Naruto: The Elemental Shinobi

By rio_senpai

31.2K 598 184

He has been lied to his whole life. His true talent has been sealed all along. What happens if he gets into a... More

Prologue: Awakening of Bloodlines! The True Naruto Uzumaki!
Preliminary Rounds- Naruto's Wrath!
Enter The Finals: Naruto vs Neji!
Meeting the Future Uncle-in-Law
Konoha's Comes Crashing Down: Part 1
Konoha Comes Crashing Down: Part 2
Konoha Comes Crashing Down: Part 3

A Talk With The Old Man

4.2K 84 19
By rio_senpai

We see Naruto walking out of the bathroom with water dripping from his upper body while drying his hair with his towel. He only had on black jogging pants as he walked through his new apartment that he had bought a week ago.

It consisted of two bedrooms with a bathroom in each room and one down past the rooms, causing him to have three bathrooms in total. It also had a large kitchen and dining room. The living room was large as well as it consisted of black couch that was shaped like an 'L' and a glass coffee table. He had a 52 inch flat screen TV that rested on a TV stand. He also had a large navy blue bean bag sitting in the corner of the living room.

Naruto walked into his kitchen, with his torso dried off and his hair slightly wet, and opened his refrigerator. He took out a large bottle of water and a plate of left over food that he cooked last night, which consisted of chicken fried rice, pork egg rolls, with sweet and sour teriyaki chicken. Naruto put his food in the microwave and push start to warm his food.

He grabbed his water bottle, opened it and began drinking as he grabbed his remote that was on the counter. He then turned on the TV and sat his remote down as he grabbed his food out of the microwave before jumping onto the counter and eating his food.

"Thank you all for joining! My name is Haruko Kaziko and I'm here today with the Third Hokage of the Leaf Village. How are you doing today my Lord?" She asked. Naruto just sat there eating his food silently while watching the television.

"I'm doing well thanks for asking." The old Hokage said warmly.

"That's good to hear. Tell me Lord Hokage, there are some talented genin that have past on to the final rounds. But which genin has caught your eye?" The woman asked Hiruzen.

"Well all the genin's have caught my eye and some of them are chunin material, but the one who has caught my is  Naruto Uzumaki." Hiruzen stated as Naruto bit into his egg roll causing his eyes to have stars in them.

"Naruto Uzumaki? You mean the Last Uzumaki? I've heard he has extraordinary powers!" The woman stated as Hiruzen chuckled.

"Yes he does. I can't tell you about his powers now. That is something you and the viewers at home will have to see on the day of the finals!" Hiruzen grinned as Naruto mixed his teriyaki chicken with his rice and took a bite.

"Well you heard him folks! Thank you so much for being here today Lord Hokage!" The woman said thankfully.

"The pleasure is all mines." Hiruzen waved off with a gentle smile.

"That is all we have today folks. I'm your host Haruko Kaziko, and until next time, have a great day!" The woman said before Naruto turned off his TV. He ate the rest of his food before putting his plate in the sink. He hopped down from his counter and stretched before taking another sip of his water. While he was drinking his water, he heard a knock on his door.

He walked up to his door and pulled the door open only to see a cat ANBU mask.

"Naruto Uzumaki. You have been summoned by Lord Hokage." The ANBU said in a voice that was clearly a female voice. Naruto looked at the ANBU and nodded.

"Tell him I'll be there in a 10 minutes." Naruto said as he was about to close the door, but the female ANBU stopped it.

"The Hokage has summoned" She said in stern voice as Naruto gave her a side glare, similar to his father's which made the ANBU to gasp in slight fear.

"As you can see I am currently half naked. I would like to be properly dressed before going to see the Hokage. Or would you rather me go meet him with no shirt on because you are being impatient?" Naruto questioned coldly as the ANBU operative gulped before sighing.

"I'm sorry for rushing you Uzumaki-san." The ANBU apologized as Naruto opened the door fully and invited her in.

"Tch, whatever. Just don't let it happen again... Yugao." Naruto said as he closed the door behind her before walking to his room leaving the woman, now known as Yugao, shocked to the core. How the hell did he know about her identity?!

"You're probably wondering how I know about your true identity? Don't worry to much about it. You're not the only one I know that is in the ANBU. In fact, I know more about you than you know about yourself, but that is another conversation for another time." Naruto said as he walked out of his room while putting on a navy blue muscle shirt. He then grabbed his ninja headband and tied it around his forehead before turning towards to Yugao, who was still in slight shock.

"Are you thirsty or anything? A closed mouth doesn't get fed." Naruto said as he grabbed his water bottles from his counter.

