Chapter 12: Affection

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About two hours has past and The sun was slowly setting, Alexa and Desmond was standing outside the amusement Park as Alexa was smiling at him.

Alexa: I had sooo much fun today, Desmond! Thank you for hanging out with me.

Desmond: Its definitely fine, I enjoyed it too.

He never had this much fun in his entire life, He felt like he enjoyed spending time with Alexa. She gave a smile to him and hugged him.

Alexa: This is Affection.

Desmond smiled and hugged her back as Alexa broke the Hug and smiled.

Desmond: Thank you, Your my best friend. Alexa.

Alexa smiled as She moved her hair aside and looked at the ground.

( Soon, We will be more then friends, Desmond.)

Alexa: Of course! Your also my best friend!

She pinched his cheek as Desmond smiled at her.

(Next time, I need love and affection.)

Desmond: Lets go back home now, I'll drop you.

Alexa: Awwww but I don't wanna.

Desmond: I'm sorry, But we have too.

Alexa pouted as She looked at Desmond.

Alexa: I'll tell you where to drop me, I'm gonna hang out with my friends now.

Desmond nodded as They both went to get taxi. After a while They reached near a cafe as Desmond looked at Alexa.

Desmond: Your gonna eat in the cafe again?

Alexa: Hahaha, No actually. I'm just meeting them here, We might go somewhere else.

Desmond: I see.

They both exit the taxi as Desmond payed for it, Alexa gave a small to him and waved.

Alexa: Bye Bye! Take care Desmond!!

Desmond: You too, Stay safe.

He smiled and walked away, His house wasn't too far so he could just take a walk over there. It took a couple mintues to reach as He was walking until He heard something.

Alexa: Heyy!!

He turned and saw Alexa as He was confused, He thought she was already with her friends.

Alexa: While you were walking, Your wallet fell down.

Desmond: Wait what?....How couldn't I notice?

Alexa handed him the wallet as Desmond looked at her.

Desmond: Thank you so much Alexa, I'm sorry if you had to run-

Alexa: Oh its no big deal! There was a big crowd, I know you couldn't hear me.

Desmond smiled at her and shaked her hand as Alexa gave a bright smile.

Alexa: I'll leave now, Take careee!

Desmond smiled and walked away to his house as Alexa looked at the house in front of her.

Alexa: Ohhh? Is this his house?.......*Smirks* Interesting.

She peaked near the wall as Desmond opened the door with the keys and walked inside. Desmond saw his father talking on the phone before he hanged up the call.

Adrian: *Sighs* Some employees are idiots....Oh, Hey there Desmond. How was the date?

He smiled as Desmond holded his neck in embrassment.

A Sweet Medicine | Alexa Bliss X OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang