A Demon King's Guide On How t...

By DrLightsaber

17.5K 892 563

THIS IS FANFICTION. Please go check out the original work 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint '. This is a story a... More

Living together
Getting Closer
Getting Closer (2)


2.4K 139 59
By DrLightsaber

Kim Dokja boldly stared at Yoo Jonghyuk. He looked a lot braver than he felt. The Demon King could have sworn that he would've soiled his pants if this kept up any longer. With his remaining courage, he finally broke the silence.

" So, what do you want me to do? "

He locked gazes with his roommate as he impatiently waited for his answer. Kim Dokja was taken by surprise when he finally answered.

" One question."

What? Please be more clear when you want to express your thoughts Yoo Jonghyuk. As if they were telepathic, the other resumed talking.

" Answer one question and you won't owe me any favors."

The Demon King couldn't help but be perplexed.

" That's it?"

Wait, Did he really say that out loud? How embarrassing. He didn't want his self-consciousness to show, so he stared into the hero's eyes even harder.

Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't help but enjoy Kim Dokja's gaze upon him. It made his pulse pick up, his cheeks turn a light shade of pink and adrenaline rush in his veins. The feeling of anticipation began clouding his brain.

" Yes. "

Even if Yoo Jonghyuk had a rich imagination, he couldn't have predicted what his roommate would have said next.

" You've done so much for me... A simple question isn't enough to make it up to you. Don't you want me to do two favors instead of one. Perhaps do you want me to do- " he trailed on.

The hero wanted the Demon King to do him, however he couldn't admit that out loud, not yet. Instead he responded in an arrogant manner that poorly mirrored his thoughts.

" What could you possibly do for me? " he scoffed.

The hero immediately regretted it. He knew that his roommate wouldn't take his comment well. His worries were confirmed as he looked straight into his eyes. He saw sadness in his eyes. He had to do something. He needed to apologize. Now.

Kim Dokja realized, with a pang in his chest, that lately he'd been getting quite comfortable with his nemesis. He sighed interrioly before he began speaking once more.

" Haha..'' he awkwardly laughed, '' that was quite arrogant of me. Sorry. You know what? From now on, I'll take care of all the house chores... Apart from cooking, he muttered, That seems like a decent idea. '' Right, Yoo Jonghyuk-? "

" Kim Dokja. " said the hero as he interrupted the Demon King.

That was enough to shut him up. Yoo Jonghyuk resumed talking.

" Just shut up and listen. "

How rude. Kim Doja wanted to give him a piece of his mind, however, he knew that Yoo Jonghyuk wasn't a man he should cross, so he listened to what he had to say.

" Before asking me for a second favor, why don't you finish the first one? "

The Demon King realizes with a pang of embarrassment, that his roommate is right.

" Answer my question. "

Kim Dokja gulped as his shame evaporated and was replaced with dread. What was he going to make him say?

" What's your type? "

" Huh? "

" Don't 'huh' me " said the hero as he made eye contact with the one before him. " And don't make me repeat myself. "

Kim Dokja silently stared at his roommate in bewilderment. What did he want him to say? His type? Why the hell did he want to know that? The Demon King wondered if his wits were finally leaving him. Yes, probably. His sanity had been in a precocious position ever since he first came to this world. Maybe he should ask to repeat himself. Yes. Definitely.

" Can you-? "

His answer was immediate.

" No. " said the hero calmly.

Kim Dokja did not like how his roommate interrupted him. It was extremely rude. He attempted to give him a piece of his mind.

" But I didn't say anything. Can you please just- "

" No. " began his roommate just as calmly as previously. " I know you heard me. "

Yoo Jonghyuk wasn't dense. (Apart from the fact that he still hasn't noticed his feelings for Kim Dokja were reciprocated.) He could see that his roommate was shocked by what he said. Good. That probably meant that his love interest was feeling self-conscious around him. Maybe, just maybe, he liked him back. The thought made his ears flush. His pulse picked up again. Wait! He shouldn't get ahead of himself. In previous relationships, he'd just play it cool and hard to get. In terms of getting laid, it did wonders. However, he wasn't sure that tactic was going to have the same results in this case. After all, he knew that if he didn't chase after Kim Dokja, they'd never date. That's right. He did the right thing. Now, he must wait for Kim Dokja's response to his advances. He was certain he could manage to restrain the horny within him until then.

