Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten

Da LandofEvil42

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Ducktales Season 3 Rewritten Altro

Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 1
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 2
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks Part 3
Quack Pack Part 1
Quack Pack Part 2
Louie's Seventeen Part 1
Louie's Seventeen Part 3
Louie's Seventeen Part 4
Louie's Seventeen Part 5
Louie's Seventeen Part 6
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 1
Rumble for Ragnarok Part 2
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 1
The Phantom and the Sorceress Part 2
The Trickening
The Engagement Ring
Lets get Dangerous Part 1
Lets get Dangerous Part 2
Lets get Dangerous Part 3
Lets get Dangerous Part 4
Lets get Dangerous Part 5
Lets get Dangerous Part 6
Lets get Dangerous Part 7
Lets get Dangerous Part 8
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 1
Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 2
Teamwork Makes a Dreamwork
New Gods on the Block
The True First Adventure
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 1
Tales of The Duck Couple Part 2
Fight for Castle McDuck
The Last Adventure Part 1
The Last Adventure Part 2
The Last Adventure Part 3
The Last Adventure Part 4
The Last Adventure Part 5
The Last Adventure Part 6
The Last Adventure Part 7
The Last Adventure Part 8
The Last Adventure Part 9

Louie's Seventeen Part 2

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Da LandofEvil42

Louie's Seventeen is now at Phase 2. Donald and the gang have arrived outside the museum and stand at the back of the line and get ready to enact the ultimate scheme.

June: Time to party.

Louie: Louie puts his hands on his hip. This is perfect!

Dewey: It already was! Dewey runs up to the stairs in excitement. I'm gonna dance on the red carpet! Louie angrily walks up.

Louie: No! Stick to the plan; this is Louie's Seventeen, as long as there are no surprises, we'll be fine!

Then to their great shock they hear Percival Pepington being carried out by their old foe Falcon Graves. He makes excuses for not having his invitation only to be tossed and Graves dusts off his hands.

Graves: No party crashers.

He proceeds to walk away but double takes when he notices Dewey and Huey.

Graves: Wait a minute…! He turns in anger. Were that…!

There's no sign of the triplets except for Percival running away and he shrugged of what he thought he saw before turning to go back to the entrance.

Huey, Dewey and Louie were hidden back in the line and leaned against the wall gulping in fear. Dewey and Huey peek at Graves in fear and even Violet cringes.

Della: Who the heck was that guy?

Louie: Falcon Graves. He's a top level hitman that gave Beakely a run for her money once in fighting.

Violet: He once teamed up with Merlock to kidnap myself, Hubert, Dewford, Llewellyn, Webbigail and Lena to lure you Uncle Donald. In the end he managed to escape.

Huey: Of all the places we had to encounter Graves again why'd it have to be here!?

Dewey: Huey's right! Why is Falcon Graves working security here!? He's gonna recognise me and Huey and know we're not invited to the party!

Jose: Maybe he won't remember you.

Huey and Dewey grimace in fear and disagreement.

Huey: I highly doubt that.

Dewey: The last time I saw him he made it clear he was pretty mad because the first time I saw I cost him millions of dollars and threw him off a building.

Huey: $20 million dollars to be exact. And I was the one who set it all up to happen.

Donald and Della cringe from that.

Donald: Oooh!

Della: Yikes! That's pretty deep!

May: Wow…this guy must really hate you both.

June: Glad I'm not on his hit list.

Panchito: Eeeh…that does make this harder. He playfully points at Huey and Dewey. New plan: Dewey and Huey are not going to the party!

This horrifies Dewey and Huey sees reason.

Dewey: WHAT!?

Huey: That's a good idea Panchito. Me and Dewey will stay with Launchpad and keep eye out for any new development.

Violet: Violet walks up to them. I'll stay with you. Although I don't have history with him, Graves might possibly remember me as well. If fewer of us go then that should lower suspicion so its best that only Louie and the female triplets go with the adults.

Huey and April nod in agreement but Dewey is completely stiff.

Huey: That's a good idea.

April: Good call Violet!

Dewey: Dewey throws his hands in outrage, making them reel a little. NO! Not a good call at all! He looks to the adults. You need me in there; this is the Dew-iest party in town! It's been my lifelong dream to come here!

Hearing the word "dream" sparks memories for Della, remembering how she ruined Louie's dreams twice, causing her to violently tug Panchito and the rooster gets frightened.

Della: Don't even think of ruining my boys' dreams Panchito!

Panchito: Okay! Okay! Dewey can come to party!

Donald: But how are we gonna get him past that Falcon guy.

Dewey: Dewey looks up in dismay. Ugh! Why was I cursed to be so flashy and unforgettable!?

Louie thinks, Graves will kick them out the moment he sees Dewey's face. An idea comes to his mind…Dewey simply has to change to his other persona.

After parting with Huey and Violet they walk up the stairs with their disguises and cover-ups ready.

Dewey has donned in his old DJ Daft Duck outfit, helmet and piano guitar like in Scrooge's birthday.

April, May and June are holding fancy light blue masks in front of their faces.

The Three Caballeros and Della are wearing sunglasses with purple rims. Donald wears Panchito's hat, Jose wears Donald's and Panchito wears Jose's.

Louie wears a black fedora and a pair of sunglasses.

Louie: Okay, Dewey. Play it cool.

DJ Daft Duck: The-the-the-the coolest baby!

Louie facepalms, praying with all his might that this works as they make their way towards Graves who checks in another guest. When he's approached he stares at Dewey suspiciously.

Graves: There's something familiar about you.

Louie: Hey pal, this is DJ Daft Duck, Duckburg's most electrifying, funktronic DJ and his entourage as you can see from our very real invitation.

Louie holds up the forged invite and Graves takes it, shining a flashlight on it. It looked like smooth sailing until Dewey steps up activating his helmet again.

DJ Daft Duck: FUN TIME!

He shows off and Louie nervously smiles under his disguise. Graves is now more suspicious but he's taken out of it by Daisy.

Daisy: Graves, keep the line moving!

Graves: Graves gives back the invitation. Welcome to the party…pal.

Donald, Della, Dewey, Louie, April, May, June, Panchito and Jose enter the museum which is filled with a lot of fancy people. Donald, Della, Panchito and Jose look around in amazement and at the same time accidentally bump into each other. Everyone takes off their sunglasses, masks, fedora and the Caballeros switch hats again. Dewey struggles to take off his helmet as Louie angrily glares at him.

Donald: We did it!

Louie: No thanks to Dewey's showing off, we almost got busted!

Dewey: Dewey takes off his helmet in outrage. What!? This whole party is for showing off. I know how it works!

Louie: No more improvising! No more showboating! Everyone listens to MY plan!

Dewey and Louie look like they're about to get in a fight until Della comes in between them.

Della: Now Dewey, Louie, take it easy you two. We're inside, that's all that matters.

Panchito: Panchito air guitars. And now we will WOW Glamour with our haunting melodies!

Jose: You mean our sick dance beats!

Jose dances around only to bump into Panchito and the both of them get into a fight as do Dewey and Louie. Della tries to separate her sons as they try to hit each other and Donald watches in complete embarrassment and concern, especially when it draws the attention of some people.

Donald: Uh…guys, stop it. Eventually it all stops.

Louie: Look, Uncle Donald's right. Earpieces in!

They get out their Earpiece communicators and place them in their ears before getting serious.

