Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten

By LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten More

Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 1
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 2
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 3
Quack Pack Part 1
Quack Pack Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 1
Louie's Seventeen Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 3
Louie's Seventeen Part 4
Louie's Seventeen Part 6
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 1
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 2
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 1
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 2
The Trickening
The Engagement Ring
Lets get Dangerous Part 1
Lets get Dangerous Part 2
Lets get Dangerous Part 3
Lets get Dangerous Part 4
Lets get Dangerous Part 5
Lets get Dangerous Part 6
Lets get Dangerous Part 7
Lets get Dangerous Part 8
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 1
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 2
Teamwork Makes a Dreamwork
New Gods on the Block
The True First Adventure
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 1
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 2
Fight for Castle McDuck
The Last Adventure Part 1
The Last Adventure Part 2
The Last Adventure Part 3
The Last Adventure Part 4
The Last Adventure Part 5
The Last Adventure Part 6
The Last Adventure Part 7
The Last Adventure Part 8
The Last Adventure Part 9

Louie's Seventeen Part 5

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By LandofEvil42

At the cliff on the edge of Duckburg where Louie took Lena to on their first date Leopold and Graves land, the latter tossing Daisy and she rolls across the ground. Daisy groans as she struggles to get on her hand and knees.

Felldrake: Get up you weak little worm. We have a city to destroy?

Daisy: What do you want with me?! And how do you know Graves?

Shellgoose: A simple question, we hired him to kidnap you.

Daisy: Daisy looks at them, her eyes widened in shock. What!? Hired him!? You mean you're the other employer Graves mentioned!?

Shellgoose: Shellgoose reveals his face and twirls his moustache. In the feathers!

Daisy: So the reason Graves was so freakishly strong back in the gala was because of your dark magic.

Felldrake: That's right. I enhanced this Falcon's fighting abilities using my magic!

Daisy: That's how he was able to defeat Xandra and Della so easily?

Felldrake: Yes! Though it seems his enhancement wasn't enough to defeat you. That outburst was quite unexpected. Luckily I had my contingency plan ready, turning Graves into a Heartless.

Shellgoose: And it was worth the effort because we've succeeded the first phase of our plan, kidnapping you.

Felldrake: For once I agree with you.

Daisy: But why did you want to kidnap me!? Usually your plans involve the Three Caballeros!

Shellgoose: This is true…but today we decided to change tactics.

Felldrake: I decided to change tactics. This moron here is incapable of making any. Shellgoose growls at that but lets it slide. We're going to break the Caballeros' spirits by destroying their precious little town.

Daisy: Daisy just laughs at them. And how do you plan to do that? You can't even destroy three birds! How can you destroy a city?!

Felldrake: With this!

Felldrake sends out a bolt of energy the edge, forming some sort of giant purple cannon, vaguely similar to the weapon Steelbeak used to dumb down Duckburg. The base of the superweapon has a vertical gauge that's half full with purple energy. Looking at it horrifies Daisy.

Felldrake: Behold! My Dark Cannon!

Shellgoose: You mean…OUR Dark Cannon.

Felldrake: Whatever. At any rate, when I gather enough energy for this cannon we will fire it and reign dark destruction upon Duckburg!

Daisy: Daisy gets up glaring in determination. That's not going to happen! I'll stop you before you can even gather energy to fire this awful weapon! I won't let you destroy my home!

Shellgoose, Felldrake and Leopold burst into laughter like Daisy's stupid.

Daisy: What's so funny!?

Shellgoose: Nothing…except that you've been helping us destroy your home?


Felldrake: Actually…it's true. You've been helping us without even realizing it. You see the energy I need to charge up this cannon is dark energy. And the way to acquire that is if someone with A LOT of darkness in their heart takes damage thus I am able to suck up their energy with my powers and feed it into my cannon…someone like YOU.


Felldrake: Oh really? It didn't seem that way when you abandoned your boyfriend and nieces for your own selfish desires.

Daisy: Daisy is taken aback. Well…

Felldrake: Obsession leads to darkness Daisy. Can you actually deny that you were blindly obsessed with making it to that ridiculous "IT-list"?

Daisy doesn't say anything as she looks down in regret and Shellgoose snickers.

Shellgoose: Of course she can't deny it because it's true. You were willing to break your precious boyfriends heart to please that sub-par business woman Emma Glamour and you kept dumping those little monsters that happen to be your nieces at McDuck Manor. It's so obvious that you love your job more than your own family and you cared more about your own desires instead of spending time with your boyfriend and nieces. You seemed fine forgetting about their feelings, especially Donald. He has been willing to make thousands of sacrifices for you…but what have you done in return for him lately? All you've done is broken his heart by ignoring him for an IT-list.

Daisy's face contorts with a combination of guilt, shame and regret, unable to deny that it's true. Tears stream down her face as she looks down.

Daisy: That was…I never meant to do that to Donald…or April, May and June…or the rest of the family.

Felldrake: But you did. And thanks to that dark obsession combined with your lack of care there's enough darkness in you to fill up this cannon with enough juice. In fact…with the damage you took in the gala my Dark Cannon has half the required.

Daisy: What!? She takes a look at the gauge which is half purple right now.

Felldrake: Every injury you sustain, the energy lost will be absorbed by me and I'll directly feed it into my cannon. And once it's full your beloved town will be wiped off the face of the Earth! I just need to give it another helping of the darkness in your heart.

Daisy: I'll never help you!

Shellgoose: You don't have a choice I'm afraid, my pretty. Graves, I think now will be a good time for revenge.

Graves angrily approaches Daisy and she steps back a little in fear.

Daisy: Uh…you're not still mad about the beating I gave you, are you Graves? I mean we can all just let it be water under the bridge, right?

Graves furiously screeches and flies it at blinding speed, ramming his fist into Daisy and sending her screaming into the wall. Daisy smashes into it and drops on her knees. She looks up in rage before her purple armband appears below her shoulder.

Daisy: You know what, screw the peace attempt? I don't care how powerful you are, I've beaten you once and I'll do it again!

She taps her shoulder band and becomes engulfed in a blast of light which subsides to reveal Daisy in her battle attire, though her hair remains the same and she keeps bow. Her tiara is still there. Daisy summons Royal Sabre and gets into her back handed battle stance.

Daisy: Let's see if you can hurt me when I'm at full power!

Kingdom Hearts 3 – Vs Terra-Xehanort and Vanitas Boss Theme

Daisy Duck

Information: Defeat Falcon Graves!

Daisy charges at Graves with a shout and slashes him left and right but the Heartless falcon is effortlessly parrying every single blow with his razor sharp talons. Graves counters with a slash across Daisy's chest and she's sent reeling and screaming back in pain while clutching her stomach. She looks at her hand to see blood before gritting her teeth angrily. She casts a series of spell ranging from Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Wateraga and Pearlaga. Unfortunately, Graves was unaffected by the lightning bolts and he uses his talons slice the elemental blasts sent his way. Daisy gasps shock.

Daisy: What!? That's impossible! None of my spells did a thing!

Graves rushes at blinding speed to slash Daisy but she quickly rolls out of the way and jumps to deliver a strong slice that Graves catches. Daisy struggles with all her might to remove her blade but it's in vain and Graves impales Daisy with his talons, making her scream in horrible pain. Grave yanks her sword and smashes the handle in her stomach sending Daisy screaming and rolling back. Graves tosses the floor just as Daisy clutches the spot she was impaled as she lifts her head.

Daisy: I don't need a sword to beat you!

