girl next door › camren

By jaurcgui

266K 5K 2.4K

being the eldest child and dedicated, always doing what is right as her parents taught is the life that camil... More

just an extra chapter with ur cute comments


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By jaurcgui

The next morning I was feeling like crap. Another sleepless night. Basically after Lauren left me at Ally's house, she left without saying a word and I could say, like me, she wasn't very happy. This is good. She has to know that this is not a joke and I mean it. But I left this out after I walked into the house. I didn't want to hear any more about her or anything related and if I told the girls what I just found out, I wouldn't have peace. So I just said that we talked and everything was fine. Of course Dinah hated it, but left quietly because I begged her.

So I finally was able to get what I wanted. Stay up late, although I haven't slept well night before, I wanted every moment with them since Dinah said her plane was around two in the morning. She didn't want me to go with her to the airport. For my sake. She had to convince me for twenty minutes until finally I'd be too tired to argue. According to her she spent that night with my mother when I was with Lauren and lied that I was with Ally and everything was fine and that everyone would sleep there.

And now I was struggling to get out of bed. I really didn't want to. I was turning into a normal feeling not wanting to get out of bed. Dinah was gone. Lauren was gone, I hoped so. Ally was here, that was good, yes. But yet, everything sucks.

"Are you alive?" Ally entered the room. I stayed quiet. "I know you are because I heard you growling like, ten seconds ago." she giggled.

"It wasn't me. It's your dog." I murmured under the blanket.

"I don't have a dog." she chuckled and walked up to me, sitting on the bed.

"Now you do." Ally pulled the blanket only to see my face. I pouted. "Let me just stay here, like, for  about 500 years, please?"

"Ew, no." she said making a disgusted face. "You would pee and poop all over my bed. I can't let that happen."

"I WOULD NOT!" I said laughing. "I might as well be sleepwalking and go into the bathroom when necessary."

"I can't trust you." she shrugged. "Now get your lazy ass out of here, I have a special breakfast for you."

Ally winked at me, I looked at her suspiciously. What the hell she was up to? She got up from the bed and walked back to the door.

I got up from the bed, actually the courage came from my curiosity to know what the hell Ally was talking about. I changed clothes before leave the room and go to the bathroom, which was in front of her room. Her house was funny and reminded me of what I had in New York. Didn't have to go up or down stairs.

Her room, bathroom and another room were in a small hallway. I haven't had a clue what was happening out of there. So I rushed to the bathroom, since it wasn't my first night there, I've had a few things. It was like my second home.

I had to prepare a few seconds after I was down the hall. And if it were my mother? I mean, wouldn't be a bad thing, but I wasn't in the mood this morning. Or Lauren? It was a possibility. Lauren would not give up easy and she could have fooled Ally to enter here and since I didn't say anything about last night, she would find that everything was really fine. I considered going back to bed and tell her that I wasn't feeling well. Technically I wasn't.

But since when my mind and body work together? At the same moment I was in the kitchen and I couldn't believe what I saw.

"DINAH?!" I screamed and ran to throw my body to hers. "What the-- You're, I mean, you should be in New York by now!"

"Yes I should." she chuckled and hugged me even more.

Is this real? Is she staying only one more day? Week?

"Special breakfast, I said." Ally chuckled while she ate a piece of toast. "What you thought you would be?"

"The worst, of course." I said obviously and they both laughed. "What are you doing here? Is this a prank? I'm gonna kill both of you!"

"I couldn't leave you alone with Lauren, you think I'm crazy?!" Dinah said. "You can't handle this alone, so I'm here."

"Hey! I could help her." Ally protested with mouthful with toast.

"Yeah, say the girl who is back with her ex." Dinah scoffed.

"And you, who has the list of exs longer than my shopping list." I teased Dinah.

"Hey. Shut up you both. You need me and will be a blessing having me around to save your ass." Dinah said proud of herself and I just hugged her one more time.

"So, you're staying? Like, for real?" I looked at her hopeful.

"I'm staying!" she said excited.

"But you can't stay, I mean, you can't just move in here."