Louie: Alright, split- Wait a minute… He looks around to see three people are missing. Where are April, May and June?

Everyone looks around to see April, May and June are nowhere in sight.

Dewey: That's weird; they were here just seconds ago.

Daisy stands right next to Glamour in a very good mood at the sight of her work.

Daisy: Everything's on schedule and under control. Time to party! I'm very excited for you to see my outfit-

That's disturbed when an empty chalice is thrown and smacks her forehead.

Daisy: OW! She holds it in pain and anger. Alright! Who's the idiot that-!

Glamour: Daisy, please, you're being a complete embarrassment right now.

Daisy: Yes Miss Glamour.

She walks down to find whoever threw the chalice only to trip off the one thrown at her earlier and she screams down the stairs, comically landing on her face. Glamour gives a glare and Daisy sheepishly smiles before running off. She angrily stops next to one of the tables where the chalice came from only to be hit by another one behind.

Daisy: OW!

She furiously turns around only to see no one there. She is close to exploding until…

April: Enjoying your job Aunt Daisy?

Daisy jumps and shouts in shock and turns around to see her nieces glaring at her with their arms crossed.

Daisy: What?! April! May! June!

She looks to Glamour and then back to her nieces before grabbing the three of them and pushing them along to hid them.

Donald and the others are blissfully unaware of this.

Louie: For now it doesn't matter. They must be somewhere in the museum. They'll communicate with us eventually, for now let's stick to the plan.

Della: Alright, sweetie. What should we do?

Louie: Let's split for now and try to blend it with these fancy people to avoid raising suspicion. Once that's fully settled we begin the next part of Phase 2.

Donald, Della, Dewey, Panchito & Jose: Roger!

And with that said Donald, Della, Dewey, Louie, Panchito and Jose split up in different directions.

As for Daisy, April, May and June they talk in front of the elevator in one of the corridors where Daisy is in panic while her nieces are just made.

Daisy: How did you three get in here?!

June: We used a convincing fake invitation to get in.

Daisy: Ok then. Then what are you doing here?

April: We came to have a talk.

Daisy looks at her nieces furiously and points in the direction of the exit.

Daisy: The three of you will go back to McDuck Manor this instant! I don't have time for this!

April, May, and June glare back and rather hatefully and scornfully.

May: Well, you're gonna have to make time!

June: That's the place you send us all the time you come here!

Daisy: If Miss Glamour sees you three I could get fired!

April: Good!

Daisy: Daisy is shocked by what she just heard. What?

April, May and June are now practically shouting.

June: Maybe if you get fired we'd have our Aunt back!

May: Ever since you got this job you've hardly noticed us anymore!

April: We try to spend time with you like many kids should but all you do is work, work, WORK! It's driving us nuts!

Daisy becomes somewhat hurt and shocked at her nieces' anger at her, no idea that this was even happening. She's now in a state of panic and desperation.

Daisy: Girls, please! You know I need this job!

June: We know that!

May: But that doesn't mean you can't spend time with us!

Daisy: I do spend time with you!

May: May harshly scoffs at that. Yeah, as in a passing glance when you rush out the door!

April: And you always leave us for Uncle Scrooge to handle for the past several weeks! You've practically thrown us out of your life!

Daisy: That's not true! You three are my world! I'd never throw you out! Girls you know I have to do well at this job!

April: That doesn't mean you have to work for a jerk like Glamour 24/7! She hardly knows what you're capable of!

May: You're wasting your talents on a stuck-up sack of feathers like her when you could be doing spending time with us!

June: You work all day and night without evening acknowledging our existence!

Daisy: I do acknowledge you!

June: June harshly scoffs with her arms crossed. Yeah, by telling Uncle Scrooge our sleep schedules!

May: We never see you anymore!

April: And we're sick of it!

May: You just drop us off at the mansion all the time now! We love hanging with the others but it's like we're getting in your way! It's like you don't want us around anymore!

Daisy: That's not true at all!

June: If it wasn't, you wouldn't work so late into the night trying to impress a dunderhead who barley acknowledges what you're capable of!

Daisy: Daisy beggingly clasps her hands. April, May, June, I'm sorry for making you feel this way but I'm begging to please understand I never forgot about you three! I really want to make it to the IT-list! It's important to me!

That was a mistake to say because this last part profoundly hurt April, May and June and they look almost tearfully mortified. Daisy covers her beak, realizing what she just said and the girls become furious with tears leaking out of their eyes.

Daisy: Wait, no, I didn't mean it like that, I-

May: May waves her hand. Save it! So this is what it's come to, huh?

April: Some dumb list is more important to you than your own nieces!

June: Ones that you raised and stuck by you for 11 years!

Daisy: Daisy becomes horrified. No, no, you got it all wrong!

April: Don't even bother trying anymore!

May: If you really love this job and care about some stuck-up sack of feathers more than us, if this stupid IT-list means so much to you that you'd ditch us then do whatever you want!

June: Go right ahead and throw us out of your life! See if we care.

April: Have fun getting on that stupid list!

April is the first to stomp out the corridor.

May: Yeah, no need for us to stand in your way!

May is next, followed up by June as Daisy tearfully reaches out for them.

Daisy: Come back! April, May, June, I'm sorry! Please, wait!

June: June angrily turns her head. Don't let us make you quit your 24/7 job!

May: If you're gonna act like this Aunt Daisy then I don't think we can ever see you as a mother figure again!

Daisy stops cold in her tracks after hearing that, feeling her heart shatter. Her nieces leave and she's left with tears welling up in her eyes to see how much she's neglected her nieces and thrown them out of her life.

April, May and June are angrily stomping out the corridor and Glamour was too occupied with her phone to notice.

Daisy leaves sometime after them looking utterly distressed. She's so distressed she doesn't watch where she's going and bumps into Della by the table. They shout in surprise and drop on their tail feathers before glaring at each other.

Della & Daisy: Hey! Watch where you're-! They become shocked after taking a good look at each other.

Della: Daisy!?

Daisy: Della!?

Della looks to see Glamour on her phone and quickly takes a hold of Daisy's hand to run them to the bathroom.

Scenes then shift inside and Daisy proceeds to interrogate.

Daisy: Della, what are you doing here!? I don't remember you being invited!

Della: I invited myself. She becomes equally interrogating with her arms crossed. And what're you doing here?

Daisy: Uh…I work here.

Della: Oh…right, my bad. Say, you know, I have a teeny-tiny-question I'd like to ask but your work, if you don't mind…

Daisy becomes a little creeped out and taken aback by Della's frightening tone of voice, as though she's about to yell at her.

Daisy: Um…okay…

And she was right to worry because after Della takes a deep breath she roughly grabs Daisy's shoulder. Daisy shouts as she's violently pinned against the wall and becomes fearful under Della's intense glare. The pilot reels back her hands and outright slaps Daisy across her cheeks the same way she did to Della once.

Daisy: OWW!

Della: Daisy what the heck is wrong with you?!

Daisy is surprised by her anger but that's replaced by outrage.

Daisy: Me!? What the heck's wrong with you, Della!? Why did you slap me like that!?

Della: What do you think; I'm trying to slap some sense into YOU!

She slaps her again…very hard.

Daisy: OWWWW!

Della: That's for making my brother an emotional wreck!

Daisy's pain is replaced by shock.

Daisy: What?! What are you talking about?!