" Kim Dokja. " said the hero as he locked gazes with the Demon King. " What. Is. Your. Type. "

Even if it was phrased like a question, Kim Dokja knew it wasn't. It was not a proposition, but an order, one that he had an interest to follow. He needed to think fast.

Yoo Jonghyuk could feel his heart pumping against his ribcage. He really wanted to go wack some demons with his chunky sword right now. He needed to unwind. Who would've known it would be this stressful to pull off a stunt like this one? With his last ounce of stress-free thoughts , he waited for his crush's answer.

You. You are the epitome of my ideal lover. His face that looked like it was carved by the gods, his sexy voice, his smoldering gaze, his cooking, his abs, just everything about him was perfect. However, he couldn't just admit that he liked the hero. He would get rejected instantly. Even if he did confess to the hero, the odds of him liking him back were practically non-existent (jokes on him, the odds of Yoo Jonghyuk not liking him were practically non-existent). How was he going to slither his way out of this situation? Even if Kim Dokja's intelligence was leagues above that of others, he couldn't come up with a solution that wouldn't make him admit his feelings out loud. His thoughts were interrupted as his roommate sighed. Kim Dokja was getting worried.

" It's fine. "

Perplexed, the Demon King questioned him.

" What? Why? "

The hero attempted and failed to smile as he tried to hide his dissatisfaction before trailing on.

" If you don't want to tell me about it, it's fine. "

The Demon King scanned the hero's complexion. With some spontaneous thinking, Kim Dokja answered his question.

" Abs. "

Yoo Jonghyuk's mind went blank.

" What? "

Unlike before, his roommate's answer was spontaneous.

" Abs. "

The hero stared at the Demon King in confusion, urging him to elaborate.

" You asked me what my type is. My answer is 'abs'."

Yoo Jonghyuk was bewildered. Lately his self-worth had relied on how many compliments he received from Kim Dokja on a daily basis. He wondered if he had just received a compliment. He knew he had quite the set of abs due to the years he spent fighting demons, however he doubted his ears. He doubted his ears. He received a compliment? Was he finally going insane? Yes, because he was madly in love. (The author would like to apologize for their terrible sense of humor). When Yoo Jonghyuk asked what Kim Dokja's type is, he didn't expect this answer. Did it mean that he found him attractive and this was his way of telling him? That would be... cute. At the thought, he chuckled interrioly. His love interest interrupted his trail of thoughts.

" Is that enough to answer your question? "

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't think much before giving his honest opinion.

" No. " he quickly replied.

Even if the hero was secretly grateful that his demand had been fulfilled, he still wasn't satisfied. He needed- no, he wanted more. His contemplation was interrupted by his roommate.

" What else should I tell you then? " Kim Doka asked, curious. Yoo Jonghyuk knew exactly what he wanted to ask. If he didn't ask it now, he knew he would chicken out.

" Then... " he began

The Demon King made eye contact with the hero as he continued speaking.

" ... Do you like my abs? "

There was only one word that could describe the state of Kim Dokja's mind at this point in time: pandemonium. He wanted to tell the truth. He wanted to say yes. The Demon King's eyes had only been blessed with that godly view of his abs on a few occasions prior (sadly). Besides, honesty is a value. He should learn how to become its embodiment. Perhaps, it would help him in his romantic conquest. However, life had cursed him with the knowledge of the harsh reality they lived in. He should know this by now. There was no way he could just say yes that easily. He wasn't a simp-

" Yes."

Well, guess he was a simp.

Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't believe his ears. What did he just hear? At the realization of what his roommate's reply implied, his ears turned red. Did Kim Dokja find him (his abs) attractive? At the thought, he self-consciously touched his stomach. He could feel the smoothness of his abs under the shirt. Another bold idea began forming in his head. He didn't know how much of this tension he could handle. He began speaking before he got cold feet.

" Would you like to touch them?"

Silence filled the room. The atmosphere got awkward real quick and sexual tension was buzzing in the air. After a few moments, Kim Dokja finally spoke.

" Ha ha, you really need to work on your sense of humor. " he said with false cheerfulness in an attempt to hide his disbelief. Kim Dokja wondered if he was finally going insane. He must be hallucinating. There was no way he would ever-

" I am not joking."