"Yes I can, duh." Dinah giggled. "Actually I've arranged everything with Ally after a few days I got here."

"And you didn't tell me anything?! What the hell is wrong with you people?" I pinched her arm and she pouted.

"It was a surprise you idiot." Dinah chuckled. "I'm going to live with her and help here. I've even talked to my parents, who wanted to kill me for a moment, but I said I was changing my life. They are even proud of me."

"Oh my God." I said smiling like an idiot. It was the best news I could ever hear. It definitely brightened my morning.

"I know!" she said chuckling.

"Okay, now we can eat?" Ally asked, but she was finishing another toast.

"You've eaten almost everything!" Dinah said and we walked to the table where she was.

"That's why I'm calling you to eat." she laughed.

"You're unbelievable Ally." I rolled my eyes chuckling.


"You will help me later, right? I have to go shopping." Ally said when we were leaving the car in front of my house.

After breakfast we went to my house to break the news to my mother.

" Yeah, of course. I also need some new things." Dinah said and I smiled widely at her. I wasn't believing in all this.

"MOM WE'RE HOME!" I screamed so we walk through the door.

"Damn Mila, you don't have to do this!" Dinah complained and I chuckled.

"Over here!" she called me from the kitchen. "Sorry about that." I heard her say to someone when we went into the kitchen. I swallowed hard when I saw who it was.

"Hi sweetie." Clara said smiling gently when she turned to look at us.

"Hi girls." my mother said.

"Hey." Dinah and Ally said in unison.

"Well, you know Camila," my mother smiled at Clara. "Her friends, Dinah and Ally." she directed to them as  introducing.

"This is Clara, our neighbor." she said finally and smiled warmly.

What she was doing here? Lauren was here too? I wish I could ask that but I don't mean to be rude.

"You already had breakfast?" my mom asked and pointed to the table. She prepared some waffles.

"Yeah,Ally made some toast." I said and went to the table, grabbed a glass and the juice jug. "And ate half of them." I giggled.

"That's so not true." Ally protested.

"You're tiny but fit a lot in there, isn't it?" my mother joked. "Camila is not so different."

"Don't tell me. Lauren has an unbelievable appetite. " Clara said. "I've never seen anyone eat so much that way!"

I exchanged glances with Dinah and I focused on my juice.

"I believe. Oh, we have created two lionesses." my mother said playfully and Clara laughed.

I rolled my eyes at the girls that laughed along with them.

"Hm, we are going now." I said trying not to get involved in that conversation.

"Sure you don't want to eat anything?" my mother raised an eyebrow.

Who am I kidding? I wanted that waffles! I gave in they all laughed. I ignored that and got a plate with some waffles.

"Thanks." I smiled widely at them. Clara shook her head amused.

I left the kitchen in a hurry and the girls followed me upstairs.

I closed the door soon after we went into my room. Dinah threw her body on my bed along with Ally that lay on the edge of the bed and I sat in my chair and started to eat my waffles.

"Since when they are friends?" Dinah asked.

"They are neighbors. It is obvious that they are friends." Ally hit playfully Dinah's leg.

"They could hate each other too." Dinah said and stuck her tongue out to Ally. "That would be your worst nightmare Mila." she giggled.

"I think it still could be." I said thoughtful. "If everything between them is okay, does that mean that my mom didn't say anything about Lauren and I, right?"

"Depends if Clara knows about Lauren be into girls." Dinah said.

"She should know, right? I mean, Lauren don't seem like the type that hides things very well." Ally was probably right.

Lauren was reckless, It wouldn't make any difference what her mother think about it.

"Then what the hell is going on downstairs?!" I asked impatient, with a mouthful of waffles.

"Let's find out." Dinah said with malicious smile and got up from the bed. I shook my head with wide eyes.

"Come on, Mila!" Ally followed her. What the hell was wrong with them?!

Dinah opened my bedroom door slowly not to make noise and she and Ally walked out of the room. I sat there for a few seconds listening to a voice in my head telling me that I shouldn't go. But I felt something inside that I should.

"Damn!" I said and followed their footsteps. "Wait!" I whispered.

