Breaking Her Chains (Complete...

By Sara_Elizabeth1990

52.9K 1.9K 581

After his little sister commits suicide, Bryten Jackson and his family open a behavioral wing in a local hosp... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Big Thank You!
Excited Gasp

Chapter Four

2.9K 124 42
By Sara_Elizabeth1990

Bryten checked in on Tinsley and was relieved to see her sleeping. She had been terrified of telling him what actually happened, but he was very proud of her. He never did have to sedate her and he was very thankful for that. The longer he could go without medicating her, the better her chances of being released were. He quietly crept out of her room and closed her door. He headed down the hall and opened the door to his mothers reception office.

“Momma, you wanted to see me?” he asked.

“I did. I wanted to remind you that I had an extra room in my apartment.” she said.

When the Jackson's had purchased the wing of the little hospital, they had actually bough the top three floors. One had been converted into the Behavior Therapy Ward and the other two had been converted into apartments. There were two an each floor and they had turned out beautifully. Each one had three bedrooms, a sun room, a kitchen with seperate dinning area, an office and large living room. Kasey and Eva's apartments had three and a half baths, while Bryten and Jacob's had two and a half baths. His mother, who was convinced she didn't need an actual apartment had decided to take the loft above Eva's apartment. It was a small two bedroom, one bathroom place, but Rose loved it.

“What made you think of that momma?” Bryten asked as he took a seat in a nearby chair.

“I just felt lead to remind you.” she said.

Bryten smiled. His mother knew nothing about Tinsley's case, so the fact that she felt led to remind Bryten about her extra room was just more assurance that God has big plans for Tinsley.

“I think I know why you feel lead. It seems that we havea patient who does not actualy need our services. I cannot tell you what's going on, just that I have made an appointment with Lisa from the Women's counseling center. If she is mentally cleared, she will need a place to stay and she will need plenty of love.”

“I have plently of love.” his mother confirmed, making him laugh.

“Good, then I think you and she will make great roomates.”

“Is she the patient everyone says you care for?” she asked.

“I care for all of my patients.” Bryten scolded.

“I heard you REALLY care for her.” his mother said.

Bryten through his head back and chuckled. “I am drawn to her if you must know.”

“I heard you asked her on a date.” his mother sang.

“I actually calmed her and invited her on a patient date, a date which Kasey or Eva will also be involved in, but I think everyone else thinks I asked her out too.”

His mother smiled. “Are you going to marry her?” she sang.

“Momma, I think you should be admitted into my care.” Brtyen laughed.

“I am going to be a grandma.” she sang as she continued filling papers.

Bryten shook his head and left her office to head back to his.

“Bryten!” someone called.

He turned around and saw his brother running towards him. He stopped and waited on him to catch up.

“Are you going to lunch?” he asked.

“Yeah, I was just going to grab some things from my office. Why?”

“Let me go with you. I need some advice about one of my patients.”

“Sure.” Bryten agreed as he grabbed what he needed and then left. Jacob climbed into Bryten's truck and waited until they pulled off before he started to talk.

“Sammy is really upset about Tinsley. Eva called me and asked me if I could speak with her, so I went to her room and was surprised at how distraught she was.”

“I left a note in her file for you to see tonight, but I see now I should have come to you. Sammy aparently walked in on Tinsley getting dressed this morning. Tinsley had seveer brusing on her legs and Sammy asked her how it happened. She wouldn't tell Sammy, so Sammy brought her to me. I am sure she feels like she betrayed Tinsely, but it was the missing piece to Tinsley we have been trying to find.” Bryten said.

Jacob nodded. “Was that the rape case?”

“Sadly yes. It makes sense though. The mother said Tinsley was withdrawn. She said she wouldn't eat or speak anymore and I never once thought to check for sexual abuse.” Bryten said shaking his head.

“Well, no other doctor found anything wrong with her, so you assume someone else would have caught it too.”

“What doesn't make sense to me, is if Tinsley was raped a little over a week ago, why she was showing symptoms of sexual abouse before then.”

Jacob turned to look at Bryten. “Did Dr. Dwendle check for signs of earlier abuse?”

Bryten nodded. “He said there was no scaring.”

Jacob nodded. “Maybe Tinsley was just aware of the situation more.”

“Or her step-father had tried before and didn't suceed.”

Jacob shook his head. “Did they already analyze the swabs?”

Bryen nodded. “but she won't have to testify against him. The police are going to use the video from my office. They have already been by and a DNA warrant is in progress as we speak.”

“That's great she won't have to testify; we will just have to pray her step-father will admit to it and make it easier on her.”

Bryten nodded. “I have prayed for that several times, but God has his hand on Tinsley. He led her here and everyone loves her already.”

“I have heard very good things about her. I also heard you asked her out.”

Bryten shook his head and laughed. “Who told you that?”

“Linda from X-ray.”

“I was trying to calm her, but yes she, Kasey or Eva and I are going to a book signing Friday.”

“Awies.. You like her.”

