until May delivers a blow strong enough to make Mabel shout and force her to the floor.

They grapple and May was close to pinning her down but someone smacks her in the back of her head and she gets knocked out. She drops to floor, unconscious and the hit came from Julia who used the face of the sword to knock her out. Julia helps May up, looking to May and down in regret for what they're doing.

Mabel: Sorry May…

Julia: But this is the way it has to be.

Meanwhile, Dewey and Louie have just finished watching the last episode of Ottoman Empire and are in tears over the ending.

Louie: Wow…they really tied up everyone's storyline at the end there.

They're taken out of their thoughts to here Lena groaning, still upset over what happened between her and Webby. She and Violet are sat down with the boys, the hummingbird provides comfort. Louie and Dewey become so worried they forget about the show.

Louie: Lena, are you okay?

Lena: What do you think?

Dewey: I'm guessing no. What happened?

Violet: Let's just say…a bit of an incident happened in Webbigail's room and she and Lena got into a fight.

Dewey & Louie: Wait, what?

Louie: But you and Webby never fight, like ever. What the heck happened?

Lena: Webby and her clone sisters were talking together in the room after she somehow snuck them in. One of them, what was her name again…Julia, she was off strings on Webby's family board, even mine which connected me and Webby. I don't know what happened…I mean, I didn't mean to, but all of a sudden I just lost my temper and used my powers on her.

Dewey: The boys cringe. Ooh…that doesn't sound good.

Lena: Julia ran off crying and Webby got mad at me. She couldn't look me in the eye anymore when she went off to find her.

Louie: Relax; Webby can't stay mad at you forever. This happens to us all the time. She'll forgive you by the end of the day.

Lena: Maybe…but…what if I lose her?

Dewey: What do you mean?

Violet: Lena…are you afraid now that Webbigail has found and gotten close to her genetic sisters that she'll forget about us.

Lena: What!? No, I… She sighs in defeat. Yeah…it's true. Now that Webby has her own blood sisters I doubt she'll want me or Vi anymore. But I don't want any of that to go. Webby was the first friend I ever made, she was the first to truly ever get to know me. We shared secrets… we had sleepovers… we went on adventures… She looks down in sadness. But now it looks like she's forgetting about me. Now that she's a triplet, I'm afraid of losing her friendship and that always meant so much to me. And after what I did with Julia, I'm worried she hates me. I-

Louie: Louie gets up angrily disturbing her, much to her surprise. No! No! Bad girlfriend! Do not talk like that again! Louie smiles kindly. You're Webby's sister and that's that! Look, just because Webby likes her cloned sisters doesn't mean she'll forget about you, Lena.

Dewey and Violet smile with him, both place a hand on Lena's shoulders and Louie gets closer.

Dewey: I know Webby better than anyone. There's no way she'd ever not consider you her sister Lena, no matter how many new friends or other sisters she makes. You and her have been best friends for a year, she wouldn't throw any of that away just because she's a triplet now.

Violet: Lena, do you remember when you were imprisoned in the Shadow World and the day I first met you, Webbigail and Llewellyn.

Lena: I try my best to forget about the Shadow Realm part, but yeah…what about it?

Violet: That time you weren't very fond of me because Webbigail and I were becoming fast friends over our shared interest in the supernatural. You were afraid that my presence would cause both her and Louie to forget about you.

Lena: Yeah, I guess that's how I felt at the time.

Louie: But that never happened. Webby never forgot about you and neither did I. We went heck and far to bring you back from the Shadow Realm and now look, you, Lena and Violet are best friends for life.

Dewey: You even made your own group. The bond you three share as sisters is way too strong to be broken no matter what kind of arguments you have. Plus, you saved her life in the Shadow War; I don't think she'd ever forget that, not in a million years. We're the Duckburg Six and we always stick together.

Violet: Dewey and Louie are right, Lena. Webbigail loves you, she loves us both. She'll never forget us and we'll always be her sisters. And you'll always have a special place in her heart.

Lena: Lena stops worrying and gives a smile. You know, what…you're right. Maybe I'm just overreacting again. Webby and I have been through a lot together, there's no way we'd lose that. Thanks you guys.

