Daniel Tiger Meet Aladdin

By ElijahPerson

330 3 0

When Daniel Tiger Meet street rat Aladdin frees a genie from a lamp, he finds his wishes granted. However, he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Ending Credits

Chapter 4

34 0 0
By ElijahPerson

(In the prison, rats scurry by, and we descend until we see Aladdin and our heroes a chained to the wall.)
Aladdin: She was the princess. I can't believe it.
Daniel Tiger: Can't believe it on what, Aladdin?
Aladdin: I must have sounded stupid to her.
Abu: Yoo-hoo! Aladdin! Hello!
(ABU appears at the window at the top of the dungeon.)
Aladdin: Abu. Down here.
(Then Abu climbs down to Aladdin and the heroes)
Aladdin: Come on, help us out of these.
(ABU stops, then begins chattering wildly, dropping to the ground. He wraps a cloth around his head and makes his eyes big in an imitation of the princess)
Aladdin: Hey, she was in trouble. Ah, she was worth it.
(ABU jumps up on ALADDIN's shoulders and pulls a small set of tools out of his pocket, then frees ALADDIN.)
Abu: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Aladdin: Don't worry, Abu. I'll never see her again.
Daniel Tiger: Aladdin: I'm a street rat, remember, and there's a law. She's gotta marry a prince. She deserves a prince.
(ABU finally frees ALADDIN's hands.)
Abu: Ta da!
Aladdin: (Rubbing his wrists) I'm a... I'm a fool.
Old Man: You're only a fool if you give up, boy.
(We see an OLD MAN sitting in the corner that neither ALADDIN nor ABU have seen before.)
AJ: Who are you?
Old Man: A lowly prisoner as yourselves. But together, perhaps we can be more.
Aladdin: We're listing.
Old Man: There is a cave, boy, a Cave of Wonders, filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams.
AJ: Did you say Treasure?
Daniel Tiger: y: But what kind of treasure we're talking about?
Old Man: Treasure enough to impress even his princess, I'd wager.
(The OLD MAN turns his back, and IAGO sticks his head out of Jafar's "old man" disguise.)
Iago: Jafar, can you hurry it up? I'm dyin' in here. [squawking]
Aladdin: But the law says that only a prince can...
Old Man: You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you? Whoever has the gold makes the rules. (He grins, showing a hideously bad mouth.) [wheezing laugh]
Daniel Tiger: wait, how can we can trust you if you gonna share the treasure with us?
Old Man: I need a young pair of legs and a strong back to go in after it.
Aladdin: Uh, one problem. It's out there. We're in here.
(The OLD MAN walks to a wall and pushes open a hidden exit.)
Old Man: Uh-uh. Things aren't always what they seem. So... do we have a deal?
(ALADDIN looks at ABU, who shrugs his shoulders.)
Abu: Oh, I don't know. (Cut to desert scene. We see Aladdin leading a horse with the Old Man and Abu on it. Diss. to cave of wonders.)
Cave of Wonders: Who disturbs my slumper?
Aladdin: It is I, Aladdin.
Cave of Wonders: Proceed. Touch nothing but the lamp.
(The cave opens up with a roar, and a staircase appears in front of Aladdin)
Old Man: Remember, boy, first fetch me the lamp, and then you shall have your reward.
Aladdin: Come on, guys. (to Abu hiding under the shoulder of his vest.)
(As they went down the stairs, Aladdin sees something ahead of them)
Aladdin: What you look at that.
Abu: Uh oh!
(They see a room filled with treasure)
Daniel Tiger: That's a lot of gold!
AJ: Wow! This is amazing! Just a handful of this stuff would make me richer than the sultan.
(ABU peeks out, sees the treasure, then bolts for it.)
Aladdin: Abu!
(ABU stops in mid run, hovering over a rug on the floor.)
Aladdin: Don't... touch... anything. We got to find that lamp.
(Then suddenly the carpet move and starts following them, as Daniel Tiger and Abu gets the feeling they're being followed.
Daniel Tiger: : I think we're being followed.
Abu: Huh?
(He turns, and the carpet lies flat on the floor. He continues, and the carpet begins to follow again.  Again, Abu turns back, but the carpet is rolled up and leaning against a pile of treasure. Abu runs to Aladdin and tugs his pant leg.)
Abu: Aladdin! Aladdin!
Daniel Tiger: AJ! AJ!
Aladdin: Abu, knock it off.
AJ: Okay, what has gotten into you and Abu, Daniel Tiger?
Daniel Tiger: Abu and I think we're being... followed.
AJ: It's just your imagination Daniel Tiger.
Daniel Tiger Maybe you right.
(Again the Carpet follows, but this time, when Abu turns, the carpet jumps to the other side. It reaches down with a tassel and pulls Abu's tail. When Abu jumps around, Carpet again goes to the other side. This time, Abu lands in a karate stance. Carpet reaches down and plucks Abu's hat off, then puts it on himself. Abu sits thinking for a second, until Carpet waves a tassel in front of his face. Abu and Carpet both jump scared, and run away. Abu tackles Aladdin and turns his head to look at the Carpet.)
Aladdin: Abu, what are you, crazy?
(The Carpet peeks out from behind a pile of treasure.)
Aladdin: A magic carpet.