Della: Della angrily leans closer like she's about to kill. Do you even realize the way you've been treating my brother?! Your own boyfriend?!

Daisy: What do you mean?

Della: Are you kidding me!? Have you become so wrapped up in your work for that rich brat that you've become this dense!?

Daisy: Della, what are you saying?!

Della: You've made Donald bluer than Dewey's shirt! He's been miserable for the past several weeks now! He's broken-hearted! Because of you!

Daisy: What?!

Della: You heard me! You've been standing him up for your past dates for weeks! And it's really hurt him! He told me just how the last one you were supposed to go on you never showed up! He waited 5 hours for you to come but you never came!

Daisy becomes mortified, remembering the date she and Donald were supposed to go on a week ago but had instead stayed at work.


Della: Yes you did! Not even a message saying that either you would be late or something got in the way! No call, e-mail, text, letter, video-conference, Beak-Time, smoke signal, NOTHING! He was all alone at that table all night! I can only imagine how hurt and embarrassed he must've felt! And when he came home, he was all sad, distant, and broken-hearted... ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!

Daisy feels a pang and tidal wave of guilt, shame and horror wash over mind as the realization of badly she has hurt her beloved sets in. Right now her beak wobbles as she gets close to tears.

Daisy: I-I didn't know?! Della tugs harder and it hurts for Daisy.

Della: Of course you didn't know! Because you've become obsessed with this stupid job to even bother! I know it's important, but you've been caught up in it so much that it's turning you back into the spoilt brat Donald had to put up with back at the institute! You never spend time with your family anymore! Not me, not Donald, not the girls, NO ONE! All because you want to impress that jerk Glamour who gives you nothing but disrespect! At this rate you'll become just like her! You're pushing your family away all for some stupid IT-list and it's hurting them, especially Donald, April, May and June!

Daisy: I-I…I

Daisy cannot say anything to defend herself because she knows what Della says is all true. Daisy is at the brink of tears and Della lets go before walking towards the door. She gives Daisy a cold look with her head turned.

Della: If you don't start coming to your senses soon... then I don't know if I can keep calling you my sister with the way you've treated my brother...

Daisy gasps in mortification, feeling her already broken heart shatter into millions of more pieces as Della opens the door and leaves. Daisy is left leaning against the wall and shaking in terror, like she's about to have panic attack. She gets in front of tap and looks at her reflection in a mirror seeing the reflection of a girl ashamed, guilty and horrified of what she's forced herself to become by pushing away three girls who've been like her daughters and the love of her life who always stuck by her side whenever she needed him.

Daisy's reflection changes into the way she looked during her college years with Donald. She shouts and jumps back in horror before tossing her handbag at the mirror showing herself as a spoilt brat, shattering it to pieces as she drops to her to tail feathers panting crazily in fear. When everything April, May, June and Della said and the thought of Donald heartbroken sets in she has an emotional breakdown. She hugs her knees crying and sobbing hysterically over what she's done to the people she cares about most and what she's become.

Louie and Dewey stand by the table having some food from it. April, May and June arrive next to them in a very foul mood.

Dewey: Hey, there you girls are, we were worried.

May: We're fine.

Louie: Where you three?

April: Taking care of some stuff.

Dewey and Louie become worried just by looking at their angry expressions and hearing the mad tone in their voice.

Louie: Did something happen?

June: We don't wanna talk about it okay?

The boys can tell what it was but they don't want to go in too deep.

Louie: Fair enough.

Dewey: Don't worry girls, once we get Uncle Donald to sing his song I'm sure Aunt Daisy will by back to her old self.

May: Yeah, sure whatever.

June: So when do we begin the next step of phase 2.

Louie: Louie grins. Right now! Get in your earpieces. The girls do just that, Dewey pumps his fists in excitement and Louie presses his earpiece. Caballeros, showtime, you guys ready?

The Three Caballeros are together by the table having Punch until they happily hear Louie and press their pieces.

Donald: Ready and waiting, Louie.

Panchito: At last! Showtime!

Jose: Let's get on this list!

Louie: Mom, what about you? There's no response. Mom?

Della: I'm here, honey. She walks out of the bathroom. …Just had to take care of some personal business, now I'm ready.

Louie: Awesome, then let's do this.

The entire team gets serious and runs across the party floor.

Louie: Jose, Panchito, head to the stage by the guard. Mom, you're with us.

Panchito and Jose run to the stage where a beefy female dog stands guard. Panchito boastfully laughs.

Panchito: I will charm my way on stage with golden voice.

He walks up in an attempt to flirt with guard only to be smacked and sent sliding on beak. He gets annoyed when he sees a smirk on Jose's face.

Panchito: What are you going to do? Dance your way past her?

Jose helps him up just as the kids walk past them to join up with Della.

June: Easy grown-ups. Try to at least act professional so you don't attract too much attention.

Louie: And besides, you won't be able to get on stage without…

Scenes shift to Glamour's throne where Daisy is standing next to her boss after her emotional breakdown in the ladies room. The screen zooms in on her stage pass.

Louie: Daisy's stage pass.

Della and the kids stand a couple of distances away from the stairs.

Louie: We've gotta distract Aunt Daisy so Uncle Donald can steal it.

Dewey: Dewey gets out his yo-yo. So I'll dazzle Daisy with my hip and stylish yo-yo tricks. He tries to do a trick only to be hit in the face. Ow!

Della and May cringe while the rest deadpan at him.

Louie: Oh, that would be great Dewey but it's just not part of the plan. Your very important job is coming up. He presses his earpiece. Mama Bird, you're up.

Lena still disguised as Jane comes out the entrance above the stairs next to Glamour and Daisy with a chalice on the tray.

Lena: I'm on it Papa Bird.

She walks down and Daisy is looking rather distressed and unfocused right now over April, May, June and Della's outburst towards her and her cheek is still red from Della's slap. Thinking about their words almost makes her cry again and she mumbles something to herself.

Glamour: Will you be quiet. Daisy widens her eyes. Your mumbling annoys me.

Daisy: Yes, Miss Glamour.

Out of nowhere Lena trips and spills drink on her coat much to Daisy's embarrassment and anger.

Lena: Oh, I am so sorry!

Daisy: Ugh! Why you no good-!

Glamour: Daisy, please, you're embarrassing us both. Mostly yourself, though.

Daisy: I'm so sorry. I'll go clean up.

Lena walks down and meets up with a pleased Louie, April, May, June, Dewey and Della (the last two eating a mini-sandwich) down by the large flower vases.

Louie: Excellent work, Lena, as usual.

Lena: Thanks Lou. I'll just change back now.

Lena becomes surrounded in purple aura, changing back to normal. When she does Louie gasps to see her party clothes.

Lena is wearing a two-strapped black dress with a bow tied around the back reaching up to her knees and peacock feather styled ribbon. She presents herself to the gang.

Lena: So, how do I look?

The girls whistle while Louie's beak is wide open, completely mesmerised by her beauty.

Della: Lookin' good Lena!

April: You look great!

Louie: Whoa… Dewey gives a teasing look as Louie stutters. He gives a small slap to snap him out of it. You look…really pretty Lena.

Lena: Lena blushes with a smile. Thanks Green Bean.

She gives a small kiss on the cheek and Della, April, May and June coos. June aims a teasing expression at Lena.

June: So...Mama Bird, huh?