They all share a smile but the moment is frantically disturbed by Huey and April getting on the table and in their faces in panic and horror. They try to catch their breath.

April: Huge problem! We've got a very huge problem!

Huey: FOWL's plan! Sword! Swanstantine!

Lena: What's up with you guys?!

Dewey: Shh! A leader can communicate without words. He knows exactly what his team is thinking.

Huey: Huey tugs his shirt in panic. The clones are stealing the Missing Mysteries for FOWL!

April: We just saw one of them take the Sword of Swanstantine!

Webby was walking in the foyer when she overheard the conversation going on.

Violet: What!?

Louie: The Clone's are evil!

Lena: I knew it! I knew there was something off about those two!

Dewey: Oh no, I didn't see that coming.

Webby: No! They're my sisters and I'm going to help them.

They look to see Webby stood by the door hurt by what she just overhead as she walks up to her friends.

April: Webby, I know it's hard to take in but you've gotta trust me. Me, May and June just saw one of them take the Sword of Swanstantine. She held it up with an evil smile.

Webby: Well…okay, maybe she just has an appreciation for fine blades craft.

Violet: Webbigail, I understand that these clones are your genetic sisters but perhaps we should approach this logically.

Huey: Face the facts! They came from FOWL!

Webby: They came from me! And they're confused and totally in the dark their… our part in this whole thing. They just wanna learn about their family. She turns away angry with her friends. I thought you all would understand that.

Lena jumps down the sofa and places a hand on Webby's shoulder.

Lena: Webby…listen, we do understand. I understand what it's like to want to find your purpose, to want a family, figure out who you are and your place in the world. I've been nothing but Magica's shadow for 15 years until I met all of you.

Webby: Webby turns hurt by her best friend's lack of support. Exactly. We were able to turn you into a friend, Lena and now you're your own person! I know I can do that same with Mabel and Julia. And don't think I haven't forgotten what you did to Julia back there.

Louie: Hey, lay off that! Lena didn't mean to-!

Lena: Stop! Webby, look, I'm sorry about that! I don't what came over me! You're optimism and you seeing the best in people is something I've always really loved about you. And it's helped me become the person I am today, but not everyone is a good as you want to believe them to be.

Webby: Granny said something like that in Mervana and look how wrong she was. My sisters aren't evil, I refuse to believe that! There has to be a logical explanation for this! I thought you of all people would support me most on this Lena. Why are you all trying to take this away from me?

Violet jumps down next to Lena, looking at Webby in concern.

Violet: Webby, we don't want to take anything from you.

Lena: Pink, I am supporting you. We're all just worried about you.

April: We just wanna help you Webby.

Webby: If you want to help me you'd support me in trying to help Mabel and Julia trying to figure out their purpose, including mine.

Lena: But you heard Huey and April, they're stealing the Missing Mysteries! They're working for FOWL!

Webby: Webby is angry and in tears. You know what, that's it! If neither of you won't help me then I'll just do this on my own! She turns away hurt and angry. I thought we were a team, but I guess I was wrong.

Lena: Lena reaches out in tears. Webby, wait!

Violet just holds her shoulder and shakes her head, feeling Webby needs time alone. Huey sighs and Dewey jumps off to run after her.

He catches up with her girlfriend in the foyer.

Dewey: Webby, wait! Let me talk to you!

Webby: Webby stops in her place. I have to do this Dewey. I need answers. Why did FOWL make clones of me? What do I have to do with all this? What's may connection to them? What has Granny been keeping me from knowing all this time? Webby turns to Dewey with a desperate look. And who am I?

Dewey: Dewey smiles. I know who you are. You're Webby Vanderquack, best friend, adventurer, leader of Team Magic… He takes her hand. …And my girlfriend. Webby smiles a little. Webby, you don't have to go and do this all alone. We're the Duckburg Six, we're family, let us help you. You helped me figure out what happened to my Mom, let me help you figure out your past.

Webby: Dewey…you're a sweet guy…and I wanna thank you for always sticking by me. But this is something I have to do alone, especially since the others don't want to help me, not even Lena.

Dewey: Webby, they do want to help you, especially Lena. They're just worried about you.

Webby: She lowers her eyebrows. But do you guys want to help Julia and Mabel?

