Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten

By LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten More

Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 1
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 2
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 3
Quack Pack Part 1
Quack Pack Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 1
Louie's Seventeen Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 3
Louie's Seventeen Part 4
Louie's Seventeen Part 5
Louie's Seventeen Part 6
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 1
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 2
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 1
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 2
The Trickening
The Engagement Ring
Lets get Dangerous Part 1
Lets get Dangerous Part 2
Lets get Dangerous Part 3
Lets get Dangerous Part 4
Lets get Dangerous Part 5
Lets get Dangerous Part 6
Lets get Dangerous Part 7
Lets get Dangerous Part 8
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 1
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 2
Teamwork Makes a Dreamwork
New Gods on the Block
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 1
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 2
Fight for Castle McDuck
The Last Adventure Part 1
The Last Adventure Part 2
The Last Adventure Part 3
The Last Adventure Part 4
The Last Adventure Part 5
The Last Adventure Part 6
The Last Adventure Part 7
The Last Adventure Part 8
The Last Adventure Part 9

The True First Adventure

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By LandofEvil42

We go back to the past once more to origins of FOWL when Bradford Buzzard joined forces with Black Heron to form the Fiendish Organization for World Larceny, wanting to rule the world to get rid of all the chaos that SHUSH struggles to deal with.

We go further into the future from that day to the time of Earth's greatest warriors: Donald and Della Duck were kids who lost their parents and were living with their uncle.

It's been two weeks since the adventure with in El Dorado, the fight with the Gilded Man and the Duck Twins made amends with each other over their parents. Young Donald is slept on his bed in a dark blue footie, the sun shines through the room and he opens his eyes to yelp when he sees a pair off eyes drawn on a chin. He smiles, realizing Della is stood behind him wearing her pyjamas having a good tease with her brother after 6 months of arguing.

Della: Della was attempting a different voice. Hey there Donald!? It's me!

Donald: Donald smiles teasingly. Oh, look, if isn't Mr Upside-Downington. How long has it been, 2nd grade?

Della: That's right! And I've come with an important upside –down message.

Donald: Is it that we're too old for this little joke.

Della: No…I've come to warn you of… She speaks in her normal voice, Sibling Tackle!

Della jumps on Donald and the Duck Twins laugh as they share friendly play fight. They roll on their bedroom floor out the door, through the hallways and down the stairs, laughing and fighting to their heart's content until they arrive in the Foyer piled onto each other laughing as hard as they.

Donald: That was fun!

Della: Sure was! Boy, I've missed really missed doing that.

A younger Bentina Beakely/Agent 22 walks by smiling.

Beakely: I see you two are up already.

Donald & Della: Morning Mrs B.

Della: The twins both get up. You bet we're up already! It's another new day for the Duck Twins! She wraps an arm around Donald. Right, Don!

Donald: Right sis! It's gonna be a good day!

Beakely smiles to see the Duck Twins getting along again after 6 months of arguing and destroying the mansion.

Beakely: Well, I have a feeling today's going to be another good day too, now that you've both made amends with one another.

Donald: Donald and Della exchange sheepish smiles. Yeah. That was a scary six months, but we're all over that now.

Della: Yeah. You know I'm really glad you and I are friends Donnie.

Donald: Me too, Della, me too.

Della: The Duck Twins are back and ready to begin anew!

Beakely: …Right after you shower and eat your breakfast!

Donald: And play darts!

The twins bring out their dart guns and play Dart, running around the house and shooting each other. Ordinarily Beakely would hate that game but since the twins have made amends she doesn't mind it that much anymore.

After the twins finish playing darts and shower they change their clothes. Donald is wearing a dark blue button striped-shirt above a black t-shirt with a face on it and Della is wearing her pilot outfit minus the scarf.

The twins have breakfast together, eating pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs. They enjoy their food to their hearts content and loudly burp right after, blushing and sharing a laugh afterwards. Beakely calmly and maturely finishes her breakfast.

Beakely: So then, what are your plans for today children?

Della: We were hoping to ask Uncle Scrooge if he could take us on another expedition with him. We haven't gone on one since that stuff in El Dorado.

Donald: Do you know where he is Mrs B?

Beakely: He's at the Bin attending important meetings. Duckworth left with him 30 minutes ago.

This makes the twins miffed, their uncle promised to make the great adventurers but for two weeks he's been way too busy with meetings and hasn't made much time for them.

Della: Seriously, it's been two weeks now and he still hasn't taken us on another adventure.

Donald: How could be an awesome adventurer and at the same time such a grouchy, lousy uncle.

Beakely: Try to understand, your uncle is a very busy man with a tight schedule. I'm sure McDuck would make time for you if he could. Though, when you're as rich as him there's little point in going on adventures.

Della: What do you mean?

Beakely: Scrooge's main interest in adventure is all about the treasure and building up his wealth. Unless he has major costs and bills he must pay off he sees little point in going on any expeditions.

Della: That's a total rip off!

Donald: He really needs to understand there's more to life than just money.

Beakely: Beakely gets up. Well, I'd better go get to work. SHUSH can't direct itself?

Della: Donald and Della are excited. Oooh! SHUSH! You mean that secret agent organization!?

Beakely: The very same. I assume Scrooge told you about it.

Donald: He sure did. He also told us you're like it's leader, Mrs Agent 22.

Beakely: Not to brag, but it's true. I am indeed the director of SHUSH ever since your Uncle Ludwig Von Drake retired.