Yoo Jonghyuk wanted to test his roommate and analyse his reaction to this unexpected situation. The hero prepared himself for the worst: Kim Dokja being disgusted with his bold way of seducing him and would begin to dislike him. However, there was still a chance (perhaps a small, if not a non-existent chance) of him actually touching his abs. At this point he just hoped he didn't cross the line of common decency. As his thoughts wandered, he received his answer. It was one he did not expect.

" Alright." said his roommate in a small voice.

Huh? The hero's mind went blank. Silence, once again, filled the room. Kim Dokja quickly averted his gaze from Yoo Jonghyuk's. His gaze landed on the floor and he stared at it as if it was the most interesting thing in the room. As he observed the Demon King, the hero slowly approached the Demon King. He took his roommate's hand in his and gently slid his hand under his shirt and on his abdominal region. A few seconds went by, before Kim Dokja carefully started examining his sixpack. His hand slid across his muscles. Slowly, so slowly, very slowly. His touch was oddly...seductive. At the sudden touch, Yoo Jonghyuk's face flushed and he flinched. The Demon King's hands were warm against his body. He craved more of it. Holding back his lustful desires suddenly became a whole lot harder. The hero could feel the gentle caress of the Demon King's fingers slowly heading down south against his skin and it was a massive turn on. His fingers had reached his pants and had slowly started to venture into unknown territory. Lust had begun to cloud the hero's judgement. All these weeks of horny-gripping seemed to be in vain. His sanity had already begun to leave him. He hungryly observed the one touching him as his finger's mouvements brusquely stopped and as his face turned a deep shade of tomato red.

" I-I..." Kim Dokja stammered " I think I'll be going now. I need to take a breath of fresh air."

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't respond. After all, sexual tension seemed to be buzzing in the air. The hero watched his roommate swiftly as he made his escape. The door closed behind him. After a few moments of mindlessly standing in the middle of the room, he gripped his sword and strided out of their chambers to relieve stress with some well-needed training.

Huff Huff Huff.

A handsome man dressed in clad black was standing in the ashes of the demons he'd just brutally murdered. A bloody sword could be seen in his hand. Yoo Jonghyuk was panting. He'd never had so much trouble killing his enemies whether they'd been demons or humans. After getting summoned as this world's hero, he'd started hunting demons as a sport. It was easy and it helped him distract himself from some somber thoughts. Thoughts. Kim Dokja took his over in seconds. After all, ever since Kim Dokja had entered his life, he'd been too preoccupied by him to train on a daily basis to slay the Demon King. He'd concluded that the Demon King could wait, because first he had to make Kim Dokja his husband. Only after he'd accomplished that seemingly impossible feat would he kill the Demon King and go back to his mother world. With his new husband of course. As he daydreamed about having Kim Dokja for himself, he couldn't stop himself from asking himself the obvious. If they got married, would he get touched by Kim Dokja the way he did today? He could still remember how his roommate's hand felt against him, how very excited it made him feel. His face flushed from shame. How could he let himself lose control so easily? He needed to blow off some more steam before letting himself face Kim Dokja again. He had to act nonchalant about what had just transpired. And that was going to be complicated. Yoo Jonghyuk sighed before heading towards the outside of the Demon King's castle to hunt more demons.

Kim Dokja had trouble getting the image of Yoo Jonghyuk's abs out of his head. The moment in which he touched his roommate kept playing in his head on repeat. He could see how his hand had eagerly explored the area of the hero's chest. It was amazing. Yes,even if he'd had a glimpse, he found that his roommate's body was as amazing as something from the realm of the gods. It embodied perfection. He craved another for another opportunity to touch them. No, he did not have a muscle fetish. But Yoo Jonghyuk's muscles... Just hit different man.