Dewey: Dewey doesn't know how to respond to that. Well…I-

Webby: That's what I thought. I've got nothing else to say.

Hurt her own boyfriend doesn't truly understand she runs off and Dewey could only look at her in sorrow.

Dewey: Webby.

Lena walks up and takes hold of his hand, both are trying to comfort one another. Huey arrives.

Huey: I'll go talk to her. This was mainly because of me after all.

No one notices April sneak out the front door.

Beakely is in her room, opening up her weapons cabinet. She takes out a sigh and couple of other weaponry to place in her duffel bag. Scrooge comes in with a tray of tea for Beakely after calming down Matilda.

Scrooge: Beakely, I found fresh tea. I didn't even use the same old tea bag; you can really taste how much it's costing me, I… He notices Beakely packing her weapons. What are you doing!?

Beakely: I'll be off the grid, don't follow me. Keep Webbigail safe in the mansion until I return, make sure Duckworth waters my plants…

Scrooge: Beakely, you can talk to me; I'm your friend.

Beakely: And as my friend I want to thank you for protecting us all these years, but no more hiding. I'm going to take down FOWL once and for all…alone.

Scrooge: You don't have to! As long as our family is adventuring together nothing can stop us!

Beakely: This is my mission McDuck!

Scrooge: Oh, come off it! What aren't you telling me!?

Beakely: Beakely gets in his face in rage. I SAID IT'S CLASSIFIED!

They're glaring at each other for a moment until Beakely walks off while Scrooge remains calm and puts the tea tray away, his back turned from her.

Scrooge: Look…Donald and I made the mistake of keeping a secret from our family once and it almost tore us apart. This family can handle the truth, Bentina…whatever it is.

Beakely sighs, seemingly giving in and places a hand on his shoulder.

Beakely: Alright, I'll tell you everything. What she does instead is squeeze Scrooge's nerve hard and knocks him unconscious. He lies on his side. …If I survive.

And with that Bentina Beakely, Agent 22 leaves to go on her final mission, intent on destroying FOWL alone. She doesn't know the decryption beacon Fethry placed in her computer is almost finished with its work.

Webby bursts through the door in her room to find both Mabel and Julia together in front of her treasure chest much to their dismay.

Webby: Mabel, I-oh, great! You found her! Julia gets up guiltily holding the Sword of Swanstantine. …And the Sword of Swanstantine… Mabel stands with the Blessed Bagpipe. …And the Blessed Bagpipe of Clan McDuck… She begins seeing her friends were right. Are you…stealing from us?

Julia: Uh…well…we…no…

Mabel: It's time to stop lying June.

Julia and Mabel regretfully step out of the way and Webby gasps to see May tied up and gagged with an apple in her beak. She frantically grunts, muffles words and struggles.

Webby: Ohmygosh… May…what happened to you!? What did you two do to her!?

Mabel: Webby, it's not what it looks like! We didn't hurt her, honest!

May spits out the apple and it hits Julia's forehead, making her shout and fall back.

May: Webby! Get out of here! The clone's, they're evil! They work for FOWL! You have to warn Don-

Julia shuts her beak by putting tape around it and all May could do was muffle words while struggling to get free.

Webby: May!

Mabel: Mabel looks to May apologetically. Sorry! We really are! This is nothing personal, really!

Webby: No…it can't be. The two of you really are here to steal our Missing Mysteries. She feels betrayed. But why?

Julia: We're really sorry, Webby. We didn't want you to find out this way.

Mabel: Mabel tosses aside the Blessed Bagpipe with a stern look. Webby, we'll never get answers about who we are from those people and neither will you.

Webby: But I can help you. We can figure things out together.

Mabel: This is the only way to get answers. Director Buzzard left us behind and said if we brought him the Missing Mysteries, he'd tell us everything, the truth about us. Don't you wanna know?

Julia: Webby's sisters have pleading looks on their faces. Come with us sister…please.

Webby looks like she's considering it until she looks at May frantically muffling not to do it. Webby is full of doubt.

Webby: I can't abandon everyone I love.

Mabel and Julia frown in disappointment, the former walks over to May and the latter groans.

Mabel: Well, I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way.

Mabel grabs May and stuffs her inside the treasure chest, angrily locking her inside it.