But just as Daisy gets up Graves unleashes his sonic shriek. Daisy covers her ears and stands her ground but the excruciating pain was too much to resist and she screams in agony before Graves sends out a blast of energy from his beak that engulfs Daisy. She screams as she's blasted against the wall. She rolls to avoid getting punched in the face and then jumps at Graves only for the monstrous falcon to grab by the neck and begin choking her until Daisy knees him, making reel back enough for her to flip back acrobatically. Daisy delivers a wheel kick but Graves bends back to avoid before coming back up so fast he smashes Daisy's forehead. Donald's girlfriend shouts in anguish and blood spills out of her forehead and she hits the ground clutching it in pain. Graves then unleashes the loudest shriek she could give and Daisy screams even louder than before. When the shrieking stops Daisy just lies on the floor groaning in pain and her battle outfit switches back to the outfit she was wearing before.

Felldrake: Out of steam already? Come on, make this challenging. What's the point in victory is there isn't any entertainment in it.

Daisy is barely able to open her eyes to see the Heartless Graves loom above her. He lifts her by her hair and Daisy whimpers in fear looking at his soulless eyes.

Daisy: What kind of monster have you become?

Graves: He whispers in her ears. It's over.

Daisy is punched right in the gut before getting sliced across her other cheek and dress strap. Daisy screams from both attacks, the talons causing blood to spill out and cutting her strap and also yanking off her ribbon. Daisy sprawls across the ground and slams into boulder on her face.

Daisy is panting in panting in pain and exhaustion; she's covered in claw marks over her stomach, upper left part of her body and both sides of her face. She's also covered in bruises and cuts and her dress is tattered (though luckily it hasn't dropped down even with the strap cut). Her hair is messy, the front and back have dropped down and her hair is now shoulder length with bangs standing out and strands sticking out. Sweat and blood are dripping from her body.

Graves slowly approaches her and speaks with his evil voice.

Graves: Did you really think I'd let that humiliation you put me through in the museum stand.

Daisy lifts her head up panting and feels one of the claw marks. She silently gasps to see her palm smeared in blood.

Graves: Perhaps when I'm finished killing you I should also go after your boyfriend…and perhaps your nieces…

Daisy gasps in shock at the threat made. That all soon turns to anger when she whips her head at Graves, her cheeks hot red again (with sweat gushing out) before turning back to boulder and grabbing it from beneath. She growls, flexes and reveals her back muscles, some of which is hidden beneath her dress. To Shellgoose and Felldrake's surprise Daisy lifts the boulder high above her head and looks at Graves in anger. She tosses it and the boulder shatters upon impact, sending Graves flying and allowing Daisy to jump forward and ram her fist in his stomach, sending Graves on her back. Daisy pins down the much larger opponent.

Daisy: Nobody threatens my man…or my nieces!

She mercilessly throws a rapid flurry of punches in the face that make Graves grunt in pain. Daisy has an almost monstrous expression and she jumps off to lift up Graves ankle and begins swinging him around like a twister. With a loud shout she tosses him and he smashes right into the wall and Daisy follows after him.

Shellgoose: Didn't see that coming…

Felldrake: Well, now it's getting interesting.

Graves lands on his back inside a hidden cave in the wall. Daisy jumps up and smashes her feet into his stomach causing, a dust cloud to erupt. Daisy shouts as she rapidly punches Graves in the face, eventually beating him into unconsciousness. Daisy then jumps back to resummons her Royal Sabre and take aim with 6 orbs gathering around her.

Daisy: ULTIMA!

She sends out a green beam of energy that explodes on Graves.

Daisy is panting in exhausting after venting out her frustration like that as sweat and blood drip out of her and her sword disappears before dropping to her knees.

Daisy: That…felt good…I really…needed that. Daisy smirks at her fallen opponent. You see…Heartless or not…you're still…no match for me…

To her horror the dust reveals to show Graves having suffered zero damage.

Daisy: No way! It can't be! That was all I had!

Graves screeches and Daisy covers her ears, screaming in pain and it becomes louder when Graves slashes her face again. Daisy is sent screaming on her back and Graves drop knees her in the stomach. Daisy chokes first before crying out in pain and agony. The evil falcon grabs her and begins ruthlessly banging around on the ground and Daisy screams as she's grinded around in the wall and then tossed to the ground. The lady-in-waiting manages to stand but is incredibly wobbly and groaning.

Daisy: I…I can't give up… I have to keep fighting… for Donald… April… May… June… Della… for everyone…

Daisy shouts as she charges into launch punches in the stomach and then the face but they were so weak Graves didn't even move one bit.

Graves: You've run of steam while I have power to spare. How unfortunate…

Daisy growls and launches another punch only for Graves to grab her wrist and then her other one. Daisy screams from the sheer pain of her wrists being slowly twisted and she drops to her knees. Graves pushes her off and she stumbles. Daisy holds one of her wrists in pain before Graves comes up and backhands her. Daisy is sent screaming and bouncing across the ground as she smashes into another part of the cave.

Daisy: She lies on her side. I can't move…he's too strong! I can't win.

Graves swoops in and drops down from above to smash Daisy and she screams once more. Daisy is lying on her back broken and barely able to keep her eyes open as she's lifted up by her hair. She gasps when a ball of energy gathers in front of his beak and becomes frightful. Graves releases a blast at close range and it engulfs Daisy, making her scream so loudly it resonated through the entire cave.

Shellgoose, Felldrake and Leopold grin after hearing her screams of anguish inside the wall. They look to see the gauge almost full of energy.

Shellgoose: Well, look at that. It's only been a couple of minute and this is almost full charged.

Felldrake: Yes, soon we will wreak dark destruction upon Duckburg and the Caballeros spirit will be broken.

A minute earlier Donald is at the bottom of the cliff hiding behind a boulder where he spots the superweapon at the top with lowered eyebrows.

Donald: Louie was right. They're at the edge of the cliff and they're planning to destroy the entire city with a superweapon. I've got to stop them and save Daisy before it's too late. His eyebrows lower in sadness. And maybe I can finally prove that I'm good enough for her.

He looks at the heartless blocking the only path up the cliff. It's a Dark Inferno, Blitz Spears and Orcus Heartlesses.

Donald: Looks like they've called in some muscles. It's been a while since I've faced Heartless like these and without my powers…they're gonna be tough to break through.

Della: That's why you have your family by your side, Don.

Donald quacks in shock and turns to see the entire gang he left behind at the museum minus Ari and they're all smiling.

Donald: Huh? Della, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet, Launchpad, April, May, June, Panchito, Jose, Xandra, Drake, Ven, what are you all doing here?

Jose: Come now my friend, that's a silly question.

Panchito: We're here to give you a hand amigo.

Donald: Look guys, I appreciate the help but I can do this on my own. Daisy's my problem.

May: Like hell it is Uncle Donald!? This is our problem too!?

April: Yeah! She may have been neglecting us lately but Daisy's our Aunt!

June: And in case you forgot she's the only mother we have.

Della: And she's the closest thing I have to a sister.

Dewey: She's family to all of us.

Louie: So this involves us too.

Huey: We can save Aunt Daisy if we work together.

Webby: That's right. You can't fight these guys on your own Uncle Donald.

Lena: That'd be a dumb thing to do.

Violet: …Which is why we're here to help you Uncle Donald.

Launchpad: Yeah, it'll take all of us to save Mrs D.

Xandra: You didn't think being angry and storming out the museum like that means you'd be saving Daisy on your own, did you Donald?

Darkwing: There's only so much one person can take and that's when your friends leap in action.

Ventus: And we're not just your friends. We're family Donald and we're with you all the way buddy.