Louie and Lena freeze, widening their eyes in embarrassment.

April: Those codenames are so cute!

Della: Della clasps her hands together. I can just picture the kind of babies you'll have together!

Louie & Lena: They blush in anger and embarrassment. WILL YOU STOP THAT!

Lena: Louie and I aren't even married!

Louie: Plus, it's too soon to jump to that conclusion! For all we know Lena and I could break up!

May: May dismisses that concern. Like that'll ever happen.

Lena: She does have a point. She hold Louie's hands with a smile. I don't see myself ever breaking up with you Louie.

Louie smiles back and the two then blush redder in embarrassment when the girls coo again. Della is almost crying. Dewey clears his throat and grabs their attention.

Dewey: Um, I hate to interrupt the romantic moment but I believe we've got a scheme to pull off.

Louie: Oh, right! He presses his earpiece. Uncle Donald, get that stage pass.

Donald is coolly leaning against the large flower vase on the opposite side with his arms crossed. He nods to Louie, puts on his sunglasses and takes out the Barksian Modulator 2.0. He stuffs it down his throat and clears his throat before speaking in his Quack Pack voice.

Donald: Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers. Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers. Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers! Haven't spoke in this voice for a while. Louie, sunglasses are on and voice box is ready.

Louie: Excellent.

Della and Dewey can't help but be blank over Donald's normal voice.

Della: I don't think I'll ever get used to that voice.

Dewey: Me neither.

Daisy angrily stomps down the stairs, going past Donald and into the corridor. Donald chases after her.

Della: Alright, buddy, what next?

Louie: Next, now that Glamour is unguarded I'll lay on the "Louie charm." He straightens out his bowtie before walking up to the stairs. Time to get her excited for the Three Caballeros big perform- AWW, PHOOEY!

They become horrified to see Graves now standing next to Glamour in Daisy's place. When a man tries to take a selfie in front of Glamour the falcon grabs his phone.

Graves: No photographs. He crushes the phone, much to Glamour's satisfaction.

Louie is pulled back in panic.

Della: Oh come! You gotta be kidding me!

Lena: What the heck is he doing here!?

April: Working security apparently!

Dewey: Graves is gonna sniff out our plan! How do we get rid of him!?

Della: Okay, okay, let's calm down. I'm sure Louie carefully predicted Glamour would have a back-up personal guard. You did, right Louie?

Louie: Of course I did. I had a feeling something like this would happen which is exactly why Dewey's here. He looks to his brother. This is your moment, the job that only you can do.

Scenes shift to the rooftop where Dewey is screaming in horror as he wrestles an out of control Harpy to the floor and to make matters worse there are more surrounding him. All of them are screeching wildly.

Dewey: This is my job!? Almost getting killed by harpies!?

Louie: That's right.

Dewey is completely outraged to know that this is the special job Louie had planned for him. The harpy struggles to escape from his strong grip as it screeches.

Dewey: I could be doing more! How is this the perfect job for me?!

Louie: Because everyone else already had a job.

Dewey: This is so uncool! What's the point of this anyway?

Louie: The point is so that our 15th member can get in those vents without getting torn apart by those harpies and divert Graves' attention from Glamour. That's you, Ari.

Ari pops up next to Dewey and screams in his ear much to his horror. He gets out a boat oar from his toon space and begins whacking away some harpies heading towards him.

At home, note 15 is removed to reveal a picture of Ari blowing his trumpet

15: Diversion:

Ari the Aracuan Bird

Dewey: So, wait. My job is to make sure Ari is able to do his diversion job?

Louie: Exactly. Now you get it.

Dewey: But that's a total waste of my talent!

Louie: No it's not, you love fighting monsters. And since you're a way better fighter than Webby could ever be that makes you perfect for this job.

Dewey: Yeah, but-

Louie: Nope! Less talking, more fighting.

Dewey: Man! The harpy slaps him. Ow!

He tosses it over the roof and more harpies fly towards him. Dewey punches one in the face, he flips kicks one off the roof and when one tries to slash him he ducks before grabbing its arms and tossing it over his shoulder with impressive strength. Another harpy attempts to tackle him but Dewey slides beneath it and kicks it in the stomach, sending it flying. He punches two more and kicks another away and when one attempts to claw him Dewey summons one of his Laser Sabres and horizontally blocks it. He pushes it back and slices it across its chest, being careful to graze it and not kill it. He runs towards the other Harpies and does the same for them. He dodges one and follows it up with a slice; he skilfully slashes two more and then blocks another before jump kicking it in the face. A swarm tackles him to the ground and piles on him.

Dewey's screams can be heard over their earpiece communicators, causing the girls to cringe while Louie just grins. They worriedly look to him, particularly Della considering this quarrel is between two of her sons.

Della: So…Dewey's special job was just to scare away some harpies?

Louie: Yup.

June: Based on our Intel, the harpies had been flying above the museum for some time now.

Louie: I needed Ari to get in those vents but for that to work someone needed to get rid of the harpies.

April: April and May glare at him. And you chose to risk your own brother's life?

Louie: Sure. Why not?

May: Louie reels back when May angrily gets in his face. Are you crazy, Louie!? Why would you do such an awful thing to him!?

Louie: Louie lightly pushes her back. Because I don't want him messing up the plan and I needed someone to deal with those harpies for Ari. Since Dewey's a way better fighter than Webby and has become quite the master sharpshooter he was the perfect choice.

Lena: Yeah, sure, but don't you think you're being a little hard on him Louie?

June: Aren't you worried he might get killed?

Della: They're right honey. Don't you think this is a little dangerous for him?

Louie: Louie scoffs and dismisses with a hand wave. Of course not; this is Dewey we're talking about. Besides, we are YOUR sons Mom.

Della smiles a little, unable to argue with that. They all reel in surprise when the sound shots being fired blares out of the earpiece.

Back on the roof, energy shots are blasted from where Dewey has been pinned and soon a powerful enough shot is fired that scares the harpies off him. He stands up holding his double Quad Blasters and giving them a good spin with a couple of scratches on his face as his hair outfit is a little dishevelled.

Dewey: Bring it on you overgrown pantheon pigeons!

More harpies soar down towards him but he fires electrified shots that electrocutes and blasts the harpies off the roof. He makes a big dash while firing more shots before jumping from Harpy to Harpy twice. He crosses his arms, blasting more of them and then shoots two last shots upside down. The shot blows the harpy away and Dewey lands on the ground to see one last harpy flying towards him. In the blink of an eye he sends it flying up with a flip kick before launching a barrage of shots that blast it off as he stylishly lands on the ground with his arms stretched. He blows smoke out of one of his blasters.

As for Ari he whacks more harpies before tying them up in ropes with his toon abilities before tossing them off, their screams resonating. Ari dusts his wings as Dewey walks up to him in a slump panting in exhaustion and slight anger at Louie. He's covered in red bruises, scratches on his face and clothes and his hair is a little dishevelled.

Dewey: Okay, that takes care of that. He wipes of sweat and presses his earpiece. Louie, the Harpies are neutralised.

Louie: Awesome! Well done Dewey! Now it's Ari's time to shine.

They get in front of the air vent and Dewey rips off the hatch. He turns to Ari.

Dewey: Alright, Ari, go time! Do your thing!

Ari salutes and gives sounds of agreement before jumping inside the air vent.

Graves looks up to the vent on the ceiling when Ari's screams resonate and blast out of it.