Webby: No! She'll die from a lack of oxygen in that chest!

Mabel gets out a knife and uses it to cut a hole in the chest big enough for May to breathe from before looking to her younger sister.

Mabel: There! Now she can breathe. I'll take the Missing Mysteries to the rendezvous point, you bring her…one way or another.

She straps the sword and bagpipe to her back before opening the window, throwing down a makeshift rope and climbing down to escape.

When she's halfway to the walls of the Manor April blocks her path with her arms spread out.

April: You're not going anywhere!

Mabel: Listen, I don't want to hurt you April, move now.

April: No! I won't let you take those Missing Mysteries for FOWL.

Mabel: You don't understand. Julia and I don't know why were born, what our purpose is or who we truly are. All we remember is FOWL. This is the only way to get the answers we need! Don't you get it!?

April: We do get it, but this isn't the right way. You don't have to do this Mabel! Our family can help you figure out your purpose. Bradford doesn't care about you, let us help!

Mabel: We won't get any answers from hanging out with any of you. I'm not doing this because I want to. Julia and I don't have a choice.

April: You do have a choice, Mabel. I won't let you destroy yourself by working for FOWL. But if you really are intent on stealing our Missing Mysteries you're gonna have to go through me to do it!

Mabel: Mabel tosses aside the artefacts. Fine! Julia and I have already taken care of your sisters. I can handle you to.

Both yellow wearing triplets get in fighting stances and prepare to battle with furious determination.

Vs FOWL Agent Music

April and Mabel ran at each other launching and exchanging punches. April flips up delivering a couple of kick that Mabel blocks before throwing another punch that Mabel dodges by jumping before delivering a double kick to April's face and sending her shouting in pain. When she hits the ground Mabel throws more punches which she manages to catch and now they're grappled. Mabel is slowly pinning her down but with a headbutt and kick to the stomach April sends her flying and screaming on her back. When Mabel gets up she charges April and vice versa. They grapple and wrestle for dominance.

Webby is all alone with Julia now. Julia turns back to Webby with an angry glare as she held her arms up like before she fought June.

Webby: What are you…?

Julia leaps forward yanking off an arrow stuck to the wall and tossing it at Webby who barely manages to dodge. Seeing she has no choice, Webby fights and charges her sister. Julia tries to whack her with a doll but Webby dodges and throws a punch only for Julia to evade to before delivering a kick that sends Webby flying into her chair. Webby screams as it's about crash but jumps off onto her ladder which was put back, climbing up to her bedroom.

Julia runs up to the ladder, grabbing it and using her strength to lift it up with a grunt and smashes Webby against the ceiling. Webby shouts in pain and Julia pushes harder, hopping for submission but Webby pushes against the ceiling, knocking Julia off balance. She falls down along with her gold mace.

Julia jumps down to whack with her doll but Webby rolls out of the way. When she lunges, the pink loving duck jumps above and Julia ends up tripping and knocking the telescope. Just as she gets up the spinning scope sends her flying and she hits the ground underneath a table. To her delight she sees the bounce serum just above her.

April is sent flying and screaming into a tree and drops on her face. She looks up to see Mabel jumping down with her fist outstretched, prompting her to summon Sun Glaive, stick the blade to the ground and use the other end of her polearm to jump forth and send Mabel flying back with a kick to the face. Mabel shouts as she hits the ground hard, finding the Sword of Swanstantine next to her.

April charges and slashes with her glaive but Mabel picks the sword and blades lock with the female eldest triplet. They exchange a couple of swings with their weapons, April thrust and slashes but Mabel deflects and ducks her attacks. Mabel then fires a blast of energy from the sword that knocks April's glaive out of her hand. She fires more blasts that April manages to dodge as she charges forth.

April grabs the sword handle and the two yellow-loving triplets fight over it. April throws a couple of punches to the face but May quickly kicks her to the ground. When April reaches for the sword Mabel steps on her hand before sending her back with a kick to the face before yanking her cardigan off and tying it around her neck to ensnare April in a stranglehold. April struggles to get free and chokes but escapes with a back-headbutt. When Mabel lunges April tosses her over her shoulder while ripping off her vest. She goes for the sword of Swanstantine but Mabel tackles and now they're both rolling on the ground.