Della: Della comes up and places a hand on his face. If you thought going "girlfriend rogue" would scare us away from helping you out, you might wanna think again bro. I've had your back for years and now you have family to have back. We can't do anything on our own Donald, I thought I could do anything on my own and I turned out to be wrong in the end. Like Ven said, we're family and we're with you thick and thin 'till the very end.

Donald is almost tearfully touched by the support being given to him by sister and the family. Some people in Duckburg may not listen to him that much but at least he knows his family still care about him magic or not. He tackles Della for a hug and they both embrace for a couple of seconds.

Donald: Thanks you guys.

Dewey: Alright, so how do we save Daisy?

Donald: Daisy's at the top of the mountain and we've got three powerful Heartless blocking our only path up, Louie, Lena, June, Della are there any angles I'm missing.

The four of them assess the guards and look back to Donald.

Louie: Oh yeah, plenty of them in fact, like that Shellgoose took those villains that attacked us in the museum.

Della: Felldrake will have probably used his magic to power them up after we beat them last time.

Ventus: And those are some really powerful Heartless we're faced with. We'll need to really work together on this.

Huey: So how do we get through them?

June: Maybe 4 of us could hide behind here while the rest of fight off these heartless and lure out the villains.

Lena: We can do that by bragging about our numbers. That's sure to lure them out.

Louie: That just might work. All enemies tend to do that whenever the good guys, being us brag about having more numbers.

Huey: Okay then, now we need to decide who'll save Aunt Daisy.

Violet: Uncle Donald, you're our leader, you decide.

Donald: Obviously, I should be the one to save Daisy so I'll go.

Xandra: If you don't mind Donald perhaps me, Panchito and Jose could come with you.

Jose: We have some unfinished business with our former neighbour and Felldrake.

Panchito: Yeah! They're no match for the Three Caballeros!

Donald: Fine with me! It'll be the four of us! Donald then turns to his sister. Della, can I count on you to take care of everyone here?

Della: Of course you can! When was there ever a time you couldn't, bro?

Donald: Donald and Della warmly smile at each other. Sometimes I forget who I'm talking to.

Della: Be careful Donnie.

Donald: You too, Dell.

The Duck Twins share a hug before Donald then turns to Louie.

Donald: Louie, I'm counting on you to lead the team down here.

Louie smiles at the support his uncle is giving him and then the encouraging smile of his mother.

Louie: I won't let you down Uncle Donald.

The female triplets run up to the Caballeros beggingly.

May: Uncle Donald…guys…promise you'll save our Aunt!

April: She's one of the only relatives we have left!

June: If anything happened to her…we…

The Caballeros and Xandra smile reassuringly at the girls and Donald bends down to their level.

Donald: Don't worry girls. You're Aunt Daisy is tough, we'll save her before you know it.

And with that the girls come up and hug their figurative uncle. Everyone smiles at the scene.

Darkwing: We're running out of time guys. Let's roll!

A couple minutes later a Blizzaga spell is sent at the 3 heartless but the Dark Inferno slices it to pieces. They look to see Della, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet, Launchpad, April, May, June, Drake and Ventus approach them.

Louie: Alright Louie's Seventeen…

Launchpad: Nineteen.

Louie: Let's gear up!

Della: Loud and clear boss!

Della and Launchpad tap their shoulders and the kids all swipe their friendship bracelets, engulfing them all in blasts of light that subside to reveal they have donned in their battle outfits/armour.

Kingdom Hearts BBS – Terra vs Master Xehanort and Vanitas Music

They all summon their weapons, Della summons Godslayer, Dewey his Laser Sabres, Louie his Golden Khopesh, Huey with Spirit Guandao, Webby with Persian Blade, Lena with Diamond Dagger, Violet with Energy Mace, Launchpad with Atlantic Trident, May with Starfire Sword, April with Sun Glaive, June with Viper Blade, Ventus with Ultima Weapon (and his helmet back on) and Darkwing brings out his gas gun. The gang get into their fighting stances.

Ventus: Careful, guys! This'll be tough!

Webby: Don't worry! There are 13 of us and only 3 of them! We can take 'em!

Just as planned Gabby, Hack, Slash, the Beagle Boys and Black Arts Beagle surround them but they're quite different. Their eyes are glowing dark purple, they're surrounded by flaming purple aura and their expressions are more evil than before.

Louie: HA! Just I thought! They appeared the moment we bragged!

April: But wait! Something's different about them!?

Dewey: They look like they're literally on fire!

Ventus: You were right Della. Felldrake has powered them up using the darkness in their hearts!

Della: That doesn't matter. We can still take them!

Louie: Alright! You guys know the plan! Attack!

Dewey and Ventus attack the Dark Inferno and get into a deadlock with it, Della with the Orcus, Louie and Lena with the Blitz Spear, Webby and May with Gabby, Huey and Violet with Black Arts (who uses a dark energy axe), April and June with Hack and Slash, Bouncer holds back Launchpad's, Darkwing holds back punches from Big Time and Burger.

Louie: Caballeros! Now!

Donald, Panchito, Jose and Xandra come out of the boulder and with the enemies distracted run up the pathway without any disturbance.

Della: Good luck you guys!

The Three Caballeros and Goddess of Adventure are running up the cliff path as fast they could. When they get halfway up and arrive at another cliff around the back Leopold lands in front of them and roars.

Donald: Donald waves a hand in anger. Get out of our way Leopold!

Leopold: Mommy and Daddy said not let anyone through!

Jose: Donald! You go and save Daisy!

Panchito: The three of us will handle this monkey-bat-donkey-rat!

Donald: Are you sure?

Xandra: Don't worry about us, Donald! We'll catch up with you once we're done here. Trust us.

Xandra winks at him and Donald smiles before glaring at Leopold and running while quacking in anger. Leopold attempts to slash him but Donald zooms around his body, making him stumble and then continuing to run up another path around the cliff. Panchito, Jose and Xandra glare at Felldrake's most trusted minion.

Xandra: Get ready to be grounded Leopold! Xandra cracks her knuckles.

Jose: With no cellphone privileges for a week! Jose cracks his knuckles.

Panchito: Monkey-bat-donkey-rat! Panchito cracks his knuckles.

Leopold: Leopold ground you! Leopold cracks his knuckles and the sounds he makes are far more disturbing, causing the three of them to deadpan.

Jose: Is it just me or does this bring an annoying sense of déjà-vu?

Panchito: No, it's all of us. This is the same face off we had in the Quackmore Institute.

Xandra: In that case, enough crackin'! Let's get crackin'!

Leopold runs on all fours and Panchito, Jose and Xandra charge at him. Everyone gives off battle cries and leap for a big fight.

Back at the top, the sounds of crashing and fighting can be heard within the cave hidden in the wall. All of a sudden Daisy is blasted out of the wall screaming in pain and smashing onto her back. She groans on the floor and gasps to see Graves drop down to knee her in the stomach. Daisy screams once more as Graves steps back off her. He softly kicks her onto her knees and when Daisy gets up she becomes incredibly wobbly and her vision is blurry as she pants in sheer exhaustion. Daisy's weakened punches are all in vein and Graves lifts her up by her neck.

He brings her in and wraps his monstrous arms around her for a bear hug. With a mighty screech he begins to put the squeeze on Daisy and she screams in horrible pain as she feels her bones already beginning to crack from the tight and merciless bear hug. Graves laughs at Daisy's pain and a vein appears on his forehead as he tightens the bear hug. Daisy's screams become louder and anguished and ends up spilling blood.

