Chapter 27: Told you, I'll be here forever

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After the rough night, It was the next morning and Alexa fell asleep in the couch. She was really tired and needed rest, Becky prepared Breakfast and a drink for Alexa to eat when she wakes. Becky leaves an apology note for her friend and leaves the house.

Meanwhile Desmond woke up and realised he was wearing the same clothes from yesterday and was wearing his shoes as He got up and looked at the mirror. His hair was messy as He looked around and sighed remembering what happened yesterday. . . Especially what he said to his parents about Alexa.

( Alright Desmond, Dont lie to yourself. Your a huge idiot and so heartless )

He deeply regretted his actions towards Alexa, But knowing that he never answered her messages and made some people angry. He thought Alexa wouldn't talk to anymore. . .

( I shouldn't have done that. . I don't like Dishonesty but I think I hurted her even more then she did. )

Desmond was feeling really sad and got up to take a shower to fresh up.

Meanwhile Alexa woke up and holded her head. The first thing she wanted to look was her phone to see if Desmond replied to her, But sadly he didn't which made her sigh and look at the floor.

( Yeah Alexa, You really messed up. How could I lie about that? Especially to someone who suffered alot. . .)

She saw breakfast in front of her which made her surprised. She saw a note from Becky apologising for last night. Alexa didn't really mind and of course would accept her apology and will meet her today. Thoughts from last night started running around her head.

( Desmond beaten and stabbed someone just for me. . Thats something I never expected, I never knew he was like that. . But, its almost been two months since that happened. I really miss him already. )

She fixed her hair and looked at the ground before she thought to fresh up and eat breakfast.

Sometime Later, She was ready as She looked at herself in the mirror.

She gave a smile on lighten herself up and left her house making her way to the Bakery

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She gave a smile on lighten herself up and left her house making her way to the Bakery. Although she doesn't know if she could focus on work.

Meanwhile Desmond just got done eating cereals as His Mother was in the kitchen. Desmond looked at her while holding his bowl as He wanted to apologise to her about yesterday. He slowly walked towards Cassandra as She turned and looked at him.

Cassandra: Oh Hey Desmond, Finished Breakfast?

He slowly nodded as Cassandra shook her head, Desmond placed the bowl on the sink. Cassandra was cleaning the Kitchen counter as Desmond spoke.

Desmond: Mom, Can I tell you something?

Cassandra: *Turns* Yes? What's the matter?

Desmond: . . . I wanted to say sorry about last night. I honestly never met those words towards Lexi and waking up thus morning makes me deeply regret it. I'm so sorry.

A Sweet Medicine | Alexa Bliss X OCWhere stories live. Discover now