The Princess and the Fraud

By miss_liz201

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Eighteen-year-old Camilla Valentino is having a hard time adjusting to the many expectations people have of h... More

The Princess and the Fraud
• CAST •
00. Cupido Primaverile
01. La Belle Fraude
02. Not One, But Two
03. Struck by Cupid
04. Breaking the Norm
05. Royal Rendezvous
06. The Norms of a Princess
07. Unexpected Visits Lead to Jealousy
08. E Solo Con Un Bacio
09. A Date With A Lord
10. Royal Estate Endeavors
11. Prince Nicolas of Spain (Part I)
12. Prince Nicolas of Spain (Part II)
13. The Italian Festival
14. The Way He Lied
15. Strike a Deal
16. Partner's In Crime
17. Will You Marry Me?
18. Just a Girl and Just a Boy
19. Reconciliation
20. There Are No Happy Endings
21. Once a Criminal Always a Criminal
22. Royal Engagement
23. The Fraud Who Turned Into a Prince
25. The Royal Wedding Disaster
26. Don't Let History Repeat Itself
27. A Modern Happily Ever After (Epilogue)

24. One Night Only

36 4 0
By miss_liz201

"I was expecting for us to have more bonding time," Dylan's mother said as she stared at her son.

"Beatrix, he loves this girl. It is the least we can do for him after all he's been through," King Andries, Dylan's father replied. "We will be here to support you son."

Son. The word seemed foreign to the twenty-three year old who sat in front of them. He could not believe that all this time his parents were the King and Queen of the Netherlands. And that he was a freaking prince. Dylan hoped this new status would help him get Camilla back.

       "You're awfully quiet for someone who was reunited with his long lost family," Lotte, Dylan's elder sister said.

       She sat on the other side of the plane's aisle.

"I'm sorry, this has all just been so much to process." Dylan replied with a nervous smile.

His sister had a teasing smile on her face. "I'm just kidding," she assured.

"I can't believe that you are really home. Mama and papa talked a lot about you all the time," Nora said as she grinned at her older brother.

Fleur and Aliza were the much quieter ones, but they still seemed pleased to have their brother home.

"We have arrived, your majesties." The flight attendant announced.

The door to the plane was opened and the chattering of the crowd outside could be heard. Dylan looked out his window and noticed the reporters outside already snapping pictures.

His stomach churned with nerves. Although, his name was cleared, half of Italy still hated him for deceiving the royal family. Perhaps they always would.

"They cannot harm you," King Andries assured his son. "You have our protection now."

Dylan gave him a grateful smile.

The Dutch royal family walked out of the plane. King Andries and Queen Beatrix walked out first. Follow by the crowned princess, Lottie and Dylan. The three triplets walked out last. Dylan was not used to the attention or the security guards surrounding him.

So this is what I have missed, the brunette boy thought to himself.

He remembered his childhood vaguely. The only prominent memory engraved was of that fateful night where he was separated from his parents. He was only five at the time.

"Prince Dylan! Why did you lie about your true identity?"

"Is it true that you are a wanted con-artist?"

"Are you here to get back with Princess Camilla?"

"How do you feel about the royal wedding?"

"Tell us, what are your plans."

Dylan dodged the microphones being shoved at his face as the security guards pushed the crowd back. King Andries took his son's hand and allowed him to enter the car first.

His name may have been cleared in England and the rest of the world, but in Italy things were yet to be peaceful.


At the palace, Camilla watched as the royal car was bombarded with reporters. The car barely managed to drive through the crowded streets.

"Who would have though he was a prince?" Flora, who sat beside the anxious princess mused.

"Do you think this will change things? Do you think mamma will finally accept him?" Camilla asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

Flora gave her sister-in-law a sad smile. The young Queen knew better than anyone, it was not easy to change the Queen Mother's mind. It took Flora becoming pregnant for Rebecca to finally accept her into the family. The brunette knew, it would take something big for Dylan to be forgiven.

It also did not help that Hayden was still mad about his lies.

"I should talk to him right?" Camilla asked. "I should tell him why I agreed to marry Lord Guido."

"Camilla—" Flora did not know how to put out the hopefully spark in the princess' eyes. "Your mother has arranged for the Du—Prince, and his family to stay on the far south wing. She doesn't want any interactions between the two of you during his visit."

       Camilla's blood began to boil upon hearing the news. Of course, her mother had gone to such lengths.

       "Why won't she let me marry him? He's a prince now for God's sake!" Camilla paced around the room trying to find a solution. She then turned to Flora with a pleading look. "Help me see him, Flora. Just one time. I just need to see him once more before the wedding."

       "Camilla, I-I can't," Flora replied. The Queen had her hands tied. If she helped Camilla, she would never hear the end of it from Rebecca. However, if she didn't, Camilla would miss up on the last chance to see the love of her life one last time. "Okay. I will arrange for some guards to sneak Dylan into your chambers."

        Camilla shook her head. "My mother always sends one of her lapdogs to check up on me every hour at night. Have them take him to the library."

"The library?" Flora asked confused.

Camilla nodded with a wide grin. No one would find them in their special hiding place, not even her mother.

"Your royal highness, Lord Guido is here to see you." The maid announced and Camilla grimaced.

"I'll have your package there by eight o'clock," Flora whispered to Camilla as Miguel stepped inside.

