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Footsteps could be heard echoing in the now empty castle. Well, almost empty. The floors were stained with the remains of the demon mob's corpses. The once luxurious castle is but a shadow of its former self.

Sword in hand, a man strides towards the demon king's throne room. His black clothing flowed behind him. The torche's flames dimly illuminated the room and gave the hallway a spooky and dismal appearance. The green glow dances on Jonghyuk's perfect features. The man's handsome face looks somewhat different than normally. Bags had formed under his eyes from overwork and lack of sleep, his hair is disheveled from the lack of care, his beautiful inky eyes are void of any emotion and his cloak is stained with the blood of the enemies he had brutally slaughtered. Even in this messy state, the man still somehow manages to look like a runaway model.

His attentive gaze scanned his surroundings as he searched for any remaining enemies. His pulse steadily grew as he approached his destination: the demon king's throne room, the place where he would finally slay his nemesis and put an end to the suffering that had haunted his mind awake and asleep. As he strode towards his objectif, a bulky demon attempted to dispose of him. Rather unsuccessfully. After dodging what could've been a lethal blow, Jonghyuk cut off it's head. It's repulsive body started twitching unnaturally before turning into ash and evaporated in the air.

As he continued his stride, the other demons hidden in the shadows took this opportunity to rush towards their compagnon's killer, to his ever-growing annoyment . He dispatched them as easily as he did previously to finally continue his march towards his destination.

After a few minutes of walking, a grand door stood before him: he had arrived. As he beheld the door before the familiar game-like screen popped up.








A sense of ecstasy spreads through his body as he beholds the entryway . He's finally reached his goal. After trying and failing so many times. He had finally reached it.

His long and agonizing story that had felt like an eternity for the protagonist was finally coming to an end.


When Kim Dokja was fifteen, he wanted to end it all. Up to then he'd lead a life of sadness and of tragedy. However, he never expected for his life to do a full 180 because of a random isekai novel he'd found online. But it did.

After a depressingly long day of school, he'd come back home bloodied and bruised (courtesy of his bullies). Distracted by the pain in his temple, Kim Dokja had not even bothered to change out of his uniform, the first thing he'd done when at his arrival was to head to his bedroom and had thrown himself on his long-since-too-small bed. Kim Dokja comfortably laid down on his back and looked dreamily at the ceiling of his tiny bedroom. He thought of the trashy romance novel he'd binge-read yesterday. It had been fun, but he now had to find something else to read. As a reader, he knew that he couldn't stop reading. Not now. So that's how he began his search for a good webnovel to binge.

After scrolling through an absurd amount of webnovels, he finally found something interesting, a webnovel called Three Ways To Kill A Demon King. At first glance it was simply a trashy isekai novel like any other, however he soon discovered that it was a lot more than just that. It was a novel like no other. Even as an avid webnovel reader, he'd never seen anything as good as this. It was, to put it simply, *chef's kiss*. And that's how Kim Dokja spent the rest of that evening fangirling on the novel's first chapter. The next evening, he discovered (with a renewed sense of ecstasy) that his new favorite webnovel had once again been updated. And that's how, for the next thirteen years of his life, Kim Dokja religiously followed the daily updates of the story of Yoo Jonghyuk, the main character of his favorite webnovel.

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