When he tightens his grip again Daisy is screaming in the loudest and worst form of pain and agony. It's so painful tears of fear, pain and regret stream down the lady-in-waiting's face and her screams are full of pure and absolute agony. More blood spills out of her beak and the gauge on the Dark Cannon is almost full, causing Shellgoose and Felldrake to become giddy with excitement.

Shellgoose: It's almost ready!

Felldrake: That's it Graves! Squeeze her! Make her scream to her heart's content!

The third time Graves tightens the hug was the worst and Daisy's screams are at their loudest and her bones break as she fidgets uncontrollably and cries.

Daisy: D-Donald! Help me! HELP MEEEE!

Felldrake laughs as Daisy continues to scream and cry in the loudest form of pain and eventually falls into unconsciousness. Her hands become limp and the Heartless Graves victoriously sneers at the woman who beat her up in the gala. But that's changed when Save the Queen is tossed and smashes the side of Graves head, making reel back in pain and hold Daisy with one hand.

Shellgoose & Felldrake: What!?

Save the Queen stops midair and flies back to its owner: Donald. He catches staff and vehemently glares at the enemies.

Donald: Let go of my Daisy!

Felldrake: Well, look who it is! If it isn't the Three Caballeros temperamental leader, I knew you'd come!

Donald: Did you really think I'd let Daisy being kidnapped slide! You must've been in that staff longer than I thought because your brain seems to be failing you.

Felldrake: My brain is definitely sharper than the moron holding me right now.

Shellgoose: Shellgoose growls at that. Yes, yes, you're smarter than me. At any rate, we're so glad you're here Donald…to witness our ultimate triumph and your girlfriend's torment.

Donald looks at Daisy and gasps in horror to see the brutal damage that has been done to her, the bruises, claw marks, tatters covering her and the blood seeping out her.


Felldrake: Let's just say Graves felt the need to exact some revenge.

Felldrake laughs and Donald looks at his broken girlfriend. The sight of her current state causes him to slump down and growl in fury. His face becomes boiling and bubbling red and he pants with pure rage, his anger rising to critical and unimaginable levels, scaring Shellgoose and Felldrake.

Shellgoose & Felldrake: Uh oh…

Donald clenches his fists so hard as he venomously exhales with pure hate and rage. Every bit of rage, anger and fury he's feeling right now is stored up as steam comes out of his ears and then let's it all out one comical jump with the loudest and most violent shout he can give off.


He does his classic angry jump before blasting off at Graves faster than rocket. Graves attempts to slash him but Donald dodges and rams his fist into his gut, causing the falcon to screech in pain and release Daisy. In slow motion she drops near the edge of the cliff. She's able to open her eyes and barely lift her head to see her boyfriend who twists his fist in Graves stomach much to her weak surprise.

Daisy: Donald…

Graves attempts to grab Donald but he zooms around the Heartless falcon, ramming his shoulder into the side of his stomach, smashing the back of his head with both fists, kneeing his chin and then crawling all around his body to deliver vicious jabs that make Graves shriek in pain. Donald grabs his beak to pull it beyond the breaking point before banging his head viciously. Graves becomes disorientated and Donald bends him back via his hair so badly he screeches in agony before the former mage continues zooming and violently jabbing him before landing a punch to his stomach and then jumps to deliver multiple punches to his face that send Graves stumbling back. Donald skids back and then delivers a headbutt that sends Graves flying. Shellgoose and Felldrake comically yell as he slams into them and they fall of the cliff.

Donald: Donald pants after releasing his fury. Nobody…hurts my Daisy…

Donald then runs over to Daisy to gently pick her up in a bridal manner, pleadingly looking into her eyes.

Donald: Daisy! Daisy! Wake up! Please, don't die!

Daisy: Daisy manages to open her blurry eyes which clear up to show her boyfriend. Donald…it really is you…

Donald: Donald warmly smiles. Yeah, Daisy, it's me.

Daisy: You came to save me.

Donald: Of course I did. Does that really surprise you?

Daisy: After everything I've done to you… Tears leave her face. Abandoning you last week… neglecting you, my nieces and the family… breaking your heart… I was afraid you wouldn't come for me. But…you have…you've come to rescue me. How could you be so kind Donald! I-I just-I don't deserve you!

Donald: Donald sweetly rubs her face. Don't say that Daisy. That's not true. None of that matters to me anymore. I love you too much to ever abandon you no matter how much you break my heart. And the only thing you don't deserve is being tortured like this by Baron von Shellboob and Fell-jerk! I'm here for you Daisy and I always will be.

Daisy tearfully smiles at her boyfriend, touched by his kind words. In an act of love and gratitude Daisy outright hugs Donald with tears gushing out and Donald returns it. Daisy cries onto his shoulder but that's disturbed when she sees something behind.

Daisy: Donald, look out!

Donald turns to see Shellgoose riding on Graves back and Felldrake blasts an energy rhino.

Donald: MOVE!

Donald tosses Daisy and she sprawls to the side just as the rhino rams into Donald and smashes him against the part of the wall that isn't broken, causing him to shout in pain.

Daisy: DONALD! NO!

Donald groans in pain before dropping to his face.

Felldrake: You might as well give up Duck! Without your magic you're powerless!

Donald: Donald gets up holding his shoulder with a glare. How'd you know I lost my magic?

Shellgoose: Practically every civilian and villain in the world know you've lost your magic!

Felldrake: And without it you cannot win!

Donald: Don't underestimate me! I may no longer have MY magic! But I've still got Caballeros power and I've still got Lena and Violet's shadow magic with me! So I'm not completely powerless! And I've got this!

Donald holds out his hand but this time he doesn't summon Save the Queen. In a blue burst of light he summons Monado, his new sword that replaced his old Save the Queen staff Lunaris destroyed. He holds it up with both hands.

Shellgoose: Ooh! Shiny!

Felldrake: So you've got a new sword. Big deal! That-wait! Felldrake's eyes glow and through his vision he sees the orb in the centre of Monado glow blue. That orb…it has the same powers as the three amulets. Interesting… his amulet must've been involved in the forgery.

Shellgoose: Why don't we take it from him then?

Felldrake: I like the way to think! And we'll take it off his corpse! Graves!

Shellgoose jumps off just as Graves drops down on the cliff. He extends his talon and Monado flares up with blue energy as his amulet glows underneath his suit. The blue blade of light activates and extends from the tip as the sword itself glows.

Donald: My powers may be mostly gone but I've still got other magic at my disposal! And I can still use weapon magic like Sora! Let's go!

Daisy: Be careful Donald! He's strong!

Donald gets into a fighting stance.

Kingdom Hearts BBS – Terra vs Master Xehanort and Vanitas Music (continue)

Party Members:

Donald Duck

Information: Defeat Shellgoose, Felldrake and Heartless Falcon Graves!

Donald gives a battle cry and charges at Graves and vice versa. The both of them clash, Donald and Graves are exchanging slashes and strikes with their blade and talons. Donald thrusts but Graves moves to the side to dodge and then the former mage attempts a strong slash. Graves catches Monado with one hand but struggles to hold it back. Donald pushes him off and spins up to deliver strong down slash. Graves barely blocks it by crossing his arms and is pushed back. Graves sends out a blast of energy from his beak. Donald quickly holds his sword up front and struggles to hold back the beam. It spreads out and he's pushed back but with a loud yell he deflects the beam up and it explodes in the night sky.

Donald slices the air to send a blue blade of energy but Graves slices it with his talons. He casts a Fire, Blizzard and Water spell but with his mage magic gone they did nothing more than tickle Graves. He casts a Thundara spell that electrocutes Grave enough to push him back but he resists it in the end. The blade glows purple with Lena and Violet's shadow magic and Donald charges in to slash Graves but the heartless falcon blocks his magically powered attacks. One of Donald's slashes bounced off Grave's arm and he stumbles back.

