Payback (Hiatus)

By Sephtis_Soul

209K 6.6K 1.3K

(Vilgilate Deku) In the aftermath of the hard-fought victory against the formidable League of Villains, the y... More

Chapter 1 (EDITED)
Chapter 2 (EDITED)
Chapter 3 (EDITED)
Chapter 4 (EDITED)
Chapter 5 (EDITED)
Chapter 6 (EDITED)
Chapter 7 (EDITED)
Chapter 8 (EDITED)
Chapter 9 (EDITED)
Chapter 10 (EDITED)
Chapter 11 (EDITED)
Chapter 12 (EDITED)
Chapter 13 (EDITED)
Chapter 14 (EDITED)
Chapter 15 (EDITED)
Chapter 16 (EDITED)
Chapter 17(EDITED)
Chapter 18 (EDITED)
Chapter 19 (EDITED)
Chapter 20 (EDITED)
Chapter 21 (EDITED)
Chapter 22 (EDITED)
Chapter 23 (EDITED)
Chapter 24 (EDITED)
Chapter 25 (EDITED)
Character P2
Chapter 26 (EDITED)
Chapter 27 (EDITED)
Special 2.0
Chapter 28 (EDITED)
Special 3

Side Story 1 (EDITED)

5K 156 64
By Sephtis_Soul

Edited: 27 October 2023

"Are you sure you want to go to school?" Izuku inquired with a worried tone as he carefully tied Eri's hair into a ponytail.

"Yup! Besides, I need to start my academic studies," Eri replied, happily licking her apple candy.

"You already know everything you need for elementary school, so what's the point?" Kai questioned. "We could just hire a private tutor."

"Hey! I can teach her, you know!" Izuku playfully nudged Kai. "There's no need to hire one."

"I want to start making my own allies so they can help me defeat the heroes," Eri declared, punching the air in determination. "And the only place to start is at school."

"Oh my," Izuku exclaimed, covering his mouth with a sparkle in his eyes. "That's my daughter for you."

"Don't kids your age admire heroes? Especially kindergarten kids?" Kai pondered, crossing his arms.

"True, I too admired heroes once," Izuku smiled with a hint of bitterness. "However, the world is vast. There are kids who might end up like Shigaraki—abandoned, neglected, and feared."

"I know," Kai replied, kissing Izuku's forehead. "Don't train too much today; you're four months pregnant."

"I'll try," Izuku smiled, returning the kiss on Kai's cheek.

"Papa, don't just kiss Daddy! Me too!" Eri pouted.

"Hai hai, my beautiful daughter," Izuku lifted Eri up and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I might pick you up late, so behave at school and don't cause trouble," Kai said sternly.

"I can't make promises I can't keep," Eri replied with a mischievous smile before running outside.

"I wonder where she learned to be so mischievous," Kai sighed. "Just a week ago, she set up a paint bomb in the training room as a prank, and the paint wouldn't come off for days, no matter how much we cleaned it."

"It was probably Dabi's influence," Izuku mused. "He's been around, and it might have rubbed off on her."

"I swear I'll roast that burnt nugget until he's a roasted turkey," Kai fumed.

"Now, now, let's not go that far. He's still my brother's boyfriend," Izuku chuckled.

"Anyway, I hope Eri doesn't cause too much trouble. She's caused problems here for the past few months," Kai sighed again.

Eri's pranks had indeed crossed the line at times. On one occasion, she decided that it would be fun to set a bomb in one of their hideouts, which resulted in significant damage to their building. She wasn't alone in this mischief; some of the Eight Bullets joined in for the sheer thrill.

One such instance involved her planting a bomb in one of their bases, leading to substantial damage to their building. She wasn't acting alone in these antics; some of the Eight Bullets would often join in for the sheer thrill.

Another time, she ventured into public and, using an identity-changing gadget invented by Izuku, disguised herself as a villain. Under this guise, she wreaked havoc, destroying a substantial portion of a mall. She might have been caught if Kai hadn't intervened just in the nick of time. As a consequence of her actions, she found herself on probation. Those who had assisted her in her chaotic endeavors were subjected to a week of intense discipline and retribution.

Despite the numerous warnings, Eri and her associates continued to engage in their mischief. The Eight Bullets eventually opened up their hearts to the Midoriyas after hearing their stories and grew particularly close to Eri. Even though they were often occupied with their responsibilities, they made an effort to spend their free time in wild and adventurous ways, all in the pursuit of making Eri happy, even in the face of punishment.

