A Sweet Medicine | Alexa Blis...

By QueenZain3

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[ A Non Wrestling Fanfiction] The Story of a Orphan who lived a bad past and a rough life. He lived most of... More

Chapter 1: Pure Bliss
Chapter 2: Shoot His Heart
Chapter 3: Spiteful
Chapter 4: Sparkles
Chapter 5: Crystal Clear
Chapter 6: Roses
Chapter 7: The Crow at Night
Chapter 8: A New Side
Chapter 9: The Goddess
Chapter 10: Diamonds In The Sky
Chapter 11: Sweet Sugar
Chapter 12: Affection
Chapter 13: Only You
Chapter 14: Blissful Moments
Chapter 15: Never Gonna Dance Again
Chapter 16: Whiff Of Her Perfume
Chapter 17: Sleepover party
Chapter 18: Darling, My Light
Chapter 19: Confusion
Chapter 20: Unfortunate Soul
Chapter 21: Volcano
Chapter 22: The Heat
Chapter 23: Her Protector
Chapter 24: Sunsets
Chapter 25: The World Has Took Its Part
Chapter 26: Dealt Its Cards
Chapter 27: Told you, I'll be here forever
Chapter 28: Said I'll always be a friend
Chapter 29: Mercy
Chapter 30: Always My Path
Chapter 31: Sweet Angel
Chapter 32: Yours and My Story
Epilogue: Never Letting You Go
Bonus Chapter: A Moment With Light

Final Chapter (33) : Under My Umbrella

332 13 88
By QueenZain3

It was the evening, Alexa and Desmond have been outside for hours, They just finished shopping and even placed it on their house. Right now Desmond and Alexa were standing by an ice cream shop as Alexa was looking at him.

Alexa: Hey, Im surprised you aren't tired hehe.

Desmond: I don't feel tired, Plus I wanna share every second with you.

Alexa: Aww same here. When your around, I feel like I just wanna be with you.

She giggled as Desmond hugged her tightly. Sharing a hug was definitely comfortable. Alexa Decided to take Desmond with her friends today as Desmond looked at her.

Desmond: We're going to see your friends?

Alexa: Yup! We can spend more time together.

Desmond: I thought it was just gonna be you and me?

Alexa: Hehehehe Awww, C'mon. The girls really wants to see us since we are a couple.

Desmond: I wonder why.

Alexa: Because we're super adorable together and deeply in love. Which is the truth.

Desmond: Thats really sweet for sure.

Alexa: Aww so true.

Alexa smiled at him as They continued to walk until they noticed the weather was slowly changing again.

Desmond: I think it's about to rain again.

Alexa: Woohoo! That's exciting.

Desmond: *Smiles* True, Plus we made a moment together. . . Dancing in the rain.

Alexa: I will always remember that moment. It was one of my most favourite moment with you.

Desmond: I really liked it too, I love rain.

Alexa: Same here. I mean, It was obvious because of how I reacted the first time.

Desmond: But I don't blame you actually.

She smiled and laughed a little as Desmond, Droplets of rain were falling as Alexa had a big smile on her face Both Desmond and Alexa were holding hands.

Desmond smiled at her as It began getting heavier.

Alexa: Gives me so many good memories.

She giggled as Desmond was smiling, The drops of water falling into their heads, It was relaxing as They both stood still and were enjoying the moment. Alexa looked at Desmond as She smiled at him.

Alexa: You know, It would be wonderful if we review this moment again haha.

She laughed a little as Desmond looked at her with a big smile, He knew what she wanted to do as Desmond smiled and lifted her up as Alexa was surprised. Desmond began spinning her around as Lexi was laughing.

Desmond: Is that what you wanted?

He smiled as Alexa giggled and kissed his cheeks which was wet.

Alexa: Yes. A dance in the rain again would be wonderful.

Alexa jumped back down and smiled at Desmond as He smiled as well as She jumped and held him and kissed him.

He was surprised as They broke the kiss as Alexa was smiling and giggling with a sight blush on her face as Desmond was blushing and starring at her.

They both began walking while holding hands as Desmond looked at her.

Desmond: Are you sure you don't need an umbrella?

Alexa: Of course I don't and I don't use an umbrella.

Desmond: I see then. You know, Alot of people say that it's romantic when two people are in love and are under their umbrella when it's raining.

Alexa: Cliche to be honest. For me, Just walking together in the rain is more romantic.

Desmond: Thats really sweet, Alexa. I agree.

Alexa: Mmmm hehe. Tell me something, Who do you prefer mostly? Rosa, Jenna or Me?

She giggled knowing the obvious answer, Desmond knew that Alexa would already know the answer which was her as Desmond smiled at her.

Desmond: To be honest, Its Jenna.

Alexa: *Eyes widen* Ummm Wait what???

Desmond: *Laughs a little* Of course its not a clingy women like her. It's you.

Alexa stared at him as She pouted and lightly punched his shoulder.

Alexa: Now that's mean!

She continued to pout and cross her arms as Desmond hugged her from behind as Alexa smiled a little.

Desmond: Im sorry, You joked with me many times so I wanted to do that too.

Alexa: Aww I of course forgive you sweetie. Your too adoreble.

Desmond smiled as She kissed his cheeks and smiled at him.

The Couple arrived in the diner, The rain was slowly stopping, Alexa and Desmond were still soaked as they were outside waiting for her friends. The Group got out of the dinar as They smiled.

Toni: Alexa!! Oh my. You both are soaked.

Alicia: Hahaha. Oh my gosh.

Liv: Ayyyeee its the Couple!!!

Alexa: *Blushes and Laughs*Awww your so sweet hehe.