Daniel Tiger: So you're the one who's following us.
Aladdin: Come on. Come on out. We're not gonna hurt you.
(The carpet slowly comes out, shyly, then picks up ABU's hat and dusts it off. It flies over to Aladdin and the heroes and hands the hat to Abu next to him. Abu screeches, and jumps onto Aladdin's shoulder.)
Aladdin: Take it easy, Abu. He's not gonna bite.
(The carpet again picks up Abu's hat and hands it to him. Abu shakes his fist and screeches at it. Carpet begins to walk away, "sadly.")
Daniel Tiger: Abu! Don't hurt his feelings, he's just friendly.
AJ: Guess we'll have to cheer him up.
Aladdin: Hey. Wait a minute. Don't go. Maybe you can help us.
(Carpet looks back, excited. It then flies over and wraps around the pair)
Aladdin: Hey, whoa! You see, we're trying to find this lamp.
Daniel Tiger: So, do you know where the lamp might be?
(Carpet motions for them to follow it.)
Aladdin: I think he knows where it is.
(They follow Carpet to where the location of the lamp is) (They pass through a long cave, until they emerge in a giant underground cavern. In the centre of the room is a tall pillar, with a staircase going up to it. It is surrounded by water with unevenly placed stones forming a bridge. At the top of the pillar is a beam of light. Aladdin begins to cross the bridge.)
Aladdin: Wait here!
(Abu sees a shrine with a golden monkey. The outstretched paws hold a giant ruby. Abu is hypnotically drawn to it. Aladdin climbs the stairs quickly)
Daniel Tiger:AJ? Where's Abu?
(They they found Abu about to take the jewel and Carpet grabs his tail trying in vain to hold him back. Aladdin finally reaches the magic lamp and picks it up.)
Aladdin: This is it. This is what we came all the way down here to...
(He saw Abu break free of Carpet's hold and lunge toward the jewel.)
Everyone: Abu! NO!
(But it was too late, Abu grabs the jewel. There is a rumbling and the room begins to shake)
Cave of Wonders: Infidels!
Abu: Uh-oh!
Cave of Wonders: You have touched the forbidden treasure!
(Abu puts the jewel back into the paw, but the jewel and the shrine melt into lava.)
Cave of Wonders: Now you will never again see the light of day!
(The cave is started to collapse)
Daniel Tiger: AJ, What's going on?!
AJ: This cave is gonna collapse! We gotta get outta here!
(Aladdin races down the steps, but they flatten into a ramp, and he skies down until he flies into the air. The water has turned into lava. He is falling toward it, when all of a sudden carpet appears and catches him. Abu is standing on one of the rocks of the bridge. He looks left and right and sees rocks exploding into lava. Then carpet races over and Aladdin grabs him, just as the last rock is exploding.)
Aladdin: Whoa! Carpet, let's move!
(Together, they race back through the caves dodging walls and falling debris. Abu grabs Aladdin's head and covers his eyes.)
Aladdin: Abu, this is no time to panic! (He pulls Abu off his head and sees they are flying into a wall.) Start panicking.
(Carpet goes into a dive, then through another cave. Finally, they emerge through the internal entrance. Outside, the cave begins to growl and close. Carpet and company are almost to the top when a boulder drops on carpet, sending it to the floor. Aladdin grabs onto the rock wall and holds on. He sees the Old Man at the top, within reach.)
Aladdin: Help me out!
Old Man: Throw me the lamp!
Aladdin: I can't hold on. Give me your hand.
Old Man: First give me the lamp!
(Aladdin reaches in and pulls out the MAGIC LAMP. He hands it up, and the Old Man raises it above his head.)
Old Man: Ha ha ha ha! Yes! At last! Ha ha ha ha!
(Aladdin has climbed out with the assistance of ABU. But the Old Man kicks aside ABU and grabs Aladdin's wrist.)
Aladdin: What are you doing?
Old Man: Giving you your reward. (Jafar returns to his normal voice.) Your eternal reward. (He pulls out a crooked dagger and is about to stab Aladdin)
AJ: He's going to kill him
Daniel Tiger: Aladdin!
(Pikachu and bites him on the wrist. He screams, but lets go of Aladdin, who falls into the cave. Old Man throws Pikachu and Abu into the cave as well. They fall. Carpet sees this, but is pinned under a boulder. It struggles to break free, then does. It races up and catches Aladdin, but he has already hit the wall several times, and is unconscious. On the surface, the cave roars one final time, then sinks back into the sand.)
Old Man: [chuckling] It's mine. [takes off his disguise]
Jafar: It's all mine! I (He can't find it in his pocket) --- where is it? No. NO!!
(Back to the Palace at Jasmine's bedroom. She is sitting on her bed, next to Rajah who looks sad. The Sultan walks in.)
Sultan: Jasmine? Oh, dearest. What's wrong?
Jasmine: [sniffling] Jafar has... done something terrible. (She looks as if she's been crying.)
Sultan: There, there, my dear. We'll set it right. Now, tell me everything.

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