Galactic Droid ✧・゚Taegyu

By Taegyaza

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✭ A careless intergalactic traveler named Beomgyu, literally crashed his space capsule on Earth. This unworld... More

-𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝟘 ✭ I𝕟-
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1K 69 207
By Taegyaza

The main story ended at section 45, what happens here follows the previous events but it isn't necessarily canon, it can be if you simply want it to be.
I just made these 2 chaps to give you a bit more :)

Again, these chaps aren't real.

Special time | Part 1 |

18 months later
Location: Australia
Date: March 2024

Two Korean guys live in Australia in the countryside. A 23-year-old guy named Lee Felix decided to help his same-aged friend Noah out in mowing a grassland.

"It's really thoughtful of you, to get little jobs like this to help your poor grandfather out... But can't you find something easier than mowing this big-ass prairie?!" Felix complained with his head down, while dragging the lawnmower.

"Oh my god look!" Noah exclaimed in a thrill, pointing at the view in front of them as they arrived at the location. "It's so beautiful how the flowers match with the purple-blue sky.." He then randomly sat down on the grass before letting his head rest on the land.

"Mate, what are you doing? Get up-"

"I love coming here.. it feels fantasy-like.. as if we're in another world.." It's too late to save Noah, he's deep in his reverie. "You know, I heard that the sky in Umyria is constantly purple and blue. So I feel like we're on that planet right now..."

"Umyria? Oh right... Where that departed alien was from.."

"Can you believe that my friend was friends with him and his boyfriend was the friend that I talked about's friend?! Why do we live in Australia I hate this!! I could've met Beomgyu.." Noah ranted

"I lost you at 'friend' bro.."

"But anyway this view is oh my gosh.. why do I feel like something magical is about to happen..? Like finally get a boyfriend—"

"You?! A boyfriend?! AHAHA!" Felix started cracking up "You can't make eye contact with a guy you like without panicking you dumbass."

Noah got up furious over this 'underestimation' and he stomped towards his friend. "Ok shut up you—"


All of a sudden, The sky turned dark blue within a concentrated area right before them, it happened so unnaturally that fear immediately drove through the guys. Being the coward he is, Noah held onto Felix. "HEYO??"

The dark clouds then dispersed, revealing a big ball of blue light which started slowly descending to Earth. Felix rubbed his eyes before looking back upwards beyond shocked. "What the actual hell—"

The ball of light proceeded to explode, thankfully with mild power but it left the guys blinded for some time.

And as they were finally able to reopen their eyes, their jaws dropped.


Location: S.Korea
Date: March 2024

"So guys.. Have you heard of this umyrien myth..?!" Soobin tried to drive in some suspense with his hands.

Yeonjun had invited the group of friends that he made over the last year and a few months to his house to hang out. Huening and Logan were sitting on a couch, Taehyun and Jaeyun together while he was with Soobin who randomly started saying something odd.

"Well no, we're not umyriens. I don't even know human myths." Huening said blankly. "Why are you telling us thi—"

"So this is how it goes!" Soobin was too enthusiastic, he even put some mythical background music on his phone to set the mood.
"As you know a umyrien's dead body disappears into thin air after some time. Well, rumour has it that the body actually goes into space and transforms into a star... The person stays in that form for a year and they can see everything that happens in the world during that time."

"Then on a random month, but not on a random date, it has to be the number that the umyrien was born on, the universe picks one of the thousands of planets in the universe and sends the body over there as a reincarnated person of whatever species reigns on that planet. They'll still have the memories they had in their previous life. Like a umyrien can get reincarnated into a netanien for example if they get sent to Netania. They'll keep the same general appearance but acquire netanien characteristics, like their pink skin!"


"Why're you telling us this?" Huening Kai repeated unimpressed.

Soobin frowned at the fact that everyone was indifferent about his words. "Because we happened to have lost a umyrien almost 2 years ago.. And we're the 13th today.. so you know... if the legend is true—"

"It's called a legend for a reason hyung." Taehyun snapped while trying to keep a kind voice. "Beomgyu isn't coming back."

Soobin's lips started slowly forming into a pout and as soon as Yeonjun noticed this he shouted. "How dare you guys brush off the bunny's amazing speech?!" He laced his arms around Soobin "Don't worry I'll always be there to listen to you, it's my duty since you like me so much!"

"Yeonjun hyung..." Soobin said. "I don't like you."

"Yeah. Apart from Minkyu, no one likes you here." Taehyun added, his voice graced with boredom. The others in the room nodded immediately, except for the youngest who just smiled.

"Then why do you guys accept to come over?!" Yeonjun glanced at everyone, while jokingly looking offended.

"FOR THE FREE FOOOOD!" Kai shouted arms in the air, he had a bit too much caffeine. "You're like a living cyball with all that money!!"