Della: Della and Donald run up in excitement. Can we go with you! We're really bored!

Donald: Yeah! We want some action!

Beakely: Absolutely not! SHUSH does not go on adventures. We go on missions that could very cost you your lives.

Della: Oooh! Sounds fun!

Beakely: Perhaps for SHUSH agents but not children. She smiles. I can however arrange for you to be in the Bin with your uncle so you may spend time with him.

Donald and Della look to each other smiling.

Donald: I'll go get my guitar.

Scrooge is at the Money Bin with Duckworth wearing his earlier adventuring/SHUSH attire. He walks inside in a bad mood as he grouchily spoke through two phones and Duckworth had opened the door for him before following with a clipboard in hand.

Scrooge: I expect that report on my desk by day's end. Time is money and I have not enough of either, Duckworth, my rundown. He hides the phones in his hat.

Duckworth: You have your daily swim and money count, then a brief trip to Mystical Tra-la-la to visit their bottle cap plants, after that a meet and greet with the vampire dignitaries and a routine security check on Falcon Island.

Scrooge: Hmm. Light schedule today.

They go inside and up the elevator.

Duckworth: Oh, and Director 22 dropped by and left you something?

Scrooge: Is it an agent assignment or… When they arrive Scrooge gets miffed to see one of his expensive jars thrown and smashed on the floor. …A massive inconvenience.

Della is searching for dangerous objects and throwing stuff away.

Della: Is this deadly!? How about this!? She jumps and runs on a globe for it to break off and she rides. Oh no, that's just easily breakable.

While Della rampages Donald is wildly playing his guitar, accidentally knocking over the pedestal and Scrooge's Number One Dime. Donald picks it up.

Donald: Oh boy! Jackpot! He frowns, realizing what he's holding. Wait, it's just Scrooge's old dime. He then uses it to play his guitar. Ooh! New pick!

Scrooge: Scrooge angrily takes the dime back. What in blazes are the both of you doing here?

Donald: We came to see you.

Scrooge walks away with Duckworth, standing in front of the vault.

Duckworth: Director 22 suggested that you spend time with your nephews and nieces while she does work at SHUSH Headquarters.

Donald brings his hair up and Della gets on the globe only for her to fall in when it cracks. Scrooge is not happy about this today considering his busy schedule.

Scrooge: Has 22 gone mad!? She knows my busy schedule today! I am a multi-millionaire businessman, not a babysitter! I don't have time for this!

Donald: Donald is less than pleased. Same old grouchy uncle, guess today's gonna be a bummer.

Della: No way! Uncle Scrooge toppled the Colossus of the Niles, he discovered the treasure of the Ten Avatars, so what crazy, fun adventure do we have on deck for today!

Scrooge: I do not adventure.

Della: I'm looking at a big room of gold that says different.

Donald: And I'm remembering a promise you made to groom us to be the next greatest adventurers of all times that also says different.

Scrooge: And I intend to keep that promise, lad. But now isn't the right time for that. Right now I'm far too busy with my companies, not to mention there's no point on going on anymore expeditions for now.

Donald & Della: What!? But, why?!

Scrooge: My expeditions were gruelling, treacherous and only served to build my company and my fortune, nothing fun about them. These days I've left all that behind to focus on a new kind of conquest. Della gets excited. …Corporate conquest!

Della: She slumps in disappointment. Oh…

Donald: What about that first adventure we went on with you to that temple in the Amazon 6 months ago.

Scrooge: That was me repaying you both for saving my life… and I wanted to build my company further, what with the increasing amount of bills and costs I have to pay off. Other than that, I do not go on adventures for fun.

Donald plays his guitar and sings in a way that annoys Scrooge.

Donald: Just another rich uncle
Gotta eat the rich uncle!

Scrooge: How about showing some respect for your uncle!

Donald: Excuse me. This song isn't about you.

Store up all that rage in the bin

Donald shuts up when Scrooge pushes him back with his cane and Duckworth prepares a sack of marbles.

Scrooge: Just stay out of the way and don't touch anything.

A beeping noise coming from Della is heard and Scrooge looks to her annoyed when recognises the sound. Della sheepishly brings out a compass-like device reading SHUSH.

Della: To be fair, I touched this before you got here

Scrooge snatches it and information comes out.

Scrooge: I have to attend to this.

Scrooge is in his meeting room with a laptop opened, revealing Beakely.

Scrooge: Hello, Director 22.

Beakely: We located Captain Yellow Beak's ship, you know what this means.

Scrooge: The Papyrus of Binding! One of the most powerful artefacts known to man!

Beakely: We finally have a credible lead to its whereabouts. Donald and Della secretly listened in. Our satellites spotted the ship near a phantom island in the Bermuda Trapezoid.

Della: Yellow Beak!? Bermuda Trapezoid!? Phantom Island!?

Donald: Della drops back when Donald plays his guitar again. Oh, great band name!

One of the strings snaps and whips his eyes, turning it red as he rubs it in pain.

Della: Forget your band! This is an adventure! Imagine actually having something to sing about!

Donald: Life experience! That's the soul of an artist! Another string snaps and hits his eyes.

Scrooge: 22, I'm occupied, especially since you sent my nephew and niece here and you have plenty of other agents.

Beakely: None, I trust as much as you, we've got a mole; FOWL has somehow gained SHUSH Intel. Scrooge, this could be our chance to find the Papyrus, uncover the mole and shut FOWL down for good.

Donald and Della burst in excitedly holding hands, after the former's eyes heal.