The orb glows Dark Blue and the blue blade of light glows dark blue as it enlarges, becoming 10x it's normal size.

Donald: Let's see if you can block this!

Donald spins his sword and attempts a horizontal slash at Graves only for Felldrake's giant purple energy hand to catch and stop the sword in its place.

Donald: What!? He looks to see Shellgoose and Felldrake evilly laughing.

Shellgoose: We'd like to get in on this too!

They push Donald off and Felldrake transforms into his sword form but Donald glares at them all in determination.

Donald: I can handle you jerks on my own!

He charges and so does Shellgoose. They exchange quick and expert sword strikes and meet in a deadlock. When Graves swoops in Donald quickly jumps back to avoid getting slashed but Shellgoose unleashes his energy meteors. Donald couldn't stop them from exploding on him and sending him flying and screaming in pain. Donald is a little bruised but he manages to flip up on his feet and charge at his opponents. He attempts to slash Shellgoose but Graves effortlessly grabs his sword much to Donald's shock when he can't get out his grip and then Graves releases his sonic shriek. Since Donald can't cover his ears it was worse for him than it was for Daisy and he screams in anguish before getting blown back. Felldrake and Graves send out combined energy beams that engulf Donald and explode.

Daisy: Daisy reaches out in horror. DONAAAALLLD!


When Donald falls out of the smoke he hits his back and groans in pain with his sword dismissed. Donald is quite bruised, he's lost his hat and his party outfit is tattered. He opens his eyes to see Graves attempt to impale him with his talon but Donald catches his wrist and tries to push back with all his strength but Graves pushed harder and was close to stabbing Donald's heart.

Shellgoose: Now! Finish him!

Daisy: No! I've got to…help! Daisy gets up on her hands but it's an intense struggle and when she gets on one feet she drops down in pain due to her injuries and broken bone. Every bone in my body is broken! I can't do anything to help! But I can't just let this happen!

She looks at Donald in tears and reaches out to her boyfriend.

Daisy: Donald! Stay strong!

Graves almost impales Donald until Xandra and the rest of the Caballeros arrive. Xandra delivers a flying kick to the face that sends Graves flying back.

Shellgoose and Felldrake were too shocked to stop Panchito and Jose from jumping down in front of him to deliver a punch and double kick that sends them both flying and screaming. The three of them land in front of the weapon but get back up (Shellgoose shakes out of a comical daze) to see Panchito, Jose and Xandra stand protectively in front of Donald.

Felldrake: Well, well, so the Goddess of Blabbity-blab and the other 2 birdbrains have decided to crash our party.

Xandra: You're not gonna win Fell-jerk!

Felldrake: You take that back!

Xandra: Never!

Felldrake: Darn, she's good.

Donald watches Panchito and Jose extend their hands.

Jose: Looks like we've made it just on time.

Panchito: We thought you could use a hand amigo.

Donald: I sure could, thanks you guys.

Xandra runs over to Daisy and bends to lift her head up.

Xandra: Hey Daisy, you okay?

Daisy: Daisy gives a weak smile. Well…I'm happy that Donald's alright. But Graves practically broke every single bone in my body and now I can't even move a lot.

Xandra: I know just the thing to take care of that.

Xandra snaps her finger and a Hi-Potion appears. She feeds it into Daisy and to her great delight she feels her bones heal and most of her injuries vanish. The claws, cuts, tatters and bruises remain but she's able to stand up now.

Daisy: Whoa! I feel much better now! Thanks Xandra!

Xandra: She gives a two fingered salute. My pleasure.

Donald takes his friends' hands and he's helped up.

Daisy: Donald! To his delight Donald watches Daisy run up to him.

Donald: Daisy!

They share and embrace a huge romantic heart, similar to the one Sora had with Kairi after restoring her heart fully. They pull back to smile at each other warmly.

Donald: You ready toots?

Daisy: Any day, handsome.

Donald runs up to the front and exchanges smirks with Daisy, Panchito, Jose and Xandra before they get in offensive stances and glare at Felldrake.

Xandra: Sorry we're late. We had a hard time tying up Leopold.

Shellgoose: What did you do to Leopold!? He points in anger. You brutes!

Leopold is all tied at the back of the cliff and violently struggling to escape.

Daisy: You won't break me this time Felldrake!

She taps her shoulder band and in a blast of light Daisy dons in her battle outfit once more with a determined look.

Xandra: Alright, Cabs! Now that the odds have been more than even upped let's get crackin'!

Donald: You heard the lady boys! Let's suit up!

Panchito & Jose: Yeah!

Donald, Panchito and Jose's amulets glow from beneath their shirts and tap them, engulfing them in a blast of blue, red and green light that subsides to reveal the Three Caballeros in their Caballeros Armour.

The 5 of them summon out their weapons. Donald re-summons Monado, Daisy re-summons Royal Sabre, Panchito summons Caballeros Spear, Jose summons Caballeros Scimitar and Xandra summons Bow of Light.

Shellgoose: 2 against 5 seems far too unfair. Let's even the odds.

€Shellgoose snaps his fingers to summon Dark Inferno's twin brother: Dark Inferno X*

Felldrake: Now that's more like it!

Graves screeches as he, Dark Inferno X and Shellgoose jump forward. The Three Caballeros, Daisy and Xandra hold up their respective weapons prepared to fight.

Felldrake: From this day forth the Three Caballeros are finished!

Donald: We'll see about that!

Kingdom Hearts BBS – Terra vs Master Xehanort and Vanitas Music (continue)

Party Members:

Donald Duck

Daisy Duck

Panchito Pistoles

Jose Carioca


Information: Defeat Shellgoose, Felldrake, Dark Inferno X and Heartless Falcon Graves!

Party Members:

Della Duck

Dewey Duck

Huey Duck

Louie Duck

Webby Vanderquack

Lena Sabrewing

Violet Sabrewing

Launchpad McQuack

May Duck

April Duck

June Duck

Darkwing Duck


Information: Defeat the villains and Heartless!

Donald's group point their weapons.

Three Caballeros, Xandra & Daisy: CHARGE.

The Three Caballeros, Daisy and Xandra make the first move and charge forward with Donald leading them. Shellgoose and Graves unleash a beam of energy while the Dark Inferno X launches dark fireballs that explode on the heroes.

Donald jumps out the smoke unscathed and drops down to slice Graves, forcing him to block with his talon. Donald flips back for Panchito and Jose to make their move. Jose slices and forces Graves back. Panchito is the next to attack and slashes Grave across his chest. Daisy leaps from behind and thrusts her blade. Graves blocks but is forced back and Xandra jumps high in the air to unleash a rain of arrows that engulf Graves. He becomes immobilised for Donald and Daisy to leap off of Panchito and Jose's shoulders and slash Graves vertically and make him screech in pain.

Xandra switches her bow into its double bladed and form and jumps at Felldrake. Dark Inferno X skates forward and the Goddess and Heartless get into a deadlock when they clash. The both begin exchanging rapid sword strikes.

Panchito and Jose attack Shellgoose together. The rooster and parrot launch multiple sword and spear strikes and Shellgoose does the same. They all exchange blows and meet in deadlocks occasionally. Shellgoose unleashes and energy wave that sends them both flying and screaming but Panchito and Jose bounce off a boulder and slam their scimitar and spear against his blade.