Graves: An intruder. Not tonight.

Graves takes his leave to go upstairs to the rooftop.

Daisy stomps through the corridor and Donald pokes his head out of a corner to see her press an elevator button before to wipe of the stain in frustration, the stress of everything getting to her.

Daisy: Razafrapzet party! Razafrapzet Glamour! Razafrapzet IT-list!

In a fit of rage Daisy shouts and kicks a vase, destroying it as she pants in exasperation. Donald cringes to see his girlfriend in a really foul mood. Daisy takes a deep breath before hiding the shattered glass underneath a table and putting on a look of determination to hide her emotional distress.

Daisy: This is your shot to prove yourself to Miss Glamour. Take it. She looks to the elevator sadly thinking about Della and her nieces words before rubbing her red cheek again, cringing a little. Ow… that really hurts…

After seeing Daisy's distress, a doubtful Donald nervously presses his earpiece and lifts his sunglasses.

Donald: Louie, I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I came here to impress, Daisy. I don't want to try and steal from her again like the first time we met. It goes against everything I stand for.

Louie: Relax, Uncle Donald. Everything will work out. Once Daisy hears you sing you stealing her stage pass will be the least on her mind. Trust me.

Donald is still doubtful about all this, not wanting to betray Daisy but right now he's willing to do anything to win her attention back so…

Donald: Alright. I guess if there's no other way. He puts his glasses back on.

The elevator door opens and before Daisy could step in Donald runs up and motions her to go first. She ignores him, eyes him suspiciously and heads in as the door closes. Donald comically grimaces when it closes on him, then his ankle which slips through once it heads up.

Louie: Remember, you've got to grab the stage pass and get off then our 16th member stops the elevator, keeping Daisy on lockdown and out of the way.

Dropping down from above in the elevator shaft with a rope, straps and hook strapped around her like a secret agent is Webby. She's wearing a look of excitement, night vision goggles and her own party outfit.

Webby is wearing a two-strapped pink dress reaching up to her knees with purple straps and a large purple bow tied around her at the back.

Webby: This party is the coolest!

At home, note 16 is removed to reveal an epic picture of Webby.

16: Tactician:

Webby Vanderquack

Donald: Donald becomes horrified and whispers. What!? Lockdown!? No, no, no, no, no! The point of this is to impress Daisy with my singing. How is that going to happen if she can't see or listen to me!?

Louie in front of the vase gives calming hand gesture.

Louie: Relax Uncle Donald, once you get the stage pass I'll send Mom and Webby to bust Daisy out and bring her back to the party floor to watch you sing. Just get that stage pass.

Donald and Daisy stand right next to each other, the latter unaware her boyfriend is in the elevator with her. The former Mage of Thunder can't help but feel nervous and awkward around his girlfriend who's abandoned him for a couple of weeks now. He eyes the stage pass and attempts to make his move.

Donald: Beautiful night, isn't it?

Daisy: Kind of a terrible night, actually. My floor. She attempts to press a button.

Donald: Oh! Uh…whoops!

He "accidentally" presses all the buttons much to Daisy's dismay as Donald slowly tries to take the stage pass.

Daisy: Great! Not like I was in a hurry or anything!

She gets suspicious when she sees Donald too close to him and they quickly step away from each other.

Donald: Oh! Sorry, I'm in your space. I've got it.

Unfortunately, Louie misinterpreted that last sentence and gives the signal to Webby.

Louie: Alright, he's got it. Webby, cut the elevator power.

Webby opens up a panel, cutting a wire and shutting down the elevator. The rumbling shakes Donald and Daisy and his cuffs get caught in her bag. Donald attempts to get out and Daisy attempts to unclip her bag only for it to go badly and they both get tied together in the straps.

Daisy: Hang on!

Donald: Hold on! I-I got this!

Daisy: Let me just-Ohh! You're making it worse!

Her job done, Webby escapes up the elevator shaft.

Webby: WHEEE!

The floor number is replaced by a crossed circle much to Donald and Daisy's horror, knowing that this means they're stuck.

Donald: Oh no… They kick the door in vain. Oh no, oh no, oh no, OH NO!

Donald & Daisy: Somebody get us out of here/I have to get back to the party!

Daisy becomes furious with the man she doesn't know is her boyfriend.

Daisy: This is all your fault!

Donald: Donald becomes equally angry. My fault!? It's your stupid bag that got us into this stupid mess!

Louie cringes when he hears the Duck Couple arguing.

Louie: Whoa! Okay, Uncle Donald! Meet Panchito and Jose at the stage with the pass for your performance. I'm going radio silent.

Donald: No, wait-!

Too late; Louie takes off the communicator and gives the thumbs up to the girls who return it.

As Daisy shouts Donald is desperately trying to call out his youngest nephew.

Donald: Hello!? Louie! Come in! Louie can you hear me!? Louie! I'm gonna miss my big break!

This makes the lady-in-waiting incredibly suspicious and she stops shouting.

Daisy: What do you mean big break?

Donald: My band is sort of uh…crashing the party…

Daisy opens her beak in horror and widens her eyes, realizing another thing Donald has just said.

Daisy: Wait a minute!? Louie!? As in Louie Duck!? Donald comically widens his eyes, realizing he just blew his cover. Della being here!? April, May and June! You can't be!

She gets out a hand and yanks off Donald's hat and sunglasses. She gasps in horror and shock to see her boyfriend's guilty, horrified and sheepish face revealed.

Daisy: DONALD!?

Donald: Uh… He chuckles nervously. …Heh-heh. Hi Daisy…uh…I like your new hairdo.

Daisy growls in fury and Donald becomes frightened, seeing that he's been totally busted.

Louie, Della, Lena, April, May and June were watching over Glamour, still hidden behind the vases. Just as Louie prepares to make his move Webby runs up to them.

Webby: Hey guys! They all look to Webby smiling.

Lena: Hey, Webs.

May: Glad you could join the party.

Webby: Thanks! And wow, you girls look beautiful!

Della: Thanks Webby! You look really beautiful yourself!

June: Didn't know you had a dress like that.

Webby: Webby tugs her dress a little. I've kept this hidden for special occasions like this.

Louie: Excellent work with the elevator Webby.

Webby: Thanks boss. So where's Dewey? I really wanna show him my new dress.

Louie: Louie began counting down. 3, 2, 1…

Right on cue, Dewey comes back with the scratches, bruises and tatters still on his face.

Dewey: I'm back!

Girls: Dewey!

Louie pushes him back and Webby, May and Della hug him.

May: We were so worried about you!

Della: Great job sweetie! I'm so proud of you!

Dewey: Thanks Mom, May and We-

When they pull back Dewey becomes completely mesmerized by Webby's beauty in her dress.

Dewey: Whoa…Webby…

Webby: Webby sheepishly puts her hand behind her back. Dewey…how do I look?

Dewey is stuttering and blabbering random sounds, in a romance trance before he faints on his back, June comes, helps him up and slaps the back of his head to bring his senses back.

Dewey: You look like the prettiest thing ever!

Webby: Aww! Thanks Dewey. That's really sweet, I was actually saving this for you to see. She gives a kiss on the cheek and Dewey blushes while the rest of the girls coo.

Girls: Awww!

Della: All three of my sons are gonna get married someday! I can't wait to meet the babies-!

Before that could be retaliated the girls gasp in shock to see the scratches and bruises on his face.

