KITTEN [vkook]

By YoongiAndHisMochi

703K 41.3K 6.6K

Taehyung a lost hybrid sees something he shouldnt have and it brings him in a lot of unwanted trouble and att... More

1: kitten
2: streets
3: coincidence
4: meds
5: lost (m)
6: pet
7: captive
8: penthouse
9: clean
10: helping out (m)
11: stay
12: home
13: Bored
14: return
15: come along
16: wait
17: cranberry juice
18: ex
19: dinner
20: outside
21: Lu
22: dessert
23: sick
24: mine
25: head pats
26: panting
27: no strings attached (m)
28: connection
29: cut
30: snuggled
31: breakfast
32: lunch
33: shopping
34: tears
35: new friends
36: cat
37: forehead kisses
38: kittens
39: found
40: gently (m)
41: donut
42: intruders
43: yes, brother
44: evil
45: casino
46: jealousy (m❗)
47: ready
48: on water
49: action
50: reunite
51: helicopter
52: home
53: changed
54: threat
55: back for revenge -1-
56: back for revenge -2-
57: back for revenge -3-
58: distraction
59: mister
61: souvenir
62: arcade
63: decision
64: babies (m)
65: one or two bars
66: food food food
67: baby
68: learning and love
69: together forever (end)

60: clingy

7.4K 435 54
By YoongiAndHisMochi

And yes, just like Jungkook promised he stayed at taehyung's side during the night. The hybrid had woken up to see the raven still next to him. Jungkook's right arm was trapped under taehyung's body as the raven laid on his back, his left hand on his chest, lips parted soft snores escaping.

Taehyung was awake and ready to get up but he didn't want to. He wasn't gonna leave jungkook for even a second. So he was now just staring at the other. Sitting up to look at the other more closely. His eyes take in all the details, from his face down to his muscled chest and abs. All the way down to his underwear where Taehyung quickly looked away from, mentally scolding himself for even looking there. He pulled the blanket down more so jungkook had almost all of the blankets, he didn't want the raven to get cold.

"I don't want you hurt..." Taehyung said, looking at the bandages. The hybrid had forgotten all about his own painful bruises and healing cuts as soon he saw jungkook was hurt. Not feeling his own pain and discomfort. Only worry for Jungkook's health. He didn't want Jungkook to get hurt because of him. He felt guilty being the cause of it. With a little sad feeling he leaned down placing a soft kiss on the bandages. Flinching when he felt a hand on his head caressing it a few times.

"Darling.." a raspy morning voice said



"oh...I'm sorry if i woke you.."

"it's fine" Jungkook shifted laying on his side and open his eyes looking at the sitting hybrid. "you know....I just come to think of it" he paused for a moment. "i never asked you to be my boyfriend did i?"


"hmm well then, would you like to?"

"yes!" Taehyung quickly shut his mouth and said it softer. "yes, i would love to"

"thats nice, come cuddle me my boyfriend"

"Aaish, don't say it like that."

"why not?" Jungkook shut his eyes again once the boy was in his arms. He had to admit he really missed loving someone like this. But this time it wasn't fake, he wasn't being used. This was true love. Taehyung loved him back, he was honest. It did jungkook good finally having someone worth loving and worth protecting. He was going to give taehyung the protection and happiness he deserved.


The two stayed in bed for longer than planned, but they got up after a nice shower to freshen up, and Jungkook washed taehyung's hair that was all messy. Currently Taehyung was eating breakfast while Jimin sat in front of him. Jungkook stood in his office with Lu.

"Lu, i will put everything in your hands for now, i will take some time off" jungkook said. Lu frowned a little.

"Wait, really? why?"

"I have someone I want to make happy, I can't progress when I keep getting him in danger, we need some time together. I will come back, once I get my stuff together I will take the work from you again."

"and the other company?"

"I will still be active there, but I split the work with Namjoon, I won't be taking any new meetings or appointments, I only do calls until my return. just tell them I am not available at the moment."


"But do let me know if anything happens that I should know. i don't want my clubs and casino to lose reputation"

"Of course, dont worry. its in good hands"

"I know," Jungkook said and sighed looking at the other. "also...thanks for watching over Taehyung while I was gone."

"No problem" Lu smiled knowing jungkook doesn't really like saying 'thank you' or the word 'sorry'. "i think i will be going now. Namjoon is expecting me"

"okay, you know to find the door"

"I will just say goodbye to Taehyung before leaving" Lu grinned, making Jungkook frown but not say anything about it. He knew he didn't need to be scared of Lu trying anything. Lu was a good mannered man who just does his job. But still Jungkook couldn't help feeling jealous over how Taehyung befriended Lu so quickly.

but when Lu opened the door he saw taehyung already standing there. "oh hello"

"you're stopping work?" Taehyung asked, looking at jungkook. "But why?"

"For you tae, i want to be with you without people trying to hurt you or me, i just want some time to live normally and make you happy."

"you would do such thing for me?"

"Yes, tae. I have already told you. Now say bye to Lu he is leaving to take over my work for the time being."

"mhm" Lu nodded looking at the hybrid who pouted.

"you will come to visit again right?"

"If Jeon allows me, yes" Lu chuckled looking at Jungkook who just rolled his eyes putting his hands in his pockets.

"Okay, then you can leave." Taehyung smiled and waved at Lu who walked to the front door.

"See you around kid" and with that the other man left.

"Tae, i have planned to leave back to the penthouse tomorrow together. Is that okay?"

"Yes, that's okay" Taehyung said he would like some alone time with Jungkook after all that had happened. "does it still hurt?" he asked after pointing at Jungkook's waist. He noticed Jungkook wasnt walking so straight, limping a little.

"hm i will manage" jungkook replied looking at his waist. he had gotten a gunshot before so it wasnt something new. but that didn't take away the fact it does hurt.

"Just be careful..."

"I am, don't worry so much. im fine" jungkook chuckled patting taehyung's head who didn't seem to be letting go of the wound anytime soon. "Now where is my breakfast" jungkook walked in the living room where he abandoned his breakfast just now to speak to lu when he saw the man walk by. Looking at his plate he definitely didn't notice that some of his food was missing. He looked at Taehyung who turned red and averted his eyes. "Did you steal from my food again?"


"Yes you did," Jungkook squinted his eyes at the other. "want me to die of hunger now?"

"no! i'm sorry, I will get you a new one!"

"Love, im joking. relax" jungkook smiled grabbed taehyung wrist then the hybrid was about to run past him to the kitchen. "come sit with me, i need company while eating '' jungkook pulled the boy into his lap caging him with one arm by snaking it around taehyung's waist, the other he used to eat his breakfast.

"Let me just leave," Jimin said standing up. He felt like a third wheel sitting at this table. "i will go to my own love bird"

Not that the two minded. Taehyung was already happy that Jungkook was here and he was surely very much enjoying the raven being just as clingy as he was. 


Thank you for reading, be ready for vkook fluff next chapters towards the end.

see you in the next chapter!


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