Kurt Cobain...

By sorryassbitch

208K 2.3K 2.9K

Kurt Cobain Images! Warning this will contain; Smut *I will let you know if it's in a chapter Alcohol Drug... More

Smells like teen love
Music Video
The Midnight Romer~ 1
The Midnight Romer~ 2
The Midnight Romer~ 3
The Midnight Romer~ 4
Crying child
Drama Room
Record shop
On the couch
The best sex
Five and a half weeks
Gonna have to shut up
Another level of awkward
Tummy pain
I just had sex
Krist n Dave
Photo album
Sloppy lips to Sloppy lips
Trailer park
Trailer park- 2
Sick or-
Camera chick
Crying time
Pub Bathroom
Coffe table mishap
Father Material
Condoms pt2
Kids, knifes, hospitals
When it happens abruptly
Home film
Letters- 2
Imagines things
Bitch fight
Shared dorm
Hole in the wall
I dunno what to call this
Drain you
Band Practice
teen pregnancy
Firts kiss (Re-Make)
Janitors Closet (re-make)
✨Random shit✨
Im bored
Five k
Random shit
Get to know me?
I dunno
Idk what to name this
Pics and life shit
Widkqmkdlw sry
Rant bout gf
My dream
32 k 😫
10,000 days
Life update
im not dead
Good neeews


1.3K 20 35
By sorryassbitch

*not edited

Ah yes updating again?
I got bored so two in one night

Also I'm trying to grow out my nails because I have a bad habit of picking at them and now I have to cut them because they are to long and now I can't play guitar

I hate everything


Year: 1991
Kurts age: 24
Your age: 23

I sat on kurts bed holding a little mirror putting dark red lipstick on while Kurt was in the shower

We where meeting up with people and having a bonfire

As you fucking do

I heard the shower stop and the bathroom door open

I looked over at Kurt and smiled at him as he walked over to me while he had a towel wrapped around his waist

"You look pretty"
He smiled sitting next to me

"Thank you very much"
I smiled putting my hand on his leg and pecked his cheek lightly then rubbing my lipstick off his cheek

He just smiled and got up getting dressed while I finished up my makeup and then went to my bag and pulled out my outfit putting it on kurts bed

"Watcha wearing"
Kurt said while pulling his shirt over his head

I smiled pointing to the small pile of clothes on the bed

"Ah yes I can tell what that is"
He said shaking his head to dry his hair

I just rolled my eyes and took my pyjamas off and put my nice clothes on that consisted of:
A short black skirt a
baggy Metallica shirt
striped gloves and fishnets
(Feel free to change it this is just what I like :))

Kurt stood there watching me get changed

I turned to him and smiled once I had all my clothes on

"You look cute"
He smiled

"Thank you"
I smiled hugging him tightly as he kissed the top of my head

"Jesus how much hairspray do you have in your hair"

"A lot"
I whispered

"Shall we go"
He asked pulling away and going into kiss me

I put my hand on his chest and pouted

"Your gonna get red lipstick all over you"
I laughed

"I don't care"
He shrugged

"Hold on"
I said going over to my bag and digging through it

"What are you doing"
He asked

I said grabbing a makeup wipe and walking back over to him

"Go ahead"
I smiled

He laughed and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him and kissed me softly

He pulled back and sighed

I just laughed because now he had lipstick on his lips

I said going to wipe it off but he just kissed me again but this time harder

Kurt grabbed one of my legs and lifted it up so it was resting on his hip

The kiss evolved into a more passionate kiss and I couldn't help but smile

But that broke the kiss so
good one y/n

I just wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again

He put his hand on my thigh and slid it up underneath my skirt so it was now on my ass

Kurt broke the kiss and I wiped the lipstick off his lips and hugged him

"Let me just fix mine then we can leave"

"Can you bring makeup wipes"
He asked

I nodded my head and went to the mirror and cleaned it up and put a little more lipstick on

While I was doing so I felt Kurt lift up my skirt

"And by the way these aren't underwear"
He laughed pulling lightly on the back of my g-banger
(Or thong if your American or whatever)

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes

"Are you shaming me Cobain?"
I asked in a serious tone but only joking 

"No I was only kidding,
I don't care what you wear it's not up to me"
He said quickly pulling my skirt back down

I laughed and turned around to him

"I know I know"
I smiled as he kissed my cheek

"You know I don't mind because I'm gonna be the one with you on my lap"
He smiled

I laughed and went over to my bag and just put in the necessities like: makeup wipes, money, keys, cigarettes and a switchblade

You can never be to safe

I pulled my smaller platforms on
(Again feel free to change it) and grabbed kurts hand and walked out of his apartment and got in the car and of course I'm the one who has to drive

So I drove to one of Kurts friends house and walked around the house already smelling the bonfire smoke and weed

Kurt was following close behind me when I turned the corner and saw like thirty-forty people

"Kurt I'm not good in social places you go first"
I said grabbing his sleeve and pulling him infront of me