A bulky demon was quickly heading towards Yoo Jonghyuk. It was so fast, one could only see a blur as it approached him. However, it didn't represent a threat for the hero as he quickly dispatched it. On guard, he quickly inspected his surroundings. Before him, stood a small clearing void of anything apart from a few innocent-looking bushes. Nothing threatening. Good. It meant he'd killed all the demons in the area. Again. The demon's in his nemesis's castle respawned every three days and they were a pain to deal with. At first, he was of the belief that they were a benefit. A bunch of meatbags gifted with the ability of practical immortality that he could slaughter every few days. He saw it as a golden opportunity to train and get stronger. However, his perspective had changed. Now, killing demons meant training and training meant time away from Kim Dokja. He didn't want that. Every second away from his roommate felt like an eternity in an endless abyss of despair. His very being seemed to crave one thing: Kim Dokja. At first, he'd ignored the imminent threat that the demons imposed. However, in a few weeks, his reluctance to kill the demons had been eradicated. On the day he'd come home and had found Kim Dokja sick, he'd found a fiend's corpse impelled by a sword close to their chambers. Years of fighting had left it's mark on him and had made him suspicious of anything. Especially a corpse. Who or what had killed it? Did it pose a threat to him? Did it pose a threat to Kim Dokja? Yoo Jonghyuk's numerous regressions had gifted him with the knowledge that in the Demon King's castle, the higher you were, the stronger were the demons you had to fight against. The Demon King's chambers were at the top floor. The being that had killed the fiend must be powerful. Very powerful. Perhaps, it would have been just as strong as the ruler of this castle. That is, if it wasn't the Demon King himself. Yoo Jonghyuk still remembered the extent of his nemesis's power. He'd fought against him before. He'd been worried. The Demon King had been awfully quiet in this regression. Usually he'd try to sabotage him using her army of mobs a few weeks after his arrival in this world. What was he waiting for? Did he know of his newly found roommate? He didn't know. However, the hero did know one thing: to protect Kim Dokja he needed to get stronger. On that grimm note, Yoo Jonghyuk resumed his training as he began swinging his weapon.


As soon as he headed out of the kitchen, Kim Dokja quickly headed into the bedroom and yeeted himself on the bed. He promptly took the closest pillow to him and somethred his screams with it. A few instants pass by with Kim Dokja's head buried in the cushion before he raises his head gasping for air. His face is now visibly red. What did he just do? He touched his roommate and he'd found the experience amazing.He could still remember the touch of his body. The rhythmic feeling of his breathing, his muscles and the pants that seemed to get in the way... He wanted more, he craved more. At the realization, he sighed. He should really apologize to Yoo Jonghyuk. With his remaining resolve, he headed out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to ask for his roommate's forgiveness. However when he'd arrived, there was no one to be seen. Yoo Jonghyuk was gone.

Panic instantly took over his mind. Where had he gone? Did he leave him? Kim Dokja frantically started looking for his roommate. He checked each room in their chambers twice, but there still was no sign of him. The Demon King sighed. Of course he left. He had crossed the line trying to flirt with him and he'd left him. Alone. He'd expected too much from him. Despair had officially taken over. Feeling depressed, he slowly made his way towards the nearest window and dramatically flopped on it's ledge. He stared off into the distance. Next to the castle stood a lone figure of man. A certain smokin hot babe. Yoo Jonghyuk. Kim Dokja noticed that he swinging his sword. Shirtless. The Demon King was taken by surprise. Sure, Three Ways To Kill A Demon King had mentioned that the hero trained whenever he got the chance, however it had never said it he'd train half-naked (not that he was complaining). In fact, found that it was a massive turn-on. But mostly, he was half that his roommate hadn't left him. It made his last made his insides feel all fluffy. With a smile on his face, he observed as the hero trained.


When Yoo Jonghyuk returned to their chambers, he found Kim Dokja someberly sitting at the dining table. As he made eye contact with his roommate, the hero nor' ticked the grimm look in his eyes. He was starting to get worried. What had happened? He stared at his roommate as he began speaking.

" I-I'm sorry..."


The regressor couldn't stop himself from chuckling. Man, Kim Dokja was so cute. He noticed that his roommate was staring at him in bewilderment. He granted him an explanation.

" You don't owe me an apology."he said as he smiled without realizing.

As he observed his roommate smile, Kim Dokja had a realization. Seeing his roommate smile was the best thing he'd seen in his entire lifetime by far. Seeing him this way made him happy. The Demon King wanted to see the hero smile the way he did now every day for the rest of his life. He wanted to marry his roommate. From now on, the Demon King would woo the hero.

 I'm sorry for the late update and thanks for reading. 

P.S. Please go check out my other fanfic (Maid 4 U)!

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