Della: We'll do it!

Donald: Let us come too! We want some action!

Scrooge: Duckworth, revise the schedule. I'm going on a business trip… solo.

Donald and Della slump disappointment.

Donald: Oh, come on, Unc, why can't we come! This sounds like an awesome adventure, one I could actually sing about.

Della: Yeah, you've let us adventure with you twice now. What's the difference now?

Scrooge: Number one: The first two adventures were out of gratitude towards you both and to get you two to make amends so you'd stop destroying my house, number 2: This isn't an adventures, it's a mission that could cost you your lives. You kids are better off in the manor with Duckworth where it's safe, number 3: I prefer to go solo.

In his room at the mansion Scrooge prepares a suitcase of his belongings. Della suddenly bursts out the suitcase.

Della: We know you don't want family, but how about a pair of young sidekicks for this treacherous journey?

Scrooge: An annoyed Scrooge picks and drops his niece. I hate those more.

He's outside opening his car trunk, this time encountering Donald.

Donald: So you don't want family or sidekicks, fine, how about unpaid interns?

Scrooge: Scrooge picks and drops his nephew. I work alone.

Despite his disapproval the twins are sat by Scrooge on both sides in the limo as Duckworth drove it through the town.

Della: How about some heavies, you might need the muscle to back you up!

Scrooge: I'm sure Duckworth could use plenty of help around the house.

Duckworth: Happy to put the little ones to work, especially since you'll be paying me overtime.

Scrooge: Overtime!? What!? Am I made of money!?

A bump causes them to jump and gold spills from Scrooge's pockets much to the twin's amusement. Donald plays his guitar again.

Donald: Need a hand and money feat
Made of money my rich Uncle Scrooge!

Donald: Scrooge is annoyed with the singing. Still, please take us.

Scrooge: Very well…seeing as how I don't seem to have a say in the matter.

Donald & Della: You don't.

Scrooge: Just leave the guitar.

Donald: You can't mute me old man!

Literally seconds after saying that Donald's guitar is thrown out the window.


Donald, Della and Scrooge journey to Phantom Island via plane. They're objective is searching the Papyrus of Binding, a mystical artefact that makes whatever someone writes down a reality. It's dangerously literal and could be dangerous in the wrong hands which are why they must retrieve it.

Unfortunately the pilots were Black Heron and Bradford Buzzard in disguise. Both escaped the plane (though Bradford didn't plan to do that) but thanks to Della's piloting skills despite her age they managed to survive and land on Phantom Island.

And thanks to a trap set up by Black Heron and Donald's good eye, Yellow Beaks ship was found stranded on a mountain and pretty much split in half. Bradford is getting annoyed with Heron wanting to use the Papyrus to cause destruction when that's the opposite of what he wants.

As the journeyed up the mountain Donald and Della got to know Scrooge more as he regaled his tales of adventuring and were also trying to help him embrace the experience of adventuring instead of just shrugging it off as a business trip just to look for treasure.

Currently Donald is on the phone with Young Daisy since his connection was strong than Scrooge's. He's told her about their whereabouts and the adventure they're on.

Donald: Sorry, toots, I won't be able to take you out tonight.

Daisy is at her home in her bedroom wearing her younger days attire. She's sat on her bedroom speaking on the phone and looking at her pocket mirror.

Daisy: That's okay Donald, I know you're busy. So you're on another adventure with Scrooge?

Donald: Yup. Though, the old grouch sees it as more of a business trip than an adventure. He's really gotta learn how to embrace the experience of adventuring, otherwise there's really no point to it.

Daisy: Well, maybe once he sees you and Della enjoying yourselves and how awesome the both of you are he'll realize that. You know, I'm really happy that my favourite twins are no longer at each other's throats and have made up.

Donald: Donald smiles looking to his sister. Yeah, me too Daisy, anyway I'd better hang up for now. I'll text you later toots…if I survive. If I don't come back avenge my death and give me a better tombstone than Della's.

Daisy: Daisy can't help but chuckle. Oh, Donald, you're so funny sometimes. Anyway, don't worry I'm sure you'll come back alive. Maybe you'll make a song out of this adventure, handsome. If you do, maybe you could sing it to me on our next date.

Donald: Yeah, I'd be glad to. Well, I'd better go. See ya toots.

Daisy: Bye Donald.

Donald hangs up and sets his focus back on the adventure.

Scrooge: And who were you speaking to lad?

Donald: Girlfriend. You remember Daisy, don't you?

Scrooge: Oh yes, I remember her. Romance…who cares about that garbage?

Della: Maybe you'll understand when you find a girlfriend.

Scrooge: No thanks. I prefer to remain single. Besides, I've had my shares of romance in the past and it always leads to me getting backstabbed.

Della: Della pumps her fists in excitement. So, tell us more about your incredibly awesome adventure!

Scrooge: And so, the valley began to implode, burying with it ancient temple.

They climbed up a ledge of the path up with the twins helping each other as they listened.

Scrooge: The treasure of the golden sun's lost forever. I escaped to the Wacker River and that dastardly El Capitan was left to dig in the dirt all alone.

Donald & Della: Whoa…

They followed their uncle as he leads them along.

Scrooge: In the end, the trip was all for naught, no gold, no treasure, didn't even get a souvenir out of it; not worth the effort.

Della: But what an adventure!

Donald: Some journeys are worth more than treasure man; sounds like you got a great story out of it.

Scrooge can't deny that as Donald sings.