They were already in the living room so I could see the top of the stairs.

"Quiet!" Dinah was in front of us and closest to the kitchen. But still I could hear my mother's laughter. And then was silent.

"Shit, let's go back." I tapped furiously on Ally's arm, but she held my hand.

"Shut up Mila." I shook my head and she gave me a look.

"... I thought she'd be here." I heard Clara say almost in a whisper.

"What's wrong?" my mom asked worried.

"Lauren didn't come home last night." she said sadly. "I mean, I'm already used to it. But she haven't done that in a while."

Wait, what? I thought she would return home after she left me at Ally's house.

"And she doesn't warn, or leave a note for you?"

"She warns you when she goes out, but doesn't say when she will come back." Clara said.

"I'm sorry about that. Maybe she's at a friend's house." my mother tried to reassure her.

"The only friend she has is Camila. I mean, the only one I trust."

She trusted me? Lauren had other friends. Okay, I couldn't blame her for doubting Lauren's friendships.

"Well, I don't see Lauren in a while." my mother said and by her restless tone of voice I could tell she was uncomfortable. She probably remembered what took her to banish Lauren at home. "But I can ask Camila. Maybe she saw her."

"Oh, thank you Sinu! I just want to know how she is and since she and Camila are together, she is my only hope." Clara said, but she chuckled softly, relieved.

She said together? Ally and Dinah looked at me at the same time and I stared at them with wide eyes.

"I understand. I'll let you know if I hear anything, don't worry. She should be fine." my mother said in a softer tone.

She really heard what Clara said? Why isn't she going crazy?!

I swallowed hard. She wasn't freaking out because this part would be with me. Oh My God, that would not be good.

"Thank you so much. I hope so." that was the last thing I heard Clara saying before I run back to my room.

"Mila, hey!" Dinah said as she entered the room soon after me with Ally.

"Let's go shopping, now! We need to leave." I said nervously.

"What, why?" Ally frowned. "Hey, you think your mother will talk to you?"

"She was too quiet. You both heard what Clara said and that meant something and my mother is not deaf. She just didn't want to make a scene in front of Clara."

"Relax, Mila." Dinah walked up to me and cupped my face so I could look at her. "We will be here with you, okay? Just breathe."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment. All this time my mother thought I wasn't talking with Lauren as she had asked. She would be furious to know that I lied to her and she probably talked about this with Clara more than what we can hear.

"Why don't you call Lauren? See if she is okay and then we can go out now and tell your mom when leaving so she can't yell at you." Ally suggested.

"I, um--" they didn't know the part that Lauren and I weren't talking anymore and I didn't want to tell now.

"What?" Dinah asked confused.

"I can't." I said. And then I remembered that the last time I saw my phone, it was in Lauren's pocket. "It's with her."

"Why your phone is with her?" she asked puzzled.

"She, well, I don't know." I shrugged.

"You called me last night, but then hung up when I answered." Ally asked suspiciously.

"Hm, did I?" I giggled awkwardly. "Ugh, I think it was a butt call."

"You're hiding something." Dinah stared at me and crossed her arms.

"What? No!" I giggled again.

"See, you just got your ass busted!" Dinah pointed at me.

"Why do you talk like that?" I grimaced. "Ugh, Dinah. I'm not hiding anything. Can we get out of here now?"

"What happened?" she insisted.

I sighed annoyed and sat on my bed. They both was looking at me waiting for me to say and they wouldn't give up. I looked down, playing with my fingers and took a deep breath before stare at them.

"Okay, you want to know?" I said decided.

"Obviously, idiot." Dinah was impatient.

"Lauren and I, we... kinda make out on the back seat of her car last night," I lied. "That explains the butt call." I pointed to Ally who nodded.

"Oh you little pervert!" Dinah chuckled.

"And, well, my phone must have dropped."

"You guys can't keep your mouth from each other, ugh." Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Can we go now?" I said in annoyance.

"Sure our little pervert." Dinah pulled me from the bed and liked her arm with mine.

"Stop calling me that!"