He whispered and walked up to three boys and they all greeted each other

I did know some people here but not these guys

And they don't seem like the nicest people

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and saw Shelli
(For those who don't know who that is it's Krist's ex wife
but wife at the time, I think?
99% sure)

I smiled hugging her

She looking me up and down and smiled

"You look so good"

"And so do you"
I smiled at the smaller woman

"Where did you get that drink?"
I asked

"Over there in the shed there's a fridge and just alcohol and shit in there"
She smiled

I thanked her and walked over to it and went in and somebody else was in here grabbing a drink for themselves

He said looking at me

I smiled

"Who do you know here?
I've just never seen you before"
He asked

"I'm Kurts girlfriend"
I said while looking at all the alcohol on the table

He nodded his head

My names y/n"
I laughed lightly

He smiled

I nodded my head and picked up a bottle of god knows what and a cup pored roughly two and a half shots worthy into it

"That's not gonna taste good"
He laughed

"Oh i know"
I laughed quickly drinking it and eminently scrunched up my face and coughed

"Oh yum"
I groaned

"I'm sure"
He nodded

I heard someone walk in and it was Kurt

"Hi y/n I was wondering where you left to"
He laughed lightly

Dylan and Kurt greeted each other and then Dylan left Kurt and I alone

"What are you having to drink"
He asked

"I just took like two shots"
I nodded

He asked

I nodded and grabbed a gin n tonic and poured some of the alcohol into my cup

And by some I mean almost half a cup worthy

And poured the rest with soda water

"That's a lot"
Kurt said looking at me confused

"I know"
I smiled taking a sip

"Your weird"
He smiled grabbing a beer from the fridge

"I'm just trying to get hammered"
I shrugged

We walked out and where socialising as you do

And to be honest I'm surprised that a lot of people here are already smashed

And it's only eight

Not even that dark yet

.  .  .

Kurts POV:

After around three hours y/n was completely fucked up

She wasn't drunk as in dancing with strangers she was drunk as in having deep conversations with random guys and going up to random people and telling them they are valid and hugging them

She ran up to me and lit up a cigarette and smiled at me cutely

I asked looking at her pushing some hair out of her face

"I just smoked weed"
She whispered

I just laughed and nodded my head and kissed the top of her head

"You've done that before?"
I asked

She whispered

"Why are you whispering?"

"Because if I don't when I'm drunk I'm really loud"
She practically yelled

I've never seen her this drunk before

I laughed

"I don't feel high"
She said

"Okay well your very drunk so let's give it a rest for now"
I said softly

"Somebody complemented my ass before"
She said out of the blue

I asked confused because who in the name of fuck is looking at my very drunk girlfriends ass

She nodded sucking in smoke from her cigarette

I asked

"The girl with the black hair"
She said turning around while stumbling and pointing at a girl

I mean alright"
I shrugged

"Did she touch you"
I asked turning her to me

She said turning up her nose at me

"I'm just wondering just want to keep you safe"
I said before kissing her cheek

"I can keep myself safe"
She snapped defensively

"I know you can"
I nodded pulling her into a hug

"Not like your noodle self can do any better"
She snapped again

My face dropped and I rolled my eyes and pulled her back and looked at her

Even though she's drunk she knows I'm insecure about myself

"Don't say that shit y/n"
I said looking at her in the eyes trying to get across the point that I was being serious

She just looked at me and inhaled smoke from her cigarette

I heard very loud music beginning to play out of the blue

She rolled her eyes and walked away


My girlfriend agrees with my insecurities

I said over the music grabbing her arm softly

She stopped walking and just stood there

"Turn around please"
I said letting go of her arm

She turned around and glared at me

"Don't get fucking angry because I told you not to be a dick and make fun of me for my insecurities,
If I did that to you you'd be fucking furious"
I said trying to be quiet but loud enough so only she could hear me

"Your being a dickhead"
She said walking away to the shed

All I'm trying to think about right now is the fact that she's very drunk and not thinking straight

But it hurts

And how am I being the fucking ass?
I'm just telling her not to fucking insult me

pretty straight forward shit

I went over to Krist and decided to get high because what's the point in trying to be sober today

. . .

I was sitting on a chair by the bonfire talking to a girl who I still don't know the name of

Even though we have been talking for like half an hour

I hadn't talked to y/n for like two hours but I've seen her so I know she's okay

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and y/n stood there

"Shelli said I was being the ass"
She said

I just stayed quiet and looked at her

"I'm sorry"
She said again

At this point she's just so drunk that she looks so tired and fucked up

"It was shitty"
I said looking up at her

"I know and I'm sorry"
She said in a flat tone

"Do you actually mean it or are you just saying so because Shelli told you to"
I asked her

I was drunk and high but not enough to not know what's happening and being able to act sober if I wanted

"I mean it"
She said dropping her bag beside the chair I was on and taking off her big shoes and pulling her socks up

"What are you doing"
I laughed

"They where uncomfortable"
She said before walking around the chair and sitting on my lap

"Okay sweetheart"
I said pulling her back and she curled up on her side and laid on me and held tight to me