Donald and Daisy are pushing back against Graves talons. They push him off and Donald grabs Daisy's to swing her up and she kicks Grave in the chin. Daisy lands to let Donald jump off of it and double kick him in the stomach to push him back. They both slash across his chest before thrusting their blades, prompting him catch them.

Donald: Thunder!

Daisy: Pearlara!

Donald and Daisy release a combined blast of electricity and light that knocks Graves back. They stand side to side smirking with their weapons ready.

Daisy: Hey, you're getting your magic back.

Donald: It's still a work in progress but I know how to use the basic weapons magic.

Graves flies at them and the Duck Couple leap towards him giving off battle cries for a big clash.

Meanwhile Della's group have their battle with the villains and heartless. Dark Inferno shoots out dark fireballs that explode behind Dewey and Ventus as they charge. Dewey fires a shot of energy and Ventus casts a Plasma spell that the Heartless deflects. Dewey switches to his Sabres and he and Ven exchange sword strikes with the Heartless. Dewey launches swings left and right with his sabres and Dark Inferno parries them all. It launches dark fireballs at Dewey but Ven runs up in front and deflects them all, sending them back to sender. Dewey jumps to use his Bladed-Spin Attack which the Dark Inferno blocks by crossing its blades. Dewey bounces back but allows Ventus to flip and slash the Dark Inferno across its chest, making it reel back just as Dewey runs up to attack again. He slashes away and Dark Inferno thrusts one blade to blast Dewey only for him to use his sabre to redirect and meet its other sword with a spin thrust from his other sabre. Dewey kicks its stomach to jump back and allow Ventus to exchange nimble slashes with it and now both Dewey and Ventus are slicing it together in an intense sword fight until Dewey swipes its knee and Ventus slide kicks.

Ventus: Time for a Ven a special!

Just as Dark Inferno gets up Ventus unleashes his Ars Arcanum technique. A flurry of slashes is launched, followed up by four stronger ones, the last one dealing enough damage to send it flying. But the beast recovers and rushes at high speed to send Ventus flying back with a spinning slash attack across his chest.

Dark Inferno sends out fireballs at Dewey who moves at Super Speed to dodge them all and jumps in the air to use his Spin attack, deflecting them to ground. Ventus switches out for Wayward Wind and changes it into its double gun form.

Ventus: Dewey! Here!

He tosses his Keyblade guns and Dewey catches them before firing shots of light that knock the Dark Inferno to the ground.

Louie, Lena and Della were fighting Orcus and Blitz Spear together. The heartless parry slashes from Della and Lena. Louie is the next to try and slashes with khopesh and claws. That manages to be evade and now the three of them launch multiple slashes with their blades together only for the two powerful heartless to keep parrying. Louie jumps to drop slice but it's blocked by the Blitz Spear which releases a shockwave that sends Louie flying back. Lena's blade glows with purple aura and exchanges sword strikes with the Blitz Spear. She parries one blade then slashes the humanoid heartless only to be dodged and get attacked by an electrified slash. Lena barely blocks it and the force was enough to push her down to one knee. Della deflects one slash from Orcus with her metal leg and exchanged blows with Godslayer, swinging left and right. But when she attempts a stronger slash, it's caught and Della forced down to her knee as well but Louie wasn't going to have it.

Louie: Hey!

Louie charges in dismissing his khopesh and extended his claws. A dark ball of energy and electric shot are blasted at Louie but he slices them with his claws and deflects. He gets the heartless off of his mother and girlfriend before delivering double punches to their stomachs and send them flying with his super strength.

Della: Thanks sweetie!

With a loud yell Della unleashes 30% of her true power, her eyes glow brown, she's surrounded in a fiery brown aura, her biceps form and her back muscles and 8 pack-abs flex under her battle vest. Godslayer is surrounded in brown aura and Della smirks.

Della: 30% of my true power! Thank you Donald!

With a loud cry of determination she leaps up just as the Orcus gets up. She unleashes a powerful slash with Godslayer powered. Her blade slices across the Heartless' chest and knocks it down.

Lena: Now it's my turn!

Lena becomes engulfed in magical aura before she rushes forward. The Blitz Spear attempts to stab her but she flies around it before sending out a Dark Firaga spell that engulfs and knocks it down. The girls step back for their son/girlfriend to step up and smash his claws into the ground.

Louie: Earth Crusher!

Louie has mounds of rocks and earth erupt from beneath and blast off towards both heartless, sending them flying.

Gabby unleashes dark fire blasts from her Scimitar and Sai. Webby and May force her to split her fire by acrobatically back-flipping in opposite direction before they both get on two feet and hold u their swords with Webby smiling at May.

Webby: I've really taught you well on the cartwheels!

May: You sure have! They're really handy, Webs! Now let's get this assassin!

Webby: Yeah!

The energetic girls charge forward, avoiding dark blasts by sliding, flipping up and cartwheeling forward until they leap up to slash Gabby at the same time. The monk crosses her blades and blocks their assault. Webby and May land on the ground and get into an intense sword fight with Gabby, launching multiple swings and slashes and both sides parry one another's blows. Gabby slices her Sai and it slices across Webby's chest, making her reel back and leaving her open for Gabby to knee her up and deliver a kick in the stomach that sends her screaming in pain.

May: Webby!

Gabby attempts to cut the female middle triplet in half but she flips to the side and attempts an upper slash which is parried and then Gabby thrusts her Sai. May barely blocks it and is struggling to escape. Gabby twists her Sai and May loses her sword before being blasted by dark fire that sends her screaming in pain. She lands on her back and watches Gabby attempts to impale her like a sword horse, prompting her to roll left and right. Gabby proceeds to cut her in half but in the blink of eye Webby appears and claps her Power Gauntlet's on the scimitar. She gives it a twist, sends it sprawling to the ground and delivers wheel kick to the stomach that sends Gabby back. She delivers a couple of punches and kicks, deflecting Gabby's Sai and eventually she loses it. Webby and May then jump on Gabby's back pulling her hair but she yanks them off and bangs their heads together, making them scream in pain. Their screams become louder when Gabby knees May and punches Webby, sending them flying.

Huey and Violet have a magical face off with Black Arts Beagle who unleashes his dark enhanced energy blasts in rapid fire form. Huey and Violet glow with red and purple aura, unleashing energy blasts from their hands as well. The blasts explode with each other and Black Arts bursts out with his dark axe to slash the intelligent couple who cross their guandao and mace together to block and push back. They exchange slashes and strikes with Black Arts, fighting on even terms with him as the three of the glow with aura. Huey thrusts but the magic user Beagle disappears in a cloud of smoke and Huey sees him reappear behind Violet with his axe up.

Huey: Violet, behind you!

Violet turns to see Black Arts bring down his axe, so quickly she forms a barrier that causes him to bounce back and leave him open for a Thundaga spell casted by Huey, electrocuting him and sending him flying. Violet kisses Huey on the cheek and he blushes just as Black Arts angrily gets up and charges them. Violet swings to parry him and when Black Arts tries again Huey blocks him and Violet whacks him in the face. Black Arts fires a dark energy beam from his palm but the intelligent couple cross their weapons together and gather ice energy.

Huey: Ready!

Violet: Together!

Huey & Violet: Double Blizzaza!

They unleash a massive ice blast that ploughs through the beam and Black Arts screams as he becomes frozen solid.

Launchpad and Darkwing face off with the Beagle Boys. Darkwing exchanges punches and kicks with Big Time and Burger. Their fighting abilities have been enhanced but nonetheless, Darkwing is fending them off well. He meets burger in elbow and blocks Big Time's punch with his knee.