"Uh...if you don't mind, do you perhaps have any tea?" Yugao asked. Hell she was thirsty, she might as well take his offer. Naruto nodded before disappearing in pure speed and reappearing again with a bottle of tea.

"Here you go." He said as he threw her the bottle of tea towards her.

"Thank you Uzumaki-san." She said as she sealed the bottled tea into a storage seal.

"Don't think me. I'm just being respectful. Now, shall we leave to go and see what the Hokage wants?" Naruto asked as Yugao nodded as she put her hand on Naruto's shoulder before they disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

-Hokage Mansion: Hokage's Office-

"Ah Naruto. You made it just in time." Hiruzen said as Naruto simply just stood there.

"Is there a reason why you called me here Lord Hokage?" Naruto asked professionally causing Hiruzen to sigh.

"You don't have to call me that Naruto. But the reason why I called you here is a certain matter that deals with you. A peace treaty to be more specific." Hiruzen said seriously as Naruto's eyes narrowed.

"Continue." Naruto simply said as Hiruzen let out a deep breath.

"Well it's a...uh marriage proposal that your father and the Raikage set up with you and the Fourth Raikage's niece." Hiruzen said as Naruto crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

"So you are telling me that I've been in a arranged marriage since the day I was born. Which means that I will be in a forced relationship with someone I never met in a day of my life. And to add on to the fire, it's a peace treaty. If I say no, the Raikage will be enraged and that will lead on to him declaring war on the Leaf, as he will think the leaf has gone back on their word. And the leaf may be number one, but the Cloud Village's military is probably stronger than our's as of right now." Naruto stated shocking Hiruzen.

"What do you mean the Cloud Village's military is stronger? Are you trying to say that if we were to go to war with the Cloud Village we would lose?" Hiruzen asked with narrowed eyes as Naruto returned the glare.

"Lose? Close but no. A major shrink in our military and high casualties due to being in a war with the Cloud Village? Absolutely." Naruto stated in a matter of fact tone. "You've grown too soft and laid back gramps." Naruto told the Hiruzen.

"And what do you mean by that?" Hiruzen said resting his head on his hands.

"You've grown too soft due to this temporary peace that we have right now. And it's not just you, it's your shinobi as well. Take Kakashi for example; He was an S-Ranked ninja who has now dropped down to a mere A-Ranked ninja." Naruto stated. "Now Might Gai is the strongest ninja in the village and he doesn't even use any jutsu's. He only relies on his taijutsu, which is scary to even think about. Considering he was ridiculed for always being at the bottom of the class, he has been surpassed Kakashi in terms of strength." Naruto said calmly but in a tone that was very serious as he sat down in front of the Hokage and stared at him with narrowed eyes that only a veteran ninja should have.

"But back to the point on why I say you have grown too soft. Your first mistake was killing Orochimaru. Now look at the consequences because of your small slip up. Not only did innocent children die due to his experiments, but many of your shinobi's as well. Now Sasuke has the curse mark, which grants the user unimaginable power, which Sasuke desires in order to kill his older brother. The next is letting the Uchiha Clan be wiped out and not telling Sasuke the real truth of the planned coup d'état." Naruto pointed out in a cold tone shocking Hiruzen.

"How do I know about this? I've gained all my lost memories back that had been sealed. But that's besides the point. You not telling Sasuke the truth about Uchiha Clan Massacre will cause a major problem for this village later on. He could go rogue, he could join Orochimaru, or worse, he could find out the truth and retaliate on the Leaf." Naruto said as he took out a cigarette and lit it up. He then put the cigarette in his mouth and inhaled the smoke into his lungs. He exhaled the smoke from his nose and mouth slowly before looking towards Hiruzen again with his dark, Egyptian blue eyes.

"But we can talk about that another day? Who's the woman I'm supposed to marry?" Naruto asked shocking Hiruzen. "What?" Naruto asked with his eyebrow raised slightly.

"You agree to the treaty proposal?" Hiruzen asked as Naruto nodded before putting his cigarette in his mouth again.

"Yes. If I do this, our military strength will grow stronger. We will get better chakra weapons and also we can get more lightning jutsu's in the Leaf Village. We can supply them with medical support, medicine, medical jutsu's since that is one of Konoha's specialties." Naruto stated as he exhaled the smoke from his mouth. "Now gramps, who's the woman I'm supposed to marry?" Naruto questioned again, letting his cigarette rest in his mouth.

Hiruzen sighed before reaching into his drawer and pulling out a file and handing it to Naruto. Naruto took the file carefully before opening it.