Kai, personally, didn't take issue with their involvement in various mischief and even illicit activities. However, the extensive damage caused by their pranks led to a significant increase in paperwork and significant expenditures from their budget to rebuild the structures they had destroyed. The police allowed these incidents to slide because the pranks didn't result in harm to civilians, and their Yakuza affiliation made it difficult for the authorities to intervene effectively.

Kai had eventually stopped trying to reason with Eri, as it became apparent that she had no intention of stopping her wild antics anytime soon. Izuku, on the other hand, found some comfort in the fact that she was having fun, and thanks to his gadget, the authorities remained oblivious to her true identity, allowing her to carry out her pranks without being identified.


"Good morning, everyone," a young woman in her early 20s stood in front of a group of small children, her smile radiant.

"Good morning, Hana-sensei!" the children replied cheerfully. Among them, two kids stood in the corner, appearing a bit distant from the others.

"Today, we will have another friend joining us! Isn't that exciting?" Hana announced with enthusiasm.

"Who is it?" one of the kids inquired.

"Let's welcome Chisaki Eri," Hana said as Eri made her entrance.

"Hello," Eri greeted with a polite bow. "I hope we get along."

"She's cute," one of the children remarked as she approached Eri.

"Hey, hey, be my friend," another child chimed in, tugging on Eri's dress.

Eri found herself surrounded by the other children, and their enthusiastic curiosity was starting to irritate her. Fortunately, the teacher eventually stepped in and separated them, giving Eri some breathing room. The day seemed to pass slowly, and Eri grew increasingly bored as the other kids continued to drag her around.

In her quest to escape the crowd, she glanced around and noticed two boys sitting alone in a corner. One of them had silver hair and gray eyes, and there was some sort of hollow presence floating around him. The other boy had a contrasting appearance, with black hair and dark eyes. They seemed to be quite different from the rest of the children.

"Who are they?" Eri inquired and pointed at the two boys, her curiosity piqued. However, the other children had sour expressions on their faces.

"We suggest you don't go near them," one child warned.

"Why?" Eri tilted her head in confusion.

"They're freaks," Kid 5 said with disdain.

"I don't understand!" Eri replied.

"They're also creepy," Kid 6 chimed in.

"My mom said not to go near them because they're bad," Kid 7 added.

"That white-haired kid's quirk is so weird and disgusting," Kid 1 remarked.

"Why is that?" Eri continued to inquire.

"I heard he makes people weak. That's a villain quirk," Kid 2 explained.

"Yup! And the black-haired one has a very dangerous quirk," Kid 4 contributed.

"I heard he killed his family pet," Kid 3 mentioned.

"I heard he was abused by his family because of that," Kid 6 stated.

"He deserved it," Kid 5 asserted. "My mom said never to talk to them or we'll die."

"Same," the other children echoed.

"They're basically villains, just like my dad said," Kid 1 concluded, and the rest nodded in agreement.

Eri stared at the children in disbelief, unable to fathom how they could already engage in such discrimination at such a young age, encouraged by their parents. It made her realize how people must have bullied Izuku when he was four, just for being quirkless. The situation was slightly different in this case since these boys did have quirks, but it was no less disheartening.

Ignoring the other kids' attempts to stop her, Eri ran toward the two boys. The silver-haired one quickly hid behind the black-haired boy, who glared at her.

"Hello! I'm Eri," she greeted them with a warm smile.

"What do you want?" the black-haired boy growled.

"I want to be your friend," Eri replied with an unwavering smile.

"Didn't the others tell you about us?" the black-haired boy questioned, his glare intensifying.

"Yes, but I still want to be your friend," Eri said.

"Like I'll believe you," the black-haired boy retorted.

"What's your name?" Eri asked, undeterred.

"None of your business," the black-haired boy huffed angrily.

"Nice to meet you, None of Your Business," Eri responded sarcastically. "What about you?"

"Yurei," the silver-haired boy timidly replied as he peeked out from behind Gou. "His name is Gou."

"Ya! Why'd you tell her," Gou protested, playfully punching Yurei's head.

"That hurt," Yurei cried, clutching his head. "Besides, she's telling the truth."

"Huh?" Gou was perplexed.

"My hollow says so," Yurei explained, and the ghostly entities playfully rubbed their cheek against his face. "Hehe, there there."

"Really?" Gou asked, still not entirely convinced.

"What do you mean, 'my hollow says so'?" Eri inquired with curiosity.

