Coco x reader

By Richietozier1363

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By Richietozier1363

I slowly open my eyes to see were back in the tomb. I look at my hand to see it soild. I look over at Miguel to see him checking his hands as well. We share a look Before he grabs Héctor's guitar and we dash out of the tomb. As we ran back to Miguel's house we heard his family yell out to us. "THERE THEY ARE!" "MIGUEL!" "(NAME)!" "STOP!"

We ran into the yard of his house and ran towards Coco's room. Just when were about to reach the door Abuelita came out of no where, blocking the door. "Where have you been?!" She asked Miguel.

"Ah! I need to see Mama Coco, please!" Miguel begged, trying to get pass her. Abuelita see the guitar in his hand and points at it. "Huh! What are you doing with that? Give it to me!"

She tries to take it away but Miguel pulls it back. Thinking fast I scream. "ABUELITA, MY FATHER MAKES GUITARS FOR A LIVING!" Abuelita gasp and grab my arm. "No wonder my poor boy lives in some musical fantasy."

This distraction allowed Miguel to get in Cisco's room and lock the door. Abuelita lets me go and bangs on the door. "Miguel, stop. Miguel! Miguel? Miguel!"

Miguel, walks up to his grant grandma. Who sits in her wheel chair, with a lost look on her face. Miguel kneels down placing the guitar beside me. "Mama Coco? Can you hear me? It's Miguel. I-I saw your Papa! Remember? Papa? Please. If you forget him. He'll be gone. Forever."

Coco does not respond. Miguel picks up the guitar to show Coco. "Here. This was his guitar, right? He used to play it to you?" Still nothing.

He place the guitar down and takes out the photo of Imelda, little Coco, and Héctor's face rip out. "See, there he is." Miguel moves Coco's head to make her look at the photo. "Papa, remember? Papa?"

Coco move her head back, saying nothing. "Mama Coco, please. Don't forget him." Miguel stands up on the verge of tears. He failed. Coco doesn't remember Héctor anymore. Just then the door open and Abuelita marches in, up to her mother's side. "What are you doing to that poor woman?" She place her arm around Coco and rubs her hand. "It's okay, mother."

Miguel parents walk up behind Miguel. "What's gotten into you?" His father asked. Miguel doesn't respond. She just burst into tears and hug his father. His father put his hand on Miguel's head and his arm wound him to hug back. "I thought I lost you, Miguel."

"I'm sorry, Papa." Miguel apologize. "We're all together now. That's what matters." His mother said joining the hug. "Not all of us." Miguel cry into his Father.

"It's okay, Mamita." Abuelita turns to face Miguel. Miguel's cousins force (Name) to the front like she was a criminal put on trail. "Miguel, you apologize to your Mama Coco." Abuelita told Miguel then she looks to (Name). "And you young lady. Apologize to all of us for lying and intoxicating Miguel."

Miguel steps towards Coco. "Mama Coco..." He touches Héctor's guitar with his foot making him look down at it. "Well, apologize." Abuelita order. Miguel step over the guitar and kneel down picking it up. "Mama Coco... Your Papa... He wanted you to have this." Miguel started to play.

Abuelita moves to stop him but (Name) steps in front of her with her send out. "For once in you life will you please just listen to him!" She whispers begged. Abuelita looks at the girl in shock. Then angry about to push her aside but Miguel's father grabs her arm, stopping her. "Mama... wait..."

Miguel: "Remember me Though I have to say goodbye Remember me Don't let it make you cry For even if I'm far away...."

"Look!" Miguel's mother said. Coco was move her fingers. She started to respond to the song.

Miguel: "I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to you Each night we are apart Remember me Though I have to travel far..."

Coco then started to sing along and look Miguel with a smiles. The family and (Name) started to cry tears of joy. By this time, Miguel and Mama Coco were both singing the song. "Remember me Each time you hear a sad guitar Know that I'm with you The only way that I can be Until you're in my arms again Remember Me......"