Launchpad and Bouncer are continuing to wrestle via Atlantic Trident until the chauffeur pushes him off and blocks a punch by point his trident down. Launchpad thrusts but Bouncer blocks it with his dark enhanced large arms and they begin exchanging blows. It was intense until Bouncer grabs the trident and he Launchpad get in a tug of war.

Burger and Big Time duck to avoid Drake's wheel kick from Drake. When Burger throws punch Darkwing catches it and forces him down before rolling on his back, kicking Big Time away and shooting a bomb from his gas gun.

It explodes and envelops Bouncer in purple smoke that makes him cough and lower his defences for Launchpad to run up and deliver punch to the face.

Launchpad: Thanks for the assist DW!

Darkwing exchanges chops and punches with Big Time and his ankle is caught by Burger when he kicks but he frees himself by twisting body and getting on his hand to deliver double kick that sends both Beagle's flying.

LP and DW stand side by side smirking to see the Beagle Boys charging at them. They deliver spin kicks strong enough to send all three of them flying.

Launchpad: Who needs technology when you're a butt kicking machine?

Darkwing: We may be old school but we get the job done.

April and June are duking it out with Hack and Slash. The sisters are skilfully parrying their blows with their glaive and blade and occasionally switch opponents but Hack and Slash do the same. April blocks Hack and June stops Slash's blade. Both of them step back just as Slash sends out an energy blade which they avoid by jumping. The sisters drop down to slice them both but Hack sends out an energy blade to that slams into April and June, sending them screaming and flying on their backs. The girls get up to charge and attack the brothers. April's kicked is blocked by Hack and when she spins her glaive to deliver a strong slash only for the pole arm to be grabbed and she's forced down. June thrusts but gets punched and she shouts in pain. When she slices, Slash catches her blade and forces her down too. The sisters are blasted and sent screaming but are caught by LP and DW. They smile gratefully for the assist.

April: Thanks you guys!

June: We could sure use the help!

We go back to Donald's group. To Shellgoose and Felldrake surprise Jose had jumped on Panchito form a totem pole and they immediately switch weapon.

Panchito: Let's see Shell-dy handle a little teamwork!

Jose: I couldn't agree more!

Jose leaps off Panchito and dives down to impale Shellgoose who jumps back. Jose pole vaults and attempts to slice Shellgoose and the former president barely blocks the spear. Jose spins it and decks Shellgoose with the other end, making him comically reel back in pain clutch his stomach, allowing Panchito to run up and swings Caballeros Scimitar left and right before kicking him away. Panchito then lasso's Shellgoose's

Panchito: YAA-WOOOO! He pulls himself in to strike against his sword, sending Felldrake flying through the air.

Felldrake: OH COME ON! He sticks to the ground.

Shellgoose: Lord Felldrake!

He looks to see Jose and Panchito have switched back weapons with smirks and both throw a punch in Shellgoose's face.

Dark Inferno X uses it Triple Break technique to spin at Xandra and slice her to pieces but the Goddess flips above it before firing her arrows. But the heartless skated around so fast they all missed.

Xandra: Oh man…either this thing is fast or I'm losing my touch!

It charges as Xandra again and her bow becomes double bladed once more to lock blades with the Heartless. She pushes it off and spins her Goddess Blade like a bo-staff to strike the Heartless who blocks the blow. They both exchange sword strikes until getting in deadlock until Xandra pushes and throws both their weapons to the ground. Dark Inferno X explodes with purple aura and charges at Xandra who get into a stance. They both exchange fast punches and kicks that are surrounded in yellow and purple energy. Xandra is struggling to land a hit and wheel kicks sends her shouting and reeling in pain. She clenches her fists in anger.

Xandra: Now I'm mad!

She rushes forward and as does the Heartless. They both throw powerful punches at each other but Xandra's misses and the Dark Inferno X lands a clean hit in the gut that makes her scream and to her knee in pain. Dark Inferno X re-summons its twin blades and it attempts to impale Xandra but she finds the strength to jump over its blades, re-summon her own sword and then turns to deliver powerful slash right across the chest. She grins as it falls back.

Xandra: That's more like it!

Donald and Daisy continues battling Graves and they seem to be putting up a decent fight this time. They launch multiple swings at the Heartless hitman, parrying his talon strikes, alternating swings as they do and eventually Donald locks his powerful sword against his talon for Daisy to deliver and upper slash that separates then. The Duck Couple thrust and stab his sides, making him screech in pain. They jump back to cast Plasma and Flower Shoot spells that explode on Graves and sends him flying into the Dark Cannon. Donald and Daisy share a victorious high-five!

Donald & Daisy: Yeah!

Donald: No rich brat or time apart can ever stop us from being an awesome team!

Daisy: You said it handsome! I almost forgot how much I loved this more than my job!

They hear stopping and look in shock to see Graves get up despite the two holes on both sides of his stomach as he gives a screech of anger. The Duck Couple charge forward to thrust their blades only for Graves to unleash the loudest sonic shriek he could give off and they both groan in pain as they try to stand their ground. Daisy leaps out of shrieking range and dives down to impale Graves but to Donald's great horror Daisy stops midair inches from Graves face…because he impaled his talons through her.

Kingdom Hearts 2 – Secret ending theme

Daisy chokes as she feels blood seep out of the areas the talons went through and releases the loudest ear-piercing scream of pain she could give off much to the horror of Panchito, Jose and Xandra and the delight of Shellgoose and Felldrake when they saw what happened.


Daisy continues screaming in agony and Donald becomes red with uncontrollable rage again. He charges at Graves quacking in anger as he proceeds to cut him in half but the moment he get inches away from his face Graves releases an energy beam from his beak that engulfs Donald. He screams in horrible pain as Monado is dismissed and his gold armour and brown gloves disintegrate.

Panchito, Jose & Xandra: DONAALD!

We go back to Della's team. Hack and Slash attack but Launchpad and Darkwing grab their wrists and knock their weapons in the air, catching their dagger and axe and cupping their hands for April and June to jump off of and blast off like rockets towards Hack. April spins like a drill and smashes into Slash while June spins slashes Hack. The brothers are sent flying into a boulder.

Webby and May are on their backs, opening their eyes to gasp at Gabby preparing to strike them down. She proceeds to cut down Webby but the pink-loving duck grits her teeth and stops the blade by clamping her ankles on its faces much to Gabby's shock. May sweeps her off her feet and she and Webby roll away just as she gets up. The energetic girls re-summon their weapons and slash Gabby across her chest in an X-shape.

Dewey: Time to get serious!

Dewey dismisses his Laser Sabres for his new blue Ultima Weapon Keyblade which he acquired fighting Lunaris.

Ventus: Trained with your Keyblade?

Dewey: You bet, pal!

Dewey & Ventus: They boss with their respective Ultima Weapons. Now let's go!

Dark Inferno rushes at them at high speed in the form a red blast of energy. Dewey and Ventus fly towards him grinding their Ultima Weapons along the ground as they glow with blue and green energy. They dodge its attack and slices across its side, dealing some damage. Dewey and Ventus then charge at it as it unleashes high speed slashes that they manage to parry by expertly swinging their Keyblades and push it off.

Dewey: Let's hit him with our limit attack!

Ventus: Ven gives the thumbs up. I'm right with you there Dewey!

The Dark Inferno watches Dewey and Ventus prepare their limit attack!

Ventus: Ready!?

Dewey: Let's De-wey it!