"Great. My friends are gold diggers." He muttered to himself.

"Better than being a murderer like you." Jaeyun stated further.

"Oi! Oi!! I haven't touched a weapon in over a year! As a result, I wanna say that life's been boring. BUT having Soobin with me makes it exciting or should I say normal...? I'm a new man!" Yeonjun pointed his index in a random direction. "Y'all won't be here if you didn't think so too, I know you like me!"

"Yeonjun hyung, in my case I don't like you." Soobin said.

The oldest started clearing his throat exaggeratedly before grabbing Soobin's hand and pulling him away from the couch. "Excuse my inamorato, he's a little lightheaded after what we did last night. Some time alone is required at the moment, to uh fix him."

Soobin immediately sent him a glare.

ShoCked, Logan cupped his own face as his innocent eyes (but not mind) widened. "W-what did you guys do..?"

"It's better if you don't know my Kyu-yah.." He patted the guy's head before basically forcing Soobin out of the room by the hand and the door soon closed behind them.


Jaeyun decided to ask Taehyun something that he's been meaning to ask "Tae.. Are you really okay with Yeonjun hyung being in our circle?"

Huening spoke up, ignoring that this question isn't directed to him. "Honestly his personality is quite amusing, he gave me 8 molang plushies and he likes mint choco so you know.. He gets to be my 9th favourite friend."

"Just why do you rank everything?" Logan muttered out.

Taehyun stared up at the ceiling for some time then he let his answer out accompanied by a sigh. "He apologized and he brings Soobin hyung's mood up, so I have no choice but to tolerate that guy."

"I see.." Jaeyun smiled genuinely.


Legs crossed and sitting on a double bed with Soobin, Yeonjun was busy softly pinching and squeezing the younger's cheeks. Apparently fixing him. "Is this dough? So squishy so cute~"

Soobin puffed his cheeks in playful annoyance as a pout formed on his lips. But this only made Yeonjun coo more. "For someone who just denied liking me, you sure seem to be secretly enjoying this."

"Well for someone who literally begged me for forgiveness last year, you sure seem pretty cocky right now."


September 14th 2022

Soobin was sitting on the trunk of a chopped tree, busy feeding a squirrel some nuts.

His ears soon perceived someone approaching by the crunching sound leaves made under their steps.

Soobin wiped some tears off his cheeks and asked with much hostility while still looking down at the squirrel. "How'd you know I'd be here?"

"The woods is where I first met you. I still remember how you were chasing after a squirrel while saying: My designation is Soobin, help me escape from the brown giant monsters." Yeonjun cracked up a smile.

"Is that the same squirrel?" He added. "It seems pretty tamed even after that trauma-"

"Why're you here?" Soobin asked, eyes still down and eyebrows remaining furrowed.

"To talk. May I?" Yeonjun asked pointing at the space beside Soobin, wondering if he can sit beside him.


"Mkay." He smiled as he immediately just sat on the ground.

There was silence coming from them, all you could hear was the squirrel munching on his nuts, the leaves rustling in the trees and some birds chirping. "I'm sorry for your loss.."

Just with those words, tears started welling in Soobin's eyes again. "What's it to you?" He asked coldly. "You wanted him dead anyway."

Yeonjun just sighed as he stared up at the sky. He's done with the lies, it's time, to be honest. "I did and I don't know what was wrong with me... But now that he's actually gone, I can feel how much impact he held. I didn't want him to die this way, so tragically..."

"I didn't want him to die at all." He continued, his eyes following a bird flying in the sky. "You know, I was in charge of killing you, but I just couldn't. I was also in charge of killing Beomgyu, I was excited about it. But when the moment for it finally came, I slowly found out that I can't do this to him. Nonetheless, I stayed in character like I was told to. I was sort of relieved when he jumped off the plane, I didn't have to kill him anymore. Yet that little shit Zephyr, killed him at the end."

"I guess I realised how much you cute extraterrestrials meant to me. I've not felt lonely since you guys' arrival. I've never lived with friends since you guys' arrival too. And I've never had a genuine crush since your arrival."

Soobin couldn't believe his ears honestly... He tried to stay unbothered but it's getting more and more complicated to achieve that.

"I'm sorry Soobin-ah." Yeonjun uttered his lips quivering, he's still on the grass and looked up at Soobin's side profile.
These words triggered the umyrien's tears to escape his eyes.
"I know sorry doesn't do much, but it's the least I can say... I'm really sorry, I promise I'll change. Sorry for just showing up now too, I wanted to look after my distraught little brother then come to you.. Honestly, I felt really nervous at the thought, I even am now." He chuckled softly.

