Living together

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Soon after they began living together, Kim Dokja soon came to realize that living with Yoo Jonghyuk has its perks.

The first being that he cooked for both of them. At every meal, Kim Dokja's taste buds were so happy, he could ascend to heaven. Sure, Three Ways To Kill A Demon King had mentioned, briefly, that the hero's cooking skills were on another level, but he never expected the food to be this good. If he ever went back home, (fat chance) he'd have a hard time going back to his previous diet which mainly consisted of cup noodles, cup noodles and more cup noodles. How healthy.

The second being that he wasn't alone anymore. Even if Jonghyuk was a man of a few words, he had (surprisingly) turned out to be a good conversation partner. He'd listen attentively to him and give a few well-chosen comebacks here and there.

The third being that he now spends his days in a more productive fashion. Before they became roommates, he'd spend all day, every day lazing on the throne or on the bed while ogling his phone. Now he'd had motivation (which mainly consisted of death glares from the hero directed to him) to do house chores. Because he couldn't cook, the least he could do was do the remaining chores. Kim Dokja had gotten isekaied, turned into a Demon King, stuck in this castle for who knows how much time, survived a normally lethal encounter with his nemesis and had started living with him just to do chores? Great.

The fourth being that he now had access to numerous new pieces of clothing. Even if they were too big for him, Yoo Jonghyuk's black turtlenecks and pants had turned out to be very comfortable (he'd even liked the way they smelled, they smelled like spring).

What he didn't know is that the hero had horny-gripped so hard when he'd seen him wearing his clothes that he'd almost broken the chair he was sitting on.

The other day, after they'd cleaned the chambers, Jonghyuk had attempted (key word: attempted) to teach him how to cook (the result was catastrophic). Kim Dokja had somehow managed to make the steak he was supposed to grill catch fire. Out of courtesy, the hero had tasted the steak (or what remained of it) before Kim Dokja could notice. Yoo Jonghyuk's vocabulary wasn't rich enough to describe the dreadful taste this thing had.

However not all is good in this world. On their first night as roommates, they were faced with a dilemma: there were two of them and only one bed.

" Hero-nim ''

" Call me by my name. ''

" Yoo Jonghyuk '' Kim Dokja began.

The hero liked the way his name sounded in his roommate's voice.


It made his kokoro speak out to him.

Kim Dokja continued his explanation.

"You are the summoned hero. You need to rest well, in order to slay the demon king''

"Are you underestimating my strength? I've slept in worse places. Besides, as a hero, it's my duty to help the weak. ''

Bullshit, thought Kim Dokja. Yoo Jonghyuk is a selfish sunfish. He only cares about himself and his comrades, so in short, not him. What is he up to?

Yoo Jonghyuk, on the other hand, had other plans. From previous romantic experiences, he has been gifted with the knowledge that physical contact always helps to get closer to his partner. Does sleeping in the same bed help? Perhaps it would make him even more sexually frustrated than he already was and that would deal a colossal amount of damage to his ego.

However, deep down he knew that if his pride ever came in the way of his romantic conquest, he would promptly discard it. After all, he had his eyes on the prize.

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