"My quirk is called Negative Hollow. They materialize into ghost-like bodies and can move freely," Yurei explained.

"How does your quirk work?" Eri asked, pulling out a notebook from who knows where.

"Aren't you afraid?" Yurei inquired, his shy demeanor showing.

"Oh no! I find it interesting," Eri responded with a smile. "Your quirk is a blessing."

"Really!?" Yurei's face lit up.

"Tsk. Don't listen to her. She's probably like the others," Gou scoffed.

"But—" Yurei began to argue but stopped when he saw Gou's angry glare.

"Hey! I genuinely want to be friends, you know," Eri huffed.

"I don't believe you," Gou crossed his arms angrily. "Besides, we hate our quirks. They're cursed."

"I don't hate you," Yurei whispered quietly to his hollow.

"You may hate it now, but you'll learn to appreciate having it," Eri assured him with a warm smile.

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW!" Gou screamed angrily.

"I heard from the others what happened to you guys," Eri replied, her gaze dropping.

"So what! You don't understand how it feels to have a cursed quirk," Gou seethed, clenching his fists. "Don't come near us again."

"My mom abandoned me when I manifested my quirk," Eri spoke quietly but loud enough for them to hear.

"What?" Gou was taken aback.

"My dad is gone because of my quirk," Eri continued. "I killed him."

"Wait, are you for real?" Gou was incredulous, sweat forming on his brow. He gulped when he saw how serious she was. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Eri smiled bitterly. "Besides, now I have a family who loves me so much."

"Lucky," Gou mumbled as he stared at the ground. Yurei watched them both, concern etched on his face.

"Anyway, let's play," Eri suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

Eri excitedly led Yurei and Gou to play with her, disregarding the weird looks and whispers from the other children who were observing them. The rest of the kids found it strange that they would willingly play with "freaks.". Yurei and Gou felt a sense of queasy but Eri's genuine smile and enthusiasm were contagious, and it made Yurei and Gou feel at ease. They didn't want to disappoint her, especially Gou, who felt remorseful for getting angry at her earlier and worried about how people perceived him because of his quirk.

As time flew by, they had the best time they could remember since they had arrived at the kindergarten. Yurei had grown particularly attached to Eri, and Gou had become quite the worrywart, making sure Eri didn't accidentally hurt herself when she got too excited.

When it was time to go home, the other children began leaving. Yurei and Gou hadn't left yet, so Eri suggested playing in the nearby park for a little while. It was just a few blocks away from the kindergarten. It was while they were playing there that an older woman approached them, dragging Gou by the hair while puffing on a cigarette.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Eri protested, forcefully pulling Gou away from the older woman's grasp.

"Who the hell are you, brat?" The older women asked irritated

"I'm his friend," Eri declared firmly.

"Your friend with this monster?! A word of advice: leave him! He's better off alone, or even better, dead," the older woman spewed her cruel words. Gou looked down, his face filled with shame.

"Me being his friend has nothing to do with that! I want to be with him," Eri stated, her determination clear. "Who even are you?"

"I'm his mother! I'm ashamed to even be his mother," the older woman admitted with disgust. "I wish I never gave birth to a monster like him." She then pulled Gou by the hair and pressed her cigarette onto his forehead, causing him to tear up in pain.

Eri couldn't stand by and watch this cruel treatment any longer.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE! THE MONSTER HERE IS YOU!" Eri screamed and pushed her away.

"You brat!!" The older women retaliated by slapping Eri across the face.

"Eri!" Yurei and Gou yelled in concern, trying to protect her.

At that moment, an older man appeared on the scene.

"What's going on?" he inquired. "Asuma? Why are you on the floor?"

"Oh, it's you, Terasaka," Asuma said, identifying the man. "That brat pushed me." She pointed at Eri, who was now being shielded by the two boys.

"Who is she?" Terasaka questioned.

"Apparently, she's a friend of those two," Asuma explained as she got up.

"I see," Terasaka responded unamused. He looked at Eri, which made her extremely uncomfortable. Suddenly, he smirked.

"W-what?" Eri asked nervously. Terasaka grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up.

"How much do you think she'll cost?" Terasaka grinned evilly. The boys and Eri's faces paled in horror. "She has smooth skin. We could sell her at the brothel."

"She's still young, though, but since she's beautiful, she might cost a fortune," Asuma added.

"There are some guys who love little girls like her," Terasaka said, grabbing Eri's chin and making her feel utterly mortified. "What do you think?"

