Chapter 5: Crystal Clear

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After a hard time working, Desmond's shift surprisely ended earlier then usual which means he had more free time. He was thinking if he should get back to his house or just have a peaceful time outside. Though Desmond doesn't really have any friends he can spend time with except for one person...

The weather was a bit less warm then the morning. Desmond was looking around the Bakery as He saw no one there for now. Desmond felt sad because he wanted to see and talk to Alexa. He wish he knew where she goes so he could meet her.

Crowe was near a lamp post waiting to cross the road. The signal was still green as He waited. He heard a group of Girls speaking as He looked at the other side and saw Alexa and her friends.

Desmond: Lexi....

He stared at her as She started laughing with her friends. They must have cracked a good joke which made her laugh. Desmond couldn't help but have a small smile on his face again. The Signal went red as Most cars stopped. Desmond crossed the road as He went passed Alexa and her friends. He wanted to talk to her but he felt nervous to approach to her. He turned and looked at her, Surprisely Alexa hasn't noticed him yet but Her friends did.

Nikki: Psst, Alicia, You see him?

Alicia: Isn't that the same guy who helped us in the Bakery? Alexa's friend.

Nikki: Seems like it, He looks nervous though.

Alicia: True. Maybe it's because of Alexa haha.

Alexa: What are you two talking about?

Nikki: Look Behind you.

Lexi turned and saw Desmond starring at her but he quickly turned away as he walked faster. Alexa had a smile on her face as She followed him.

Alexa: Heyyy, Wait up!!

Desmond turned as He fixed his hair.

Desmond: Yes Alexa? Do you need something?

Alexa: Hehehe. Don't play with me Desmond, I know you were looking at me.

Desmond: *Blushes* No I wasn't...

Alexa: Yes you were.

Desmond: Um. No actually.

Alexa: Yes hehehe.

She got closer to him and looked at his face, He was feeling and looking embrassed as She suddenly grabbed his hand and dragged him.

Desmond: Where are you taking me???

Alexa: Hehehe. With my friends. You shouldn't be shy to admit that you were starring at me.

She smirked at him as Desmond looked away.

Alexa: Look at Me. Don't be shy Hehe.

Teasing him even more as He slowly looked at her face seeing the smile on her face.

Alexa: There we go! You can't always turn away haha.

Desmond: I-I know.....

She giggled as She stopped by her friends.

Toni: Oooh, Brought your friend again?

Alexa: Of course, This adorable thing doesn't deserve to be left alone.

Desmond: A-A-Adoreble?

Alexa: Yes hehehe.

Her friends saw Desmond's face, He was blushing deeply and felt awkward by holding Alexa's hand.

Desmond: Can you...let go of my hand?

Alexa: Oh I'm sorry hehee.. You finished work pretty early today?

A Sweet Medicine | Alexa Bliss X OCWhere stories live. Discover now