"Her name is Akeno Himejima. She's also, as you already know, the Fourth Raikage's niece. She is from the Himejima Clan, a clan who could use pure electricity without using hand seals. Similar to what you can do. She's a year older than you, as she is 14 years old." Hiruzen as he took a pull from his pipe. He then exhaled the smoke and looked towards his grandson in all but blood, who was looking through the files.

"And what of her parent's?" Naruto asked as he looked at the picture of the girl he is supposed to marry. He had to admit she was indeed a beautiful girl.

"Both are deceased. Her father was killed in the last war before she was even born. She raised by her mother until the age of seven, when her mother became ill. Her mother died when she was nine, causing her to be an orphan but not for too long as the Fourth Raikage adopted her and trained her. She is considered to be one of the strongest women of her generation." Hiruzen said as Naruto blew smoke from his mouth from his cigarette.

"Well she is indeed a beautiful girl. But I would like to get to know her before moving to fast." Naruto stated before something crossed his mind. "Wait, you said she was from the Himejima Clan. What happened to the said clan?" Naruto asked.

"They simply disappeared off the map. Leaving young Akeno to live for herself." Hiruzen stated as Naruto's dark blue eyes glowed maliciously.

"Is that so?" Naruto muttered as he looked down at Akeno's picture on more time before closing the folder. "You don't mind if I take this folder with me do you?" Naruto asked as Hiruzen smiled warmly before shaking his head.

"I don't mind at all my boy. You can keep it. Just make sure it's somewhere safe." Hiruzen said as Naruto nodded before standing up.

"Is that all you wanted to talk about Old Man?" Naruto asked.

"Well I wanted to apologize to for not trying hard enough to protect you when you were younger my boy." Hiruzen apologized as Naruto let out a sigh with smoke.

"It's alright Old Man. I understand that you couldn't always watch since you were the Hokage and you were doing the best you can to help me. It would have looked like you were showing favoritism to the so called 'demon brat'. So I understand. Which is one of the reasons why I learned to never depend on anyone. Before my first apartment, I was raised in the streets. I've met homeless people, drug addicts, hell even prostitutes that have treated me better than any other person in this village besides you and some of the jonin. Which is upsetting, don't you think Old Man?" Naruto said as he took his cigarette out his mouth. Hiruzen just sat there and listened to the young boy talk.

"People see those type of people and think lowly of them. No one ever thinks why have they chose that path? What lead them to that path? I can tell you who did. It's the same people selfish people who give them those disgusted looks. The same people who takes pleasure in seeing other people fail in life. The same people who laugh at the screams of an innocent child being tortured for something he can't control. These...people aren't even real human. No, they are demons. Demons in human skin. They are the true demons in my opinion. Such cruel and insignificant beings that feed of nothing but negativity. They consume their children into their own stupidity and negativity, creating another being who's hating something and someone just because they were influenced to do so. Nothing but a mindless drone. I hate and despise them with a passion." Naruto said shocking Hiruzen greatly as he listened to the boy as the ANBU that are hidden was also shocked listening to the boy. "But then again, this is the world we live in." Naruto sighed as he turned to the Hokage, who had wide eyes.

"I suggest you start training. I have a bad feeling about the Finals. Matter of fact here." Naruto said as he threw Hiruzen a vile filled with liquid. Hiruzen caught it and looked at curiously.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Something that I made. To keep it short, it makes you younger again. So if you drink that whole vile right now, you will be around thirty years old again." Naruto said simply causing Hiruzen's jaw to drop to the ground. He quickly opened the bottle and drunk it quickly. And true to Naruto's words, Hiruzen was back to his younger self, shocking him.

"I-I'm young again!" He stated in shock as he turned to Naruto. "Thank you my boy." He said thankfully as he went to hug his surrogate grandson. Naruto hesitated at first, but he returned the hug back. The hug ended and Naruto lit his cigarette again before walking towards the door, before one last thought ran through his mind.

"Oi gramps. Want to know the secret to beating all that paperwork?" Naruto asked as Hiruzen nodded vigorously before Naruto grinned.

"Alright but you have to give me access to the Hokage's library once I tell you." Naruto said.

"Ok! Ok! Ok! Done! Now tell me the secret!" Hiruzen quickly as Naruto smirked widen.

"Two words. Shadow Clones." Naruto said as he disappeared in a flash of lightning leaving Hiruzen there in shock. Hiruzen then walked to his desk and made a hand seal before five clones of him popped out of nowhere. He then ordered them to do his paperwork as he took out his favorite book, Make Out Paradise. He laughed maniacally as he had finally found the solution to paperwork.

And it was all thanks to his surrogate grandson, Naruto Namikaze.

To Be Continued.....

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