       "Your majesty," Miguel bowed his head at Flora as she walked by and out the door. Miguel scoffed as soon as Flora was gone. "I have to say, your sister-in-law thinks too highly of herself."

       Camilla rolled her eyes. "She does not need to greet you if she doesn't want to."

       "But we are to be family soon," Miguel argued as he walked over to his fiancé. He leaned down to kiss her, but Camilla turned the other way. "My love, must I keep refraining myself? Am I not allowed even one kiss?"

       "You can wait until the wedding night," Camilla replied.

       "It's because of that asshole isn't it?" Miguel asked through gritted teeth.

       Camilla could not believe what she ever saw in Miguel. He was arrogant and entitled. Like most people in her life, he only saw Camilla's exterior. Not once did he stop to ask if she was okay with this wedding. All he did was complain about Dylan.

       "Did it ever occur to you that I did not wish to marry you out of will?" Camilla raised an eyebrow. "I only agreed to this engagement out of duty, but my heart will forever belong to another."

       Miguel's eyes filled with rage, but he calmed himself. He would only have to put up with Camilla long enough to get the crown.

       "You heart me, love. I thought we had something special," Miguel said feigning a hurt expression. However, Camilla could look past it. "It is too late now though. Everyone is expecting us to get married tomorrow morning. If I could, really I would let you be with the man you love, but both our reputations are on the line here."

       "And that is the only reason why I'll go through with this," Camilla replied with a frown. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I shall like to rest for a bit."

       Miguel nodded understandingly and left the room.

       "Fucking brat," Miguel mumbled as soon as he was far away.


       Dylan laid on the large bed with an arm over his forehead. He knew that the royal family would not be pleased with him, but he didn't expect them to send him to the farthest wing. Now, he had no chance of seeing Camilla. Of talking to her one last time.

       If only he had found his parents sooner. Would things have turned out differently?

       A light knock on the door pulled Dylan away from his thought. Dylan slipped out of his bed and was surprised to find one of the royal families top guards standing on the other side of the door. He remembered him from his time at the palace. His name was Benjamin.

       "Am I getting arrested again?" Dylan joked, but this brought no humor to the guard.

       "I am only here because the Queen sent me. She has asked for a private meeting with you. We don't have much time so let's go," Benjamin explained.

       Dylan did not question him. He slipped in his slippers quickly and followed after the guard.

       They snuck past the royal guards of the West Wing and sauntered into the royal library. Benjamin stopped once they reached the far end of the library.

"Wait here," Benjamin whispered.

The room was quiet and dark. It felt kind of scary.

Dylan was growing weary as the seconds past by, that he did not see the figure approaching him.

       "Hello," Camilla's tone was low and sweet. Dylan turned to her shocked.

       The two lovers broke into wide smiles. Dylan rushed over and took Camilla into his arms. The latter giggled as he spun her around.

      "You have no idea how much I've missed you," Dylan said as he held the blonde close to him. He was afraid to let go.

        "I've missed you too, my love." Camilla said as the two slowly pulled away.

        Camilla looked up at Dylan, cupping his face in her hands, hoping the moment was real. That Dylan was really there and it was not just a dream. To confirm her thought, she pulled Dylan into a kiss.

       It was slow but demanding. As if the two had been starved for months, and they were each others first meal.

       "Come," Camilla whispered breathlessly. She guided them past the portrait door and into their hiding place.

       There were candles laid out to illuminate the dark room. She led Dylan to the couch and the two sat down to take the moment in.

       "I am assuming Flora helped you arrange this meeting?" Dylan mused and Camilla nodded.

       "My mother felt threatened by you being here, that is why she sent you and your family to the farthest wing in the palace. But I just couldn't let the opportunity pass by," Camilla explained. "I want you to know that I did not want to marry Miguel. I only did it because my family wanted me to. I still love you Dylan, I always will."

       "Then, be my wife. Leave Miguel and come with me," Dylan begged.

       "If only it were that simple." Camilla looked down at the floor. She wanted to be with Dylan, but everyone already expected her to marry Miguel.

       "I'll convince your mom," Dylan insisted. "I'll convince everyone that I love you. I'll do whatever it takes, just don't give up on us. You can say you're extremely ill and the wedding will be postponed. Then, we convince your family to accept us being together."

       Camilla wanted to believe that Dylan's plan would work, but she knew better. This wasn't a cliché fairytale like her brother and sister-in-law.

       How she wished Dylan and her could stay together despite the rumors like her brother had with Flora. She then turned to Dylan with a sad, but determined smile.

       "We can try it," she said as she stroked his cheek. "But in case it doesn't work out, I want us to make the most of this night."

       "What do you mean?" Camilla smiled as she slipped off the straps of her night gown. Dylan looked at her surprised. "Are you sure?"

       Camilla nodded. "I don't want anyone but you."

       Dylan's Adam's apple went up and down as he swallowed nervously before leaning in to close the gap between the two of them. Camilla molded her lips with him and pulled him closer.

       She wanted to be with him. Even if it was only for one night.

Author's Note
So things got a little spicy this episode. What do you think will happen next? Will Lord Guido find out about Camilla's betrayal? How will the Queen Mother react? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Song: One Night Only - Jennifer Hudson

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