"You're not a saint at all Mila." Ally chuckled. "Lauren changed you."

"Damn guys, shut up for a second, please?!" I shouted and they laughed more.

We went downstairs and my mother was alone in the living room. Shit.

"We are going at the mall." I said quietly.

She took off her eyes from the tv and got up. I gripped my arm on Dinah and she grunted softly.

"But it's almost lunch." my mother said.

"Don't worry, we can eat there." I smiled warmly. She was so calm. Why is that?

"Okay then. Don't come home late, okay?" she smiled widely and cupped my face before sat back on the couch.

I exchanged glances with the girls who were so puzzled as I was. I thought better if we leave before it's too late. I pulled Dinah by her arm towards the door.


 "You freaked out about nothing." Ally giggled while parked the car in the parking lot outside the mall.

"I know my mother Ally," I told her. "She lost her mind when she find us cuddling. And now that I lied to her and was with Lauren all this time, I don't think she will let this pass."

We got out of the car, Dinah linked her arm with mine again and Ally was on my other side. We went toward the entrance of the mall and then after a few minutes Ally hit my arm hysterically.

"Hey, that's her!" she said calling my attention.

A few feet from where we were, Lauren was with Matty leaning in her car. They were smoking. Seriously?? She doesn't smoke. Or at least I didn't think so. But that didn't seem just a cigarette for me.

"Go talk to her." Dinah encouraged me. I just keep my eyes on them and they hadn't seen us until Matty touched Lauren's shoulder and she turned towards us.

We weren't that far from them and Lauren looked at us and then locked her gaze with mine. I swear that moment she scared me. She showed no reaction, but her eyes pierced mine and I could see that she was pissed. Not like the last time she got mad at me. This time it was bad.

"She's all right?" Ally asked. I didn't realize that I was staring at her for a few seconds. "Are you two okay?" she frowned.

Lauren just turned to chat with Matty again after breaking contact with me. I looked down for a moment and sighed. It was good, wasn't it? I told her to leave me alone and she was doing what I asked. But why didn't seem right? Or why I wasn't happy with that?

Why is it that the way she looked at me made me feel like I had been stabbed in my chest?

"We are." I smiled at them. "Let's go inside."

I pulled Dinah arm again so we can get out of there as soon as possible. Dinah couldn't keep her mouth shut. Gosh, I was a terrible liar. Ally was more concerned with how I was than what really happened. I avoided them as much as possible and insist on shopping first. Anything to keep them occupied. Mine too.

Dinah said she needed a new bag. Since she was going to live here and brought the trip enough only for a week, she needed to redo everything. Dinah was a mess to buy anything. Whenever she finds something and is determined to take, she finds something that supposedly is better. And so it continues. She chose five handbags and Ally and I made her decide to stay with the last. We actually forced her.

"A backpack?" I asked when she came to the checkout line with one of those. I smiled widely.

"Of course, how do you think I'm going to school on Monday?" she lifted an eyebrow and grinned.

"Surprise number two!" Ally shouted excitedly.

"NO WAY!" I pulled Dinah into a tight hug and did the same with Ally. "Ally you are literally an angel who makes wishes come true!"

"I wouldn't say that," she showed a smug smile. I hugged her even more.

"How the hell did you do that?" I asked still in awe.

"I have my contacts," she winked at me. "And they transferred her to your school last week. You're welcome." Ally grinned widely.

"I really hope that your contacts are not related to the mafia or something." Dinah joked.

"Hey, I can't guarantee you that," Ally said Dinah and I looked at her with wide eyes. "But they are reliable." she shrugged.

"I don't even wanna know." I giggled.

"Better if you don't." she winked at me. "It can be really dangerous." she tried to say in a threatening voice but it didn't work. I exchanged glances with Dinah and we all burst into laughter.

After a few laps around the Mall while I and Ally trying to control Dinah, finally we can buy everything, or almost everything, that we need. Basically Dinah bought hats, it's kind of her thing. Two handbags and a backpack, some clothes and almost every type of accessory that showed up in front of her.