Silence emerged once again, Soobin turned to his side to finally take a look at Yeonjun. At this moment, he hates how handsome he is but that is not what he should be focusing on. He just wants to check if he seems honest, which he does, nervous too. And blushing too, since Soobin is staring a bit too prolongedly and intensely.

He looked back downwards.

And soon enough, the silence was broken by Soobin's sniffle, he exhaled before muttering loud enough. "I appreciate your apology... Not that I accept it yet.."

Yeonjun smiled in happiness and relief. "I'm grateful.. I'll strive to have your forgiveness one day..!" Ever since he came here, he noticed that Soobin has been trembling a bit, possibly from the cold. But now that the latter seems a bit more comfortable with his presence, he can finally help him out with that. He got up while removing his coat, approached Soobin before enveloping him in it.

The younger feels fuzzy inside all of a sudden after this act of kindness.. Yeonjun then sat back on the floor. "May I feed it some too?" He asked referring to the squirrel.

Soobin nodded faintly.


"Beg isn't the right term. But I'm glad you ended up fully forgiving me, I'm trying my best to change for you, for us." He let go of his cheeks and focused on gazing into his eyes.

The nonstop flirting Yeonjun was doing in the past with every cute guy he meets, was never serious. It's just that if he finds them attractive, he'll tell them. It was easy for him to get flings but he'll never pursue a relationship with them, it was just a way to cope with his loneliness. He never had any friends except for his childhood one Logan. The moment he met Soobin, he owned his heart immediately and his playboy lifestyle went extinct.

Soobin tried to act cool but he couldn't hide his blushing cheeks, he did notice how Yeonjun is genuinely trying to become an honest and decent person for Soobin but also for Beomgyu's sake.

The bluenette could already tell before (Duh otherwise he wouldn't have grown this crush on him in the past) but he can tell even more now that Yeonjun is a sweet person. Although Soobin still can't comprehend his former desire for murder, in the future they could most definitely talk this out.

His brother wasn't that different from Yeonjun in that regard. BG had murdered people on his first day on Earth. And during the time where he wasn't dating Taehyun but had a clear crush on him, he spent his free time disintegrating jealous people who were hating on Taehyun. And hell he even killed himself in that alternate dimension. So Soobin is pretty used to nice people who weren't afraid to kill in the shadows.

"Keep in mind that I wouldn't have said 'yes' when you asked me out five months ago if Beomgyu hadn't written in his letter to me that I should give you a chance." Soobin said with a smirk.

Beomgyu didn't want Soobin to prevent himself from being with the person he can't help but like. If he was around, BG would be really supportive. The young alien always saw the good in people he wanted to trust. Beomgyu didn't hold a grudge against Yeonjun even after that betrayal. He theorized that maybe there was something more to Yeonjun's motives. And there's no way he couldn't have been a victim of Zephyr's manipulation in some way.

Yeonjun scoffed before putting his hand on his cheek "I guess I'm lucky then.." He leaned in, wanting a kiss on the lips that Soobin gladly gave him.

Passion soon took over since Yeonjun was now hovering over Soobin's laid frame as they kissed each other deeply.


Taehyun made a single blank blink, even though he can't hear a thing from here, he knows exactly what's going on upstairs. "I don't like couples especially those who do PDA. Huening, Minkyu, feel attacked."

Kai gasped so dramatically in offense for no rational reason. "UH? NON-BRO?! We're literally the most private ever which is mainly out of respect for you! Like! We're even so far apart right now, I thought you were my non-bro why are you blackening my name?!" He turned to Logan and asked. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?!"

"How ironic." Logan commented with a lack of context.

Taehyun blinked. "This is some bullshit, you were private only in the beginning. I don't actually mind but like- don't lie.. And look you're sitting so close to each other."

Logan stuck his finger up and tried to look stern even though that's not really possible with his innocent-looking face. "Let me provide you with a very realistic answer to that-"

"Stop you don't have one." Taehyun interrupted with Jaeyun nodding aggressively, the silvernette added with a blunt tone. "How'd you explain how you were kissing in front of me at a party bar that you had dragged me to?"

Kai brought his fist to the air before bringing it down in slow motion as he tried to gain some extra time to think of a reply. "Ah!" He then hit it on the living room table. "Well that was during our clingy phase last year."
"Right!" The youngest added.


"Why did they drag you to that party again?" Jaeyun asked, speaking to Taehyun.

"They wanted me to find a hookup. You know, to get me to move on." He rolled his eyes at those words.

"So did you find one?"



"Here." The guy handed the silvernette a shot of tequila "It's on me."

Taehyun took it without a word.
The moment that he entered this place, ogling eyes have been on him. Multiple girls and guys approached him, only to be rejected one by one. Taehyun got tired at some point and as he was looking for his two friends to tell them that they should all start leaving, a guy his age started hitting on him. He was insisting in a not so pushy way to know each other at a table. Taehyun thought of him as the most attractive so far, he's handsome, well-build and taller, so Taehyun accepted but still seemed unimpressed.