Webby: Ohmygosh! Dewey, what happened to you!?

April: You have so many scratch and bruises! Are you okay?!

Dewey: I'm fine. But there were A LOT of Harpies up there. One of them came close to ripping my eye out!

Webby: Ohhhh…why wasn't I chosen to fight the harpies.

Louie: Because I needed your super secret agent skills to deal with the elevator. Plus, Dewey's a better fighter.

Webby: Fair enough.

Della: Della hugs his middle son again. Well, we're just glad that you're alright.

Dewey runs up and looks to Louie excitedly.

Dewey: So, what do I do now. Network with rich and famous? Or I could walk the dog. Dewey attempts a walk the dog with his yo-yo only to fail but remains confident. What do you think?

He gets out another yo-yo but Louie snatches it away and glares at his brother in annoyance.

Louie: I am going to talk to Emma Glamour to convince her how great the Caballeros are. YOU do nothing.

Dewey: Come on! Let me talk to Glamour. We like all the same things because she tells me what to like!

The girls can't help but feel sorry for Dewey, this all means as much to him as it does for Louie and he really wants to be a real part of this scheme.

Della: Maybe we should let Dewey talk to Glamour, Louie.

April: He does seem to know her better than us.

Louie: Absolutely not. The plan is that I speak to Glamour and that's final.

Dewey: As Louie walks Dewey desperately grabs his arm. Why won't you listen to me!?

Louie: Because your plan is ridiculous! Come on man, we're so close. Let's just do it my way.

Dewey: Dewey is clearly hurt by the lack of trust from his own brother but relents. Yeah…okay.

He takes back the yo-yo looking quite disheartened as Louie walks up to Glamour. Dewey tries to do another walk the dog only to fail and become further discouraged. Webby and May place comforting hands on his shoulder but he just walks away, leaving the girls to feel sorry for Dewey and concern for Webby.

Webby: Poor Dewey…

May: I don't get it. Why is Louie acting like a complete jerk?

April: All Dewey wants to do is help.

Della: I don't know, this isn't like Louie at all.

Lena: Louie must have his reasons.

June: Maybe we should talk to him.

Webby: May, April and I will take care of Dewey.

When Louie gets halfway up Della quickly drags him back down behind the vase with Lena and June. They all regard him worriedly.

Louie: Hey! Mom, what're you doing!?

Della: We just want to talk to you about something, Louie? It's be quick! Louie reluctantly motions them to speak. Look, Louie, I know you've worked really hard for this scheme, you saw all the angles and formed amazing plan and I'm really proud of you for that.

Lena: But there's nothing wrong with adding a few improvisations along the way.

Louie: Get to the point?

June: What we're trying to say is don't you think you're being a little too hard on Dewey.

Louie: Louie groans in dismay. And here we go. I already said this is Louie's Seventeen, not Dewey's Seventeen.

Della: Della clasps her hands beggingly. Louie honey, please give your brother a chance.

Lena: Yeah, Dewey may be crazy and reckless but, sometimes his plans work. You've seen it before.

June: Come on Lou, it never hurts to improvise. No one's saying Dewey should lead or take over the scheme.

Della: He just wants to help by giving his input to make it better.

Louie: Louie is getting increasingly frustrated. I get that, but I don't need his input! What is this, "Everybody loves Dewey day"!? This scheme is already perfect enough and I just can't risk anything going wrong. I'm not just doing this for myself, I'm doing this for Uncle Donald, Jose, and Panchito. I just want it to go like how I planned it without anything getting in the way and ruining it!

The three of them are now more worried than ever from hearing the anxiousness in his voice.

Della: Louie, I don't get it. What are you trying to prove?

Lena: Yeah, this isn't like you Lou. You're better than this, you've never minded anyone giving input before…

June: So why's it any different now?

Louie: Louie calms down and shows desperation on his face. L-look. Just for once in my life I want one of my schemes to go perfectly! I just want to prove that none of my schemes leads to bad things like almost killing my family!

Della, Lena and June are shocked to hear Louie still thinking like that. Especially, Della who is looking mortified.


Della is hit by bad memories of her mistreatment of Louie. The first was when she yelled at and grounded Louie in front of the family after the Timephoon.

Della: Your little scheme to bypass the present almost cost us our future! This all stops now! You are GROUNDED! This word coming from his mother horrified Louie. No schemes! No treasures! And Louie Incorporated is done! Understand!?

Louie reels back, completely hurt that his mother is punishing him shortly after coming back without even having spent time with him and taking away his dream. He proceeds to apologise and beg for a chance of redemption.

Louie: Look, let me clean up! Uncle Scrooge! Mrs B, come on!

Scrooge and Beakely looks away in sadness, feeling that Louie needs this in order to learn. Della points upstairs without giving him a chance.

Della: To…your…ROOM!

Louie: Louie's on the verge of tears. Mom, I'm sorry! I really am! I never meant for this to happen! Please, give me a chance!

Della: No! No chances! TO YOUR ROOM, NOW!

Louie: BUT MOM! I-!

In an act of anger, irritation, cruelty and lack of thinking Della outright slaps Louie in his face as hard she could, causing Dewey, Scrooge and the rest to gasp in utter shock and horror.

A horrified Gyro awkwardly hides in the timetub.

Della gasps in horror and self-disgust realizing what she's just done to her own son. Louie turns back to look at his Mom, rubbing the side of his face which is red. Della can see the tears welling up in his eyes and his beak trembling. She is close to crying too but it wasn't enough to sway her and she resumes her angered look, pointing back up.

Della: Go to your room…now Louie…

Louie: Bu-

Della: She shouts at the top of her lungs. I SAID GO! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT!

Silence. That's all there was. The heartbroken Louie shoves his hands in his pockets, while aiming a hateful glare at his cruel mother before gruffly taking his leave and kicking the timetub.

Louie: Stupid perfect scheme!

Then there was the next day when Della refused to allow Louie to come to Big Rock Candy Mountain.

Louie: Big Rock Candy Mountain is the laziest quest of all time! It's my DREAM!

The giddy look on Louie's face just makes Della angrier.

Della: Your last dream made you take treasure from the past which almost destroyed time, space and your family! She points up. Now to your room! She angrily escorts a furious Louie back to the mansion. You can come out when you learn that no good ever came from cockamamie schemes!

Then there were the awful things Della had written about Louie in her journal.

Then when everyone saw her cruel recording on the DT-87 which was aimed straight at Louie, she couldn't have morally sunk lower as a mother.

Della (recording): Look…your plans…your schemes…they only lead to bad things for your family. If you wanna be a part of this family…you've gotta stop.

The video is paused. Scrooge, Dewey, Huey, Webby, Lena, Violet, April, May, June, Beakely, Sora, Riku and Kairi are shocked and horrified with the cruel words they just heard, then in less than a second it all turned to anger, rage, and furious, all thinking "What did she just say...?!"

In act of rage Sora summons Ultima Weapon (KH3) and tosses it. It impales the DT-87 right into Della's face on the recording slamming into the wall and when the blade disappears the robot drops to the ground completely torn to shreds, much to Della's shock and anger.

Everyone was yelling at Della and she was powerless against them shouting at the top of their lungs and got a good dose of karma when Daisy marched up with a deadly serious look.

Della: Daisy...?

Daisy reels back her hand and furiously slaps Della across her across her face as hard as possible. even harder than when Della hit Louie.