“Would ya'll stop saying that! She is still in my care right now and I could get in trouble.” Bryten argued.

“Hey Bryten?”


“You didn't deny it.”

Bryten sighed. “No, I didn't deny it because I do have a bond with her and it's different that I have with most of my patients.” he admitted.

Jacob smiled. “I call best man at your wedding.” he sang.

“I call putting you and momma in the same room in the ward.” Bryten mumbled.


Tinsley's Point of View:

Tinsley woke with a start. Her heart was beating quickly and she was gasping for breath. “It was just a dream.” she mumbled to herself, but as she looked down the bruises from the attack remindered her is wasn't just a dream. She had been violated and there was nothing she could do to change it. She felt dirty and no matter how many times she bathed, the fact remained the same. She was dirty. Her innocence, her femininity and her virginity had all been ripped from her. The tears that were never far away surfaced and she began to sob. She wanted so badly to pray to Jesus for comfort, but she couldn't. God must have been angry at her to let this happen to begin with and now he was probably more angry now. She longed to go to him and seek the comfort he provided, but she didn't even know if he wanted her anymore. She was dirty now.

A knock on her door interrupted her grieving. She wiped her eyes and looked up. There was an older lady in a gray dress suit standing in the doorway.

“Hello Tinsley, my name is Lisa. I would ask you how you were, but it seems a bit silly.”

Despite Tinsley state, she smiled.

“I work upstairs and I am part of the trauma team. I work with women who have been abused rather mentally, physically and sexually. I know you don't want to speak about the case and I know Dr. Dwendle and Dr. Bryten didn't think it was a good idea for you to either and I am not here to ask you to. I am here to introuduce myself and give you my card. Dr. Bryten is a great doctor who cares deeply for his patients and he wanted me to speak with you. He knows that you may need a woman to speak with and he encourages it.” she said as she stepped forward and placed a card on Tinsley's bedside table.

Tinsley had never really been an open person, but that day she was because she immediately blurted out the question that was weighing heavily on her mind. “Did God do this to punish me?”

Lisa smiled and walked over towars her and took her hand. “I get asked that question more than you would think and my answer is always the same. No, God did not do this to punish you. God didn't do this to you. Someone who was very far away from God did and you are having to deal with the after effects of their sin while they may have no remorse at all.” Lisa answered truthfully.

“God didn't stop it.” Tinsley admitted.

“No, he didn't. Do you know the story of Job?”

Tinsley nodded. “He was a man whom God found favor with.”

“Why did God find favor with him?” Lisa quizzed Tinsley.

“Because he was obedient.”

“That's right. Do you know what happened to him?”

“Satan thought he could get him to turn away from God, so he approached God and asked if he could test him.”

“That's right and even though God loved Job, he allowed Satan to do bad things to him. Do you remember what he did?”

“He killed his livestock and children. He destroyed his homes and his servants and he made Job very sick.”

“Did Job turn from God?” Lisa asked.

“No, he proved true. He continued to cry out and pray to God.”

“That's right and once Job proved true, what did God do?” he asked.

“He replaced his livestock, house, land and health and he gave him more children, but he didn't replace the children he lost because those were in heaven waiting on him.”

“That's right Tinsley!” You did know the story.” Lisa praised.

“Are you saying the story of Job applied to me?” Tinsley asked.

“I think it does. You may feel God is punishing you, but now that you know he isn't do you still want to serve him?” Lisa asked.

“Yes, I would have served him even if he was angry and punishing me.”

“That's exactly what God knew you would say and even though I am sure you are in a very dark, scary place, God is still there with you. He knew you would prove true to him through this and he knows you're hurting because he is hurting with you. I know that if you turn to God and let him heal you, you will reap such beautiful blessings from this.” Lisa promised.

“I have trouble praying since it happened. I kind of thought it was God saying he didn't want me anymore.”Tinsley admitted.

“That's only Satan. He want's you to feel that way because he knows how close you and God are going to become through this and he doesn't want that.”

“So God still wants me even though...” Tinsley trailed off.

“Honey, God still wants you no matter what you have done, so why wouldn't he want you when someone else does something to you?” Lisa asked.

Tinsley smiled. “Thank you.”

Lisa released her hand and winked at her. “I think I may have a few extra cookies at lunch tomorrow; I might just need someone to share them with about twelve. I think I may have to stop by if you think you are up to it.”

“I think I will be.” Tinsley assured her as she left.

“Dear God,

Lisa said you still want me even though I feel dirty and used. I don't feel like you do, but I ma going to step out on faith and trust you. I am so scared God. I am scared that now they know what's wrong, they won't accept me here and they will try and send my home. I know if they do that my mom and Roy will make my life awful, please don't let that happen. Please protect me and keep me safe. Please just show me you're not angry with me and that you do still love me. Please God take this burden from me, it's too hard to carry.” Tinsley closed her eyes and prayed. That was all she got out before sleep overtook her again, but in a few hours she would awake and feel refreshed. She would find out just how much God still loved her then.


Comment "Tinsley" if you liked this chapter please. :D

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