The guy grabbed his hand and gently pulled him away from his sit, making him stand up. "Wanna dance now?"

"No thank you..." Taehyun muttered.

"Okay, well, It's just that I've been wondering..." He sneakily looped his hands around Taehyun's lower waist and brought him quite close "..what was such a pretty boy like you doing alone at a party like this?"

"I wasn't originally alone, I had to leave my two friends after the pda that they dared to throw at me." He said emotionlessly.

Taehyun glanced sideways trying to stay stoic as he felt the guy caress his waist with the most obvious sexual interest. He leaned in enticingly "I'll stay with you then~"

Taehyun stared into his eyes that are lustfully gazing right back at him, not knowing what to reply while still remaining unbothered. He wasn't necessarily showing repulsion towards this proximity, so the guy inched closer, aiming to kiss his tempting lips.

"Let's like..." Taehyun who had his hands on his chest applied a bit of pressure to bring him away "not do this..."

"Hm? Why?" He asked, arms still around the shorter.

"I don't feel completely ready to engage with people that way... I'm not really over my previous relationship..." He said lowly, rubbing his neck.

"People come and go, don't be like that."

"You wouldn't understand." Taehyun said more sternly but after seeing the guy's disappointment, he sighed "But look, you can give me your number in case I change my mind."

He nodded before lowering his hands' position to reach Taehyun's butt "Ok but one kiss tho—"

Taehyun immediately slapped his hand away "No and sorry but only my boyfriend could touch me there." He asserted with a kitty glare.


"Oooooh so!!!" HueningKai exclaimed loudly. "Did y'all end up texting, sucking dick and banging hard?!"

"Uhhhhhh... Kai hyung, that's a bit too—"

"Yep. That whole night." Taehyun interrupted.

Kai's eyes widened, he was already preparing himself to let out the biggest gasp of his life but the second he opened his mouth-

"Of course not dumbf*ck. I never even registered his number in my phone." Taehyun crossed his arms, in all honesty, it was nice to go out and meet new people like this, if we ignore that he rejected everyone except the attractive guy.
His heart only belongs to one person. It would be nice in the future if his heart could leave some space for someone else though... He's striving for that.

"It's decided, I and Jake are staying single."

Jaeyun turned his head to his friend and said not really knowing how to address the following to him "Didn't I tell you guys that I have someone now?"

Taehyun facepalmed himself "True- Wait a minute!" He stood up in disbelief after thinking about something "What the hell is this?! When I was with Beomgyu none of y'all were dating! And now yes!?"

"AHA!" Kai mocked pointing at Taehyun who returned a glare. "If Beom hyung was here, he would create a 'sixth wheel' and throw it at you! Finally, I won't be the victim of this assault!!-"

Logan raised a brow. "You must have shit for brains if you think he'd do that to Taehyun hyung. Plus he'd be together with him either way."

"LO-GI NOT YOU TOO!!" Kai yelled in qualm, not wanting to gain a new insulter.


The sound of notifications soon resonated from a phone nearby, they found out after a few seconds that it's Jaeyun's. "Uhh..." he uttered after looking at his text messages. "My fellow Australian friend seems to be drunk texting me...

"What is he saying?" Logan asked.

Jaeyun is now reading the messages out loud "Jake Jakey help my panicking ass!!! I was, you know doing some grass stuff, then some naked ridiculously gorgeous guy just like fell from the sky like I don't know where he came from there was a ball of light that like transformed into this sexy angel. My cheeks are burning please I'm gay as helllllll I can't stop looking at his dick!! My eyes are blessed for eternity ah shit my friend is covering him up nooooooooooooooo."

The silence after he read that was real and most importantly long.

Thank goodness to Logan for breaking it. "Is that Noah hyung..? I didn't know he was on drugs." He then turned to the silver-haired and scoffed. "Remember how you experienced something similar?"

Taehyun looked at him weirdly. "Minkyu when the f*ck did I see a hot naked guy fall from the sky?"

"Well he wasn't naked but your first encounter with B1-G3 hyung was kinda like that no? I was a witness!!" He giggled. "He fell on you out of nowhere."

Without taking notice of it, his hand reached up to gently hold the ruby stone hanging from his neck. Taehyun's eyes visibly saddened, recalling that time. "Right...."

Meanwhile, Kai: "Gosh when was that 3,4 years ago?!! DANG NOSTALGIA IS HITTING ME LIKE 6 TRUCKS!! BEOM HYUNG MY BROOOO!"

"Why do I feel like we're not connecting something?" Jaeyun wondered out loud.


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