Della: OWWWWW! Della holds the side of her face in pain, which is now blood red, looking at Daisy in pain and anger. What was that for!?

Daisy grabs Della by her jacket and the pilot shouts as she's slammed and pinned against the wall unable to not gaze in Daisy's furious and red face.


Della could only stutter in fear and confusion in the face of Daisy's wrath.

Della: But I didn't mean it like that! Louie is part of our family! He always was! When I said that, I didn't think-


Della looks like she's about to cry from that reference to the Spear of Selene. First her youngest son made the reference which broke her heart enough to push her in grounding him and now her sister-figure. She should be lucky it wasn't her brother.

(End of Flashback)

Della looks like she's close to tears from hearing the cruel words she said to Louie that broke his heart and confidence and her mistreatment of him still affecting him even after they made amends after that stuff with Clan Glomgold and before the Moonvasion.

Della: Louie...a-are you still thinking about when I said your schemes only lead to bad things for your family? Louie looking down in misery was all she needed for confirmation and she bends down to place her hands on his shoulder with tears welling up. I told you I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt you like that. I never meant to break your heart or your confidence! For the last time I was wrong about your schemes and about you! Not everything you do leads to trouble and your schemes are great! You're not a bad person Louie, I am! I'm sorry, Louie, I'm so sorry I ever made you doubt your place in the family!

Louie: Mom, calm down! There's no need to apologise anymore! I know you're sorry; I forgave you a long time ago when you apologized to me before the Moonvasion... You're not the problem Mom, it's me. I may have proven to you that my schemes aren't always trouble but… He looks down a little disheartened. …I haven't proven it to myself. I want this scheme to actually benefit our family. All the others caused trouble. For once, I actually planned things out and I know that they'll work. Seeing the angles helped me do so. I don't want to risk an even bigger catastrophe than that Timephoon stunt I tired pulling.

Lena: But Louie, you schemed plenty to defeat Lunaris and you saved us in the process!

June: Yeah, you're a real hero pal!

Louie: That was only during the heat of adventure. For once I want one of my business or family schemes to be successful. And I want to show I'm capable of doing it on my own. The three look at Louie in sorrow and he tries to dismiss it all with his hands. Look, we'll talk about this later. Right now I've gotta sweet talk Glamour before Graves comes back.

Louie runs off before Della, Lena and June could stop as they watch in concern (guilt for Della).

Della: Oh…Louie…Dewey…I'm so sorry…

Lena: All of a sudden I have a really bad feeling about this.

June: You and me both sister.

Glamour sits on her throne and Louie casually sits rights next to her on her arm rest, feigning a sweet expression.

Louie: Man, I thought this place was supposed to be cool, but Three Caballeros aren't even playing. Oh hi, Louie Duck, Louie's list… He jumps down. It's like your blog but only younger and listier, you know, heh-heh.

Glamour: What is your plan here exactly?

Louie was taken aback as were the girls who listened in via the communicators.

Louie: I'm sorry, what?

Glamour: Glamour is clearly unimpressed. Oh, let me guess, you had this whole elaborate scheme to get on the IT-list and make yourself rich and famous. What do you do, manage a band or something?

Louie is shocked and horrified beyond words to see not only his sweet talk fail but his entire scheme gets figured out in an instant.

Della, Lena and June are equally horrified.

Della: No way…she figured out Louie's Seventeen!

Lena: How!?

June: She can see angles too!?

They poke their heads to see Glamour take off her sunglasses to reveal her cruel and cold expression which she aims at Louie.

Glamour: You're nothing new, you're not original, there is nothing IT about you, so tell me why would I ever listen to you? Hearing these cruel words brought back bad memories and Louie is on the verge of tears. Glamour waves him away. Disappear now. Goodbye.

Louie walks away down the stares feeling absolutely crushed and mortified. The girls who listened had their beaks wide open in shock and then they become furious.

Lena: What?! That despicable, evil, black-hearted BITCH! How could she say something like that to Louie?! Especially to a child?!

Della: Why that no good hag! She walks out to rolling up her arms as if she's going to kill. I'll teach her to say something so hurtful like that to my boy!

June and Lena grab her arms to stop Della.

June: Wait! Look!

She points to Louie who stands at the bottom of the stairs completely silent, motionless and with shrunken eyes as he trembles in shock. They could only stare at him with comfort and sorrow. Lena and June hold him by his shoulders.

Lena: Louie…you okay Green Bean…?

June: Louie…buddy…?

Della: Lou…? It's okay. Lou…?

Louie falls flat on his face and takes a deep breath before crying hysterically onto the floor. His loud cries are muffled by the floor but Lena, June and Della can see and hear well enough how much agony he's in. He keeps breathing and crying and Lena and June drop to their knees to rub and hug him while Della could only look him and is near tears to see her son like this.

Della: Lou…honey… Della eyes widen in horror, sorrow and guilt. Ohmygosh... was this how Louie felt when I told him he couldn't scheme anymore and that they only led to bad things?

Remembering the emotional trauma she put Louie through and seeing the emotional meltdown he's having now causes Della furrow her eyebrows in rage. For the first time she feels her entire face and body boil and turn red in anger. She growls at Glamour, clenching her fists and feeling steam come right out of her ears, causing Lena and June to tense up in fear and confusion.

Lena & June: Aunt Della…

Della doesn't say anything. She walks over to a table, picking up a metal stand holding a free cake and stomps over to Glamour who opens her sunglasses, still unimpressed.

Glamour: I'm guessing you're the mother of that urchin from earlier. Do you really think cake can actually pay me off into putting that simpleton of a son of yours and his possibly worthless band on the IT-list? Well, guess what, you're dead wrong if you believe you can pay me off.

Having heard enough, Della reels the cake back.

Della: Well, this one's on the HOUSE! (1)

She outright slams the cake in Glamour's face, causing the parrot to shout in surprise when she her entire face and outfit gets covered in cake. Dewey, Webby, April, May, Panchito and Jose were too busy to notice but those in Glamour's vicinity were shocked as to what they just saw. Someone has just humiliated THE Emma Glamour. Louie (who stopped crying), Lena and June looked up in shock too at what Della just did.

Louie: Mom…

Lena: Woo-hoo! GO AUNT DELLA!


Glamour is stunned that someone just humiliated her in public, prompting her to furiously get up and she and Della glare daggers at each other.



Louie is smiling, touched that his mother's defending him.

As for Panchito and Jose, their pathetic attempts to sway the guard weren't working at all. Jose is doing some hopping dance moves while speaking Brazilian but they're not working.

Jose: Well, I've tried everything…where's Donald with that stage pass?

Panchito: Oh, this is impossible, can no one get past this guard!?

As if in response, the guard gets knocked out by Hack and Slash who are standing on stage with their axe and dagger. Panchito and Jose are lassoed before they could even react.

Webby, May and April were trying to cheer up a disheartened Dewey as they all eat shrimp and Dewey gruffly leans his chin on the table.

May: Hey, cheer up pal.

April: I'm sure Louie never meant any of that.

Webby: Don't be sad, Dewey. For what it's worth I think your input in the scheme would've been great.

Dewey: Oh really…then why is Louie being so stubborn?

Before the can be answered they reel back gasping to see Gabby land on the table right in front of them. The moment she looks at her Webby gets in a karate stance, remembering losing their last fight.

