š˜¾š™Šš™‹š™”š˜¾š˜¼š™ || š™…š™Šš™š˜¼š™...

By gonsleftcheek

62.6K 2.7K 2.1K

ā š™Žš™¤...š™®š™¤š™Ŗ'š™«š™š š™œš™¤š™© š™–š™£ š™šš™«š™žš™” š™Øš™„š™žš™§š™žš™©, š™š™Ŗš™? āž āš™”š™šš™–š™ š™–š™£š™™ š™£š™¤š™¬ š™„ š™š™–š™«š™š š™–š™£ š™–... More

ź§ļøŽ Characters & Stand Info ź§‚
1.0 || Evil Spirits!? ||
2.0 || Returned Friend. ||
3.0 || Airplanes & Rapiers. ||
4.0 || Boats. ||
5.0 || Freighter. ||
6.0 || Singapore.||
8.0 || Return!? & Cars ||
9.0 || Creepy Town. ||
10.0 || Steely Dan? More like Dirty Dan. ||
11.0 || The Sun. ||
12.0 || Baby...STAND? ||
13.0 || Retrival. ||
14.0 || Almost There. ||
15.0 || Cat & Dog. ||
16.0 || Recovery and.... Family?! ||
17.0 || Dads....amiright? ||
18.0 || Split. ||
18.5 || The Lost. ||
18.7 || The Deal. ||
19.0 || Awakening. ||
20.0 || The Friend. ||
20.5 || Ready to Love? ||

7.0 || Feuds & Loss? ||

2.8K 138 64
By gonsleftcheek

Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore....and now India.

"Well we're now in Calcutta! Let's go."
Avdol said with a grin and opened the door.

As soon as you all stepped out many people surrounded you with greetings and questions of all sorts.


Calcutta, India! In the 20th century, it's population is 11 million. An immense energy swirls about the city!


Per usual you all sat at a table, a tea cup full of Chai in front of you.
"It's nice and energetic here!" You bounced lightly in your seat.

"But kind of draining." Joseph said while sipping the tea.

"Well it's just a matter of getting used to it. Once you get used to it, you'll see how wonderful this country is." Avdol piped, a soft smile on his face.

Jotaro spoke up. "I like this place. It's pretty great."

"Seriously, Jotaro? You really mean that?!" Joseph exclaimed.
You peeked over at the menu Kakyoin held, scanning the different selections.

"Talk about culture shock. I'll like it once I get used to it huh?" Pol said while picking up his sack and you took your eyes off the menu.
"Well they say that people adapt to their surroundings. Where's the John?" He questioned and a worker pointed to it.
"It's over there."

Joseph stopped him. "Wait Polnareff, what about your order?"

He glanced back with a smile. "I'll leave it to you. It had better be something amazing. Gorgeous, splendid food that suits a Frenchman like me." And with that he walked off.

You tensed. "That seems like a lot of pressure."
Kakyoin tugged your sleeve pulling you closer to him and showed the menu better.
"Or that means we could just pick anything." He said.

"How about we just do the finger thing?" You asked him while holding your hand up and wiggling your fingers.
Kakyoin stared at you for at least a minute, and of course you didn't break eye contact either. So there you both were, both faces close to each other, one contemplating and one thinking they were going to win an eye contest.

Jotaro tapped the rim of his hat down, hiding his annoyed expression. "Are you going to explain the finger thing or just stare at each other the whole time." He said knocking you both out of your trance.

You moved out of his personal space and clicked your tongue. "Of course I'll explain it Jojo!"

"She just closes her eyes and picks anything on the menu. It worked out for her twice but the third time she wasn't so lucky." Kakyoin quickly summed up and you pouted wanting to explain it more gloriously.

"Ah like rolling a dice, you'll never know what you'll get. You may really like it, be contempt or just hate it." Avdol said and took the menu placing his finger on it.
You smiled as he closed his eyes. "See! Avdol's doing it, why don't we try that for ourselves!"

Joseph shrugged agreeing. "Oh why not."
You stuck your tongue out at Kakyoin and looked at Jotaro to see if he would agree.

He turned his head from your eye-blinding smile. "I'll do it."

"Hah! Victory!" You cheered.


After ordering, the food came pretty quickly and boy were you happy.
As soon as you went to take a bite, Polnareff rushed out from the bathroom area.