Dewey and Ventus rush at Dark Inferno together and both unleash the Fever Pitch Command Style, surrounding themselves in green aura. Both their Ultima weapons glow with blue and green light and use the Ars Arcanum technique. They unleash a flurry of 7 rapid slices that stop Dark Inferno in his place before unleashing 5 a bit slower but more powerful strikes, pushing the Heartless back.

Dewey: Let's lock and load!

Ventus: Come on!

Dewey and Ven switch to their Quad Blasters and Wayward Keyblade Guns to and zoom around the Dark Inferno at high-speed, leaving a blue and green trail of light as they should bullets of wind that engulfs the heartless in a vicious tornado that keeps growing more powerful with each shot.

Dewey & Ventus: Strike!

Dewey and Ven switch back to Ultima Weapon and land on opposite sides, using the Strike Raid technique. They toss their Ultima Weapons as they spin faster than a hurricane and become engulfed in green wind energy. Their Keyblades repeatedly slice the Dark Inferno, they catch each other's keyblade and repeat the process a couple time before preparing for the finisher and charging together.

Dewey & Ven: LIGHT!

Dewey uses his Bladed-Spin Attack and Ventus uses his Air Dive Finisher (spinning like a drill) to slash across the Dark Inferno in the form of an X and send it flying back.

They land beside each other and high-five but that's ruined when the Dark Inferno gets back up despite the damage it's taken. They nod to each other and charge only for the Dark Inferno to unleash an explosive blast of red energy from its body when they're inches away. Dewey and Ventus are sent screaming and now Dark Inferno's body and blades are covered in dark red aura. Just as Dewey and Ventus gets up the powerful heartless slams into them with a spinning slash attack and then sends them screaming further back with a wave of flames, smashing them into a boulder.

Orcus and Blitz Spear attempts to slash Della but she blocks them both with her muscular arms effortlessly and is smirking.

Della: Not so tough when I'm using a third of my true power, are ya!?

Louie and Lena slash both Heartlesses across their stomachs and send them reeling back. The mischievous couple attack and just as Della was about to join them she gasps when she sees Dark Inferno about to finish off her son and Ventus.

Della: Dewey! Ven!

Louie and Lena look to see Della sprint like maniac with Godslayer summoned and spilt in two.

Dark Inferno is about finish off Dewey and Ventus until Della appears in front to cross her swords and block both its blades. She flexes her biceps, abs and back muscles as hard as she could as she pushes back.

Della: Get away from my son you literally heartless monster.

She growls as she seemingly pushes its blade with her sheer super strength but unfortunately its eyes glow red and gets stronger. Della notices this and gasps in fear. She continues try to push back with all her super strength. Unfortunately she is forced to one knee and screams in pain from the stress created in her arms. And it gets worse because Dark Inferno unleashes another explosive red wave of energy from its body that sends Della flying and screaming loudly in pain. It flies forward to deliver a cross slash that makes her scream louder, she loses her swords and smashes into the cliff wall.

Dewey: Mom!

Della flies out of the dust cloud and with a battle cry delivers a couple of punches and spin kick only for the Heartless to dismiss its weapons and effortlessly block Della's powered-up blows. When she throws another punch it's caught and her wrist is twisted. Della screams in pain and throws another fist only for it to be caught and twisted too, making her screams louder as she's forced to her knees. It gives her a toss and re-summons it's blade to blast off and ram into her. Della is sent screaming and crashing into a boulder which collapses upon impact. Everyone stops fighting and stares on in horror.

Louie's Seventeen: Mom/Della/Miss D/Aunt Della!

The Orcus takes advantage of the distraction to engulf Louie in and an orb of darkness before sending him flying inside it. The orb explodes when it hits the ground and Louie screams in pain much to Lena's almost tearful horror.

Lena: Louie! No!

Lena is impaled in the back, causing her to gasp as she's lifted off the ground by the Blitz Spear. It sends out a current of electricity that envelops Lena and makes her scream in pain. She is then blasted and sent flying.

The others try to help but the villains all get back up and attack. Bouncer rams into Launchpad and pins him against the wall, Big Time and Burger dogpile on Drake, Hack and Slash restrain April and June, Black Arts melts through the ice and casts magical shackles on Huey and Violet to ensnare and hold them up, Gabby steps on May's chest to pin her down and holds up Webby with both struggling to escape, Louie is knocked out and covered in dirt, bruises and cuts, the same applies to Lena and Dewey and Ven are to hurt to move.

Della pushes a large rock off and comes out holding her shoulder groaning in pain. She gasps to find herself surrounded by the three powerful heartless. Dark Inferno summons hundreds of dark fireballs that surround Della everywhere around her. The fire balls rapidly hit her one by one and she screams in absolute pain and agony. The Orcus telepathically sends out its blade to slice Della all around her body and she screams as she crosses her arms to shield her face but the stinging pain being caused couldn't be avoided. She becomes wobbly and her body is in a slump. Blitz Spear unleashes a bolt of lightning that engulfs Della. Donald's sister tries to resist but she screams in horrible pain for the vicious electrocution she's receiving. When it stops she drops to her knees and hands in pain groaning and panting with steam coming out.

Della: This is nothing compared to what Donald could do…but it still feels like my body's being fried.

Lena jumps from behind to impale her dagger in Dark Inferno who circles around and delivers a kick that sends Lena screaming into Della who catches her as they smack into the pile of rubble.

Della: Lena, are you alright!?

Lena: I'm fine Aunt Della! But what do we do!?

Della: I don't know! She looks up at the cliff. Donnie, I could sure use your help right about now.

We go back to Donald's group. Donald lies on his back singed, tattered, bruised and bleeding after Graves' attack. Shellgoose sends out a large energy hand that pins Panchito and Jose against the wall and Dark Inferno X restrains a struggling Xandra by her shoulders. Graves had a screaming Daisy impaled against the superweapon.

Felldrake: Well done, Graves! Now! Finish her off!

Graves obeys and stomps over to the edge of the cliff. Daisy groans in pain and regret.

Daisy: I…I guess…this is the end for me… Daisy reaches out to her defeated boyfriend. Oh, Donald… I'm so sorry… for not being strong enough for you. I just wish…I had another chance…

Donald lifted his head up and though he's in pain he widens his eyes in fear and horror to see his girlfriend being held over the edge of the cliff. The Duck Couple exchange sad expressions as they warmly reach out to one another and Donald is looking traumatised.

Donald: Daisy…

Louie is able to lift his head to see the merciless predicament his mother and girlfriend is in. Della and Lena hug each other as the three powerful Heartlesses prepares to cut them down to size. Louie's face contorts with trauma and almost tearful horror.

Louie: No…not again.

Donald is in horror as Graves prepares to throw Daisy.

Donald: It's happening again…


After Lunaris' Snap Daisy is being held in Donald's arms and both are crying.

Daisy: See you again soon…Donnie…

Donald was forced to watch as she turned into dust right before his eyes.

(End of Flashback)

Louie was in just as much horror Donald as he's hit with bad flashbacks too.


Della's Spear of Selene got hit by the cosmic storm and got lost outer space for years.

Lunaris has Della in a bear hug and tortures her ruthlessly. Louie remembers her cries of agony.

During the Shadow War Lena is vaporised by Magica right in front Louie and Webby.

Louie's reaction when Lunaris killed Lena.

(End of Flashback)

Graves sends out another sonic screech and Daisy is sent screaming off the cliff.

The three Heartlesses below bring down their weapons and Della and Lena scream in horror as they brace for the end.

Donald & Louie: (Split screen). NOOOO!

Donald and Louie get up and dash like a couple of maniacs. Donald runs to the edge of the cliff and Louie has his khopesh out as he runs to his mother and girlfriend.

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