Webby: I've been waiting for this rematch!

She leaps up to punch Gabby only for the assassin to counter with a wheel kick that sends Webby flying and screaming on her back. April runs to help her up only for Gabby to lasso them both.

Dewey: Webby!

May: Sis!

Webby: Run you two!

Gabby throws her daggers and Dewey quickly tackles May out of harms way. They both make a run for it only to run into the Beagle Boys who all snicker and proceed to grab them. May dodges Burger and uses Big Time's head as a trampoline to escape. Dewey slides underneath Bouncer before following it up with jump kick to the back that sends the large Beagle falling on his brothers, allowing them both to escape.

Joining Hack and Slash on stage is Black Arts Beagle who was holding Huey and Violet and both had been tied up. Standing in front of the microphone was Graves who had captured Ari and had tied him and Launchpad up. Graves holds Launchpad with one hand and drops down Ari from the other before speaking.

Graves: Ladies and gentlemen, your attention. This is a robbery.

He jumps down just as the assassins and Beagle Boys tie up everyone they captured together, which earns them glares from the Caballeros, Ari and Duck Family members they captured. Jose looks to Huey, Violet and Launchpad.

Jose: How did they capture you three?

Violet: These assassins ambushed us outside the museum.

Huey: They completely knocked us out.

Launchpad: And tied us up. They even captured Ari. Ari squawks sadly.

While that is happening Dewey, Louie, Lena, May and June crawl behind the stage after escaping.

Graves: Everybody stay calm. Once my team has secured the museum we can finally get what we came here for.

Graves smirks as Slash holds Glamour and Bouncer holds Della, forcing them in front of Graves.

The 5 kids emerge from behind a dinosaur stand to watch events unfold.

Lena: There was another scheme going on!?

June: Nice job seeing the angle for that one Louie.

Lena: Lena angrily nudges June. Not now June!

June: June becomes sheepish. Sorry...

Louie: I had it all planned out. How was I supposed to know Louie's Seventeen wasn't the only scheme tonight?

May: This is awful! What do we do!? We can fight them all on our own!

Dewey: Wait, Louie's Seventeen! He counts with his fingers, realizing there have only been 16 members so far. 1 hasn't played a part yet. Whose number 17?

Louie immediately feels his spirit rise, taking them aback since he was a crying just a minute ago.

Louie: That's it! I knew the plan was perfect! He pumps his fists. The enforcer, the guy… or in this case, the girl you call in when everything goes bad. I'll show her who's not IT. With a devious smirk Louie activates his earpiece again. Number 17, you're our last hope! It's your moment to shine!

Xandra: About time!

Graves hears some footsteps and his team gasps as they look to the door. The door is kicked down off its hinges by Xandra who brings her fists up in fighting stance and with a big smug smirk.

Xandra: Finally! Some action!

At home, note 17 is removed to reveal a picture of Xandra effortlessly lifting a massive boulder up with one hand and another on her hip, flexing her abs and biceps with a cocky smirk.

17: The Muscle:

Xandra the Goddess of Adventure

May: Careful Xandra, this guy is really tough.

Xandra: Xandra cracks her knuckles. Oh yeah? I'll show him tough!

Xandra charges at Graves who stands their blankly without batting an eye. But when she gets metres away Xandra gasps to see a dark aura surrounding the falcon.

Xandra: Darkness? She launches a punch that Graves meets with equal force much to her shock. What!?

She throws more punches that Graves counters, a kick which is effortlessly evaded and when she tries again Graves delivers a vicious back punch that sends Xandra flying and screaming into the statue of a hippo which brakes to pieces. Xandra rubs her forehead and watches Graves loom above him. She gets up in determination.

Xandra: Okay…so you caught me off-guard. But not this time!

She attempts to deliver more punches only for Graves to dodge and deliver a couple of blows to the face that makes Xandra shout and reel back in pain before grabbing her hair gets grabbed and she screams when she gets punched in the gut. The Goddess clutches her stomach struggling to stand straight as she drops to her side groaning in pain. Graves clutches her throat and lifts her effortlessly, his tight grip chocking her before the hitman tosses her like a ragdoll. Xandra shouts and slides into a table. She half-opens her eyes painfully to watch Graves approach her.

Xandra: Who are you?

Graves: Just a humble hitman that made a deal for power and another for money.

Graves lifts her up from beneath, holding her above his head and then smashing the Goddess of Adventure into the circular table so hard it splits in half. Xandra lies on the splintered floor/table unconscious and groaning in pain.

Panchito, Jose, Huey, Webby, Violet, April, Launchpad and Della are stunned to see how easily a goddess like Xandra was beaten.

Dewey, Louie, Lena, May and June are just as horrified, Louie mainly because his perfect scheme is falling apart.

Louie: NO!

Dewey: Oh boy…

May: Xandra!

Lena: You've gotta be kidding me!

June: How could she have been tossed like a ragdoll and get beaten so badly.

Della: Xandra, no!

With a smirk, Graves stands above Xandra adjusting his cuffs.

Graves: That was unexpected. He then takes Xandra's crown and places it in his pockets. I'll take this as the spoils of my victory.

With angry growl Della musters enough strength to blow Bouncer back with a shout before grabbing his hand. She swings and tosses him into slash before jumping and diving at Graves with her fists reeled back for a strong punch only for Graves to sense it and back punch her in the face. Della is sent screaming in pain and crashes into a dinosaur skeleton. For a moment she's buried underneath a pile of bones until she lifts and throws off the dinosaur head with a grunt. She grimaces as she rubs her shoulder and in anger watches Graves approach her.

Della: I'm not through with you pal! Nothing can stop Della Duck!

She jumps to launch a punch that Graves dodges, followed by a kick and then throws as many punches as she could only for the hitman to hold Donald's sister back by her forehead making her attempts to land a hit in comical failure. Della jumps and finally lands a blow in the face that makes him reel back.

Huey: Yeah! Go Mom!

Della lands kicks left and right with her metal leg that strike Graves repeatedly but the falcon catches it eventually and shows he has taken zero damage, much to Della's horror. She's pulled in, getting punched in the stomach and then headbutted in the forehead, both of which Della screams from. She screams louder when Graves delivers a blow to the face that sends Della flying and she hits the floor on her back. A little blood trickles from her beak as she wobbly gets up holding up her fist with her eyes half-open and her teeth clenched.

Della: I…won't…quit!

When Graves approaches her she attempts to hit him again only to be grabbed and lifted up by her neck tightly. The pilot begins to choke and feels herself turning blue as Graves runs and smashes her into another circular table like she did with Xandra. She can't fight back as Graves grabs her hair and bangs her against the floor and other tables, causing her to scream louder. The falcon then gives a big toss and Della screams she crashes into Xandra, making the Goddess grunt loudly too.

Both Della and Xandra are now lying on a broken table groaning in pain and unable to fight back.

Huey: Mom!

Dewey & Louie: Mom!

Graves: Tie them up.

The Beagle Boys and Hack go over to the pilot and goddess to do just that while Graves walks back to Glamour who's being held by slash again. He holds out his hand demandingly.

Graves: Now Mrs Glamour, give me your phone.

Glamour could only stand their shocked once again and for the first time she's completely powerless against her own employee no less. The entire family is in a dire situation and there's only one man that can save them now, but he's out of commission.


(1) Spongebob Squarepants - Pizza Delivery

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