Donald: Rich Uncle, not so bad was a misunderstood hero.

Scrooge smiles, enjoying the song until Donald starts disrespecting him again.

But now he's a gritty husk of a duck!
Dirt in soil!

They all stop at the edge of the path. The other half of the ship is stuck on the mountain peak far from the one they're on.

Scrooge: It's too treacherous to climb.

Della: I can jump it!

Donald: No, wait!

She actually attempts to jump it until Scrooge grabs and brings her back.

Della: You're right, Donald you do it.

Scrooge: Better idea, hope on my back.

Della: But I'm afraid we'll break every bone in your fragile old body.

Scrooge: Get on, before I change my mind.

Donald and Della latch on to Scrooge's back, wrapping their arms around as he brought out his Action Cane.

Donald: What's that?

Scrooge: The Von Drake Action Cane PPK.

Scrooge bounces his cane on the path before it rockets the three ducks high into the air across the mountains. Donald and Della scream with joy and excitement.

The three ducks have a rough landing inside the hull of the ship's front half. They got up, finding themselves in a room full of gold and treasures.

Scrooge: Bless me bagpipes…

Della: A what…?

Scrooge looks to see a broken down desk at the front. Clearly they were in Yellow Beaks quarters where he kept most of the treasure to himself. Sat on a chair in front of the broken desk was the skeleton of Captain Yellow Beak clutching onto a treasure chest, quill and a piece of parchment. The parchment the skeleton was holding is what they're looking for.

Scrooge: We found it!

Della: Yellow Beaks!

Donald: The Papyrus of Binding!

Donald and Della ran over to the skeleton and the papyrus, inspecting it closely. Della reads the writing out loud.

The last will and testament of Captain Yellow Beaks,

This accursed Papyrus has only brought grief, I asked it for escape from the Spaniards and it shipwrecked us here on this mountain. I asked it for water and my crew drowned on dry land and so… Della takes off the Papyrus. I asked the Papyrus to free me from this curse once and for a-

The ink disappears and the twins exchange disturbed looks.

Della: Okay, that was disturbing…

Donald: Whoa…this thing is really literal. What do we do Uncle Scrooge?

Donald and Della hear ringing and become vexed when they see Scrooge stood on a stack of barrels and containers speaking into his phone after finally getting a signal.

Scrooge: Duckworth, yes, keep the meetings. We're about done here.

Duck Twins: Uncle Scrooge!

Scrooge: Finally got a signal, I'll have SHUSH send an extraction team ASAP.

Della: Della puts the parchment away as they angrily walked up to the stack. Seriously, some dumb meetings are more important than pirate treasure!

Scrooge: We need to get home.

They don't know Bradford has snuck on board, using the gold and treasures to keep out of sight and remain in the shadows. Donald gets out a harp to play.

Donald: Sell out Uncle
My uncle the sell out!

Scrooge: Not the time lad.

Bradford had gotten near the Yellow Beaks. He would've been successful had it not been for Heron's villainous showboating. Her laughter echoes through the air, catching the Ducks' attention. A metal hand stretches through a small hole in the ceiling and Heron drops down breaking through it. She gracefully stood up retracting her hand.

Heron: Hi, me again. TIME TO REWRITE HISTORY!

Donald: WHOA! Who the heck are you!?

Heron: Black Heron, FOWL special operative.

Scrooge: So you are alive!? How!? And what happened to your arm?

Heron: You and Agent 22 happened! I survived our last encounter but my arm was broken. I had to amputate it and replace it with this mechanical arm… She smirks. …which isn't so bad, being part machine has its perks.

Della: Cool! She remembers they're facing a villain. I mean…

Della roars, spun her arms wildly and recklessly charges Heron to attack.

Donald: No! Wait!

Heron stomped on a piece of floorboard, flipping it up and sending Della crashing into her brother. A cloud of dust engulfs Bradford and causes him to cough, giving away his location to Scrooge much to his dismay.

Scrooge: You! I know you; you were at my Christmas party, Bradford… Bradford Buzzard! His cover's been blown. Don't you work for SHUSH? I have to warn Beakely!

Just as he was about to call Heron fires her hand and snatches the phone, causing Scrooge to fall down his stack. Heron crushes the phone and maniacally laughs.


Heron: Yes! Liberating, isn't it!?

Heron grabs and reels in the Papyrus. Scrooge lifts himself up, taking out his other phone. At same time Donald and Della get back up and charge Heron together, shouting out battle cries. The twins jump onto Heron comically restraining and hurting her, Della pulls her hair and strangles her hair and Donald tries to yank off her robot arm. The evil agent sends out two fingers that comically electrocute Donald and Della they hit the floor right in front of her.

Della: Ow!

Heron: She laughs. Dirty tricks and villainy win every time! Heron's index finger morphs into a pen which she writes on the Papyrus with. Papyrus! I ask that on this mission Scrooge's sidekicks PERISH!

After writing that down Donald and Della hug onto each other screaming in sheer fear and horror. Heron has just asked the Papyrus for their demise and they can't stop it. The twins hug as tightly as possible, bracing themselves for their deaths. But to their surprise…nothing happens to them. Their bodies are in intact and they stood up.

Donald: We're okay.

Della: Ohmygosh! No magic can kill me, I'm the chosen one!

She excitedly threw her fists forward. Heron and Scrooge are astonished, their deaths were desired but the Papyrus did not grant it.

Heron: Papyrus! ON this mission Scrooge's sidekicks PERISH! Oh, this priceless artefact is busted!

