Getting Closer

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . Right now, to Yoo Jonghyuk, Kim Dokja was the most beautiful individual to have ever graced these lands. His ruffled hair, his inky black eyes, his cute little lips, his graceful build, his thin waistline, his very squisable-looking rear end- Ehem. Putting that aside, he had to escape from this situation. Pronto. With ironic timing, Kim Dokja spoke to him.

" Yoo Jonghyuk, can I move a bit? There's something in my rear end.''

The hero's face burned as Kim Dokja reinstalled himself more comfortably on his lap. Yoo Jonghyuk was a man of a few words, however his friend down south turned out to be quite the outspoken fellow when it came to Kim Dokja. . If he didn't flee now, the atmosphere would get awkward (or maybe a cloud of lust would cloud Yoo Jonghyuk's logical mindset) real quick. He needed to think fast.

" I'll make us breakfast. ''

Yoo Jonghyuk carefully raised Kim Dokja by the upper parts of his arms (like a cat) and laid him down comfortably on the bed. Yoo Jonghyuk couldn't help but notice how absolutely adorable Kim Dokja look of surprise had been.He needed to horny-grip something, didn't he?With his last remaining self-restraint, he made his way to the kitchen. Heart-racing, face burning and hand in his face, he hurriedly left the room.

Huh? Was the hero embarrassed?

Then the thing he had felt before was- at the thought, his face flushed, his kokoro went doki doki and he horny-gripped the blanket. No, NO! What was he thinking? Of course it wasn't that after all Three Ways To Kill A Demon King had briefly mentioned that Jhk wasn't into men. If it wasn't what he suspected it was, then what was it?

As Yoo Jonghyuk exited the room, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He'd assumed that they'd gotten closer overnight. That perhaps, Kim Dokja had feelings for him or at least an attraction towards him. He wanted-no, he needed to act fast. He had blue balls (hopefully not for long ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) .

He concluded that he would need to pull out the big guns.


As Kim Dokja's thoughts wandered, a wondrous smell wafted into the bedchambers. His stomach grumbled loudly. He promptly got out of bed to investigate it's source.

When he'd finally reached it's origin (the kitchen) he felt as if he'd walked in on scene straight out of Food Wars. Yoo Jonghyuk was in a pink apron (it clashed so much with his cool demeaned and his dark clothes that he couldn't help but chuckle interiorly). He was simultaneously chopping vegetables at the speed of light, cracking the eggs and brewing some coffee for his roommate.

Yoo Jonghyuk had made it a habit to prepare coffee for his roommate every morning. He likes it black. As Yoo Jonghyuk soon came to realize as they began living together, Kim Dokja had carefully cultivated his coffee addiction in his years as an overworked office worker. He couldn't properly fonction without at least one or two cups every morning.

As the Demon King comfortably installed himself on his seat at the dining table (the one the farthest from the hero's), Yoo Jonghyuk magically appeared next to him and poured him a cup of coffee. Kim Dokja quickly thanked him before proceeding to savour his beverage.

The hero watched the Demon King beam as he drank. Huh, cute as always, he thought. He couldn't help but ruffle his hair before going back to his task.

Kim Dokja continued sipping his coffee, oblivious to Yoo Jonghyuk's display of affection.


After a few minutes, the two of them had concluded their business. As Yoo Jonghyuk brought breakfast to the table, he couldn't stop his stomach from growling loudly. He impatiently waited for his portion. However, it never came.

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