"D-dad," Yurei stammered, his voice trembling with fear.

"What?!" Terasaka glared at Yurei, and the boy flinched.

"L-let Eri go," Yurei pleaded with a terrified expression.

"Shut your trap, or do you want me to lock you up in the basement again?" Terasaka threatened.

"You'll regret this!" Eri said, fuming as she glared at the two adults.

"How so?" Terasaka challenged. Eri bit his hand, causing him to let go. "YOU BITCH!" He slapped her so hard that she fell to the ground, leaving her pale skin red.

"Don't hurt her!" Gou protested and kicked Terasaka's leg. In response, Terasaka kicked Gou in the stomach.

"Tch, these kids are annoying," Asuma complained. "Let's just tie them up."

Eri was on the verge of tears, but then she saw something that made her smile.

"What are you smiling about!?" Asuma questioned.

"DADDY!!" Eri ran towards Kai.

"Eri!! Where were you?! You weren't at the kind—WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR CHEEK?" Kai inquired as he noticed the red mark.

Eri explained everything to him. Kai's face darkened.

"You wanted to sell my daughter?" Kai asked in a calm tone, but Eri knew better. He wasn't calm at all.

"So what?" Terasaka retorted with a sinister grin.

"Hey, Daddy! Don't kill them," Eri implored.

"Kill? You're just an ordinary citizen," Asuma scoffed, unaware of who Kai really was. 

(Note: Not many people knew how the Yakuza members looked.)

Yurei and Gou stepped back, panic-stricken after Yurei's hollow urged them to move.

"Killing them seems to be a light punishment! Torturing them is much better," Eri said, her smile taking on a chilling quality.

"You're right! If I kill them now, that would be a waste. I could extract their organs while they're still conscious," Kai stated matter-of-factly, leaving the two adults staring at them, feeling increasingly uncomfortable.

"Who are you?" Terasaka asked, suspicious.

"You'll find out soon," Kai replied, using his quirk on them, causing blood to spurt everywhere.

Yurei and Gou watched the gruesome scene with terrified expressions. Then, Kai abruptly brought them back, leaving the two adults in a state of confusion. Kai and Eri seized the opportunity to tie them up and place them in the trunk of a car. Kai and Eri high-fived each other.

"What exactly happened?" Gou asked, his voice trembling.

"Aren't you guys supposed to go home?" Kai inquired.

"I don't really want to," Yurei mumbled.

"Same," Gou agreed.

"How about you come with us?" Eri suggested.

"Are you sure?" Gou asked, glancing at Kai, who still frightened him.

"It's fine, right, Daddy? My friend can come, right?" Eri sought her father's approval.

"Sure," Kai agreed, and Eri promptly dragged them to the car.


As soon as Izuku saw Eri's face, he frantically ran towards her, his concern evident. He gently placed his palm on her cheek and used his quirk to cool her down. He then noticed two boys around the same age as Eri, and Eri excitedly introduced them to him.

Izuku questioned the three of them about what had happened, and they shared their ordeal. As he listened, his anger began to simmer and then boil. He couldn't believe the cruelty they had faced.

Izuku left them with Eri and immediately sought out Kai, who had taken the two adults to an underground prison. When he arrived, he found them chained to chairs, begging to be released. It was evident that Kai had already initiated a torture session.

Izuku decided to contribute to their punishment, instructing them to implement additional torture methods. They would be seated on metal chairs surrounded by intense heat, submerged in water with electricity, subjected to slow skin peeling, have their fingers and toes cut like carrots, eyes plucked out, and, lastly, endure Kai's surgical extraction of their organs. It was important to note that they would remain alive throughout the process until the very end.


It's been a week since Izuku decided to let the boys stay with them much to Kai demise. Izuku and Inko got really close with them just like Eri. At first they were really terrified after learning they were in the Yakuza compound but open up only to a few at the moment.

Izuku seethed with an infernal rage that seemed to well up from the depths of hell itself upon learning the extent of his family's wrongdoing. The revelation had pushed him to the brink of losing his sanity, and had it not been for Inko's intervention, he might have unleashed a cataclysmic fury capable of leveling an entire city.

As for Gou, he endured relentless physical abuse at the hands of his family due to his unique quirk. The first time his quirk manifested, it tragically resulted in the accidental death of their family dog. Gou possessed a quirk known as Matter Manipulation, which granted him the power to alter the shape, weight, and composition of any matter in the world. For instance, he could transform a wooden table into glass.