Scrooge easily figures out why they're alive. The Papyrus is literal and they're not sidekicks.

Scrooge: They're not my sidekicks you degenerate egret, they're MY FAMILY!

Heron: Gross…

Donald and Della join Scrooge, ready to fight alongside after he's hit with an epiphany.

Scrooge: And this is no mission, it's an adventure!

They charge Heron together but another idea forms in her head when she looks to the skeleton. She writes again and just as the ducks were about to attack the treasure chest is thrown. They all look to see the skeleton of Yellow Beaks brought to life, speaking in a distorted voice as it picks up its sword and points at the Ducks. Heron makes a run for it.

Heron: So long suckers!

Yellow Beaks attacks and slices his sword. Scrooge blocks and holds him back while Heron climbed up and out the hole leading to the deck with Bradford following after her.

Bradford: Heron! Wait!

Scrooge pushed Yellow Beaks as much as could, standing his ground.

Scrooge: Kids! Follow them and get the artefact! I'll take on this scalvious skeleton!

Scrooge pushes him off and engages Yellow Beaks in a epic duel. Donald and Della exchange smirks before running and climbing after the FOWL founders.

Bradford chases after Heron on deck.

Bradford: Heron! Give me the Papyrus!

Bradford tackles and trips Heron, causing her to lose the Papyrus and it floats into the air, landing inside the ships mast lookout. Bradford gets up furious with everything that's just happened.

Bradford: You used the Papyrus…twice! I should've known, you, Scrooge, all of you! You're all reckless and nothing but trouble.

Heron has become increasingly annoyed with Bradford's lack of villainy.

Heron: Oh, enough speeches Bradford, you want to take over the world so badly then be a villain and take it already!

Just as she was walking to get the parchment Donald and Della jump out of nowhere to tackle Black Heron to the floor. She gets up and the twins are latched onto both her legs. Heron quickly kicks off Donald and sends him flying. He hits the floor hard and Della climbs up the evil FOWL Agent. With a grin she pulls her and her hair back as hard as she could but Heron quickly yanks her off. Donald lifts his head up to gasp at Della in Heron's grip. His sister kicks Heron in the face multiple times but this only served to anger the evil agent and prompt her to toss Della away, sending her screaming off the ship. Donald reaches out in horror over the "death" of her sister.

Donald: NOOO!

Heron dusts her arm, unaware she's just made the biggest mistake ever in her life.

Heron: Well, that takes care of-huh?

Black Heron is taken aback in confusion when he sees Donald stood up, furious and enraged. He breathes and fumes with sheer rage as his entire face becomes boiling red over Heron hurting Della. He does his classic angry jump before shouting and screaming in pure untamed rage, jumping and violently swinging his fist like a tornado and charges at Black Heron. She no time to do anything as Donald climbs up her back and viciously and comically bangs her head and pulls back her hair, making her constantly shout in pain. It gets worse as Donald zooms around her body, jabbing it wildly.

Della climbs up the ship, having survived the fall.

Della: Donald, I'm-!

To her amazement Heron was pinned down and Donald bounced on her back like a trampoline, dealing an immense amount of pain. And all this is all for Della.

Della: Never mind.

Scrooge and Yellow Beaks burst out the captain's quarters as they duelled. Yellow Beaks kept slashing by Scrooge parries all his strikes until he twirled his cane and used the curved end to snag the peg leg and spin the skeletal captain around to disorientate him. He's seemingly knocked out in a disturbing position with his head bent back but in a second he sliced Scrooge who barely managed to block. Scrooge strikes but he's blocked too and Yellow Beaks turns to slash again.

Scrooge and Yellow Beaks get in a shot blade lock before Scrooge is pushed back. An insect gets inside Yellow Beaks eye and the skeleton releases an ear piercing roar that makes Scrooge cover his ears. Scrooge barely parries and ducks a couple more swing before impaling the body with his cane but it has no effect due to Yellow Beaks already being dead.

As Donald beats on Black Heron, Della is hidden by a cannon watching her uncle's predicament. She climbs onto the cannon and grabs the rope, an idea coming to mind.

Scrooge continues parrying until he's forced to literally walk the plank. He trips on it and sees its a long way down. He manages to block again and despite his deadly predicament he can't help but enjoy himself.

Scrooge: OHHHH! Curse me kilts, this is fun!

Scrooge pushes the pirate back and with a good swing he whacks his face so hard Yellow Beak's head twists to see what Della's doing.

Della: Ahoy there!

Della pulls the trigger and the cannon fires causing to blast towards Yellow Beaks as Della rode it. Scrooge jumped out of the way just as Yellow Beak gets smashed apart and his remains fall down the mountain.

Della lands near Donald after he knocks out Black Heron, victoriously throwing her fists.

Della: Double Dead Pirate!

Donald: Donald points up. Up there!

Bradford is climbing up the rope supports to the platform the Papyrus is on. Scrooge cuts a rope and flies up the ship, swinging off to clutch onto halfway up the ladder. He and Bradford exchange glares and race up the ship.

Donald and Della watch Scrooge climb after Bradford but then they hear footsteps and turn to Black Heron back on her feet after the beating she took from Donald.

Heron: It was a stupid choice of your senile old uncle to leave you both alone with me!

A sword comes out of her metal arm and she thrusts down. Donald and Della shout in fear, quickly jumping out of the way. Donald gets annoyed to see Della excited in the face of certain death.

Della: You've got a sword arm! That is so cool!