I swear it's always during meal times.

"Where's the user? Who is it!?"
He hurried out of the restaurant and you all followed after.

"What's wrong Polnareff?"
"Yeah, what's happening?"

He looked around the filled streets before replying. "If that was the Stand that means..he's finally here! Jotaro the Stand user you heard about that uses mirrors is here! The bastard who killed my sister. The same bastard othat stepped all over my sisters, life, soul and pride. I can...I can finally see him!"

"The one you seek vengeance upon is here?" Joseph questioned.
Polnareff didn't answer but turned to the group.
"Mr. Joestar, I'll be traveling on my own here."


"Now that I know the guy who killed my sister is nearby, I'm not going to wait for him to come after me. I'd be at a disadvantage if I let him attack me, and it's not my style. I'll find him first and kill him!"

You tilted your head, "Even though you don't know what he looks like, or what his Stand is?"

"Knowing that he has two right hands is plenty! And he knows that I'm after him, as well. He should be worried that I'll come for his head in his sleep. See ya." He finished and began to walk away.

"You'll go out for wool, only to come home shorn."

Polnareff stopped, looking back at Avdol. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just as it sounds." He replied and you gulped.

Polnareff took a step towards him.
"Are you implying that I'm going to lose?"

"Indeed. Can't you see that the enemy purposely attacked to get you alone? I will not allow you to travel alone, Polnareff." Avdol said sternly,while pointing. Polnareff slapped his hand and took another step closer.
"Listen up. I'm going to make this clear. I never cared about Dio, I told you in Hong Kong that I was only traveling with you so I could get my revenge. Mr. Joestar and Jotaro should already know this. I've been alone from the start! I've always been fighting alone!"

You couldn't help but look away when Avdol pushed him. "Such a selfish man! Didn't you forget you were brainwashed by Dio!? Have you forgotten all this leads back to him?"

"Like you'd ever understand how I feel after having my sister killed! I heard the last time you met Dio, you got scared and ran away." He retorted and Avdol's eyes widened.

"A coward like you would never understand how I feel!" Polnareff exclaimed.
Avdol then touched his shoulder. "What did you say?"
Polnareff scoffed and slapped his hand off.
"Don't touch me. You were just lucky you beat me in Hong Kong. Don't lecture me."

"Why, you..."

You crossed your arms. "Stop argui-"

"Oh, did that piss you off?" Polnareff asked him. "But don't forget that I'm a lot more pissed off than you are right now! You can just keep acting like your the mature one as always, Avdol."

"Why you-!" He raised his fist and you held it back.
"That's enough, just let him go. Nobody can convince him at this point." You said and let go.

"I'm just disappointed, I didn't think he was that sort of man. I did indeed run in fear. That's also why I believe we will win and can say with certainty that you'll lose."

Polnareff rolled his eyes. "Then I'll say this with certainty, too. Your divination will be wrong." He then walked away, slowly becoming invisible in the crowded streets.


A day and night without the French man was pretty worrying, so much so the next afternoon, Avdol ran off to look for Polnareff himself.

"Avdol! Polnareff!" You yelled while searching.
Everyone had split up, and you had a bad feeling of the next events.

"Whoa! That man just got shot over there!" Someone exclaimed and the other person shook their head.
"Such a weird fight, and that man looks very injured." Their conversation spiked your attention.
You quickly ran around the corner, seeing something you wish you could've prevented.
Kakyoin kneeled next to Avdol's body, his head hung low, Polnareff was there too, obvious tears rolling down his face.

You didn't even notice the enemy Stand user standing a couple feet away from them when you yelled,
You had caught their attention and Hol Horse held up his gun.

Copycat pulled you back by wrapping his tail around your neck and tugging it.

The bullet passed you and hit the glass window at the top floor.
"Y/N! MOVE!"

Your eyes widened as the glass fell and you saw yourself and Centerfold's Stand, Hanged Man.
You swore you heard a cackle as a blade shot out from its wrist and it stabbed through the left side of your lower abdomen.

"Y/n!" You held the wound and took a couple steps forward, before dropping down to your knees, right beside Avdol.

Hol Horse twirled his gun. "Man, today just keeps getting better. Our Stands wouldn't do much against Avdol's flames and Y/n's copy ability would make things way worse."

