Love me like you do (Gwaine x...

By xFoxtailx

19.5K 806 213

Lancelot should enjoy finally being a knight of Camelot but his previous experience means he's having a tough... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

1.5K 61 5
By xFoxtailx

Lancelot didn't end up seeing Gwaine for training, though he had desperately wanted to. There was something different about how Gwaine fought, it lit a fire in his chest, made the passion for being a knight reignite. 

He'd decided he would wait for Gwaine to ask him about training again, he didn't want to rush what could be a possible friendship. Lancelot already felt bad for judging Gwaine so quickly. The happy go lucky knight was a nice guy and Lancelot guessed that was the reason he had wanted to dislike him, he was jealous of how he could live his life so easily without a care in the world and not be afraid to take a risk whereas Lancelot would hang back, not tell people about how he felt and not fight for the things he loved. He'd let Gwen go so easily, he could have had her but he was to afraid to fight. To afraid of failure.

He'd nodded at Gwaine during a meeting the morning after they had trained , the knight was chirpy as usual, laughing at something Elyan had said and nodded happily to Lancelot in return.

He finished talking and leaned over towards Lancelot

'Good morning Lance, I was thinking we could-'

Gwaine was cut short when Leon burst through the doors, chest heaving as he fought for breath.
'Sire, Morgana's men have been found in Camelot borders' He puffed, holding a hand against his heart.

'Assemble the knights. ' Arthur ordered and the knights at the table got up and began to depart.

'Leon come and tell me what happened' He added and the curly haired knight stumbled forward.

'You four stay as well' Arthur gestured at Lancelot, Gwaine, Elyan and Percival who made their way over to their Prince and Leon.

'Now Leon, explain what happened' Arthur said gently and Leon took a ragged breath before speaking.

'There was about fifteen of us, we were just patrolling the main borders as usual and they just jumped out at us, thirty at least. We were outnumbered, we fought as hard as we could but it was hopeless. They slaughtered nearly everyone, only me and Sir Isen escaped. I'm sorry Sire, I shouldn't have fled, but I was terrified for the safety of the Kingdom. I had to warn you before they could attack anyone else. They were so vicious- they were tearing people apart, slicing people so many times I... I couldn't stand the screams' His head fell into his hands and he was shaking violently. 'I can still hear it' He whimpered and Arthur put an arm round his shoulder in a comforting manor.

'It's okay Leon. We're going to sort this. Morgana and those men will pay for what they did.'

Lancelot could feel himself shaking a little, Leon was usually so composed and to see him shaken up was frankly a terrifying thing. Arthur stood up and signalled for the others to leave while he tried to comfort Leon who was covering his ears and whispering to himself.

'Be prepared for anything, don't hesitate to retreat if there aren't enough of you to handle a situation, I don't want to lose any of you.' Arthur told them as they filed out of the room. With one last look back at Arthur and Leon the knights exited the room and headed to the horses.


No patrols found any of Morgana's men anywhere that day, the searches continued and after two weeks still nothing was found and the knights were exhausted. They rode out everyday, searching dawn til dusk for any sign that they had been there, but to no avail. 

Lancelot had hardly had a moment to relax, let alone talk to Gwaine. They were put on separate patrols most days and even when they were together they could hardly hear themselves think let alone talk to each other. Heavy rain and Strong winds had increased the difficulty of the searches and Lancelot had wondered if Morgana's magic had something to do with the weather. He wasn't sure if she was that powerful but it seemed comforting to be able to blame their misfortune on her.

They were riding out again today, Arthur told them that he was taking Lancelot, Percival, Elyan, Gwaine and Leon with him as well as six other knights. Lancelot liked the company of the knights that he had fought with when he was made a knight for the second time, though he didn't talk to them all very much, their company was comforting.

The weather had made a change for the better and they rode out in the early morning sun, Percival was at his side and the two spoke among themselves. Gwaine was at the front talking to Arthur and Merlin and Lancelot felt his eyes following him without thought.

'Are you okay?' Percival asked, nudging Lancelot slightly. 'You seem a little dazed, maybe you should ask Arthur to give you a day off, maybe catch up on some sleep.'

'I can't.' Lancelot replied, shaking his head, 'not while Morgana is still a threat'

'Well she's going to be a threat for a long time by the look of things, you still need to sleep'

'I know but...' Lancelot trailed off as he saw Merlin fidgeting on his horse and whispering something to Arthur who looked around cautiously.

'Halt!' The Prince ordered and waited for silence. Lancelot looked around nervously and watched Merlin scanning the undergrowth, his gaze stopped and his eyes widened in panic.

'They're here' He whispered.

Mere seconds after Merlin had spoke around 20 armoured men came charging out the undergrowth,  all wielding weapons that could easily kill any of the knights.

'Attack!' Arthur commanded and rode into battle taking out a short and stocky man who was wielding an axe. 

Percival soon followed, barreling into two of them and striking one down with his sword as Elyan killed the other.

 Lancelot slipped down off his horse and ran into the fray and began dealing blows onto a tall blonde man who had some kind of giant hammer.