Donald: Della! She's trying to kill us with it!

Della: Della cringes. Oh! You're right! Not cool!

She shouts, barely ducking Heron's swinging and slides beneath her. Della jumps at her only for Heron to turn and kick her away. Della hits her back hard with a shout and when the agent proceeds to slice her Donald appears in time to block it with a sword he found. With a growl he's holding Heron back with all his strength. The Duck Twins exchange smiles and Donald signals Della to the sword stuck to the floor behind Heron, prompting the girl duck to run over and pick it right off.

She jumps at Heron again to slash but she quickly leans her body to dodge but the twins are now attacking together. Della and Heron exchange a swing and the FOWL agent blocks a jump slash from Donald. The twins were then able to kick her together in the stomach and send her skidding back.

Heron stands up to see the Duck Twins stand together back to back in fighting stances with their swords much to her annoyance.

Heron: Typical. McDuck is having children do his dirty work. Perhaps one of you must die to teach him the folly of his ways.

Donald and Della exchange looks, silently telling each other to stat sharp. Heron thrusts with one hand behind her back, prompting the twins to jump back as they're forced into the defensive. She swings around her sword and they're forced to dodge. Donald is the first to slash Heron but she parries his strike and forces him to jump back and when Della thrusts Heron sends her back with a kick to the stomach.

As Scrooge climbs up he watches his nephew and niece fighting off Heron. Though, he's concerned he trusts them to be able to handle.

Scrooge: Be strong lad and lass. You can do this.

He continues climbing and Heron stops a swing from Donald. She then deflects another swing from Della. The twins slash together but Heron blocks them both before pushing them back and unleashing a missile from her arm. It explodes in front of the twins and sends them screaming into the railing.

Della: Didn't see that coming…!

Donald: Incoming!

They gasp when another missile flies towards them. Noticing a rope connected to the ship's mast Della grabs Donald's wrist together the twins jump off the ship and grabbing onto the rope. The missile explosion sends it swing high. Donald and Della scream when the latter lets go and they're sent flying to the mass. The Duck Twins grab onto it and scramble up, holding their knees and panting.

Donald: Della… that… was crazy…

Della: What do you expect…? Crazy's my middle name.

They widen their eyes when a metal hand hooks onto the mast. Heron flies up and lands on the mast with a sinister look as she brings out her sword once more. Donald and Della exchange looks before jumping at Heron who has one hand behind her back again. Della's swing is parried easily, Heron dodges one of Donald's slashes and when he attacks again her swing was so strong it sent Donald screaming and flying off the mast much to Della's horror.

Della: Donald! No!

Donald grabs onto the mast on time and struggles to pull himself up as an angered Della charges at Heron.

Della: Nobody does that to my brother you cyborg crow creep!

Della attempts to slash Heron but she's blocked and a kick to the stomach sends her flying. She lands on her back with a paid shout and as she got up Heron thrusts and Della sword is knocked out of her hand, sticking behind her. Della moves back in fear as Heron evilly approaches her and brings her sword back. The female duck steals her resolve and throws a punch only for Heron to lean to the side, roughly grab Della's arm and forces her down to the side. Della grunts in pain, unable to escape the evil agents grip after positioning her arm.

Black Heron brings up her leg and in a sheer act of ruthlessness she drop kicks, smashing Della's arm and completely breaking it. And with that…Donald could only watch as his sister unleashes a loud scream of horrible pain echoing through the air after feeling her arm bones get snapped.

Donald: DELLA!

Heron releases Della and the young female pilot's arm is limp as she drops to her knees then to her side.

Heron: What was that you said before? Nothing can stop Della Duck…except gravity. Why don't we put that to the test?

She kicks Della off and Donald reaches out for her sister as she falls down the ship screaming loudly.

Donald: NOOOO!


Donald's mind is flooded with images of his parent's dead body.

That's followed up by the horrible injured state Della was in after the dragon in El Dorado breathed fire on her.

(End of Flashback)

Never wanting to go through that feeling again Donald feels himself snap. He looks to Heron, growling and turning boiling red once more as steam bursts out of his ears before comically jumping and releasing the loudest and most vengeful shout he could give off. Donald charges at Heron, sword in hand and picks up Della's sword to. He proceeds to cut the ruthless agent into pieces for hurting his sister.

Scrooge continues climbing up after Bradford but stops to gasp in horror when he sees his niece fall down.

Scrooge: Lass!

He reaches out to catch Della only to miss and watch in horror as Della fell.

Donald charges Heron with his two swords, slicing away at her wildly but this time Heron was ready for Donald's outburst as she's parrying every single one of his anger-powered slashes. When Donald slashes again Heron hops and roundhouse kicks him off the mast.

Scrooge: Lad!

Donald screams in pain as falls down, losing one of his swords and smashing into the ship's starboard railings. Heron lands on her feet, stepping on Della's sword and kicking it away. Donald struggles to stand as he uses his own sword as support. He pants in, his face quite bruised as he looks up to see Della lying on the opposite off the deck. She's in pain, barely able to move or keep her eyes open as she watches the trouble her brother's in with a sad look.

Della: Donald…

Donald: Della…

He gives Heron another glare and is about to go red again until he hears his uncle's voice in his head.


Scrooge and Donald were both sat on the couch having an important conversation.

Scrooge: I've noticed your tendency to snap and go wild with rage lad when something pushes you over the edge.