You winced, trying to ignore the worried stares.

Kakyoin's fringe hid his eyes as he stood up walking towards a car.

"What? No!" Polnareff rejected.

You held onto the fabric of Avdol's coat, tears threatening your eyes. "Leave! Okay!? Run and somehow find the user! For your sister! For Avdol!"

Polnareff's tears seemed to reproduce at your words and he hated it, apart of him also hated how you didn't include yourself as you were injured and also more importantly his friend.

Kakyoin didn't wait long and summoned Hierophant Green. "Emerald Splash!"

It shot at Polnareff shocking Hol Horse. The car then rolled up and Kakyoin took Polnareff and they drove away.

You gave the fleeting car a soft smile, noticing something reflecting off of glasses and windows, following them.

"I'm guessing your partner left. So it's just you, me and my friend, who you seemed to shoot.
You said and looked at Hol Horse with a eerily calm expression.

"Oh darling, there's nothing you can do but wait and bleed out with your dead accomplice." He smirked twirling his gun on his index finger.

You blinked and let go of the wound, holding your hand out towards him. "But with all that spare time I was able to do this."
Copycat's eyes turned a grey color and he transformed into the same handgun, dropping in your hand perfectly.

"Shall I practice my aim while we wait?" You questioned, clicking the safety off.

"I don't believe I need to be here when you do that." He said quickly and bolted off. You were going to shoot but it was useless as he was pretty fast and out of range.

"Lucky coward." You muttered and let Copycat turn back.
He nuzzled you affectionately before running off, probably to find the others.

You waited and the crowd of people seemed to get bigger, but you didn't mind.
You were focused on the man in front of you.

"Your not dead...you can't be." You reassured aloud. You began to feel worn out and dizzy probably at the large loss of blood.

You heard your name echo from a far and saw Jotaro and Joseph, Copycat being perched on Jotaro's shoulder.

Surprisingly, Jotaro held his hand out to you noticing the wound.
You shook your head, "Take Avdol first. Maybe there's someway it's just a severe wound that can still be healed."
Joseph skillfully lifted the man and Jotaro did the same to you, despite your protest.

You closed your eyes and slipped into unconsciousness, feeling limp to the male.

▃▃▃▃▃TIMEE SKIPPP!▃▃▃▃▃

You woke up in a hospital bed. Nobody was present but, Copycat who laid on your lap.
You sat up carefully and Copycats head perked up, his blue eyes staring at your E/c ones.

"What?" You asked and tilted your head.
He mirrored your actions.
You stopped and pat his head before looking around the room.

A note was on the dresser near your bed but before you could reach for it, Copycat grabbed it and placed it on your lap.
"Oh! Why thank you."

You unfolded it and read it's content.

Meet us in Varansi.
Also check the room, two doors to the right of yours.
Feel better!
- 𝐽𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑝ℎ 𝐽., 𝐽𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑜 𝐾.

You grinned and slowly got up, surprised at how little your wound was hurting.
"These doctors are miracle workers.."
You motioned for Copycat to come and he appeared on your shoulder.

You opened the door and checked the hallway seeing some nurses,  you quickly tip toed following the notes direction.

You slipped in the room and you let out a gasp.
His eyes opened and he smiled.

He placed his hand on his head. "Hol Horse's bullet only managed to graze my skin and skull."

"Truly a miracle! Polnareff must be so gla-"

"Polnareff does not know, we agreed to keep my well-being a secret."

You sighed but nodded, understanding.
"It would be better if you had a recovery without worrying about the nurse or doctor being a enemy Stand user."

He nodded and you both spoke more, on random topics, or just the Television show playing on the TV.

But all good things come to an end and the doctor allowed you to leave in the afternoon.

"Avdol! We'll see each other soon." You smiled brightly waving at the male, he returned it and spoke.
"Use my flames to light your way, Y/n! Be safe!"


((A/n: I was so tempted to make Avdol say 'YES I AM' but I didn't, I'll leave it for him and Polnareff!
Also thank you for voting if you have! It gives me joy, so does comments! Have an amazing day or night! ♡︎))

((How did Y/n heal from an injury like that in only a day? No idea so I'm just going to say anime logic. This is the only time she will really recover this fast though. 👩🏽‍💻))

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