The man hit his arm and Lancelot hissed in pain and brought his sword down on his shoulder sending him crashing to the ground. He turned round quickly and blocked another attacker, pushing him back slightly with his sword Lancelot thrust his sword into the mans chest and withdraw it swiftly leaving him to crumple onto the floor like a garment of clothing. 

He saw Percival a few sword lengths from him, fighting fiercely against two opponents, Lancelot tried to run across and help when he felt a sharp pain in his right foot, he let out an agonizing cry and looked down to see the blonde man laid on his front with his hammer held just above his boot.

Lancelot kicked him, causing another rush of pain and he stumbled back onto the floor. The man scrambled forward and brought his hammer down a second time on Lancelots foot, releasing another scream from the Camelot knight who leaned as far forward as he could and plunged his sword into the mans head. 

Lancelot pulled his sword out an grimaced at the sight of the wound in front of him. He tried to stand but fell straight back down when he tried to put weight on his foot. 

One of the people fighting Percival saw him struggling and began striding over towards him, a menacing grin on his face that sent fear flooding through Lancelot.

 He raised his sword in a desperate act of defence as the attacker brought down his sword, his position made it very difficult for Lancelot to attack and he rolled to the side to avoid what would have been a fatal blow. 

His opponent struck out again with such force causing Lancelot to lose grip on it and watch helplessly as it flew out of reach. He looked up, he was utterly defenseless, he tried to kick the mans knee with his good foot but he dodged the attack easily and laughed.

'Any last words' He hissed as he placed his sword as Lancelots throat. The knight shook with fear as the metal made contact with his neck and tried desperately to think.

'None, because he's not dying today!' A sword was thrust straight through his attacker who looked down in shock at his pierced chest. He fell backwards as the sword was pulled out and stood behind him was Gwaine, his long-haired hero who stepped over the fallen man and knelt down protectively beside Lancelot.

'Are you alright? Can you walk?' He asked and Lancelot shook his head. He hated admitting how helpless he was. Gwaine gently patted his shoulder and looked back at the on going battle. 

Arthur and the others had taken out most of the attackers and only a hand full remained. 

Lancelot watched as Merlins eyes glowed and a branch was sent down on someone trying to kill Arthur, the warlock smiled at the result and Arthur remained oblivious to what must be the hundredth time his servant had saved his life. Lancelot felt Gwaine stiffen beside him and saw that his eyes were fixed on Merlin, a questioning look in his eyes. He looked down at Lancelot who lifted his head to meet his gaze.

'I know you saw that. Did you know about...what he could do?' There was an uncertain pause as Lancelot thought of what to say. 'You looked like you did.' Gwaine said sternly and Lancelot dropped his head, what was he supposed to do?

'It's okay you know, I won't tell anyone. Merlin is my friend i wouldn't do anything that would put him in danger.' Lancelot let out a sigh of relief and Gwaine smiled gently at him.

On the battlefield Elyan had slain the last of Morgannas men and what remained of Camelots knights made their way round, seeing if any of their fallen were still alive. Lancelot could see three fallen Camelot men and he bowed his head in respect as Leon shook his head to Arthur indicating they were dead.

'We need to get them back to Camelot' Arthur ordered and made his way over to Lancelot.'Do you think can you still ride?' He asked and Lancelot nodded.

'I would think so, it's only my foot'

'Come on then let's get everyone back'


After arriving back at Camelot, Gwaine and Merlin helped Lancelot up to Gauis's chambers. He sat down on the table and watched as the physician prodded at his foot and twisted it gently in different directions.

'Well Lancelot it seems you have broken your ankle, you won't be working for at least six weeks' He told him.

'But Gauis, I can't just sit around all day! I've waited so long to be a knight, I can't just waste it.'

'I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do And there's no herbs or potions to speed up the healing before you ask. I'm afraid rest is the only cure I can offer. Now you'll have to excuse me I have to go see Uther' Gauis left the room and Lancelot's face fell and he glared at his foot as if accusing it of causing this mess.

'You can't blame your foot you know.' Gwaine laughed and put an arm around his shoulders.
'Don't you worry, with me to keep you company it'll be healed before you know it.'

'With you for company I'm sure it'll feel like it has taken twice as long to heal' Merlin joked and Gwaine playfully cuffed him round the ear.

'Is there nothing you can do?' Lancelot asked directing his gaze at Merlin who went pale as Gwaine looked at him.

'Erm sorry Lancelot, Gauis is the physician.' He muttered and turned away. 'His knowledge far surpasses mine so if he can't help you I certainly can't.' He took a gulp of the water on the side and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

'I'll see you later then, I need to go see Arthur.' The two knights nodded at they friend and watched as he left the chambers.

'Are you going to tell him that you know about his magic?' Lancelot asked and Gwaine shook his head.

'No, I don't think so. Not yet anyway.'

'You should. It's not exactly a secret he loves keeping.'

'But if I tell him he might think he's being too obvious, I wouldn't want to scare him out of using it.' Lancelot nodded understandingly and smiled at the knight.

'Well if he's not going to use magic I guess i'll be here for six weeks.'

'Would you be happy about having me for company?' Gwaine inquired and took a step closer towards him.

'I wouldn't say no. I can only talk to myself for so long' He replied and a grin spread across Gwaine' face.

'I'll see you tomorrow then.'

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