Donald: Well…whenever I see my sister or someone I care about or something valuable to me get hurt or broken I can't help it. I completely lose it and all of a sudden my skills are dialled up to 11.

Scrooge: I've seen it before. It was the same with your mother and father before they passed away. The ability to let loose and give anyone a thrashing is something I've always admired. But that can only get you so far in an adventure.

Donald: What do you mean?

Scrooge: Wildly lashing out like that may work against many foes. But there will be enemies out there that will put up a much better fight. They'll be so strong that not even your fighting prowess dialling up to 11 will help? Going out of control with rage won't always protect your sister.

Donald: Really? So what do I do?

Scrooge: Against these kinds of enemies you need to learn how to really channel your anger instead of letting it loose. If you can do that, I guarantee right now you'll become the greatest adventure in history along with Della?

Donald: You really mean that Uncle Scrooge?!

Scrooge: Well, not exactly THE greatest adventurer, since that title already belongs to me…but you'll be somewhere around my level.

Donald rolls his eyes at that.

(End of Flashback)

Remembering his uncle's words that day prompts Donald to finally calm down.

Heron: Your time is up little boy.

Donald: Donald takes a deep breath. I wouldn't be so sure of that lady.

Donald stands on his feet, holding his sword in a calm two-handed stance before charging and duelling Heron once more. He launches two swings that Heron parries and then they exchange a third swing with their blades. Heron slashes but Donald ducks before stepping on her foot to reduce her mobility. He slashes and thrusts, Heron was barely able to deflect before slashing again but Donald dodges before flipping and catching Heron off-guard with another slash. Now Heron is forced to take this seriously as she now struggles to block Donald's next barrage of swings and slashes. Both Donald and Heron are exchanging swings with their swords left and right, their blades constantly clanking upon impact.

Donald grinds his sword against Heron's blade and she blocks the future mage as hard she could but to her great shock and horror his last slash is so strong her sword was cleaved in two. The blade is sent flying, seemingly giving Donald the upperhand. Heron launches a spin kick that Donald dodge rolls and with a battle cry he leaps up to deliver one final slash only for Heron catch his sword and clap onto it. With a grin she snaps it in two and knees the surprised Donald in the stomach, sending him screaming and landing on his back.

Heron replaces her broken sword with a new one before approaches the down Donald. He lifts his head up to see the tip of her blade in his face.

Donald: But…how?

Heron: Foolish little boy, I'm over 50 years old. I've trained with the greatest teachers and my martial arts have been honed to their peak. How can you possibly-?

Taking advantage of her arrogance, Donald outright shuts up Heron by kicking her in the groin. Heron chokes in sheer pain and agony, dropping to her knees as Donald flips back on his feet and gives the evil agent a glare.

Donald: Oh yeah. Well, I'm 10 years old and my late old man was the greatest mage in the world… AND he taught me how to do this!

Donald chops, pushes and hits all the pressure points of Black Heron's body, mainly the area around her neck and shoulder. Black Heron feels numb now and drops down on her face in unconsciousness.

Donald: That's what you get for breaking my sister's arm! He gasps. Della!

Donald quickly runs over to Della who's leaning against the ship's railing, having fallen unconscious after Donald knocked out Heron. The future mage quickly held his sister by her back, trying to wake her up.

Donald: Della! Don't you dare die on my! Wake up, say something!

Della groans a little before slowly opening her eyes, smiling when she sees her brother's relieved expression. Having seen how her brother fought to avenge her and her broken arm Della is touched and surprises Donald with a hug. Though, he's surprised Donald gladly returns the hug. She pulls back for them to smile at each other,

Della: Thanks, Donnie… you really defended me out there.

Donald: Don't mention it. You're my twin sister after all and you'd have done the same for me, I'm just glad you're alive.

Della: Aww! Come on, you're gonna make me blush!

Donald helps Della up but she winces in pain, struggling to stay on her feet.

Della: OW!

She uses the railing as support and her other arm is completely limp much to her twin's concern.

Donald: Sis! Are you okay?

Della: I'm fine! But my arm isn't. Oh man…that cyborg lady really did a number on it.

Donald: Let me see.

Donald takes Della's limp and broken arm. He gently rubs it and then out of nowhere his hand becomes energized and floods Della's arm with green energy much to the twins' shock as they hear the bones snap back in place.

Donald: Whoa! What was that?!

Della: Hey, wait, I remember that! That was the healing thing you did in El Dorado!

Donald: How does your arm feel then?

To Della's delightful surprise she's able to easily move her arm now.

Della: Ohmygosh! My arm's not broken! It feels light as a feather!

She joyfully throws her fists forward before jumping into Donald and he spins her in a massive hug. When they stop they're ecstatically held onto each other's hands.

Della: How do you do that!?

Donald: I have no clue! I just thought about helping and saving you like I did once before and this happens!

Della: Della feels her heart melt. Aww! That's sweet! Thanks! And by the way, that sword duel with Heron and the pressure points thing…that was AWESOME bro! Where'd you learn to do those things!?

Donald: Guess when you channel your anger instead of going out of control, you're capable of doing pretty much anything.…as for the pressure points thing, Dad taught me that a week before we visited Uncle Scrooge the first time. Plus, it's easy to beat someone when they're so self-centred and arrogant like her. I may not be as good at it as you are but I'm smart enough to see my fair share of angles, just not like you.

Della: That is the coolest! She punches Donald's shoulder. You rule, man!

Donald: He rubs his shoulders. Heh-heh. Well, that's what happens when some freak messes with my family, especially you. Maybe robot lady will think twice before trying to kill us again.