"Hold on"
I said sitting up all the way because I was slouched into the back of the chair
(it was like a outside couch chair sorta thing if you get me you probably don't but oh well)

I took one of my jackets off and put it over her ass and some of her thighs so everybody else wouldn't be able to see her ass

I slumped back into the cushion and held onto her and kissed her forehead

"I'm sorry"
She mumbled

"Your okay"
I said reaching to her her bag and pulling out the makeup wipes

I pulled one out and she tilted her head to the side as I wiped her lipstick off because she's going to smudge it and get it all over my flannel and her face

I finished cleaning off her lipstick and gave her a quick kiss before throwing the wipe into the fire

She looked up at me and grabbed my hand and put it on her hip

"What do you want"
I asked softly

She closed her eyes and sighed

"More weed"
She said softly

"No you've had enough maybe tomorrow"
I said kissing her cheek

"Fuck you,
Your to responsible"
She laughed lightly while her eyes where still closed

"Do you want to go home you look tired"
I laughed lightly

She shook her head no and opened her eyes

"I'm not tired I'm just relaxing"
She whispered

I looked up to the other people who where still sticking around and they where either asleep on a couch/chair or barley awake and talking shit to others

I looked back down at her and her eyes where closed again

"Are you sure?"
I asked

There was just no response

I said softly

Again no response

I just slid out from underneath her and put the jacket back on her waist and kissed her cheek

"I'll be right back"

Even though she was asleep I was still talking to her

I went to the toilet quickly and did my do and then came back and she was in the exact same position

I picked up her shoes and bag and then softly shook her

"Y/n cmon let's go"
I said softly

She just groaned

"Cmon y/n"
I said softly

I heard Krist behind me

"Kurt take her shit to the car I'll get her"
He said

I said moving out of the way as he lifted her up and we walked to my car

He put her in the passengers seat and I put her stuff at her feet

"Thank you again,
Get some sleep"
I smiled at him

He nodded his head and gave me a hug

"Goodnight love ya"
He said

"Love you to"

(Random side rant;
Why do people find it weird when guy friends say they love each other in a platonic way but not when girls do it?

He walked away back to the others and I got in the drivers seat and cleared my throat and tried to sober up as best as possible

It was only a short drive so I know I was gonna be fine

I reached into her bag and got out the keys and started the engine

I left the house and began driving when I heard her groan

"When did I get here"
She whispered

"Just two minutes ago,
We are almost home"
I said putting my hand on her leg and softly rubbing it


The one part I'm a little concerned about is that I have to now carry her


Once we got to my house I got out and opened her side

"Baby do you think you can walk inside?"
I asked softly

She nodded her head and i helped her out of the car and got her stuff for her

And she almost immediately fell over

"Oh fuck"
I whispered dropping her stuff and helping her up

"Are you okay"
I asked

"I'm fine"
She laughed lightly

I lifted her up and to my surprise I could actually do so

I walked up to the door and realised the keys are in her bag

I groaned sitting her down leaning her against the door

"Are you okay I'll be a second"
I said she nodded her head and held up her thumbs and laughed lightly

I said kissing the top of her head and going back to the car and grabbing her shoes and bag and then closed the car door and went back over to her

"Why did you take so long"
She groaned

"I was like two se- you know what no- I'm sorry"
I said helping her up and leaning her against me and unlocking the door and walking inside I kicked the door closed and locked it and put her stuff down and then lifted her up and walked into our room

I pulled back the covers and laid her down underneath them

I went to the bathroom and got a towel and laid it on the floor beside her just in case she threw up

I went back downstairs and grabbed her stuff and turned off the lights going back upstairs

I walked into the room and she was sitting up

"Why are you up?
Go to sleep"
I said closing the bedroom door and walking over to my side of the bed

"I'm waiting for you"
She mumbled

"Okay you can lay down and wait my love"
I said softly while taking my clothes off just so I'm only in my underwear

I turned off the light and got underneath the covers beside her and she was extremely quick to wrap her arms and legs around me

"Did you have a good night"
I said kissing her head again

She mumbled

"What why"
I asked hugging her back

"I spent the whole time worrying and crying,
Well at least the last half but the first part was fun"
She said softly

"Why where you crying?"
I asked

"I felt bad for calling you...
I can't remember but about your weight"
She said while talking off her fishnets and socks sleepily

"Oh well it's okay"
I said softly kissing the side of her face

She just exclaimed in annoyance

What's wrong?"
I asked sitting up

"I can't get my clothes off"
She mumbled

"Want me to help you?"
I asked

She nodded and i just got up and took her clothes off leaving her just in underwear and her shirt

"Can you take my bra off I can't sleep in it"
She laughed lightly

"Can you not sleep in it or are you trying to get me to have sex"

"A bit of both"

"No that's dumb because your to drunk and basically asleep but
I'll take it off for you"
I said undoing her bra and taking it off leaving her in her shirt still

She just mumbled and rolled onto her stomach

"Goodnight my love"
I said softly

She groaned

I laid down and grabbed her hand in mine and kissed the back of it before falling asleep

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