Coco look at (Name) and the family. "Elena? What's wrong, mija?" She asked her daughter. Abuelita sniffs. "Nothing, Mama. Nothing at all." Coco looks at Miguel. "My Papa used to sing me that song." She said making Miguel cry. "He loved you, Mama Coco. Your Papa loved you so much." Coco place her hand on Miguel's cheek whipping a tear away.

She then opens a drawer next to her and pull put a notebook, opening it up and flipping through it. "I kept his letters. Poems he wrote me. And..." She taking a rip piece of paper. Miguel takes it and holds it next to the family photo. The complete it with Héctor's face.

"Papa was a musician. When I was a little girl... He and Mama would sing such beautiful songs." Miguel stands up and hugs his Great Grand mother. After singing Remember Me to Coco. The family forgot about kicking me out. In fact they forgot about the no music rule entirely now. I look forward on what this mean for Miguel. But right now I got to get home to see my Papá.

Miguel and I stand by the gate of his house. "I'm sorry, (Name)." Miguel apologize. "For what?" I asked him. "For getting us send to the Land of the Dead. And for almost letting you disappear. If I had just listen to you. We wouldn't have ended up there."

I smile a punch his arm lightly. "You're being to hard on yourself. Sure it was scary, disappearing. But look at what's happen becuase of you. Music is back your family's life. Coco remembers things now. And we got to meet Héctor."

Miguel gives a worry look. "Do you think I was in time?" He asked. Worry that Héctor may no longer be in the Land of the Dead. "I know you did. I can feel it.... And if you weren't. Héctor still with us."

I place my hand over his heart. "In here." I told him. Miguel smiles down at my hand. And place his hand over my. "I was so scared when you were disappearing, (Name). I was scared I never get to see you again, or get to tell you...."

Miguel pauses on his words. Unsure on weather or not to continue. I smile and kiss him on the cheek. "I like you too, Miguel." I told him. Miguel looks at me in completed shock. "Y-you do?" He asked. I give a close eye smile and nodded. Miguel gives out a nervous chuckle.

Before any other exchange could happen. We heard Abuelita call out for Miguel. "Miguel! Where are you? We want to hear another song!"

I chuckle and ruffle Miguel's hair. "Get going musician." Miguel smiles at me. He turns to leave but then turbs back to me. To quickly kiss me on the cheek before running back into the yard. I place my hand over my cheek and smile at the ground for a few seconds. Before headeding home.

I return home to find Papá pass out on the sofa. His phone on the floor. There's was only one possible conclusion I could come up with. I walk up to Papá and shaking him lightly. "Papá? Wake up Papá." Papá groans as his eyes slowly open. After a few seconds allowing his senses to awake, he looks at me.

"(Name)?.... (NAME)!" He springs up making me jump back. "(Name), where have you been?! I look everywhere. I call everyone I know in Santa Cecilia! You are in big trouble youn...."

I cut Papá off by tackling him into a hug. "I'm sorry Papá... I-I..." I begin to break down crying. Papá angry disappears entirely. And is replace with concern. "What's wrong, Cariño."

And the sound of hearing Papá call me Cariño. I started crying more. "I

love you, Papá." I said through my tears. Papá raps arm around me and rubs my hair softly. "I love you, too."

"I miss Mamá." I said through my tears. Papá breathing hitch at me bring up Mamá. He is silence for just a moment. "I miss her, too."

Papá kneels down to look at me. "(Name), I know these past months have been hard. On you especially. No child should lose a mother at such a young age. And I realize me not talking about her maybe in fact bring you greater pain. If it is I am so sorry."

"I'm sorry too, Papá. I've been trying to forget her. But it just makes things worst. But my friend help see that. I want to remember Mamá. The good and bad times." I told Papá trying to wipe my tears away.

Papá smiles at me sweetly. "Come here." Papá pulls me into his chest allowing me to let out all the tears I've been holding back.

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