Heron: I beg to differ child!

Heron's fingers are shot and impale the Duck Twins, The twins are electrocuted and are screaming in sheer pain and agony before dropping to the floor unconscious. Heron is already stood back up with a snide and evil grin on her face. She gives off a laugh as she walks over to the kids.

Heron: Your pressure point technique was impressive and unexpected but ultimately ineffective thanks to part of my body being mechanical now. Dirty tricks and ruthless villainy win once more!

Meanwhile Bradford reaches the lookout and grabs the Papyrus but Scrooge also arrives and he is mad. In an act of desperation Bradford pushes Scrooge off the edge but he holds on with his cane and gives the Founder of FOWL a hateful glare.

Scrooge: Bradford, you blimey bilge-sucking freebooter! You're with FOWL!

Bradford: I was trying to avoid all this! Supernatural chaos! Mass destruction!

He steps back in fear when Scrooge climbs back up. Now he finds himself cornered as Scrooge approaches him with no way to escape.

Scrooge: It's about to get worse… you've made a powerful enemy today. Now that we know who you are we will tear the world apart to find you. He thumbs himself with a grin. I'm Scrooge McDuck! As long as adventure courses through my veins no villain can best me!

Bradford: But I am no villain. Bradford smirks as he brings out a pen to write on the Papyrus. At least I won't be…to you. Papyrus, as far the Ducks know, Bradford Buzzard was never here!

And with that Bradford disappears along with Scrooge, Donald and Della's memories of his involvement, only the adventure and Black Heron remains in their heads. Scrooge looks around confused with where he is but gasps with joy when he spots the Papyrus and picks it up.

Scrooge: The Papyrus!

Scrooge slides down another rope and lands back on the deck.

Scrooge: Alright kids, I've got the-!

Scrooge is met with a terrible sight when he sees Black Heron holding up both Donald and Della by the back of their shirt/jacket. She prepares to blast them both and the twins are in fear.

Heron: Good show. Now hand over the Papyrus or your family joins the rest of these tragic scallywags.

Seeing only one way to save them Scrooge opens the Papyrus and writes on it.

Heron: Wait. What are you writing!? She gives a couple of warning shots. No writing!

Scrooge: "Papyrus, I ask that you be lost once more until the rightful heir of Scrooge McDuck can find your final resting place!" If you hurt nephew and niece, no one will find the Papyrus again.

Heron: The wind blows the Papyrus away. NO!

Heron releases the twins and chases after the parchment and stretches her robot hand out only to miss as it flies out of reach and she shouts with horror before tripping over the edge of the deck. The adventuring trio run over and sees the only thing that remains of Heron is her robot arm which was clawed onto the ship.

The three of the regale over their victory and the twins celebrate with a high-five.

Della: Woo-hoo! HA HA! We are actual kid adventurers!

Donald: Wait! Kid Adventurers!? That's a band name! Or is it a solo act!?

They listen to Scrooge talking into his phone again.

Scrooge: 22, we didn't exactly get the artefact but neither did FOWL. They're upset he's seemingly caring more about business. Send the extraction team; I need to get back to Duckburg for an important meeting. I need to hand off my day-to-day business duties. He smiles to his kids. That way I can spend more time adventuring with my heirs.

Donald and Della burst with joy to hear their Uncle will finally adventure with them full time for the rest of their lives.

Scrooge: We'll find that Papyrus someday.

Della: Della throws her fists up. Yeah, we will!

Donald: Donald becomes as giddy as a schoolboy. OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! He puts on the emo act. I mean…whatever.

Della: Della playfully slaps his back. Oh come on, Don! No need to be shy, right!

Donald smiles before bursting with joy.

Donald: Adventure! HERE COMES THE DUCKS!

Della: YEAH!

The twins share another high-five which Scrooge smiles at.

After getting home in Duckburg, Scrooge is in his office at the Bin again getting out some adventuring tools from his suitcase. He's sat down looking through a telescope until Bradford enters the room.

Bradford: Uh…Mr McDuck.

Scrooge: Ah, Bradford was it? Come in? Bradford walks up in front of the desk. Former SHUSH, your resume is impeccable and more importantly you came highly recommended by Director 22 and she doesn't trust anyone. So let's get to it; as you may know my business can be a tad chaotic.

Bradford: I have noticed sir and I assure you, I will reign in that chaos.

Scrooge: Good! I have plenty of wild enemies, what I don't have is a level-headed ally to take control of McDuck Enterprises, some trustworthy, reliable… Bradford tenses under the suspicious look Scrooge is giving him. There's something about you… He's hit with realization. I remember you!

*Bradford sweats, fearing the Papyrus didn't fully erase Scrooge's memory and his cover is still blown. His worries disappear from the next thing Scrooge says.9

Scrooge: My Christmas Party, ages ago! Scrooge holds out his hand. Congratulations Bradford, you're my new CFO… more or less! You're the exact dull, stingy type I need.

Bradford smiles, relieved his cover is still intact and he can begin his real work in stealing the world right under Scrooge's nose. He keeps up his polite facade.

Bradford: Yes sir. The two shake hands, officially forming their partnership. This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship.

What Scrooge didn't remember was Bradford is the Founder of FOWL and he does not know until some point in the future that his CFO has been secretly stealing his wealth and the world right underneath his nose, an enemy in the shadows is what Scrooge is dealing with. This is the Origins of the Fiendish Organization of World Larceny.

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