While Ally and I stayed with the basics. I bought a new leather jacket. I tried to shake the thought that it reminded me Lauren, but looks good on her and looked good on me too. Nothing compared to her of course. A pair of glasses and only that. Ally bought a skirt with a pink crop top and a jeans jacket. It was cute.

"Now put it out." Dinah said to me. We were in the restaurant there and we waited our orders. "I knew you were lying."

"What happened?" Ally asked apprehensive. She was sitting beside me, she supported an elbow on the table to look at me.

"Fine." I siged. "After you left last night, we talked and then we fought. I said it was for her to leave me alone and that's what she's doing." I nodded.

"What? That's why she almost killed you with a look back there? Because of a fight? This has happened before." Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Why did you two have a fight?" Ally ignored Dinah.

"I.. she told me something and," I paused. Recalling what Lauren had told me. Broken heart. Dinah would probably laugh in my face. But if Lauren really likes, or liked, me just the way she said, I'd probably break her heart. Again. Not so bad as Normani, but yet.

"And what?" Dinah asked impatient.

"And it was a bad thing that justifies the way she looks like now and I didn't want to be a part of it." I said decided.

"So, the Lauren we know, is not the real Lauren?" Dinah asked. "That's bullshit, Mila. I bet she told a sad story for you. You can't stand it."

"Dinah, you were right! Okay?" I snapped. "She's just having fun for the sake of herself. She doesn't care."

"I'm so sorry, Mila." Ally supported a hand on my shoulder. I smiled weakly at her.

"No, don't you dare be sad because of that." Dinah pointed at me. "You said that she doesn't care, then you will stay like this for no reason."

"I'm not sad. It's okay, really!" I assured her.

"It doesn't look okay." Ally smiled.

"That's because you guys are making everything worse. I just want to forget about her. This time it's for real. You can do that too?" I looked at them waiting.

Dinah and Ally exchanged glances and nodded.

"Okay... Lauren who?" Ally joked and I rolled my eyes and poked her side.

"That's fine with me. I thought you were endgame, but she proved me wrong." Dinah shrugged.

"You're saying that because she arrived late yesterday only. That's no reason." Ally explained and Dinah got impatient. "You don't know the whole story she told Camila."

"From the beginning I thought I was right, but she's trouble--"

"Hey!" I hit the table. "What about you two just told me? No Lauren. Right?"

"Sorry." Ally chuckled.

"I was just saying--" Dinah tried again.

"Dinah, shut your fuc--" I started to say but was cut by our orders coming. The woman gave me a pointed look. "Sorry." I whispered but Dinah and Ally just laughed at me.

We had lunch there and the issue Lauren didn't appear anymore. Was better like this and I made a point to show them that everything was fine. They bought it. I was fine, but at the same time wasn't and they didn't need to know that.

Ally left me home after we watch a movie and Dinah insisted on sleeping with me, but I said it was okay for today only I stay alone. I was tired and just wanted my bed, but I was scared of what was going on in my mother's mind. Apparently everything was fine. I got home and she wanted to know about my day, what we did, the specific details and I told her everything. And then she asked about Lauren.

But not about that, nothing I hadn't heard in conversation earlier. I told her the truth. Lauren was with Matty and she was fine. To get away from the subject I said I was crazy for a shower and sleep. She let me do that.

After a long and relaxing bath I was ready to sleep. I had given my mother a good night and went back to my room. When I walked in and closed the door I noticed that the window was open. It was closed when I left a few minutes ago. But Lauren wasn't here. I walked over to the window to look outside and her room was totally dark. Then I looked back to my room. Maybe it wasn't her. My mother could have opened.

I shook my head and laughed at myself. I don't think Lauren would show up here so soon after everything that happened. I just had to get used to it.

I turned off the lights and went to bed, I could only think of how it was good to be there. The day was really tiring. All I needed to clear my head and she sunk my head on my fluffy pillow. But something went wrong when I did that.

"Shit!" I grumbled. I hit my head on something. I turned the lights on again and that was my phone.

I frowned and looked back at the window. So she was here. I realized had something else on my pillow where was my phone and was a note. I opened.

I'm sorry.

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