Desmond: You really like us, Liv?

Liv: Of course I do!

Nikki: I really shipped you both together and I'm glad your together now.

Desmond was blushing as Alexa laughed and hugged Desmond's arm as The girls awed by the cuteness.

After hanging out for sometime. It was getting really late as The girls went back to their houses, Alexa was walking with Desmond until Desmond had a phone call as He looked at Lexi.

Desmond: Just a minute, Father is calling me.

Alexa: Okay, Sure. Take your time!

Deamond smiled as He walked away, answering the phone and talking to his father as Alexa was standing and looking at her phone, She continued to look at her phone until she felt a poke and smiled.

Alexa: Aww your back Desmond-

Her eyes were widen as She saw Ryan Cabrera again. She was in rage as Ryan looked at her.

Alexa: Ryan!! Why can't you just leave me??

Ryan: Lexi, I saw your post on Instagram and Your dating that freak!?

Alexa: Freak!? Ryan, Get lost. I already know the truth.

Ryan: What truth!?

Alexa: You lied! Desmond did everything be did to Dalton just to protect me.

Ryan: So your taking his side?? Lexi, Your doing a big mistake here-

Alexa slapped him on the face as Ryan was holding his cheek as He looked at Lexi.

Alexa: Shut up! I love him and you can't stop me!

Ryan: Alexa, You don't understand! He might hu-

Suddenly Ryan was grabbed as He turned and saw Desmond who was really angry, Alexa looked at Desmond as Crowe gritted his teeth.

Desmond: So that beatdown didn't teach you anything???

Ryan: Alexa, Look!-

Alexa: Stop playing as the victim Ryan, We know your dirty little secret just to have me again.

Deamond: And That won't happen. Alexa and I are dating now. . . .

He spoke, Ryan was feeling nervous but yet really angry as He pushed Desmond and tried to punch him but Alexa kicked Ryan's gut as Cabrera was shocked and looked at Alexa, She quickly went towards Desmond and holded his hand.

Ryan: Lexi-

Desmond: She doesn't want you anymore!

Alexa: Leave us Ryan!

Ryan: Listen, I'm sorry.

Alexa: *Sighs* No. . Your not!

Desmond grabbed Ryan by the collar as He stared at Ryan who was getting scared.

Desmond: Listen here, You garbage bag. You never treated Alexa the love she wanted, The man she wanted. You just threw away a precious women away from your life.

Alexa felt her heartbeating as Ryan's eyes were widen as Desmond continued to speak.

Desmond: I fell in love with her, She was my light and She teached me many things in life because I was just an orphan that didn't know certain things. . This is a final warning Ryan.

Alexa touched Desmond's shoulder as Desmond looked at her softly before turning back to Ryan.

Desmond: Dont. Interfere between me and Alexa's relationship. She's done with you.

Ryan: But-

Desmond: No buts. You lost your chance from a long time ago. . . Its time you finally move on or else. . .

They both stared at eachother before He pushed Ryan away, Cabrera was feeling scared as Desmond gave a glare to him as Alexa looked at Ryan.

Alexa: I'm seriously don't with you Ryan, I love Desmond and He is my whole world. Don't come anywhere near us.

Ryan was silent as Desmond stared at the floor in anger before Alexa looked at Ryan and spoke while crossing her arms.

Alexa: If you really wanna change. . . Don't be like what you are now, Move on, Focus on yourself and goals. I said that I'm done with you and I hated what you done to me. . .

Desmond holded Alexa's hand as Lexi looked at Desmond before looking back at Ryan.

Alexa: But I don't keep Grudges. . Try and Be a better man now Ryan, Find someone else and make sure you truly love them. Don't depend your whole life to me.

Ryan looked at the floor, He couldn't speak anymore as He looked at the two before Alexa said her final words.

Alexa: Goodbye Ryan. I wish the best for your future. . . . Come on, Desmond.

She grabbed Desmond's hand and walked away as Crowe was still looking at him. Ryan hit the floor really hard as he sighed.

He knew he couldn't get Alexa anymore.

But her words really did hit his heart for sure.

Desmond and Alexa were sitting in the benchas She caressed his hairs, He was feeling a bit calm as Alexa looked at him.

Alexa: Are you okay?

Desmond: A little bit. . . I have a question, You hated Ryan for what he done to you but you still wish the best for him?

Alexa: Desmond, I don't really keep Grudges nor I can't say harsh things to someone. Yes, I still hate him but soon he will learn to be a better man and move on. Now he must have realised that He done a mistake and knew he can't keep going after me.

Deamond: . . . . . I see. Look, I hate Ryan as well But the words you said to him was really sweet.

Alexa: I'm always like that Desmond.

Desmond: Your really nice for sure. . .

Alexa: Yeah. . . But he doesn't matter anymore. He better move on now. . .

She kissed his cheek as Desmond touched her cheek and had a small smile.

Desmond: . . . . I Love You.

Alexa: . . . I love you too. Your always mine.

She went close to him and kissed him as She broke the kiss and continued to hold his hand.

Alexa: Lets go home, okay?

Desmond: Okay. . . .

Alexa: But First, You need to smile.

Desmond: . . . .

Alexa: Come on, Give me a big smile please?

He couldn't help but smile as Alexa had a big smile on her face as She kissed his cheek and looked at him.

Alexa: There is my adoreble one again. Now Don't think about him, We had a really fun day today.

Desmond: Thats true for sure. .

Alexa: Lets go now my love.

Desmond smiled and got up as Thye were going to make their to Alexa's house first. They couldn't help but stare at eachother.

No one will break them apart..

A/N: Thank you so much for reading and stay strong! :)

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