Initially, his family had simply ignored him, but matters took a dark turn when he unintentionally transformed his older brother's body into a grotesque amalgamation of a cow, lizard, bird, and rat. Following that horrific incident, he became the target of relentless abuse, enduring blows from metal bats, belts, and any available household object. The entire family partook in this brutal mistreatment, striking him in concealed locations where no one could bear witness to his suffering.

As for Yurei, his father shamelessly exploited his family for financial gain. He had six daughters, and he used them as a source of income, allowing men to rent their company for days at a time. These men would come to their home and stay for hours, and sometimes even extended stays that spanned days.

In addition to this despicable arrangement, his father coerced them into working at a strip club, leaving them with no recourse but to obey his commands. Any attempts to resist were met with threats to harm their mother, who always shielded them when his father's anger flared.

Yurei, being the only son, was considered virtually worthless to his father. From a very young age, he was confined to the basement, left to fend for himself. His only companion in those dark days was his eerie and enigmatic hollow, a presence he deeply appreciated. He was well aware that people might find him unsettling, but he had grown indifferent to their opinions.

Yurei's hollow companion possessed a unique power, capable of sapping the morale, self-esteem, and will to live from anyone they encountered, effectively hollowing out the spirit of their victims.

(Pretty much like Perona from One Piece Devil Fruit)

In addition to its spirit-draining abilities, Yurei's hollow companion possessed a versatile array of powers. It had the capacity to create smaller ghost entities that, when unleashed, would explode with such force that they could damage stone walls. Furthermore, the hollow could manifest larger ghosts that unleashed even more powerful explosive blasts, capable of causing significant destruction.

Moreover, the hollow possessed an uncanny ability to sense and understand people's emotions. It had an innate knack for discerning whether a person's feelings were genuine or a facade, making it a perceptive and sharp judge of character.

The very next day, Izuku took it upon himself to visit Gou's house, determined to administer justice for the harm inflicted on the defenseless four-year-old. Meanwhile, Inko embarked on a mission to rescue Yurei's mother and sisters, who were imprisoned in chains.

The gratitude expressed by Yurei's family was overwhelming, to the extent that they eagerly expressed their desire to work under Inko. Inko's heart sank when she beheld the dire condition of Yurei's mother, who appeared malnourished and emaciated. His sisters bore the visible scars of abuse, likely inflicted by the men who had exploited them. It was evident that they had fought back, resulting in the painful, blackened bruises that marred their bodies.

According to the women, they had previously reported their situation to the police, but no action had been taken. It appeared that some of the men involved were high-ranking government officials and VIPs, who possibly used their influence and wealth to hush things up. It was a stark example of the system's failings, leaving them without hope in the face of injustice.

Inko welcomed them under her care, offering them refuge in a safe environment. However, they were still in the process of recovering from their traumatic experiences. Inko ensured they attended therapy sessions to help them heal from their emotional wounds. Given that the compound was predominantly occupied by men, the women hesitated to leave the safety of their rooms, a testament to the enduring trauma they had endured.

They oldest was just 17 years old. The youngest of the girl was merely 12 years old. They were willing to be criminal just so they won't go back. For them it's much better to commit crime then being locked up and used as a sex slave.

Two months had passed, and a slow but steady recovery was underway for Yurei's family. Yurei's mother had taken up a position working under Inko as a sort of secretary, contributing to the household and offering support. His sisters had also rekindled their education, attending school to rebuild their lives. The once-quiet compound now buzzed with activity due to the presence of the two boys.

Eri's boundless energy often led to a series of misadventures, while Gou attempted to maintain order and be the responsible one. Yurei, however, usually tagged along with Eri's antics, much to Gou's annoyance 

Izuku was content that Eri had found a friend her age and didn't hesitate to support her when Kai became upset with her. He took a relaxed approach to their occasional disagreements, never making too much of a fuss. Nevertheless, Izuku was determined not to let them simply frolic without purpose. He had a goal in mind: to help them unlock the full potential of their quirks. Training sessions commenced with Izuku as their supervisor, but he was careful not to push them too hard. They trained for a modest two hours, three times a week, striking a balance between honing their abilities and allowing them time to recuperate and adapt.


To be honest, Yurei and Gou wasn't in the original plan. But I was stuck in the previous chapter and had no idea what to write so I randomly add that Eri simply had 2 friend.  That's all that I intended but a new idea came so this happened.

Anyway I do hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

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