Eventually they roll out the mansion premises and down the hill, it's unknown who won right now.

Webby picks up her mace only to gasp to see Julia stood on her table holding up the juice.

Julia: We wanted you to be our sister! Why'd you have to make it so difficult!?

Webby: No!

Julia gulps all the juice down and vibrates with new energy. She jumps up and bounces off the ceiling with a laugh, knocking down Webby. She quickly gets up holding her mace only to be knocked down again. Julia was bouncing off of walls faster than rubber ball, ramming into Webby multiple times and dealing damage. She delivers a punch hard enough to send Webby screaming and smashing against the wall. Webby manages to get up readying her mace.

A clash occurs, Webby swings and June punches and everything blacks out.

After Webby and April get "kidnapped", Matilda walks in Beakely's room to find her and Scrooge after her emotional breakdown over her husband.

Matilda: Scroogie, Beakely, is everything alright in here? I heard arguing and thought I should-

She gasps in horror, met with a terrible sight when she sees her brother knocked out and laying unconscious on the floor.

Matilda: Scroogie! She slides over and lifts his head up. Brother! What happened to you!?

Scrooge: Beakely's…gone to fight FOWL on her own.

Outside, Mabel (with her vest back on) is stood next to April (without her cardigan) who is tied up and gagged after being beaten and knocked out. Mabel holds the Missing Mysteries and turns to see her sister arrive dropping down a tied up Webby after knocking her out.

Both look up to see a plane being piloted by Don Karnage slowly descending.

An apologetic Huey opens Webby's door with his hat off.

Huey: Webby, look, I'm sorry. I… Webby?

He double takes when he sees the entire room has been completely messed up, objects scattered everywhere. What catches Huey's attention was the chest violently shaking. He quickly opens it up and to his shock May bursts out giving a muffled scream.

Huey: May!? What happened to you!?

May: He rips the gag off her mouth. Oh man! I was dying in there! Thank god you came Huey!?

Huey: May, what happened here!?

May: Mabel and Julia, Huey! They kidnapped Webby!

Huey: What!?

May: I tried to stop Mabel but then Julia came and knocked me out! They tied me up and stuffed me in the chest! Mabel took off with the missing mysteries! I couldn't see much through the hole but I think Webby got knocked by Julia and she took off with her! They're outside the window!

Huey and May get over to the window and to their horror Mabel and Julia are getting inside their transport dragging Webby, April and the Missing Mysteries.

Huey: Webby! April!

May: NO! They got my sister too! Huey, you've gotta save them!

Huey: But what about you!? I can't just leave you tied up!

May: May shakes her head frantically. No! Forget about me for now! Webby and April need you! I'll go warn Dewey and the others and we'll find a way to catch up with you! Just please, save my sister!

Huey: Huey wants to untie May but the plane could take off any moment. Okay, fine! Just hurry, and warn everyone before it's too late.

May: May smiles. Good luck, Huey.

Huey: You too May.

Huey climbs down the rope and Mat drops to the floor crawling towards the door to warn her friends.

Don Karnage begins take off and Huey jumps onto the ramp just as it closes before finding a place to hide. The plane flies off into the sky to FOWL's new hiding place.

Inside the plane Mabel tasks Julia with guarding Webby, but what she doesn't realize is the sister she just talked to was Webby. The agent-in-training managed to knock out Julia and switch clothes and hairstyles with her in her own bid to find answers. The Webby that is unconscious and tied up is actually Julia in Webby's clothes. She wakes up to see Webby's friendship bracelet, realizing and remembering what happened. Julia muffles words of anger, trying to break free and demanding to be freed which the disguised Webby notices.

Webby: Sorry Julia…but I have to find answers…one way or another.

She walks off to join Mabel but what Webby hasn't realized yet is she's actually April in disguise. Both have the same thing in mind as April wishes to look for answers too. After knocking out Mabel she switched clothes hairstyles with her to get to FOWL's new hiding place. The real Mabel who is April's clothes wakes up and remembers what happened the moment she sees the friendship bracelet. She struggles to get free which April notices.

April: Sorry about this Mabel, but this is the only way to find answers and if there's a way to help you both.


(1) Avengers (2012)

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